Maybe it's not Sabotage - Maybe it is Divine Timing.

Aug 13, 2021

Maybe it's not Sabotage - Maybe it is Divine Timing. Maybe that YOU ARE IT now.

Sometimes when we have been doing a thing for a long while or a short while and we 'lose interest in it' - it isn't that we have lost interest in it.... 

It is not sabotage because you are stopping now..... 

It is not that you don't like the thing anymore (usually)... 

You have simply immersed yourself in it for such a long period of time.... 

It isn't that you don't do the thing anymore... 

It is just the way you do the thing has changed... 

You have become it.. 

You are it... 

You are not sabotaging because you are 'stopping' it.. 

You have become the thing AND you are still aligning to it, still envisioning it and all the things... 

But mostly - you have BECOME it - AND - now you have immersed yourself in it, learnt it, become it, live it.. it is just who you are now... 

You can move to the other things - whilst still doing the thing.

That is the reason you became the thing and immersed yourself in it for so long right? 

To shift your reality, and move to a whole new version of yourself in your life right? 

The other important factor is when we 'stop' a thing... Integration - is soooo important. Integration allows for you to 

So don't beat yourself up, don't think it is sabotage - you have just immersed yourself in it, you have become the thing, you have learnt it inside, you do it so naturally now. Just because you stop - look at it as Integration - where you are running the system so it can now function with this new upgraded aspect you have just learnt. You stop 'doing the thing' so it integrates and aligns completely to function at highest capacity. 

Then, you start bringing it back in piece by piece... and it now just a part of your life as normal. 

The last piece to remember is that when you are shifting from an old life to a new life - there is a divine timing aspect. When you have immersed yourself and on integration phase - you are allowing all the internal pieces to function as normal with this upgraded system now - the same goes for the outside factors to line up and 'fall into place' - to come into complete alignment. 

This can be applied to anything in your life you are working on, towards, or bringing into your reality as your new life. 

Trust the process. Stay the course. Allow Integration phase. 

It's Integration and Upgrades to your internal and external system. 

Divine Timing - whilst you hold the vision, you've become it. Continue on. 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 

P.S. Integration of all aspects of our life is true Shadow Work. The New Earth - involves transforming all aspects of our current reality to live into a new one. To shift and create a new one. Accept and be where we are sure - but to support your highest version of yourself, I bet there are aspects you want to change right? The Shadow of the Archangels - commences 1st September - are coming for the change that occurs at the deepest core possible? Click here for all the details:

P.P.S. You know how I have gone through this huge transformation and recalibration lately?? Well.... amongst all of that - you know how I change things all the time? Well, I think I am starting to stabilise things (ha - maybe!) Regardless, I have totally recalibrated my 1:1 Inner Circle - Life Purpose Accelerator. If you have applied before and not been able to join, well, I have changed things and you might want to check again if this 1:1 vortex of Life Purpose Accelerator has called you, click here for all the details:

P.P.P.S. As we move through August we are Celebrating 5 Years of Tuesday Tarot with my most famous and popular 1:1 Program - my 21 Day Shifter Program! Voice message and text message support, intuitively tuning in and guiding you through your hardest and most confusing times, let alone activation your intuition and becoming acutely clear in what your intuition is saying to you. Click here for all the details for the 21 Day Shifter Program: