energy update Feb 02, 2019
HEAR HER DARK MOON ROAR 🌑 #energyupdate
There is a strong vibe in the air, you will be feeling super protective over that which you have created, but it is coming from a more empowered place.
We are just about to step into the 3 Day Window of Her Dark Moon releasing, shedding and clearing the slate for the new power 🌑
You may be feeling in a time where, enough is enough and deeply standing in your power.
It feels a very strong cathartic release of power today and these couple of days and we head in the Dark Moon Peak and the start of our New Moon upswing.
What is deep in the night, hears Her call through the veils of time.
What is showing you from deep down within, where is your powerful roar coming to show you what is deeply important to you?
Where are you standing your ground, deeply in what your heart knows to be true, not giving up, nor allowing outside influences to sway what you know is calling your Heart and Soul that you cannot hold back one moment more?
Where do you take back your power and re-focus your attention to where you know you are being called to go?
It feels a very potent time, for not even engaging in situations, people, places, conversation for you are becoming deeply aware, that your power lays in your focus and that people only understand to their level of awareness and how much energy you choose to focus on your DREAMS instead of with those that just don't get it.
It feels like a ruthless clean out time, a re-evaluating what is deeply important to you and what isn't.
Deeply bound in your Solar Plexus, deeply feeling more confident to stand up for what you believe in and just get on with what you are here to do, rather than trying to tell people about it, or try to make them understand you are just doing it and calling in your tribe of people who speak your language.
If you are feeling deeply cathartic, detached and deeply empowered, standing firmly in your truth all at the same time, you're right on path dear one.
Trust Her powerful call. ❤️🌑❤️
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Our Full Moon Ceremony, live, online is coming up in just over 2 weeks, ready to uncover and amplify your Sacred Life Purpose Gifts this Super Full Moon?
~ 19th February 8pm Brisbane AEST
~ 19th February 10am London GMT
~ 19th February 2am Los Angeles PST
~ 19th February 5am New York EST
Click here for all the details and to join us live: