🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 15th June 2021

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jun 15, 2021

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 15th June 2021

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the beautiful, divine reflective Moon. 

Are you ready to stop the cyclic flow of drama, trauma and disappearing light and love time and time again? Are you ready to reclaim your Light, your Life and truly step into deep alignment with the core of who you are - your Life Purpose?

Are you truly ready to shine your light and let your heart open again after all that narcissistic abuse and remember the truth of who you are?

No, you’re not too much, you’re not too anything - you’re a powerful intuitive leader who has an important purpose in sharing her/his gift with the world and you wouldn’t be here reading this if you didn’t.

Because you already help people (or maybe you’re at the scaring them phase - only because you don’t know how to hone your gift yet, that’s all) and it is your time, to truly learn how to harness your gift - for the Universe knows, our time as Healers is coming on this planet and your Life Purpose calls you.

Trust Your Intuition commences soon - click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Confidence is your Key to Success. New Moon in Leo. 

Have you been undervaluing yourself? Have you been settling for less than you deserve? I feel you’ve been feeling an undulating pressure about something you’ve been working towards or have that goal of… whether it is working with that mentor, booking in for that course, leaving that career, having the courage (Lion) to step into that new leadership role, take the leap of faith in that new relationship. I feel like you say YES! YES! YES! This is what I want, then it all feels too much and you shrink back down again. Then you realise you have shrunk and say NO! This is not what I want - THIS is what I want and you pul yourself back up again. Phew the up and down - exhausting! What I feel is going on here is you are in the middle of a HUGE and I mean HUGE frequency shift right now. Something you have been longing for is longing for you - is about to align and come on Home beautiful one. Continue to hold the vision, hold the frequency for what you want right now. And yet, the piece here that I am getting for you, with ‘Confidence is your key to success’ - is that your Faith IS your Confidence and your Confidence is your Faith and THAT is what pulls your reality into existence. This is different from ‘pretending as if’ it is already here… what I am talking about is that DEEP, DEEP knowing that your Vision, the thing that keeps tap, tap, tap, tapping you on the shoulder, the thing that you can’t get off your mind - IS where you are meant to go, be, do, have - otherwise you just wouldn’t be thinking it, you wouldn’t be feeling it, it wouldn’t be pulling you so gently, so DEEPLY in the direction that you know your Heart calls you to go in. That deep knowing, that deep Soul feeling that something is just meant for you, right for you IS what this message is coming through for you - confident, that this is meant for you, confident that you KNOW this is your path, confident that you feel in your heart and soul what this is for you and that you can’t not do that thing, have that thing, live in that place, be that type of person, have that loving relationship, just - have it all right? Those things that your Soul is calling forth within you - is coming from your core - the Lion’s Roar (New Moon in Leo) is opening doors for you, showing you pathways and it is important you are listening to them. So are you? Are you deep in stabilising the fact that you KNOW that thing is for you and that you need to be in that - now? THAT is the magnet that attracts your desires. Holding that energy, that inner stability, that confidence that you KNOW and FEEL deep in your Soul this is meant for you. Hold that… stay here with that frequency. THAT is for you beautiful one - your Soul’s Life Purpose Path… or you wouldn’t have it in your bones. Love xxx Are you ready to stop the cyclic flow of drama, trauma and disappearing light and love time and time again? Are you ready to reclaim your Light, your Life and truly step into deep alignment with the core of who you are - your Life Purpose? Are you truly ready to shine your light and let your heart open again after all that narcissistic abuse and remember the truth of who you are? No, you’re not too much, you’re not too anything - you’re a powerful intuitive leader who has an important purpose in sharing her/his gift with the world and you wouldn’t be here reading this if you didn’t. Because you already help people (or maybe you’re at the scaring them phase - only because you don’t know how to hone your gift yet, that’s all) and it is your time, to truly learn how to harness your gift - for the Universe knows, our time as Healers is coming on this planet and your Life Purpose calls you. Trust Your Intuition commences soon - click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #2: Prosperity Lies Ahead. New Moon in Taurus.
Your Wealth, is created first from the inside, then it reflects on the outside. But have you chosen it? Sometimes we think we have chosen the thing, say yes to the monies and all the wealth of the Abundant Universe, but then go on living our same day to day life and nothing really changes… UNTIL YOU DO! “You go first.” - The Universe. Have you been waiting for a sign? This is it. Take that leap of faith and know that ‘when you go first’ - the Universe has your back - ESPECIALLY when it is Soul aligned and coming from a place of you know this is the next step to support your spiritual, Soul led, Life Purpose evolution of self on the planet - this is your divine mission and NOTHING can stop you from this - especially money! You know money always turns up - in abundance when you follow the guidance of your heart and TRUST in your inner knowing more than outside circumstances would have let you believe. The Bull is also jumping out at me on the card for you - and it is all green - the Heart! Bull is about what nourishes you and truly taking the time to pave the way for your Heart to shine. What are the things that bring your Soul into deep fulfilment, alignment and allow you to stand tall, confident in knowing who you are and the direction you’re going in? More of these please! This is bringing you the desired energy feeling that keeps you in alignment for the prosperity, wealth and abundance you have been praying for, asking for and working towards. Work with your money beliefs, what you believe about money, what you believe about wealth, what you believe about working for money - dig deep into those beliefs, understand your mindset, your awareness, the piece that you know in your heart you desire - what do you truly believe about money? Do you believe it is hard to come by and you don’t know how or where it is going to come from? Or do you believe in abundant universe that money comes in from all directions in all of time and space that enables you the freedom to do what you’ve always dreamed of doing? Are you supporting money with your beliefs or pushing it away? This card has come to you today to also dig deep into your belief systems around money too. (Are you in Money Honey - honey?!) “Prosperity lies ahead.” - Stop worrying about money and finances beautiful one - you’ve always been supported in everything you do, you’ve never done anything careless and your Heart is not - careless is it now? No… didn’t think so. So why doubt what your Heart is calling you forth now? “You go first” said the Universe. Love xxx Are you ready to stop the cyclic flow of drama, trauma and disappearing light and love time and time again? Are you ready to reclaim your Light, your Life and truly step into deep alignment with the core of who you are - your Life Purpose? Are you truly ready to shine your light and let your heart open again after all that narcissistic abuse and remember the truth of who you are? No, you’re not too much, you’re not too anything - you’re a powerful intuitive leader who has an important purpose in sharing her/his gift with the world and you wouldn’t be here reading this if you didn’t. Because you already help people (or maybe you’re at the scaring them phase - only because you don’t know how to hone your gift yet, that’s all) and it is your time, to truly learn how to harness your gift - for the Universe knows, our time as Healers is coming on this planet and your Life Purpose calls you. Trust Your Intuition commences soon - click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition 


Card #3: Don’t let pride get in your way. New Moon in Leo. 

A few things here - are you judging someone? And - Don’t let pride get in the way - don’t let Ego get in the way. And - did you have a big reaction about something not long ago and push something away, walk away from something and now you’re… having lots of realisations and kinda wishing you didn’t walk away, but you know you are in the right and yet, something is niggling at you thinking that perhaps there is or was another way and now you’re doubting yourself, finding yourself confused? That often happens when we have a big reaction to something and/or are triggered by something and ACT ON that reaction/trigger… after it all calms down - ie, you’ve had space to process yourself - you are like, erm, did I do the right thing? Because now there is a part of you wishing, almost pining that you didn’t actually act so irrational in those moments? Did you even ask more information from/about that person situation? Did you even hear them, or is it that you just judged, reacted and walked away in a snoot? Now you’re kinda deeply regretting it now the ocean has calmed after those eclipses right? Are you leading with your head and your reactions? Or your Heart and your genuinity of Soul? The reality is that everything happens for a reason - reactions or not. The reality is that whatever happened recently or not so long agoish, (yes I make up words all the time when I write), is that, something was already out of alignment and you didn’t really act on it - until the fallout right? And yet, the fallout was almost pre-anticipated, because there were little signs along the way and yet, you pushed and pushed and pushed your intuition aside and away and thought that it was okay and you could do it and so ignored what was really going on - even though… it felt right to stay there too right? Argh so confusing at times this intuition business right?! And yet, you already knew a while ago, you just didn’t act on it until the fallout. So nothing is wrong with what happened just… are you still reeling from it now? Do you have guilt in the ‘way’ it happened because you didn’t take action on your intuition way back when and so the Universe ‘made it happen for you’? The question is now - what have you learned from this incident? How can you avoid this feeling of this level of fallout in the future? How can you say no as soon as your intuition says so instead of ignoring it and then a fallout has to happen and make you feel all bad and sad like this now, and somewhat guilty, regretful and remorseful and act out of reaction? Can you take this and action your intuition in the future BEFORE it gets to this stage? That would require you to trust your Heart - not your head/ego - the pride….Right? The question is - do you? Trust Your Intuition? Love xxx Are you ready to stop the cyclic flow of drama, trauma and disappearing light and love time and time again? Are you ready to reclaim your Light, your Life and truly step into deep alignment with the core of who you are - your Life Purpose? Are you truly ready to shine your light and let your heart open again after all that narcissistic abuse and remember the truth of who you are? No, you’re not too much, you’re not too anything - you’re a powerful intuitive leader who has an important purpose in sharing her/his gift with the world and you wouldn’t be here reading this if you didn’t. Because you already help people (or maybe you’re at the scaring them phase - only because you don’t know how to hone your gift yet, that’s all) and it is your time, to truly learn how to harness your gift - for the Universe knows, our time as Healers is coming on this planet and your Life Purpose calls you. Trust Your Intuition commences soon - click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #4: Your Dreams Need A Practical Plan. Full Moon in Taurus. 

Well, this card needs no explanation right? Stop dreaming and start implementing beautiful one! I wonder if you have big dreams? Probably being here… (Welcome to the club!) I am getting the strong message here, ‘Come back to reality’ - not in a your dreams are too big way - but they need a practical step by step plan. I know you want things yesterday, however, I feel that the stress and tension you are feeling about yourself is because there are steps that need to be taken BEFORE you get to that big picture - next step - it is almost like you are skipping a step - not on purpose - you just want it now already right? I know that feeling well! So, if you were to bring it back to real, right now practical steps, what is it that you are needing to take care of first? In the right now, in the next week, in the next month, in the next 2 months, in the next 6 months - then you can ‘land’ your big picture goal? I am sensing that maybe there has been some hard cold facts in your face this last 24-48 hrs that have reminded you what you need to do right now - the Bull, strong your awareness, that plodding along -  but more so, the plodding in solid foundations - have you been doing the grounding foundational work for your business and life - or have you been skipping that step and moving ahead to something you thought you had to ‘jump’ to - OR is it that you are energetically ready for the next step - but this first ‘in reality’ practicality step/s need to be actioned first? I am sensing you’re pretty clear on them, you just haven’t tended to them yet, for whatever reason that is yet. And yet… lots of yets… it is time now. Pull yourself back to now. Do all the things to stay super present and connect to the NOW, for you are clear on ALL the things - all the numbers, all the figures, all the plans, just - stay connected to now to implement the now - because this is going to magnetise and anchor them in faster than anything else before. Clarity is there. Life Purpose Path is there. YOU’RE there with it. Majority of foundations are set - now it is just time to…. Pull it all back to now and do the thing - now. Not tomorrow. Now. Love xxx Are you ready to stop the cyclic flow of drama, trauma and disappearing light and love time and time again? Are you ready to reclaim your Light, your Life and truly step into deep alignment with the core of who you are - your Life Purpose? Are you truly ready to shine your light and let your heart open again after all that narcissistic abuse and remember the truth of who you are? No, you’re not too much, you’re not too anything - you’re a powerful intuitive leader who has an important purpose in sharing her/his gift with the world and you wouldn’t be here reading this if you didn’t. Because you already help people (or maybe you’re at the scaring them phase - only because you don’t know how to hone your gift yet, that’s all) and it is your time, to truly learn how to harness your gift - for the Universe knows, our time as Healers is coming on this planet and your Life Purpose calls you. Trust Your Intuition commences soon - click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #5: It’s Time to Take Action. New Moon in Aries.

Pretty straight forward - stop thinking about it and just do it. Leap. Take the steps. Write the book. Press the button. Say yes. Choose now. What have you been putting off for that rainy day? What have you been waiting to find the time for? What have you been wishing you never stopped in the first place? That. That thing. That is what you need to action right now. What did give up in order to? You don’t need to do that anymore. It’s time to reclaim your power, pick the thing back up - or start the thing you’ve been thinking about, and start this new cycle - with a deep commitment to your new life. You’ve had enough of feeling this way, it’s time to take things back into your own hands and do what you’ve always know is right in your Heart - what you have known your Life Purpose has been calling you forth all along. We are currently in the New Moon phase and that is supporting you to implement new routines, new support systems, new tools that are going to give you the WINGS TO FLY beautiful Soul. Because, its time you know? I feel like you’ve been waiting for a sign (like for years) without even realising you’ve been waiting for a sign. You’ve been waiting for the right moment. You’ve been waiting to end this current reality so you can start - but as you know - that time never comes and right now - you are being urged to start this new phase now. Being New Moon in Aries it is truly the start of a whole new cycle for you. It feels like past life threads and old karmic ties are being completely cut and released from your system you are being born anew, you are truly coming into your own and I am also getting the message that right now - for a time, you don’t need anyone precious Soul. Have you felt alone or been feeling alone or scared to feel alone in waves recently too? This is also a sign that you are ready to commence this cycle alone - because you’re not truly alone (which I know you know) but it feels like it… but actually on a deeper level what is actually going on here for you is that you are BIRTHING AN ENTIRELY NEW FREQUENCY OF YOU. It feels like you are setting yourself free and allowing yourself to live the light you’ve imagined - yes, live the LIGHT you’ve imagined. Yes, the ‘original’ saying is live the LIFe you’ve imagined… but this…. It’s time to step into and LIVE the light and this is what I am sensing this cycle is about for you. Almost like a 9 year cycle or a 19 year cycle (I know the 19 is astrologically related currently) however, r this is a long time cycle for you right now - something is hugely rebirthing inside of you and in 12 months time you will look back on this moment and think - wow, my life has 180 changed and I feel soooo much better and thank goodness that part of my life is over. You are truly coming out of a cocoon right now and those wings are about to FLY. Let them Fly beautiful… it’s time. Its YOUR TIME. Love xxx Are you ready to stop the cyclic flow of drama, trauma and disappearing light and love time and time again? Are you ready to reclaim your Light, your Life and truly step into deep alignment with the core of who you are - your Life Purpose? Are you truly ready to shine your light and let your heart open again after all that narcissistic abuse and remember the truth of who you are? No, you’re not too much, you’re not too anything - you’re a powerful intuitive leader who has an important purpose in sharing her/his gift with the world and you wouldn’t be here reading this if you didn’t. Because you already help people (or maybe you’re at the scaring them phase - only because you don’t know how to hone your gift yet, that’s all) and it is your time, to truly learn how to harness your gift - for the Universe knows, our time as Healers is coming on this planet and your Life Purpose calls you. Trust Your Intuition commences soon - click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #6: What Do You Need To Release? Waning Moon. 

This card - pretty straight forward as well. However, what I am sensing so strongly for you? Is your not good enough’s! I feel you’ve been berating yourself way too hard - for something you didn’t even do - and I feel that this is a deep past life wound - you never did anything wrong and yet, like in a narcissistic relationship that you stay in long enough and you start to believe there is something wrong with you and so go looking for something that you never find. This - past life wound I am sensing has been there for soooo long - like original, original wounding that every lifetime since has played this out.  This has caused such a deep ingrained ‘not good enough’ streak in you - that I feel - is what is clearing out of your system. Do you feel like your world is crumbling or just feels weird at the, moment? Strange, almost melancholy? Now of course, that is like a no brainer when we are talking about past life woundings, however, this one feels different. I feel this ‘What do you need to release?’ Maybe you just worked on this past life wounding, maybe it is needing to be worked on (you will know which one there) and with this, I feel that this is a deep time of letting go for you. Crumbling. Old structures and ways of reality disappearing and dissolving for you. That is somewhat scary (in a way) just in a sense of soooo much has already left your field it is like how much more can truly go and yet - the Universe is about to show you how much. All this clearing is clearing a deep old slate that you have been playing out this pattern for sooo long that this ‘space’ that is left here - may feel somewhat daunting -gah, tricky to describe. You’re a Master at walking through space. You’ve walked away from relationships and people and situations and careers that many times, you’re a pro at this. And yet, this time feels different for you in a sense that you’re not doing it out of haste, you’re not doing it out of reaction, you’re not doing it to get AWAY from something. You’re doing it to move TOWARDS something. Something has deeply changed in the way you handle change, in the way you deal with things in the world. THIS old paradigm, is what you are releasing. So if things feel HUGE right now - know that this is because what you’re shifting is deep, very, very anciently old - like down through the mists and beyond the veils that live THROUGH the mists - that deep - old, old in the place that has no time. This is deep mystical shifting for you.. the worst is now behind you - this won’t be played out ever again, you’ve healed beautiful one. Hang in there whilst you recalibrate - this is Soul lifetimes shifting right now. Be extra gentle on yourself right now. Love xxx Are you ready to stop the cyclic flow of drama, trauma and disappearing light and love time and time again? Are you ready to reclaim your Light, your Life and truly step into deep alignment with the core of who you are - your Life Purpose? Are you truly ready to shine your light and let your heart open again after all that narcissistic abuse and remember the truth of who you are? No, you’re not too much, you’re not too anything - you’re a powerful intuitive leader who has an important purpose in sharing her/his gift with the world and you wouldn’t be here reading this if you didn’t. Because you already help people (or maybe you’re at the scaring them phase - only because you don’t know how to hone your gift yet, that’s all) and it is your time, to truly learn how to harness your gift - for the Universe knows, our time as Healers is coming on this planet and your Life Purpose calls you. Trust Your Intuition commences soon - click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition