READING RESULTS ARE IN!! ๐Ÿ”ฎ for 15th September 2020

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Sep 15, 2020

READING RESULTS ARE IN!! ๐Ÿ”ฎ for 15th September 2020

I feel called to speak to the overlying card for today’s Tuesday Tarot and that is ‘Bull. Sacrifice.’

I feel that you have come into a time where you don’t need to sacrifice anymore. You may still be in situations that you are doing this, but you have made a choice to not do it anymore and that you have a plan to leave such environments. You are not in a space anymore to tolerate such ‘B*&lsh^t’ - that you have put up with it enough over the years, you have scarified soooo much and you are not willing to do that one moment more. The good news is, is that Bull, has come to confirm what you already know about this.

Maybe you settled again.

Maybe you thought it could be different and tried again.

Maybe you dropped that goal you had and then something happened and you are like, oh, no, that’s why I am doing this and your why just got a zillion times stronger.

Maybe this is a time to reassess your goals and come into deep alignment with your self and your why.

And maybe, that is WHY this taught you this, and you just walked through this for the entire reason this came about 'again'.

Yes, we need to sacrifice - or we CHOOSE to sacrifice our own needs ahead of others or our gaols at times.. however, I feel this message at this point in time is of being of sacrificial service to self, to be at your ultimate highest to do what you came here to do. 

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Divine Animals Oracle, by Stacey Demarco ๐Ÿ”ฎ

These are the FINAL DAYS if you are ready to accelerate your Life Purpose in this powerful 12 Month Journey of my Inner Circle during this crucial rising of Humanities Consciousness at this time:

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ๐Ÿ‘‘

Card #1: Lioness. Protection.

You are way more protected that you realise. You are way more supported than you realise. Your home is protected. You are supported in your financial needs, everything is being taken care of right now. Now, even though I feel you KNOW this - there has been doubts or worries creeping in recently. And you flick out of it and KNOW this is the truth, but perhaps there hasn’t been any tangible proof for you recently - you are walking in PURE faith right now. (Keep the faith!). I am also getting the message that EVERYTHING is disintegrating below your feet. Almost like ‘take off’ in a way - like you are standing there and reality beneath your feet is completely disintegrating. I remember this feeling, similar, not same, but similar, back in June 2018 - it was like ‘reality dropped out from underneath your feet’ and it was a way to describe the portal vortex energy shifts that were going on, on the planet and in our personal lives back then. Right now, it feels like a ‘disintegrating beneath your feet’. Literally like reality ‘falls away’, but it is a falling/disintegrating feeling, more so than a ‘dropping away’. I am also getting the strong message for you right now that - these reality shifts - let anyone and anything completely fall away and out of your life that.. is. Whether that is your past, old relationships (we are in the Third Eye Chakra Week! Seeing the Truth of Relationships!), old job/career threads, just… anything that is not meant to come into this new, aligned, highest version of you? Is… melting away… it feels like a ‘gentle’ energy, more than a direct harsh cutting, it is like you have come into a deep empowerment of yourself, hence Lioness, that can hold such a space for yourself, you’ve truly shifted and you are… letting go with ease. You know that you are protected, even though waves of doubt come in, you know you are completely supported in following your highest destiny of your Life Purpose, you know that is what you came here for and I feel this card is coming to you to give you that extra boost and faith that… you are right on track, keep the faith, keep going and don’t let any distractions sway you. It almost feels like you are embodying the next level version of you and deeply ‘embedding’ your new reality, that is laying the cornerstone map for not just your own life, but all of Humanity. Keep going dear Ancient Blooded Healer. Love xxx These are the FINAL days for THE place where the Ancient Blooded Healers RISE to their greatest glory, in deep, deep trust of their intuition, in acutely deciphering their Life Purpose and activating their gifts to their next level, in truly aligning to the deep embodiment of your Divine Life Purpose and reason you were born. If you KNOW this is where you need to be, these are the final days for enrolment for 2020. Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions about it:


Card #2: Hare. Cycles.

Ah, I want to say… Shhhhhh… but that is in a way of describing the deep empowerment that you have come into within yourself. It feels like you have deeply aligned to a internal Source that has given you much comfort recently, like you have discovered a long lost friend, but this is a deep internal part of you. Rabbit in The Liquid Crystals, is Chrysocolla, Silence. This is also deeply, so deeply tuned into and tapping into that deep Feminine part of yourself, that deep, internal wisdom, that guides you and it feels you have stepped into a deeper level of trusting yourself, like all of a sudden, it just… clicks now, you just get it in a way you never have before. This feels exciting and… elating, or almost a sense of relief for you. Or, does this sense of relief relate to something else? The ‘Cycles’ card, feels like there is a sense of relief about something you have… long awaited? Has come to fruition? Something has ‘fallen into place’ for you? With the Hare, this is also deeply connected to the Moon and the Moon Cycles. Do you follow the Moon Cycles? Know much about them? Do you use them in amplifying your manifestation goals? I am getting the message that this is a really important phase and cycle right now for you and to tune into these natural rhythms and flows, more than ever to plan your calendar, work with manifestation of your wealth, use the cycles to amplify health regimes and deeply reconnect back to the truth of who you are. As much as I feel this is a message for you to tune and do this as priority I feel that… almost now more than you ever have before - you ARE doing this. And it is here, your power is amplifying and taking you to the next level. I am hearing ‘hold on’, in a sense of - get comfortable with this new level of power you are experiencing and moving towards in your life. You’ve been working towards this, walk in the comfort and Peace that.. ‘you’ve arrived’. Hmmm, I am also getting the message, is there a female in your life that you need to ‘heal’…. In a sense of a relationship that you ‘lost’ or chose to leave and walk away from for whatever reason? I am wondering if this has become apparent, or the memory of it, or you had forgotten that incident happened with that person? I feel that there is one or perhaps two women this has been brought to your attention of recently/in the last day or two, and these ‘memories’ popping back up, I am sensing is a sign for you to release and shift out any energetic threads that you may have buried there about that situation, that… has only been brought to your awareness, to release and rise. Not necessarily to talk to them, but to release out of your energetic system so you aren’t carrying it anymore. And with this energetic space… of a clear slate with the Divine Feminine, directly on purpose, with Hare, Chrysocolla I am sure! Healing the Divine Feminine, Healing your Receptivity so you can, receive that which you are asking for. Love xxx These are the FINAL days for THE place where the Ancient Blooded Healers RISE to their greatest glory, in deep, deep trust of their intuition, in acutely deciphering their Life Purpose and activating their gifts to their next level, in truly aligning to the deep embodiment of your Divine Life Purpose and reason you were born. If you KNOW this is where you need to be, these are the final days for enrolment for 2020. Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions about it:


Card #3: Wolverine. Fierceness.

“Protect that which you’ve built” is the strong message coming through as I see dear Wolverine on this card. I am wondering if you have ‘run into’ someone this last week or so, in a ‘not so nice way’? Have you come across something that… has made you question your beliefs AFTER it happened, and wondered if you were too harsh or should’ve said or done something else? I am getting the message, no, don’t doubt yourself now. It may FEEL too strong what you did or said, but this is an aspect of you that has come out due to what you have been through and… won’t let anyone come in between you and that EVER again. Whether that is your business, or your family or your values and your own damn life - you won’t let ANYONE take away from you, that which you have gained, through probably the toughest 18mths of your entire life! It has been transformation after transformation, after 45 degree turn, after 45 degree turn, that, has enabled you to deeply come into alignment, but that.. hasn’t come without DEEP transformation and walking through FIRE and THAT needs to be protected - so… do not think you are being too harsh, or you should just ‘try again’ or ‘drop those boundaries one tiny bit’ - NOPE - DON’T! Soo important right now to NOT do this, for you know that, that will only bring you long term pain yes? And.. you’ve been there done that before right?! I wonder if, something has also/or perhaps come in this last few weeks or week, or days… that has somewhat been a distraction? To your purpose work? Maybe it felt right and felt good and ‘on track’ but.. something has made you - REMEMBER THIS FIERCE PROTECTION of ALL THAT YOU’VE built and walked through fire to get here of? You’ve closed doors but opened them back up, but… no. Not anymore. Even though you tried, it feels like, this card has come to REMIND you - that.. you need to PROTECT this space with ALL your FIERCENESS and DO NOT SETTLE! Do NOT drop your standards, because even though, you… were okay with it, you also realise, nope, shouldn’t have done that again! And now you are clear about that, well, you can truly move on with those high standards and strong boundaries right? I am also hearing about ‘focus’ and wondering where you need to focus all your energies on you and even, though you have walked through fire to get where you are, you are still not.. where you want to be? You know that you are ‘never finished’, however, you also know that right now, you are still in a place where you need to get to a certain point to truly ‘have space’ to allow the next phase in right? So, grant yourself permission to be FIERCELY unapologetically YOU - and… let the world see who you REALLY are, and THIS is the Fierceness of protecting all that you’ve built to date. It’s time to BE YOU. ALL of you. FIERCELY unapologetically YOU and not let ANYTHING get in the way of that, let alone distract you ๐Ÿ˜‰ Love xxx These are the FINAL days for THE place where the Ancient Blooded Healers RISE to their greatest glory, in deep, deep trust of their intuition, in acutely deciphering their Life Purpose and activating their gifts to their next level, in truly aligning to the deep embodiment of your Divine Life Purpose and reason you were born. If you KNOW this is where you need to be, these are the final days for enrolment for 2020. Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions about it:


Card #4: Reciprocity. Honey Bee.

Reciprocity. Ah, what magic from Honey Bee. I am wondering if you have been feeling this in your relationships? In the space of being able to hold deep conscious awareness for yourself about what is shifting FOR you? I am getting a few messages here and this card, I feel has a few messages for you today… one I am sensing a deep well of abundance opening up for you at this time and it feels like, this is a long term shift, a deep solid opening, that is now your new normal. It feels like things are getting easier and easier for you, but there is also a deep letting go right now. I am also hearing ‘job/career direction change’ and also ‘new hobby’ - now maybe it is both of those for you, or one of them, but regardless, I feel that you have been getting the nudge for this for… a bit now and it has come back quite strongly for the last week or even just the last few days and.. I would be taking massive action in this direction right now for you. I feel like this is such an aligned path for you and that… you are deeply supported in this. I keep hearing that this is going to shift your life in ways you couldn’t have imagined before now - but actually you have, as this has a deep tie into your dream life and reality. I am also hearing that ‘this is going to help your ascension process’ and perhaps that is because it is in deep alignment with your Soul’s Purpose. I am also wondering if you have been feeling flat lately? Or tired/exhausted? As I am sensing that this is going to bring you alive and will ‘magically dissipate’ the tiredness and exhaustion you have been experiencing - for that has only been there because you haven’t been in full alignment (in a way), however, I feel what is shifting for you… is the next step to the fulfilment, the completely alignment to your Soul’s Destiny. Is there a relationship or career that you are needing to let go of? Bee, deeply represents the Goddess and… She won’t build a hive that is anything less than perfect and I am getting the message that this isn’t a time for you to stay ‘off alignment’ of your purpose any longer. You know what it is that you need to let go of and make changes that are going to bring you into deep alignment of this. You only need to look at that reciprocity of the relationship or situation in question to give you the clear answer to your question - are you in a equal space of give and receiving? Or are you being used and pulled away from the true alignment of your Soul’s calling? With Honey Bee, coming here for you today, being deeply connected to the Goddess, this is also about being deeply connected to your intuition - trust your intuition, now more than ever - Bees have a distinct and very acute way of communicating. Are you needing to clear up communication with someone? Or are you needing to trust your intuition more than ever before, or both? Either way, trust yourself, the completely alignment to the fulfilment of your destiny awaits you. Love xxx These are the FINAL days for THE place where the Ancient Blooded Healers RISE to their greatest glory, in deep, deep trust of their intuition, in acutely deciphering their Life Purpose and activating their gifts to their next level, in truly aligning to the deep embodiment of your Divine Life Purpose and reason you were born. If you KNOW this is where you need to be, these are the final days for enrolment for 2020. Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions about it:


Card #5: Owl. Wisdom.

Something you are going through right now… you have been through before. But this time - you are walking with your shoulders back, your heart open and being more vulnerable than ever before in your entire life. You are… walking with Wisdom right now. You have been through this before, but this time? You are walking each step with deep profound Wisdom. And Wisdom, only comes, from experience. I am getting the message that right now, you are surrounded by loving, wise, powerful Beings and whilst that might sound stereotypical, it is a strong message. Have you encountered some new Spirit Guide Beings recently? Ones you haven’t necessarily met before? Or, they seem mighty familiar and feel like a sense of ‘Home’ with their resonance, but they are completely new to you at the same time? I feel that this ‘lesson’ or pattern that has reared it’s head again, or you are walking through for what feels like the 50th time, has come… to say goodbye once and for all. This last several months, with Distance Healings and working with clients, I have been getting the message and what has been streaming through is that many ‘soulmate’ relationships, whether intimate, family or friend, these repetitive patterns that have been playing out for eons… this is the final time, this karmic cycle will ensue.. and then, all the world stuff and underground surfaced and.. now look what we have here - almost proof of that ๐Ÿ˜‰ The point is, is that I feel this Wisdom card, the beautiful Owl, has come to you - that whatever you are ‘walking through’ for the 50th time so to speak, is actually a turning point. It feels like you are in a hugely pivitol life changing time in your life, that… ‘life will never be the same again’. Yes, that is stereotypical of what is going on, in the world and on the planet right now, but I feel you are being given a ‘second chance’ in your life too. In a sense of - this Wisdom? Is deeply guiding you. You are stronger than you have ever been before, the ‘worst is now behind you’ you are moving into a period of grace, ease and so, so much… Wisdom, that exudes from your beautiful kind Heart… with boundaries ๐Ÿ˜‰ Owl Wisdom, is asking you to take a step back, remember what you’ve learnt, embody the bigger picture and move forward with the grace, ease and gentleness of your big open Heart, surrounding yourself with only those, that honour the depth of that. Love xxx These are the FINAL days for THE place where the Ancient Blooded Healers RISE to their greatest glory, in deep, deep trust of their intuition, in acutely deciphering their Life Purpose and activating their gifts to their next level, in truly aligning to the deep embodiment of your Divine Life Purpose and reason you were born. If you KNOW this is where you need to be, these are the final days for enrolment for 2020. Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions about it:


Card #6: Rhinoceros. Moderation.

I wonder if you have been questioning your ‘slowing down’ and that you should be ‘doing more’ - or you are catching yourself, realising and remembering that… that is what you USED to do. And you are deeply coming into a space of being okay with, slowing down? Remembering it is okay to smell the roses? I feel you have come into a place of allowing, rather than forcing, of receiving rather than striving and the message I am getting is about allowing this time for you to do just this - there is also a recalibrating time, a rewiring time, if you may, that… everything gets done when it gets done and as long as you are working on it everyday, then, everything is okay. WHICH is stepping you out of the old paradigms and releasing the judgements you feel you may be receiving from other people around you by choosing this way! Huge right?! But that is only you releasing the judgements of the old paradigms that.. led you here in the first place. Yes, there is a time for striving and pushing, but then once foundations are laid so to speak, there is another way of being able to ‘be’ with what you have created and moved through and work it a different way. I am also wondering if you have been grieving a fair bit in this releasing this old paradigm, this old way of being? Allow this, which I know you are. As you come into deep self acceptance, and deep self love, you are choosing a new life, choosing, you, and this is a call for celebration in itself. I am also wondering if life has felt ‘full steam ahead’ for several months now? And now, you are slowing down and reflecting, it is a time of allowing these shifts to occur from deep within? It is almost like you have bene working to create this space, this environment and now, you can accept it, be in it and absorb this physically? Again, that ‘pushing/striving’ need be no more, now is a time for deep acceptance of it and enjoying that which you have created. I feel this ‘grab the bull by the horns’ type analogy, is that you can let go of those old ways and… truly embody physically that which you have been craving and ‘seen in your dreams’ all along. It is time to receive this. So, let yourself. You deserve, every single moment of it. Stay focused, but with balance. You’re not who you used to be, your life is reflecting that, be proud of yourself and keep going. Without rushing. Love xxx These are the FINAL days for THE place where the Ancient Blooded Healers RISE to their greatest glory, in deep, deep trust of their intuition, in acutely deciphering their Life Purpose and activating their gifts to their next level, in truly aligning to the deep embodiment of your Divine Life Purpose and reason you were born. If you KNOW this is where you need to be, these are the final days for enrolment for 2020. Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions about it: