🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 16th April 2019🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Apr 16, 2019

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 16th April 2019🔮  

Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today from The Unblock Your Love Blocks Oracle Deck for you today and see what messages are awaiting you there today. 

The 21 Day Shifter Program for unlimited questions, unlimited Psychic Reading, unlimited support for 21 Days straight increases very soon click here before it does ❤️🔮❤️

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Earth Healing. Step into Nature to come out of isolation.

Ah - it feels like you have been in a cocoon recently and I am even feeling there is a part of you that also doesn’t want to come out or you feel like you are not ready to come out. The sense that I am getting is that when we have been living a certain way for quite some time, coming out of that space - is a whole new world and you might step out and oh yeah, this is good, but then retract back to your old ways - simply because it is familiar. It takes discipline, courage, consistency, dedication and commitment to solidly commit to a new routine that shifts your life. Yet, I am also getting the message for you - don’t beat yourself up for ‘not sticking to your new routine’ - in a sense that, creating something new, implementing something new takes indeed that - practise, commitment, discipline and more and if you do it a little bit, then go back to old, then do the new a little bit longer than last time, then go back to old, then do the new a little bit longer again - you’re winning and making progress. Don’t beat yourself for ‘not sticking to it’ - especially when you are doing things on your own - you are making progress no matter what anyone else says, which leads me to the next message for you - just keep quiet about your plans for now. I am sensing that for you starting something new and telling those you’re closest to, isn’t that helpful right now. People don’t like change, and when they are the ones that can’t see you’re vision they are usually the first ones to put you down and tell you to stop this silly nonsense. Find those that support your vision and just speak to them about it for now. Better still, just get it done as it supports the energy of completion, instead of dispersing the energy around you and it not grounding into the Earth - manifesting your reality - is grounding it in. Take it from idea to implement it and produce it in the physical form and show people, rather than tell. I am also getting the message that if you have been waiting for the perfect time to launch, to come out of hiding, to release what you are/have to the world - there is no more perfect time than right now - if not now, when? Anything is scary and nerve racking in the start and then you get used to it. Nerves never really go away, you just get more confident and learn how to ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’ - which is what I am sensing this card is deeply about for you. Time to ‘come out of your cocoon spread  your wings and fly!’ - No one is YOU - and YOU are what the world has been waiting for - all of you. Time to ground YOU into reality beautiful one, the world is awaiting what YOU have to share. So, time to get to it huh? Love xxx Not long now before the 21 Day Shifter Program investment increases from $197 to $499 on the 12th May! Intuitively guided business strategies, healing from past life wounds, traumas and finally being able to move forward again, birthing an entire new reality that you have been dreaming about, gaining the strength, confidence and wisdom to use your intuitive, psychic and telepathic abilities, instead of them using you and being floored and drained with tiredness and confusion all the time, the 21 Day Shifter Program guides you, supports you and teaches you the tools for life, so you know how to anchor and ground into what your Soul is guiding you to do on this Earth plane this lifetime. Time to stop going around in circles and finally be free to be the you you came here to be. Click here for all the details before this investment increases.


Card #2: Knowing Yourself. Get to know the different parts of yourself.

Ah - the pieces of the pie! I actually feel like you are grounded and scattered all at the same time - it feels like you have become super busy and full and whilst you are still taking care of yourself in the midst of all this new change that you are experiencing I am sensing there is a part of you wanting to expand even more. This may come in the form of hiring more help, creating a team to support you, expanding your gifts and flourishing to your next level - yet again, because you’ve just shifted to your next level? I am also getting the message that until September, things will be speeded up and ‘full’ like this, so create time for yourself, schedule it in, or it won’t happen yes? Also, I am sensing for some Soul Retrieval work for yourself, as in, bring in the pieces of yourself from all those times you were killed for BEING YOU and bring those pieces of your Soul back into now. Almost like all the pieces of the puzzle coming together, but what that deeply is, is reclaiming all of you, reclaiming all of your power back into the now. If you have found yourself complaining lately, or it feeling harder than usual, this is your signal to call the parts of you back into now immediately. How do you do that? ‘I now recall all parts of me, back into me from all dimensions in time and space and beyond this reality, I call me and only me back into me now.’ Stomping on the ground, reclaiming you, with a strong, stern voice from your Heart centre is a very powerful thing to do - and at any time you feel called to reclaim your power, your energy, your centre. My Recalling Your Energy Meditation is a short, powerful meditation that also helps you do just this - do you have it? You can download it in the Free Essentials Meditation Pack by clicking here. I am also wondering if there has been something that has been annoying you or such recently too? This is a call for something needing to get your attention, but I am also sensing it is more about intuition - there is a part of yourself that subtly trying to get your attention - or you have been receiving intuition, but not listening to it? Is there something that has happened recently that has called forth a part of yourself, that you need to be more ‘onto it’ and step up - which is reclaiming a powerful part of yourself, to take yourself, your business, your life to the next level? This, Knowing Yourself card - is exactly that - reclaiming parts of yourself, changing yourself, evolving yourself, stretching yourself - so you can not only become more whole, but you can come back to centre, ground in your new reality and let your Soul do what it came here to do - continually evolve, grow and expand. What part of you are you needing to reclaim? To tend to? That is being reflected in your life? What pieces of the puzzle are you cleaning out, mentally, physically, emotionally to enable this new you that is emerging to completely step into the forefront? Let yourself - your Higher Self is wanting to lead - do you trust your Higher Self? Your Soul? Love xxx Love xxx Not long now before the 21 Day Shifter Program investment increases from $197 to $499 on the 12th May! Intuitively guided business strategies, healing from past life wounds, traumas and finally being able to move forward again, birthing an entire new reality that you have been dreaming about, gaining the strength, confidence and wisdom to use your intuitive, psychic and telepathic abilities, instead of them using you and being floored and drained with tiredness and confusion all the time, the 21 Day Shifter Program guides you, supports you and teaches you the tools for life, so you know how to anchor and ground into what your Soul is guiding you to do on this Earth plane this lifetime. Time to stop going around in circles and finally be free to be the you you came here to be. Click here for all the details before this investment increases.


Card #3: Creativity. Express your Soul through creative expression.

Have you been feeling stuck, indecisive, confused or depressed recently? This card clearly indicates your creativity, which is deeply connected to your intuition - yet I am also wondering what part of you is feeling stifled? Is there a part of you that doesn’t feel like you have the skill set you are needing to start, or move forward? You do know that creativity/intuition/life purpose doesn’t just come through? It waits for you to take the first step and then you are shown the next step? You do know this? However, I also feel that this card - is also confirming for you - something you have already been receiving - have you been receiving ideas about your business, your life purpose, your intuition, your next step in life? I feel like you have ‘just received a download’ recently and are actually already starting to implement it in your life, or the ideas are there and this card is also coming to you as confirmation to trust and act upon these ideas that you have had coming to you as they are part of your next steps on your path, so don’t deny them. I am also getting something about flowers - the flowers on this card are jumping out at me - has someone mentioned something about flowers for you lately? Flowers can also symbolise birthing new realities, the crowing of a babies head and also the blossoming of a new season for you. I am also hearing ‘don’t give up’ - which when a pregnant mother is about to birth, she usually has had enough, and at the end of birthing, has definitely had enough. This symbolising for you - the flowering of the blossom is here, the petals are starting to open, to bloom, they/you may even be in full bloom, or about to be in full bloom, so don’t give up now - continue on. There have been many times I have wanted to give up, yet, I have kept my eye on the big picture vision, the goals and the life I want to be living in 5, 10, 20 years time - are you that clear on where you want to be? You don’t have to know detail for detail (although clarity is GOOD), it is important to remember your ‘why’ during your hardest days. I am also getting the message to remind you that when you do feel stuck or depressed, a TINY bit of movement in the direction of what your intuition is gently tapping you on the shoulder to do - creates massive waves of energy, because depression is like your intuition being pressed down because you are ignoring it and as soon as you start following it, you open the floodgates so to speak and the rest follows from there. It only takes a tiny step in the direction of your dreams, even when you feel scared or unqualified to take that step. Even 10 mins a day, creates a momentum, as energy into something everyday, over the course of a year, is a lot of energy in that direction yes? So - where are you being called to focus your time and energy? What intuition is tapping you on the shoulder for you take more action than what you have been, or to, start trusting those ideas that are coming to you? Love xxx Not long now before the 21 Day Shifter Program investment increases from $197 to $499 on the 12th May! Intuitively guided business strategies, healing from past life wounds, traumas and finally being able to move forward again, birthing an entire new reality that you have been dreaming about, gaining the strength, confidence and wisdom to use your intuitive, psychic and telepathic abilities, instead of them using you and being floored and drained with tiredness and confusion all the time, the 21 Day Shifter Program guides you, supports you and teaches you the tools for life, so you know how to anchor and ground into what your Soul is guiding you to do on this Earth plane this lifetime. Time to stop going around in circles and finally be free to be the you you came here to be. Click here for all the details before this investment increases.


Card #4: Overcome Fear. Accept and nurture your fear and move forward anyway.

‘What would you do, if you knew you could do anything and nothing was holding you back?’ Where would you be? How would you be living? If there were NO restrictions, NO responsibilities, NO constraints - what would you be doing? Would you be with the same people in your life? Would you be living where you are? Would you be worried about the things you are? Would you - be in the same space you are? If you said no to that last questions - you’ve got some shifting to do! 😉 Yes, be happy with what you have got, where you are etc etc - HOWEVER, if you are unhappy most of the time, complaining most of the time and are NOT doing anything about your situation to change it - then it’s time to! However, if you ARE working towards creating a new life, no matter how hard it is in this moment right now - you will feel this underlying Peace, under the turmoil, under the emotional pain, you WILL feel that you will feel different. Deep down. You may not be ‘happy’ as such, but there is this deep down sense that you are doing something about changing your life, even though it may not feel like much progress and impatience may kick in because ‘it hasn’t happened yet’, however, I am sensing for you that you may also be going through a season of grief and it is important to remember that this will pass, and it seems to get worse before it gets better, because you are ‘facing reality’ and things that no longer align or serve you are coming up and out for release, so you can truly raise your vibration and frequency back to that of the truth that you are, releasing you from the human binds and shame that has held you back from your true nature for so long. Your illnesses have bound you until now and now you are facing them so you can be free and release what is no longer required for your evolution of consciousness on this Earth plane. #theshamanshavereturned. I am also sensing - these ‘binds’ ‘chains’ ‘locks’ are here - whether this is the human limitations that you have been feeling stuck by and are now facing, or whether it is actually some past life work you need to do to release this from your energetic field, you may be carrying past life trauma that has held you back and you have literally been chained up from speaking your truth and living your Life’s Purpose ‘BEING’ your Life’s work int he past and haven’t released the energetics that are/have been holding you back about this until now. You can use my Past Life Integration and Healing Meditation with the intention to release these locks and binds and unlock the energetics to free your current reality and release those anchors that have been holding you back until this point. (All the details for the Past Life Meditation are found by clicking here, if you don’t have this already) If nothing was holding you back? What would you be doing? Are you, working towards that every single day? If not, isn’t it time to start? Your intuition is strongest when you feel safe WITHIN YOURSELF - start here, deep down inside you, you are the one you have been waiting for to make you feel safe - because no one else can do that, but you. Create internal safety, and watch your entire reality shift before your very eyes. Love xxx Not long now before the 21 Day Shifter Program investment increases from $197 to $499 on the 12th May! Intuitively guided business strategies, healing from past life wounds, traumas and finally being able to move forward again, birthing an entire new reality that you have been dreaming about, gaining the strength, confidence and wisdom to use your intuitive, psychic and telepathic abilities, instead of them using you and being floored and drained with tiredness and confusion all the time, the 21 Day Shifter Program guides you, supports you and teaches you the tools for life, so you know how to anchor and ground into what your Soul is guiding you to do on this Earth plane this lifetime. Time to stop going around in circles and finally be free to be the you you came here to be. Click here for all the details before this investment increases.


Card #5: Nostalgia. Your Happiness is here and now, not back then.

Ah, I feel so strongly for you that EVERYTHING has changed for you. Nothing feels the same, nothing is the same. And I am sensing it is like you are trying to fit the old mould into the new life you are starting to create and live - yet, you know this doesn’t fit, and know it isn’t right and it is like this torn feeling because you know that it isn’t right, well, it COULD be, but you also know that it just isn’t aligned anymore. You have grown, changed and evolved so much, that you know you have to leave it behind, that ‘they won’t step up in the way you need’ that you even realise that you were compromising all those years ago. Yes, it worked…. to an extent. But deep down you already knew it wasn’t right for you, but you saw others making it work and know it was a reality you could’ve and did try to make it work. However, something inside, just keeps nagging you. You’ve listened, but you are also still torn, even though hard, you know you have to move forward without that person, place, thing or item in your life. You have to move forward. You know you have been working hard to create a new reality, a new life for yourself and everything has changed and everything is still the same. Compared to 3 years ago - you are COMPLETELY different person right? I am sensing that there are things going on in your life this past week to the past 24-48 hours of ‘the old’ trying to come back in, and/or you holding firm boundaries knowing that actually, you HAVE to do this, you have to let go and completely step into the unknown, knowing, deep in your heart, that you are deeply aligning to the truth of where your Heart is leading you, even though you can’t ‘see’ what that is, you KNOW it is the right thing to do, even though you still feel grief, sadness and hurt, you KNOW that this is the right thing to do - that in the long, long term, this is the best thing for your life, your Life Purpose, your long term happiness. You also know, that even though, the unknown is not written, in some dimension it is and you are aligning to that - the highest version of yourself. That, in this space for the unknown, aligns you to all the possibilities that there is and that - what was in the past, was for that version of yourself, but you’ve been doing so much work to create your new reality - that what once made you happy, doesn’t anymore. What once was okay and tolerable in your life, is definitely not okay anymore. What once you were attracted to - has changed. Waves of grief may still move through you, but you ride them, knowing that the ultimate destiny, is leading you - to where you have always dreamed of going and that dream, is now manifesting into reality and that, is more attractive than ever, that memories are that, that what once was aligned, is no longer and you are willing to ride any amount of grief waves, because the call of your Soul and the depth of your destiny, outweighs anything… that is not that. Love xxx Not long now before the 21 Day Shifter Program investment increases from $197 to $499 on the 12th May! Intuitively guided business strategies, healing from past life wounds, traumas and finally being able to move forward again, birthing an entire new reality that you have been dreaming about, gaining the strength, confidence and wisdom to use your intuitive, psychic and telepathic abilities, instead of them using you and being floored and drained with tiredness and confusion all the time, the 21 Day Shifter Program guides you, supports you and teaches you the tools for life, so you know how to anchor and ground into what your Soul is guiding you to do on this Earth plane this lifetime. Time to stop going around in circles and finally be free to be the you you came here to be. Click here for all the details before this investment increases.


Card #6: Water Healing. Quenching your thirst for love begins with self.

Ah, a couple of strong messages here - have you just had to let go of ;something you loved’ because you know there is a better/more fulfilling way? Or has something just released itself from your life because it is no longer in alignment? That you feel, ‘a bit sad’ but also know it is what was meant to happen? This ‘drop away’ is because you have been continually aligning to where you are meant to go - you realise this? Of course you do! The other strong message here is - your Aura is in need of deep repair. Have you been pushing yourself to the limit recently? Or have been ‘stretched’ in a new direction or expanding in areas in your life or business? Or have not been getting enough sleep? Our Aura is ‘thinner’ and closer to our body when we are ‘pushed beyond our limit’ or sleep deprived or have been in a harsh environment. When our Aura is ‘thinner’ and closer to our body, rather than the big healthy ‘thick/expansive’ bubble of energy surrounding/cocooning us, we are affecting by other people’s energy more easily and we also get sick easily as well. How do you repair your Aura? Self care, self care, self care - but also this Water Healing card is giving you this clue. Waterfalls, Ocean, Rivers and Lakes, all emit negative ions that counteract the effects of technology, wifi and our modern day living. Spending time at these places and in nature in general, but the salt water in particularly, repairs your Aura faster than anything. When you are in Nature, asking the Fairies to kindly repair your Aura, also is a fast way to repair your Aura, as they sew and stitch up any holes in your Aura for fast repair. I am sensing that this ‘drop away’ yes, whilst a good thing, there is also a bit of a hole, a bit of a gap that is there and whilst this feels like a relief to begin with, soon, you will start obsessing perhaps or starting to feel the grief that is ‘left from this hole’. Important to feel these tears and the grief, and btw - ALL the emotions - the anger, the hurt, the pain - whatever comes up - for water represents the emotions and the ‘Water Healing’ card is also allowing your dear Heart to feel the depths of all the sadness and pain that ensues so you can release the emotions to create the space for new emotions to come aka new life experiences of a ‘clean slate’ rather than the hurt and pain of your past. Cleansing, energetic cleansing, DEEP energetic cleansing, from childhood, past lives and more, is deeply coming into affect here with this card - you are not clearing out what has just happened, rather, you are breaking karmic threads and not just generational lineages, but entire realities of what your Soul has experienced until now. Birthing a new reality, means, leaving no stone unturned and completely shifting into new karmic cycles - or - is it that karmic cycles is part of the old paradigms and what we are moving into, stepping into and birthing with this powerful age of Aquarius, is just not a thing anymore, not part of - this new paradigm that we all know in our Heart exists. Just pure divine Heart centred living. Breathe, release, FEEL. Love xxx Not long now before the 21 Day Shifter Program investment increases from $197 to $499 on the 12th May! Intuitively guided business strategies, healing from past life wounds, traumas and finally being able to move forward again, birthing an entire new reality that you have been dreaming about, gaining the strength, confidence and wisdom to use your intuitive, psychic and telepathic abilities, instead of them using you and being floored and drained with tiredness and confusion all the time, the 21 Day Shifter Program guides you, supports you and teaches you the tools for life, so you know how to anchor and ground into what your Soul is guiding you to do on this Earth plane this lifetime. Time to stop going around in circles and finally be free to be the you you came here to be. Click here for all the details before this investment increases.