🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 18th May 2021

free psychic reading tuesday tarot May 18, 2021

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 18th May 2021

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Archangels for you. 


You walk with pride, dedication and deep seated focus like the Lion... acutely aware of your surroundings... you are good at what you do... FUCKING BRILLIANT at what you do actually, no one else can do what you do..... 

But something has been surfacing.. something has been... rising up.. and somewhat unsettling for you. 

You have all you ever wanted, but you are finding yourself pining for anything but where you are now, you are finding it challenging to keep that smile on your dial at the same time of wanting to walk away from everything you've built but know you can't... (won't) but why this somber feeling when I have built everything to where I want it and then just can't... find the joy it in it anymore? 

You put on a brave face and turn up do your thing sure... 

But something... is missing... something doesn't feel right anymore...

Something is surfacing from deep within and you are.... you know you need support with what on Earth this is because why should I even be feeling like this when I have the best life that people only dream of? 

THAT ONE 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻

LIFE PURPOSE ACCELERATOR unlocks the next evolution of who you, your business, your life.. is becoming. It is time. Click here for all the details as doors are closing in less than 48hrs: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 

Card #1: Crystal-Clear Intentions. Archangel Michael. ‘Be clear about what you desire and focus upon it with unwavering faith.’

What are you ultimately doing what you are doing for? What is your long term picture vision? Yes, sure, I am sure you are deeply clear on this right? However, I am getting the sense - what about now? What about the vision of right now? If you were to pull it back into reality right now, what is the next step NOW, that enables the big picture vision to pull into reality now? What are the steps in the right now, that enable that big picture vision to manifest? Sometimes we are so clear on the big picture and solely focusing on that and miss what is right in front of us. For example if the big picture was here now, you would be in this moment in your past and looking back thinking maybe, what a hard time it was, however, there are gifts in the right now and… some solid grounding actions that need to be taken in the right now. What is out of order? What needs to be cleaned up? What are you saying no to, because you need to focus on the future goals, but…. There are things left undone in the right now? Are you clear on what you need right now, to enable yourself to feel grounded where you are - right now? When we are so focused on the future (whilst it is good and needed to have clarity on your future) - what is it, right now that needs tending to, taking care of that gives you the solid grounding, the solid footing of where you are at, so you can have the foundations that enable the future to be brought forward into the now? I am sensing that you have ‘lost your footing’ of your right now, of your base, your home, your base chakra - what can you do to make your current reality the home of your dreams for example? What can you do to beautify your environment? What can you do to allow yourself the space to make right now - the comfortable living, beautiful vibe feeling - that you’re trying to create in your future? The Universe loves clarity and money needs a purpose - so what else in your right now - needs the clarity and attention of your every day living? Sometimes we are so focused on structure, routine and all that is required to get somewhere, but we walk past something ten times and don’t even see it and subconsciously, that is what we are absorbing and wonder why we wake up feeling crap or with all these feelings that we are not satisfied with what we have when ultimately if we are honest, then yes, I want something else. Bring yourself back to right now - what actions are to be taken to get that crystal clear clarity of what it is you are needing in your right now for your base, your current reality? I am sensing that you have been ‘too far in the future’ for example and to bring your intentions, your clarity, your energy, your everything into right now. That - is how you manifest everything you want and desire for your right now. Pull yourself with crystal clear clarity into your right now and watch… how fast everything shows up - literally overnight. Now is where your power is. With crystal clear clarity. Love xxx You walk with pride, dedication and deep seated focus like the Lion... acutely aware of your surroundings... you are good at what you do... FUCKING BRILLIANT at what you do actually, no one else can do what you do..... But something has been surfacing.. something has been... rising up.. and somewhat unsettling for you. You have all you ever wanted, but you are finding yourself pining for anything but where you are now, you are finding it challenging to keep that smile on your dial at the same time of wanting to walk away from everything you've built but know you can't... (won't) but why this somber feeling when I have built everything to where I want it and then just can't... find the joy it in it anymore? You put on a brave face and turn up do your thing sure... But something... is missing... something doesn't feel right anymore...Something is surfacing from deep within and you are.... you know you need support with what on Earth this is because why should I even be feeling like this when I have the best life that people only dream of? THAT ONE 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻LIFE PURPOSE ACCELERATOR unlocks the next evolution of who you, your business, your life.. is becoming. It is time. Click here for all the details as doors are closing in less than 48hrs: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #2: Overcoming Difficulties. Archangel Jeremiel. ‘The worst is now behind you and you are surmounting to any previous challenges.’ 

You can breathe out now.. the worst is now behind you. Although.. it may not feel like it at times and you are still wandering around feeling… a bit lost right? Like yes, okay the worst is done, I get that… but now what? Almost type feeling. It is like you are moving forward after a period of difficulty but you are almost wondering what steps to take now, or just feeling blah and lost? First of all, it is normal to come out of the hurricane of change and feel disorientated and disconnected to…. life. You have just been a whirlwind of change - even if that was last year or previous years and right now - you need to go easy on yourself. It takes time to get back on your feet, it takes time to remember who you are - or even find who you are after such an intense period of change and one of the hardest portals you’ve ever been through. I am wondering too if you’re experiencing emotions you haven’t felt before? This rising up, this path of change that you’ve decided to take, to learn more, to experience more, to increase your psychic development, to change your reality in some way shape or form, is clearing out old buried, unconscious and suppressed feelings. That vibration, that energetic feeling, cannot stay in your reality that you are shifting into anymore, they do not belong there and so if you feel like you are re-visiting old feelings, if you feel like you are feeling like the world is upside down again AND there is an internal hurricane that is making you feel like you can’t breathe… let yourself cry, take extra care of yourself and bring yourself to deep gentleness knowing that you have shifted, you are moving through this and that is the only way through. Know that you are the one that is saying yes to a new life and not everyone does this and it might feel like you’re alone but you’re not. There are definitely more of us in the world (are you in my free Reality Awareness Facebook Support Group??) You are not alone, even though it feels like it at times and you are moving onwards and upwards - just letting go of the anchors that have held you stuck for all this time, that is all. Also wondering about your home, is there something that needs to shift, upgrade or change in your home environment? There is light at the end of the tunnel, hang in there, reach out for support, the worst.. is now behind you. Grieve, feel, heal, and take extra, gentle loving care of yourself - just like you would a small child in a cold dark room. Gentle talk, kindness, know that you are loved and we are here for you. Love xxx You walk with pride, dedication and deep seated focus like the Lion... acutely aware of your surroundings... you are good at what you do... FUCKING BRILLIANT at what you do actually, no one else can do what you do..... But something has been surfacing.. something has been... rising up.. and somewhat unsettling for you. You have all you ever wanted, but you are finding yourself pining for anything but where you are now, you are finding it challenging to keep that smile on your dial at the same time of wanting to walk away from everything you've built but know you can't... (won't) but why this somber feeling when I have built everything to where I want it and then just can't... find the joy it in it anymore? You put on a brave face and turn up do your thing sure... But something... is missing... something doesn't feel right anymore...Something is surfacing from deep within and you are.... you know you need support with what on Earth this is because why should I even be feeling like this when I have the best life that people only dream of? THAT ONE 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻LIFE PURPOSE ACCELERATOR unlocks the next evolution of who you, your business, your life.. is becoming. It is time. Click here for all the details as doors are closing in less than 48hrs: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #3: Claircognizance. Archangel Uriel. ‘Pay attention to thoughts and ideas that come to you as they are answered prayers.’ 

Ah, do I need to write anymore about this one? What you are thinking is correct for you. Those out of the blue, somewhat ‘crazy’ ideas - they are correct for you and are essential for you to act upon if your life is going to change in any way, shape or form right now. Have you been seeing rainbows around recently? Rainbows are deeply connected to Archangel Raziel and whilst this card is deeply connected to Archangel Uriel, who is deeply connected to fast thinking ideas that come out of the blue - just like lightning and so therefor is deeply connected to lightning and fast rapid change, Archangel Raziel is deeply connected to Magic, to transformation and allowing yourself to be the alchemist. I am also wondering if you are needing to stretch your faith just a little bit more right now? Is there something you are needing to move into with ‘great gusto’ that you are holding back because… well you think a different step needs to be taken first? No. That is what they call sabotage. The waiting for something to happen THEN taking action? No. You go first. Said the Universe. Remember? Your out of the blue ideas are deeply connected to Archangel Uriel and the fast paced energy filled ‘bolts of lightning that come in’? As fast as they come in, you need to take action on them. This is the fastest way your dreams will manifest into reality, this is the fastest way you are able to make the changes happen that you are wanting, have been pining for and have shifted into a place of not tolerating it not happening one more second. What exactly then? Are those lightning bolt ideas that keep coming in that you keep putting off another day, another week and then you just feel so lethargic and depleted because you are just not taking action on what Spirit is showing you, on what you intuitively know to be true for you, what you know needs to happen that you can deeply allow yourself the space to create MAGIC in your life - but you are not… actioning those ideas? Maybe you are - and you’re starting to FEEL the magic in your life again, maybe you are and you’re starting to feel the open heart warmth, joy and fun in your life again and that? That is because you are actioning your IDEAS - your IDEAS are claircognizant thoughts - not obsessive, but the ones that won’t go away, the ones that gently keep returning, the ones that tap, tap, tap on your shoulder yes? Those ones… that you may, have already begun actioning - are the ones to follow… because the things that you’re wanting, desiring… they are there because they will give you the feeling of that joy, that contentment, that open hearted peace, love and joy… that is the reason right? So, allow yourself the permission to follow them, because that? That is what you have been doing ALL of this for in the first place right? So stop putting anymore of it off until ‘when’ - time is now.. so now, it is time for the deep seated permission to give yourself more than you ever have before, for you are worthy of all that you desire. Your permission slip has been granted, now it is time to action it. Only you can do that part. Love xxx You walk with pride, dedication and deep seated focus like the Lion... acutely aware of your surroundings... you are good at what you do... FUCKING BRILLIANT at what you do actually, no one else can do what you do..... But something has been surfacing.. something has been... rising up.. and somewhat unsettling for you. You have all you ever wanted, but you are finding yourself pining for anything but where you are now, you are finding it challenging to keep that smile on your dial at the same time of wanting to walk away from everything you've built but know you can't... (won't) but why this somber feeling when I have built everything to where I want it and then just can't... find the joy it in it anymore? You put on a brave face and turn up do your thing sure... But something... is missing... something doesn't feel right anymore...Something is surfacing from deep within and you are.... you know you need support with what on Earth this is because why should I even be feeling like this when I have the best life that people only dream of? THAT ONE 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻LIFE PURPOSE ACCELERATOR unlocks the next evolution of who you, your business, your life.. is becoming. It is time. Click here for all the details as doors are closing in less than 48hrs: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #4: Nurture. Archangel Gabriel. ‘As you nurture a child, you nurture your own inner child. Both activities are important for you right now.’ 

Ah, so the big strong clear message coming through with this right now is that let go of the ‘should’s’. Right now - follow what your heart FEELS is the right decision for you to do, follow what you want to do in your heart not what you think you should be doing. With what you want to eat, the way you want to dress, the way your routine ‘should’ go - no. It is time to allow yourself the freedom to do what you want when you want because you FEEL it - not because it is what you THINK you should be doing. Because that ‘should’ energy? That is heavy, that is a monotonous stuck routine, that is like you are forcing yourself to do something that just is not alive for you right now. And that.. is not very Nurturing at all. Now, there is a difference between discipline and routine - discipline is doing the things that you know are going to make you feel better in the long run, it is turning up to those things that you need to get done to sustain what you are working on, through and the goals in your life. However, the ‘Nurture’ here? Is about allowing the TRUST to fall into the place of deep surrender - that you know the things you need to get done 100%. So no need to force them into a structured routine if the energy is not alive - in that moment - this is about surrender and trust to the flow that you will get them done - when the energy is alive because you completely trust the flow of things happening. I am wondering if you have had recently ‘outside pressure’ that makes you feel like you have to conform and fit into a box at all? Is there some big change recently where there is a lot more energy in your life that you have felt so alone and abandoned (in a way) for some time and now.. there is all this energy in the place in your environment, in the ethers in.. your life that you are a bit feeling pressured? I am getting the sense that you have shifted to the next level and this is just a change in ‘pressure’ as the plane takes off for example - you have shifted ‘out of your hole’ and now there is new energy to adjust to - however, when you think about what you have been working towards in your life - well, this ‘new energy’ is not really pressure - but an adjustment of energy that you now get to play with and be nurtured by, not pressurised by because this is stepping into an entirely new reality right? So allow all of this support in to nurture you, not pressurise you. Maybe a shift in mindset, maybe a realisation that you are healing and have shifted to the next level, because indeed this is a different energy and frequency you are dealing with - ADJUSTING too, because this is your norm and it is what you have been working towards BEING at this level for quite some time yes? Allow yourself to soften into the Nurturing feeling that this is now your new normal, that it is okay to be supported, let support in and be helped. That it is okay to ask for help even and let yourself receive it - to be around supportive people. You are changing energetic frequency right now, you are changing the way you live in the world and that… is a good thing. Be gentle with yourself when you have waves of freak out or old feeling surface as you adjust and gently remind yourself that this… is your new normal and it is okay to receive this level of support, of love, of help you…. Have made it beautiful. Stay here with your open heart. It is the answer to all you are seeking. Love xxx You walk with pride, dedication and deep seated focus like the Lion... acutely aware of your surroundings... you are good at what you do... FUCKING BRILLIANT at what you do actually, no one else can do what you do..... But something has been surfacing.. something has been... rising up.. and somewhat unsettling for you. You have all you ever wanted, but you are finding yourself pining for anything but where you are now, you are finding it challenging to keep that smile on your dial at the same time of wanting to walk away from everything you've built but know you can't... (won't) but why this somber feeling when I have built everything to where I want it and then just can't... find the joy it in it anymore? You put on a brave face and turn up do your thing sure... But something... is missing... something doesn't feel right anymore...Something is surfacing from deep within and you are.... you know you need support with what on Earth this is because why should I even be feeling like this when I have the best life that people only dream of? THAT ONE 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻LIFE PURPOSE ACCELERATOR unlocks the next evolution of who you, your business, your life.. is becoming. It is time. Click here for all the details as doors are closing in less than 48hrs: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #5: Brilliant Idea. Archangel Uriel. ‘Yes, your idea is divinely guided… please take action to bring your idea to fruition.’ 

Ah - Archangel Uriel, twice in this reading today! Ummm.. do you need anymore signs? Stop looking for the answer, you already know AND this is your sign to take action beautiful one! Now is the time… not tomorrow, not the next day but now. The faster you take action, the faster you are going to feel better because that synchronistic magical feeling good feeling doesn’t wait around for anyone - you say yes, you action it and wallah! MAGIC. What I mean by that is that when you take action on what you are thinking about - you instantly allow MORE energy into your life, your body, your bank account - ALL of it. Why? Because you are moving the energy OUT for the one action you take that is on your mind… this then creates space because you have done the thing on your mind. This space is then filled by the next intuitive heart calling nudge… so MORE comes in yes? I am sensing that Archangel Uriel has come to you today to stop wasting time on avoiding the thing you need to do the most. Stop wasting time on not doing the things on your mind like cleaning up that garden, that shed pile, that paperwork pile and tend to the things that are going to shift the energy the most, the fastest - maybe you’re doing those things instead of the real action like saying yes to that mentor, stepping into a healing space, doing the inner work that is going to stop you feeling like life is one boring monotonous rut hole where everyone takes from you - if you aren’t supported by someone who gets you, cares for you and is helping you - from the inside out, then yes, life will feel like that because you are there for everyone else and no one is there for you. What divinely guided action has been on your mind, what subtle but repetitive thoughts are on your mind to action, but you just haven’t yet? That. That is what Archangel Uriel with his lightning bolt, ‘out of the blue’ constantly there thoughts keep showing you. Not the obsessive ones, but the subtle gently always coming back around to the table… there when you’re least thinking about anything those thoughts… that thing that is just always still on your mind. Have you been lacking in energy lately? Or feel energised by something but then it dies off quickly? The fastest way to SUSTAIN your energy - is to take that divinely guided action…. now. The fastest way to get your energy back and not just stabilise it, but have a waterfall of abundance flow in at the same time - is to take action on those thoughts that keep tapping you on the shoulder. What is it? Do that.. now. No more waiting around. This is your sign and your confirmation. ‘Yes, your idea is divinely guided… please take action to bring your idea to fruition.’ You just got your sign. Love xxx You walk with pride, dedication and deep seated focus like the Lion... acutely aware of your surroundings... you are good at what you do... FUCKING BRILLIANT at what you do actually, no one else can do what you do..... But something has been surfacing.. something has been... rising up.. and somewhat unsettling for you. You have all you ever wanted, but you are finding yourself pining for anything but where you are now, you are finding it challenging to keep that smile on your dial at the same time of wanting to walk away from everything you've built but know you can't... (won't) but why this somber feeling when I have built everything to where I want it and then just can't... find the joy it in it anymore? You put on a brave face and turn up do your thing sure... But something... is missing... something doesn't feel right anymore...Something is surfacing from deep within and you are.... you know you need support with what on Earth this is because why should I even be feeling like this when I have the best life that people only dream of? THAT ONE 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻LIFE PURPOSE ACCELERATOR unlocks the next evolution of who you, your business, your life.. is becoming. It is time. Click here for all the details as doors are closing in less than 48hrs: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #6: Take Back Your Power. Archangel Raziel. ‘Use your God-given power and intention to bring blessings into your life.’

You can change your life right now. And yet, if there is something that stops you - it is you. Only you and only ever you. However, yes, there may be a process and you’re thinking, ‘But Hannah, no, you don’t get it, I can’t do this until I do x,y,z first.’ Hmmm. Maybe. I know this because I have been there. Sure, there are certain things that you need to accomplish and sort out in your life and only you know where that line is because you know what you have to sort out in your life. But it also gets to a point where - this work is never ending. Your Life Purpose IS a LIFE long commitment. And so when we are putting off the changes we need to make, whether that is stepping up the discipline for your practises and items you need to get done in a day to make your life organised and forward moving, or whether it is stopping and coming back into the divine essence you are because you are always working on something - honey, you are never done and you need to stop and change things now. Nothing changes, if nothing changes. What is it, that you are thinking you will do - when - you’ve done x, y and z? That - that is what needs to change now. Find a way NOW to do it. When you think about it - the reason you are working on x, y and z is because you are working to achieve said thing right? But right now - there are deep aspects and ways you can shift your reality to do the thing now, right now and by doing this? EVERYTHING is going to amplify, transform and shift - rapidly into your new level, new way of being and completely change your life now. You are going to pull yourself into alignment faster than ever before, your body and energy systems will relax, you will come back into homeostasis faster - why? Because you’re living what you’ve been working for to change in your life and ‘now you’re here’ - the next goal already comes in and you feel… better. Everything, feels better. Because you’re also actioning your intuition instead of thinking about it. Thinking about it takes more energy than doing it - did you know that? Because you’re also holding back all that divine intuition about your next step because you haven’t actioned your last step - that is more energy than doing the thing and keeping the river of divine life flowing through your blood stream.  You actually allow yourself to go with the current of life - the current of your intuition - the current of your Life Purpose beautiful one. So…. today - right now - what have you been putting off? You’re not going to sleep with that one on your shoulders again now are you? Love xxx You walk with pride, dedication and deep seated focus like the Lion... acutely aware of your surroundings... you are good at what you do... FUCKING BRILLIANT at what you do actually, no one else can do what you do..... But something has been surfacing.. something has been... rising up.. and somewhat unsettling for you. You have all you ever wanted, but you are finding yourself pining for anything but where you are now, you are finding it challenging to keep that smile on your dial at the same time of wanting to walk away from everything you've built but know you can't... (won't) but why this somber feeling when I have built everything to where I want it and then just can't... find the joy it in it anymore? You put on a brave face and turn up do your thing sure... But something... is missing... something doesn't feel right anymore...Something is surfacing from deep within and you are.... you know you need support with what on Earth this is because why should I even be feeling like this when I have the best life that people only dream of? THAT ONE 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻LIFE PURPOSE ACCELERATOR unlocks the next evolution of who you, your business, your life.. is becoming. It is time. Click here for all the details as doors are closing in less than 48hrs: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator