🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 1st June 2021

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jun 01, 2021

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 1st June 2021

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages the Beyond Lumeria Oracle has for you there.

There is a beautiful line of energy, a beautiful flow - that exists deep in the core of who you are.

You Shine, you Light up and then at the drop of a hat, you flick and fall and dissipate into a bawling mess again.

You doubt and go back to your old life then curse and swear you’ll never do that again and then… again and again and gah, you’re done with that already!

Early Bird for Trust Your Intuition only has a few more days before the Investment Increases, click here for all the details before it does, because you’re over the cycles and ready to finally break out of that loop and…. SOAR: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Shine Your Light. 

With this card - you either ‘want’ to you - or you have just had a huge drop into this. You have come into the LIGHT beautiful one. Things have lifted, it feels like the big cloud that once weighed you down, that held you back that just… clouded you, is just no more. Even though it has been hard - right up until now, something has deeply shifted and changed within you and you have been able to turn that corner you have been seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for so long it seems, but now you’re out AND have turned a corner. A whole new way of being has ‘dropped’ into your being and you just feel different overall. I am getting the message that you’re deeply understanding a whole new level of your gift right now, a whole new level of your life - feels like you have so much clarity than you ever have before - clarity reigns. You’ve truly come into a deeper aspect of understanding yourself and your gift, your life and what you’re doing, however, you are also now at this ‘new level’ and a bit like… soooo, now what? I am getting the message to wait… you will be shown your next steps. This luminescent Mermaid on this card, awaiting the perfect Moon phase to make Her next move - I feel is where you’re at. Keep pursuing those things that are meaningful to you, keep moving forward in the direction you are meant to go - and let the rest take it’s course. Like the currents of the Ocean, always moving - you’re there, awaiting the right time to jump into the current that will take you down stream and allow life to manifest rapidly into form. You’re being asked to trust right now - trust that the Light always has led you home, even through the darkest tunnels you never thought were going to end. But right now - it is like you can breathe again, it is like… you are awaiting… and that is okay. You will know when to make your next move, trust the flow and continue to Shine Your Light. This next phase of your life - will be, so much Light. So many ‘lights’ shining into your life. Many opportunities are going to knock on your door. You are remembering who you are, remembering your Light and comfortable in this space again. ‘I think I’ll just stay here’ in this energetic space is the sense I am getting for you. For it is this, energetic space that you can feel now - is the thing that dreams are made of. This is the ‘new Earth’ this is the ‘other worldly’ energy that creates not just everything you’ve ever dreamed of - but Heaven on Earth. Be okay waiting for ‘the time’ to jump into the current. Soon, it will be busy in a fast paced way… as you live your life in the Light now. Enjoy it beautiful one, you’ve done A LOT of work to get here. Acknowledge, smile… and Shine. Love xxx There is a beautiful line of energy, a beautiful flow - that exists deep in the core of who you are. You Shine, you Light up and then at the drop of a hat, you flick and fall and dissipate into a bawling mess again. You doubt and go back to your old life then curse and swear you’ll never do that again and then… again and again and gah, you’re done with that already! Early Bird for Trust Your Intuition only has a few more days before the Investment Increases, click here for all the details before it does, because you’re over the cycles and ready to finally break out of that loop and…. SOAR: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #2: Surrender. 

Surrender, Let Go, forget about it. Stop. Just… stop. I feel this is two fold. I feel there is a part of you that still hasn’t stopped! And then there is a part of you that has just completely - I want to say given up is the feeling more than surrender. Giving up isn’t necessarily a bad thing - because energetically, that is when we truly let go and THAT enables the Universe to step in and actually help. When we are forcing, pushing, TRYING to make things happen and burning out in the process, that is when we hit our limits. Not even just physically because we burn out and are exhausted - although that does happen, we literally cap ourselves and what we can maximise in our life when we are the ones forcing it to occur. When we can let go, give up, SURRENDER - that is when we drift… for a while and it is important that during this time of transition, that it is okay to not know what direction you’re going in, it is okay to not know what to do anymore, it is okay to not have a plan, it is okay to break down crying almost everyday because well, you just need to stop and stop pushing and are tired and = “Well you figure it out Universe!” **cue cursing with fist fighting pump at the sky above you whilst falling to your knees on the Earth wondering if anything is ever going to work**. And yet.. in this ‘collapsing’ is one of the most powerful placed to be, for just like on this card, the Universal energies can pick you up and completely carry you to your next destination and if you’re starting to understand how this works - you’ll never go back to that pushing, forcing, hurried, crazy energy and hectic paced life ever again. Sure, life can be busy at times, but the amount you’ve been carrying and have always had on your plate - that… that is what you’ll never go back to. And you’ve completely shifted and changed with this energy, even so much that you FEEL different, just a completely different sense of self, that… what a relief in a way. And yet, I feel there is still lots of tears to come as this completely energetic restructure change in your life - and body is happening for you right now. Be okay with this. Allow the crumbling, allow the collapsing. You’re changing and that… is for the better. Breathe, let go and take extra care of yourself. You’re safe through this change. Let the Universe carry you.. for it has been waiting to catch you the entire time. Love xxx There is a beautiful line of energy, a beautiful flow - that exists deep in the core of who you are. You Shine, you Light up and then at the drop of a hat, you flick and fall and dissipate into a bawling mess again. You doubt and go back to your old life then curse and swear you’ll never do that again and then… again and again and gah, you’re done with that already! Early Bird for Trust Your Intuition only has a few more days before the Investment Increases, click here for all the details before it does, because you’re over the cycles and ready to finally break out of that loop and…. SOAR: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition 


Card #3: She of the Lotus. 

The epitome of this card is Shadow Work. So… who has triggered you? Who or what situation has become ‘too much’? What has made you stop and go - um NO - just NO! I can’t even deal and get me OUTTA HERE?!?! Are you wanting to run before you’ve even looked at what is REALLY going on? Now - it is not okay to stay in abusive situations - definitely not - but are you turning and leaving out of reaction or is it that you are processing your reality in different ways - not like you used to and that is progress to be proud of? I am getting the sense that you’re clear on what is going on for you and have handled it differently - and yet, what shadows need to integrated here? (Do you have my free Shadow Meditation that you can find in my Clear & Activate Pack? Send me a message if you don’t have this). I am also getting something about family here too for you - is there some generational healing that you have been doing - or need to do? I am wondering if the Shadow work has allowed you to become clearer in what energy is what, who is playing out what dynamic and why something has seemingly blown way out of proportion - more than you expected?? (Or that you need to do Shadow Work to have this sort of clarity). Overall I am sensing a more grounded and calmer approach or a sense of clarity for you in your life. And - what does Shadow Work and your family lineage have to do wth your career choices? Is there a decision that you are needing and wanting to make about your life direction/career… and is it that your family belief systems are holding you back? Or you are worried about what they will think of you and that is what has been holding you back all this time? I am also getting the sense that also - the other piece here is that if you have been wondering what has been blocking you - it is the family energetic tie lines of that ‘web’ so to speak. I am wondering if you have become aware of it, or it has crossed your mind or you are just scared to take the next step on this journey of YOUR life - because you are STILL afraid of what they are going to say? Yep, that one! Sooooo… some consistent Shadow Work is going to enable you to move past it and actually live your Heart’s desires, because, haven’t you wasted enough time already of your life, worrying about what they are going to say - or more so, you’ve been basing your life around knowing this and have just done everything in your power to not face that confrontation that you know they are going to say to you because, well - you’re living YOUR life right? Isn’t it time to set yourself free and actually enjoy the love your Heart, so deeply craves? The joy, the fun, the all of it? You may only need to do the Shadow Meditation once… but if you REALLY want to anchor this reality, do it consistently for a time and watch…. Your Heart open wider with all the things you’ve been desiring for… many, many years. #itstime for YOU beautiful one. You’ve done enough for everyone in your past. Now it is time to LIVE precious Soul. Make every moment count. Love xxx There is a beautiful line of energy, a beautiful flow - that exists deep in the core of who you are. You Shine, you Light up and then at the drop of a hat, you flick and fall and dissipate into a bawling mess again. You doubt and go back to your old life then curse and swear you’ll never do that again and then… again and again and gah, you’re done with that already! Early Bird for Trust Your Intuition only has a few more days before the Investment Increases, click here for all the details before it does, because you’re over the cycles and ready to finally break out of that loop and…. SOAR: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #4: The Violet Flame. 

Ah, where are you needing to protect your energy? Who is it, that you spend time around and then you feel drained, depleted and just don’t know who you are anymore, or question your reality more, or wonder what on Earth just happened or where did time go? Do you feel agitated when you have just spoken to them or have left them and… woah, what is that right?! Also - are you obsessive about them then, or about the situation or ‘future’ events with them? This is a sure sign that you have taken on their energy, you’ve depleted yourself and also allowed yourself to take on their energy by not putting you first in this situation. Are you REALLY wanting to be around them - or are you doing it out of guilt and obligation… or even out of old habits? Is it truly something you want, or it is just convenient? When you are operating out of old habits or past behavioural patterns it is easier to take on their energy - because you simply slot straight back into that energetic dynamic that you have always just known and it is comfortable. The Violet Flame is really bringing to your awareness old feelings, old emotions, old traumas, hurts that are being reflected - or have surfaced from this situation that is playing out in your reality right now (did you choose two cards today?! This has resonance in Card #3 - Shadow Work). I feel that this situation that is going on for you is a clearing right now. Whatever happens with this situation, is not relevant right now, but what is relevant is that right now deep, deep healing, cleansing, clearing and shifting is going on for you. Have you been asking for a change in your life? Have you been asking for something more? Have you been ready for your next step, next level, next challenge in life? Even though it is challenging right now… The Violet Flame is here, clearing out all that has been sitting there, stuck somewhat, holding you back - the key here is your energetic practises. Do you have my free Clear & Activate Pack? You can find it on my website for free (or send me a message and I will send you the link), and this is definitely something to use daily (which is manageable with the tools I provide you). Clearing your energy daily, creating a routine that enables your psychic senses to increase, to strengthen and to cleanse is a what The Violet Flame is calling forth for you right now. You’re going through a major transition and right now, your energetic practises are more important than ever. If you’re a Sage at energetic practises, it is time to increase your meditation routine and strengthen yourself - your next level has almost arrived, time to prepare, in a big, big way. Your Service role is increasing and you’re being called upon to take it all - to the next level - all of it. Love xxx There is a beautiful line of energy, a beautiful flow - that exists deep in the core of who you are. You Shine, you Light up and then at the drop of a hat, you flick and fall and dissipate into a bawling mess again. You doubt and go back to your old life then curse and swear you’ll never do that again and then… again and again and gah, you’re done with that already! Early Bird for Trust Your Intuition only has a few more days before the Investment Increases, click here for all the details before it does, because you’re over the cycles and ready to finally break out of that loop and…. SOAR: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #5: Our Ancient Future. 

This card, feels similar to the Mt Shasta card in this deck - in particularly this card I feel for you today, Our Ancient Future - is that there are Ancient Gifts awakening within you - you are going through another level of awakening right now, there is a big shift in your Base Chakra, a big piece in your personal life, something big is changing, transforming and transmuting for you right now. AND the biggest piece - is that I sense there are/is a new Spirit Guide Being awaiting your acceptance of them, your noticing of them - they have deep ties to your Ancient Self, your Ancient Past and they are wanting to show you ‘what you are made of’. I feel there are strong gifts that come from them, but not specifically from them - in a sense that you are them, they are your Soul family and they have - you have a strong lineage tie and connection to them. Hmmmm, have you been releasing family - this lifetime family from your life, or have done some time ago? Have you been longing for that connection again - OR have had revelations just recently about where and what this lineage actually stemmed from for you? It feels like you have had some realisations about things recently that have truly opened up another path for you, it is like for sooooo long, something has been bugging you, something you couldn’t figure out and now, now all has become sooo clear for you right? It is like you have made a connection with something and now - you can just do the thing, with ‘effortless ease’ - because you know this connection and it has ‘changed the game’ in a way right? What has been calling you recently? That thing that has been on your mind to do for quite some time and yet, just recently like is almost all you can think about right?? Well, it’s time. There is a Spirit Guide/Star Being/Angel - some sort of guide in the Spirit World (of 100% Light of course) that is waiting for you to acknowledge and accept them, to receive this new level coding for you - and yet, this truly comes in and through? You guessed it - this thing that is on your mind. This thing that won’t go away and leave your mind, Soul, body - the thing that is a big YES for you - has deep, Ancient ties not just to your Soul lineage - but this is your ‘inheritance’ if you may - you have Ancient Wisdom to impart (yes, way more than you’re conscious of right now - because I can hear you saying to me, Hannah, but I already do this in my work/life/everyday holding space for all kinds of people) and yet, this is your next level. The piece that brings it all together without you even having to ‘try’ to do anything anymore - the piece that magnetises those Soulmate clients, tribe and fuck yes life to you - IS the thing that has been on you mind… isn’t it time, to embrace ALL of who you - embodying the Ancient Soul Lineage that you are? The way the Ancients used to live, have deep ties into what you can’t get off your mind right now and is something you’ve been waiting for… seemingly years to be able to begin. That time… has arrived beautiful. No more delaying - start today. Love xxxThere is a beautiful line of energy, a beautiful flow - that exists deep in the core of who you are. You Shine, you Light up and then at the drop of a hat, you flick and fall and dissipate into a bawling mess again. You doubt and go back to your old life then curse and swear you’ll never do that again and then… again and again and gah, you’re done with that already! Early Bird for Trust Your Intuition only has a few more days before the Investment Increases, click here for all the details before it does, because you’re over the cycles and ready to finally break out of that loop and…. SOAR: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #6: Lumin Essence. 

Have you been feeling dull lately? That… there is a part (ha! That auto spelled to ‘party’ - are you needing more FUN to illuminate your life with - LIGHT?) of you that you’re craving to get back - or even cultivate for yourself? I am getting the message about mountains for you - snowy mountains or just big, big mountains. Are you in need of a big hike, or what do mountains mean to you? Is there something that feels like you are climbing a mountain? Hills and mountains, Illuminate your Heart. They physical elevate you, and thus this helps to heal your Heart as it lifts any density and burdens out of your life. I am getting the sense that there is something deep in your Heart that has been calling you and thus, something deep is surfacing from the depths of your Soul. I feel like there will be a new lease on life for you soon and you will ‘feel full of luminescent light’ as your radiance comes back into full bloom, full radiance of the optimum health of who you are. Have you been working on this? Or about to? It actually feels a big piece of your destiny. There is also something about water. Water is the emotions, that yes, maybe there is an emotional purge that is going to come out of your Heart with this shift and change that is going on for you. However, the water - I am getting the message about your drinking water, have you been conscious of the quality of your drinking water and what environment the water is in before you drink it? For some reason the water is important here for you too. This card is deep in the Self Love arena as well, being able to open your Heart again - feel safe in that and keep it open. In this space - this is where dreams are born. This is where the ‘Lumin Essence’ of yourself SHINES through - your Pure Open Heart. Is this what the emotions rising and surfing is about? (Auto spelled to surfing! Do you need to go surfing?!) Or are you riding the emotional waves - because I wanted to write surfacing. These emotional waves that are surfacing - are so you can open your Heart again beautiful Soul - because that is where all things are born, where all of your dreams truly do come true and where you can finally FEEL the love you have been craving, all along. It all begins with you - opening your Heart again… to the love… that is right in front of you. You are safe and you can trust this space in front of you. The past is the past and right now, you are being offered a clean slate… of pure love - that is the divine reflection of the Lumin Essence Core Purity of who you are. Remember who you are. It is safe…. To be your huge open hearted, pure Sou loving, beautiful you that you are. See yourself, you’re pure Lumin Essence Love. Own it. Love xxx There is a beautiful line of energy, a beautiful flow - that exists deep in the core of who you are. You Shine, you Light up and then at the drop of a hat, you flick and fall and dissipate into a bawling mess again. You doubt and go back to your old life then curse and swear you’ll never do that again and then… again and again and gah, you’re done with that already! Early Bird for Trust Your Intuition only has a few more days before the Investment Increases, click here for all the details before it does, because you’re over the cycles and ready to finally break out of that loop and…. SOAR: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition