🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 22nd October 2019 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Oct 22, 2019

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 22nd October 2019 🔮

Scroll down to see what messages have poured through from the Goddess for you today from the number you chose earlier today. 

FINAL DAYS before the investment for Trust Your Intuition INCREASES TO FINAL ROUND and then this investment will never be seen again! Click here before this increases beautiful one - you know your SOUL is calling you here: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Mawu. Mother Earth. ‘You are called upon to help with environmentalism’

Ah, whenever this card comes up, of course, the obvious meaning with this card is environmentalism, activism and cleaning up your local areas, contributing to eco friendly products and systems. I like to take this card a step deeper and bring awareness to the energetic environment you spend time in as well. Of course, your energy, your aura, and cleansing your home environment physically and energetically, decluttering and pulling yourself into deeper alignment, the more you clean up and clear out. This card today, however, I am getting specifically is about people. Is there someone in your environment that you are needing to walk away from? To stop giving your energy too? Perhaps they were aligned to you, a few years ago, but as more and more time has gone on, you have sensed the drifting apart and this card is coming to you as your confirmation sign that it is correct to walk away from them, or remove yourself from them in whichever way you can. I am getting the sense to of course grieve this, but I feel such a strong energy for you to remember where you are GOING! ‘Don’t look back, you’re not going that way!’ I feel like you have stepped up and changed soooo much since you first met them and now - now you are coming into your own and I am getting the message to not doubt yourself on this one beautiful Soul! As hard as it is to walk away and leave some behind, it has to be done, if you are to keep moving forward where your heart is calling you to, that you know is your destiny and happiness awaits you. The mountains are also jumping out at me in this card and wondering if you are needing to get into nature, around mountains and/or what do mountains mean for you? I am also getting the message of stability, solidarity - I am hearing ‘solid ground’ and wondering what the mountains and solid ground have to do with you? Are you needing/wanting to find solid ground? What does that even represent to you? Solid ground? Are you clear about what that is for you? Sometimes we can be chasing or wanting things, that provide a certain feeling. When you can tap into that feeling and allow that feeling to come first, what you are wanting will manifest as you come into alignment with that feeling - so what in your environment gives you certain feelings and are you needing to change things in your environment that give you a different feeling to what you are currently experiencing? Maybe that is a mountain climb, or the solidarity of the mountain feeling that having foot under solid ground represents? And - what do those links - have to do with the relationship you are walking away from? Is that - your solid ground and you are nervous to walk away from - the solid ground? But - was it ever really solid ground? And - is that… what your SOUL is calling you to now? ‘Don’t look back, you’re not going that way!’ What environment are you walking away from? But honey - remember - what environment you are walking TOWARDS? Love xxx Animal Shaman has ARRIVED. I have been guided to hold a Live Activation online next week on our Dark Moon/New Moon Portal to release this last decade and deeply walk through the wormhole so to speak, to energetically prepare us for 2020, just three days before Halloween/Samhain - this is a portal of releasing so you can align your energy frequency with what will be coming to deep fruition by May 2020. Are you ready to join us for Animal Shaman Live Activation to activate the acute senses to guide you through a powerful 2020 portal of LIGHT? Click here for all the details to join us! https://www.realityawareness.com/animal-shaman


Card #2: Hathor. Receptivity. “Allow yourself to receive. This will increase your intuition, energy and ability to give to others.”

There are a lot of people feeling a lot of grief on the planet right now. And there are lot of people in the other spectrum of LIGHT right now. There is ALWAYS this delicate balance playing out on the planet and what I am being guided to remind you right now here and to bring deep awareness to you is that this, grief, darkness, hard time, feeling the depths of ones Soul, feeling the planet’s grief, feeling… sooo much you wonder when it is going to let up - this - is also combined with the Dark Moon approaching towards the end of this week (well the days leading up to Sunday/Monday, we enter Dark Moon time) and this is naturally a time of shedding. There is a lot of darkness on the planet right now that I keep reminding you of, with Halloween/Samhain and the message that I received about all of this - when we look at the depths of it? It is the Yin of the Yang. The Yin is the darkness. So when we find these ‘sweeping waves’ or ‘portal times’ like Halloween, it is important to think of it - as the Yin, the Feminine. I notice when people are feeling a lot of grief - they are either feeling a huge sense of OLD, OLD Soul grief, OLD OLD collective grief - that when you feel it? You can FEEL the deep hole, the black abyss, the OLDNESS of it. You know it isn’t you… but it is moving and feeling THROUGH you. I also notice that there are some that feel more ‘Female’ Issues - like jealously, vindictiveness, insecure, needing external validation just to name a few...Old wounds can surface between women that you know, have known or Mother related issues - which can also drop into feeling betrayal and abandonment as abandonment is deeply Yin/Feminine core wound. We only need to look at the Kurds in the Middle East and the depth of what is actually clearing on the planet right now on and energetic understanding of the depth of what is going on. If there is a deep rise in the Feminine collective where we are consciously stepping out of the doing masculine and the patriarchal control energy, in our own lives and as a collective, then this ‘dark feminine (yin/abandonment/betrayal/hurt/loss)’ is rising THROUGH to shift out, because with so many stepping into RECEIVING mode now and complete shifting our energy into being now, the receptivity state. As this moves through us, there is another layer of Light that gets activated in the space that we reach, once the darkness/grief has been FELT. I am getting the message to share this with you, so next time you feel either grief, jealously, resentment, a never ending hole that it feels like you’re falling through - to remind yourself that this wave, is moving THROUGH you right now and this delicate balance of the Yin and Yang - is ALWAYS at play - that through the in breath (yin) and out breath (yang) - is this feeling of jealously or darkness, or bitterness or plain old grief that is SOUL OLD and just seems like you can’t stop crying - to know that you are on the wave right now moving through the collective that you are a powerful Healer that is not only healing her/his own feelings, but that of the collective. We forget what we hold, what we are connected to and I am sensing this message here for you is to remember your LIGHT and your purpose on this Earth - to be so aware of all of these threads, to find those that are going through EXACTLY the same as you and connect with them. You’re just a sensitive Soul Healer, that’s all… who is deeply releasing so she/he can RECEIVE on even deeper levels. Because you know - that when you FEEL THE DARK - you are… able to hold more LIGHT? By ‘dark’ I mean all those emotions we’ve been speaking about…. you’re the full spectrum beautiful Soul and you’re amazing - you’re moving through so much right now, or I am also getting the message that you just HAVE moved through so much and are now… receiving sooo much LIGHT. LET IT IN beautiful one, its your time. Love xxx Ready to come and ground how to activate that depth of Light into the abyss of your being? Animal Shaman is HERE and this space of deeply owning the core that you DO feel so darn much and you know that this is your gift and are ready to receive more depth of skills to be able to continue to hold more Light - then Animal Shaman is for you. Click here for all the details, this Live Activation is being held on our Dark Moon/New Moon next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/animal-shaman


Card #3: Ishtar. Boundaries. ‘Love yourself enough to say no to others’ demands on your time and energy.’

Ah, this card is clear in itself right? I am sensing that this is around relationships (well of course right!? We are in relationship to EVERYTHING!) However, I am getting the message with work and wondering what that means for you? Work/Career - and I am getting the sense about your work, wondering whether it is right for you anymore? I am feeling that you are needing to shift and change what you are doing, are you needing to leave a certain place, or put some boundaries in place? How can you put firmer boundaries in place so you can work less and receive more? Remember receiving more financial support means putting your health and self first yes? Is this about increasing self care boundaries, increasing health and wellness? Have you been getting the nudge to do a new health care plan? Have you been wanting to change your entire lifestyle to meet the new you, you have been rising to meet? I am wondering - what work then has to do with this? Is this to do with your work? Do you have to leave your work? Are you needing to create more work around your health, wellness and fitness? Are you needing to dedicate time to your health and fitness, your lifestyle, just like you do your work? What boundaries would you need to implement between now and the end of the year to create a solid foundation for a change in entire lifestyle? Because it is that, isn’t it? Not just one or two things, this is an entire lifestyle, body, mind and Soul overhaul that has running through your mind right? So… if you needed anymore confirmation? 😉 I am also getting something about sleep for you - have you been getting enough sleep? What is your night time routine like? Do you wake up through the night? What is on your mind when you do so? Are you able to fall asleep easily? Are you needing to set stronger boundaries around bed time and routines? Technology and the bedroom? Does that need an overhaul too? New bedroom energy? Clean out time? Also - what about your waking routine? Are you journalling each morning - or straight on technology? Who are you wanting to run your life? Because if you wake up and the first thing you do is open social media or emails it is clear who is running your life. Yet, you don’t want that do you? Time to take your power back and set loving boundaries with yourself around technology and bed time for it is feeding your mind/energy/brain… and that is what creates our energy and reality. The other boundary message I am getting for you is that if you struggle with boundaries it would be looking at ‘why’. What is going on underneath the surface for you? Are you exhausted and need a break, so the only down time is on your phone in bed for example? Yet, you know this isn’t good for you, or any other addiction that is your go to right now - yet, what is underneath it? Are you needing connection time with like-minded friends? Is your Heart seeking connection and fulfilment - joy even? How much are you letting IN to your heart? We can struggle to set lovingly healthy boundaries with our own life, when we are depleted in other areas and needing support that we may not be able to see a way out of right now. Take a life picture overview and write down every area of your life right now; finances, love, health, relationships, home, fun, career - all areas and then ask yourself am I happy in these? What needs to shift so I can feel more supported and happy? If you don’t know, just become aware of these areas as the first step is awareness as it takes energy there and then the solutions can become apparent to you through your intuition over time, if not instantly. Where are you needing to set loving boundaries with yourself and where are you needing to support yourself in other areas of your life? Usually what we are focusing on, isn’t the issue - your answer, 99% of the time, lays in another area. Open up the scope of the big picture, to al areas of your life and let your intuition show you the rest. Focus on all areas of your life, not one, and watch how the energy starts to flow again as all areas are being ‘fed’, with your loving awareness and attention. Attention, kindness and love. That’s what boundaries do - allow you, to love you. Do you? Love xxx Ready to shift out of the darkness portal and into the LIGHT? We are releasing this last decade, honouring the Soul lessons and deeply activating our Animal Shaman next week on this powerful Dark Moon/New Moon portal next week - are you coming to join us to release, align and activate the depth of your Ancient Blooded Healer Soul? Click here for all the details for our Animal Shaman Activation: https://www.realityawareness.com/animal-shaman


Card #4: Sarasvati. The Arts. ‘Express yourself through creative activities.’

The first thing I received when I saw this card for you is ‘outside’ - now, is that get outside and spend more time outdoors, or is that - think outside the box? Get outside the box? Get outside the norm? I am sensing that something is wanting to burst out of you, something new, something you have been studying for, expanding your skill set and your gifts for - is wanting to come out! I feel like you have done a pile of studying - and of course there is always more to do, but something is wanting to come out of you. What just came to mind too - is do you have a space to be creative? Do you have a space in your home, an office/desk - space specifically that is yours to create? To get your work done? To allow your creative genius to come out? To let it flow ‘outside’ of you? Perhaps you have been feeling blocked in your creative genius and I am curious if the outside message is that you need to go outside to get fresh inspiration, shift your energy and come back into presence and alignment with your creative genius to allow it to flow again?  Yet, as I write this, I am sensing that this is more about trusting what is wanting to come through you. I am also hearing, ‘Don’t delay this anymore!’ Is this - a lifestyle change? Is this, something that you have been thinking about in regards to lifestyle change, that you just KNOW will open the door fro this creative genius to flow next level? But again, this message coming through is about you unique ideas are correct, they are flowing to you because they are MEANT TO COME THROUGH YOU - do not let them pass onto someone else - you are asking for the answers and they are coming to you, do not deny their passage THROUGH you by doubting your gift, doubting who you are, doubting or waiting until the right time! ENOUGH OF THAT! Time is NOW beautiful one! Can you PLEASE trust this? I am getting this so strongly for you that now is not the time to waste or doubt yourself ANY LONGER on this one! You already know what to do, what is flowing through you and what is wanting to come through you. If you are waiting on others to get it together, to get their job, their part of it done - okay - yet, are you 100% ready? So if tomorrow they came to you and said their part is done - is yours? Nope! So, get to it! Don’t wait until they are ready and I am getting this so strongly for you! Set up that creative space and if it is already set up, don’t deny it any longer just get it done. Anything BUT what you are meant to work on is a distraction, now is not the time for chilling out - you’ve done enough of that recently, now is the time for getting it done. Remember ANYTHING but the thing you are supposed to work on is a distraction - allow your creative genius to FLOW THROUGH YOU and you will find your entire life will begin to warp around you and change like MAGIC - because you are ONLY allowing this to flow through you. Is that a strong clear message for you? I am sensing you KNOW what it is that is wanting to birth through you - any ‘down’ time you have - is meant for your creative genius, your GIFT to flow through you right now. ANYTHING else is a distraction. Yes, I said it a zillion times! Now, get to it beautiful one! Maybe that is finishing a study so you can get all the energetic threads out of your field to let YOUR thing flow through you. Trust whatever it is - and do it now precious Soul - this is time for YOU. No one else. Love xxx Ready to merge the darkness to LIGHT and understand the depth of skill that your Ancient Blooded Healer Soul actually does on a daily basis without your unawareness to it? Ready to activate your Animal Shaman gift to acutely amplify what you do already? Ready to be seen for who you really are, no hiding your Light in the darkness anymore? Click here to join us next week on this power portal, our Dark Moon/New Moon that is amplifying this cycle that comes to complete fruition in May 2020 - releasing the last decade consciously and activating the most delicate but powerful gifts you have to date, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/animal-shaman


Card #5: Maeve. Cycles and Rhythms. ‘Honour the cycles of your body, energy levels and emotions.’

Ah - are you about to bleed? And if you are a man reading this - do you track your cycles? You might laugh at me for this - but don’t tell me you don’t need cave and alone time! I have said to many female clients, ‘It makes me wonder if we are feeling the men’s cycles because we feel so much and they make it about us!’ 🤣 Anyway! The point is - that men have cycles just like we do and when I mention to track your cycles - meaning - your moods - on a calendar over a 3 month period, you will start to notice patterns and cycles. Notice when you feel happy and write it down, notice when you feel low and like you need to hide away from the world and write it down. You only need to write a smily face or sad face or any other symbol that you understand on your calendar. Most calendars have the moon cycles on there, so you can recognise clearly where we are at in the moon cycles too. The New Moon (Dark Moon) is a time for releasing and shedding, letting go of what no longer works and preparing for a new cycle (week before hand) and the Full Moon is when everything comes to light, when you see the truth of situations and see what is really going on. It is also a time when things come into deep alignment. Now - when you are feeling off - and you recognise that urgh, one of my low days - this is not the time to continue pushing yourself forward with your usual routine! Especially if you are getting frustrated and feel so angry or down about things. This is the time to recognise this because the other part about this - is that you are not in flow of THAT DAY! The thing with FLOW is that it is ever changing. Super flow, synchronistic flow is NOT a straight line. It is curvy. And it is ever changing, it is ‘spontaneous’ and ever moving and your intuition? THAT is what keeps you connected to this flow. So when you are feeling anything but flow - ask yourself, ‘What is my intuition guiding me to do, to return to feeling connected to flow?’ Now here is where your trust comes in, because the answer you receive, will probably be something deeply NOT on your ‘plan’ for the day nor seem like you have time for the thing - yet, if you TRUST - you will find you return to flow quicker than anything else and you’ll be glad you listened, because you will receive a tonne of information and inspiration that gives you the answers to questions you didn’t think could ever be figured out. If you need to cry, cry! Let yourself have this time of releasing - because when you follow and track these emotions and cycles on your calendar, you are taking back your power and understanding your own energy, rhythms and flows and how they are connected to our Earth and THAT is where your power is. It builds your intuition and trust because you let go of rigid ways of being thinking you have to do something a certain way to receive information and messages and when you step back into this space, this is where the divine synchronicity of life comes into play and that? Is where the fun, joy and freedom are found. And that is what you’re chasing after anyway isn’t it? So, the question here is are you trusting your own rhythms and flows, or are you getting caught up in the rigid ways of doing things? Remember angry, frustration and irritation are signs that something is out of flow right now - ask that magic question to bring you back into flow immediately - ‘What is my intuition guiding me to do, to return to feeling connected to flow?’ It could mean stopping and crying and when you do, you feel better and back on track, it could mean sleeping for 30 mins when you don’t have the time to, it could mean spending the day outside when you don’t have the time to. The question is - do you trust your intuition ALWAYS has the answers for YOU - to bring you, what you are asking for after all? Love xxx Ready to take your intuitive skills to the next level in transforming that darkness to light IMMEDIATELY? Activating your Animal Shaman is EXACTLY that - allowing ANY darkness to be IMMEDIATELY transformed with what  Animal Shaman is here to activate within you. I am humbled to be holding this powerful Activation on our Dark Moon/New Moon peak next week - this portal of activation, is one not to be missed: https://www.realityawareness.com/animal-shaman


Card #6: Aeracura. Blossoming. ‘You are just getting started, so have patience with yourself and the process and do not give up.’

Ah, have you been feeling a bit stuck? Yet, just recently it feels like you have had a shift? I am hearing ‘Clear out, clear out’ - and wondering if you have been stripping back to bare minimum, clearing out all the old threads that are no longer working and moving yourself into what IS working? I am getting the sense that the more you do this, the more that is shifting to come into alignment with who you really are yes? I am getting that you are finding yourself now, you are really starting to come into who you are, starting to come into deep alignment with your gifts and who you are really serving in the world. It feels like you are super clear on who you don’t want to work with and who you do want to work with and are not letting yourself do anything but those things. If you are not clear or struggling to figure out this part - ask yourself, what am I passionate about? What am I constantly naturally talking to people about? What questions do I get asked ALL the time, what are the same questions I am getting asked? I am also sensing that energetically you are tying up lots of loose ends. It feels like a big clean up and tidying up of what no longer works so you can solely focus on what DOES work for yourself and the people you are serving in your world and life purpose calling. I am feeling like there is a strong message here for you here on ‘not being available for anything that isn’t what you want’ - in a sense that if you start to drop into fear or ‘how’ or getting down in any way shape or form to immediately pull yourself back up with remembering your true self and how you just know and are always the one who gets what he/she wants - no bars hold. EVER. I am sensing you are remembering your power like this in small pieces and BLOOM the entire flower is there - don’t give up - is the message here, you are just getting started. I feel like you’ve had a big shift into deep alignment recently and it feels like now and the end of this month is full clean up time, so your next month is super aligned and nothing but that and ah… what a feeling right? Continue that vision and pull yourself into more and more alignment every single day - which I feel you are already doing in a big, big way so continue to trust yourself - anything is possible right now, so only choose the highest version of yourself, because what ever you are holding about yourself - IS what you will receive. So, choose the one you want right? Are you clear on what that looks like, feels like? What would you be doing, acting like, what choices would you make on a day to day basis? In 6 months time, if everything was manifested, what would you be doing every day? Start that - now - not then. Now. Time is now. Love xxx Ready to activate your SUPER acutely accurate psychic gifts? I feel super humbled to hold this Animal Shaman activation that I can FEEL deeply is leading us somewhere with this powerful activation that takes your super sensitive self to the next level in being able to be the alchemist in everyday life. To acutely align you to Super Flow in every single breath, this is one live activation, you won’t want to miss. Click here for all the details, we are going live on our Dark Moon/New Moon portal next week! https://www.realityawareness.com/animal-shaman