🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 26th November 2019 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Nov 26, 2019

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 26th November 2019 🔮

Scroll down to find what number jumped out at you today, to see what messages the Work Your Light Oracle Deck has for you today. 

We start tomorrow! (Or today, depending on where you are in the world!) Our Two Week Immersion to Reconfigure your Energy to manifest into tangible reality the shifts you've been working so hard to create, plus deeply align to what you're here on Earth to do, click here for all the details, we start soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/reconfiguring-energetic-codes

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1 Pleiades. Double mission: Channeling and Uplifting Humanity.

Ah, you already knew this right? That you have a mission here, that you have a deep solid purpose on this Earth - however, you may not be 100% clear on that? I am hearing ‘first steps’ - what are your first steps? Are you clear on what is your NEXT step? Sometimes when we have massive visions but are not sure HOW to make that happen, that is what can paralyse us. Yes, goal planning and goal setting is super important, however, sometimes in the start, when we don’t know what we need to do or how to do it, all that can be important in the start is taking the next step. When I first began my business online I had no idea what I was doing, I didn’t know about goal planning to the extent that I think I had sooo many ideas, I didn’t know what to do first, so I just did them all. Yes, sounds crazy and not sure how I did it, however the energy and aliveness was there for it all so I TRUSTED and did it anyway and here I am today. The message I am getting about this for you is that when you don’t know where to start - just start with the thing that is most alive for you right NOW. Immersion learning, Immersion doing is a thing - it is how the unschooling philosophy works - do something and fully immerse yourself in it UNTIL you have done it/get it. Now, some would say that is unhealthy or extreme - yet, are they you? Do they have your vision? Do they have your creativity? Do they have your connection to Spirit and what Spirit is guiding you to do - is guiding them to do? No. So don’t listen to them. And better still, let them leave your life because you have a mission to accomplish beautiful Soul! Don’t let ANYONE talk you out of doing it or ‘how’ you should be doing it. Overwhelm - I am hearing overwhelm and I wonder if your vision is so big, you don’t start, because you have so many ideas and the task is so huge, well then yes - break it down into goals. For example, you want an online business - the first step would be signing up with someone who has already done it and learning from them step by step on ‘how’ to do it. Once you have that down pat, then your next goal would be what? One step at a time to reach your big goals, yet, you can break it down into monthly and daily tasks. The other message I am getting here is to surround yourself ONLY with those that are doing what you do, living the life you want to be living. Sometimes this can bring up resistance simply because we are not ready to live in the light and can be a subconscious and unconscious sabotage to keep us small. This can look like moving away from people who you KNOW can help you reach your goals and instead choosing to continue to be around people who put you down and create drama that drains you and keeps you stuck in the same place. Keep an eye out for these patterns within yourself as they can sneak up on you. Catch them and choose to turn to your mentors and support people to shift and rise instead. I am also getting the message about keeping your vibration high and I am specifically getting the message about exercise - whether a cardio to get the sweat moving through and out of you (as it releases toxins from your body, so you stay fresh and alive) and also Yoga or a practise that keeps your spiritual energy high (Qi Gong/Tai Chi etc), so you don’t feel drained doing this psychic/intuitive work. Do you have these practises? I am sensing these are really important for you at this time and if you are planning your 2020 (and now!), these are a crucial element to keep you on track for your Double Mission: Channeling and Uplifting Humanity in 2020 and beyond. What action steps do you need to take, to bring your dreams into reality for now, 2020 and beyond? If you are not sure, get around people who are already living the life you want and can take you there faster - or are you choosing to unconsciously sabotage yourself by choosing not to surround yourself with these people already? Do you really want to be in the same position in 2020? Love xxx It is quite phenomenal when we can change our energetic field and shift our entire outer reality by doing so. Reconfiguring Energetic Codes does exactly this - if you've been doing lots of inner spiritual work with no tangible physical results, then this is the course for you. Join us for our Two Week Immersion that starts tomorrow (or today, depending on where you are in the world) to bring all that inner spiritual work you've been doing down into reality to manifest in physical form. Be prepared for changes and this isn't for everyone, your SOUL will be calling you for this though if you're meant to be there, this is one event not to be missed as we align with our New Moon Galactic Alignment that takes us to the next level of Humanities evolutionary consciousness. It is time to ground Heaven on Earth beautiful one, click here for all the details to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/reconfiguring-energetic-codes


Card #2: Boundaries. Where Do You Need to Establish Better Boundaries?

This card can apply to many areas of our lives. Yet, the message coming through here is why do we set boundaries and then can’t or don’t or choose not to keep them? Usually it is because we can say no, or we start to learn to say no - but then this HUGE pile of guilt will kick in and it is the guilt underneath that drives us back, it is the guilt driving the behaviour and we go back and then 5 mins later (or so!) We are like argh, why did I do this again?! Why didn’t I stay strong?! I KNEW this was going to happen AGAIN! Number 1 - don’t beat yourself up beautiful one! You are already feeling bad because you knew it was going to happen and feeling crap for ‘being back there again’ - so just stop talking to yourself like that. Instead, get curious about how and what and where that guilt is coming from. This driver is the one you need to be working with, so that you can stop acting out of guilt, step into the self-confidence and self-worth of who you really are and act from this self-loving place that completely changes your reality of living from fear to trust - very different energies to be operating from yes? I am also getting the message about Boundaries with your self care, work and finances as well as relationships. Ultimately we are in relationship to everything, including how much we love ourselves, how much we love our money, how much we care for ourselves - all comes back to how much we value and love ourselves. Which when everything is a great mess and we aren’t clear on things in our lives, usually shows how much we do or don’t love ourselves and how much guilt is running the show - as we usually put everyone else first instead of ourselves. This is exhausting, tiring and we don’t know whether we are Arthur or Martha, everything is in chaos, we are in running around non-stop busy mode with no time for ourselves let alone everything else phew! Exhausting! Yet - this comes from the driver underneath it all that you are not good enough, you don’t deserve good things, let alone time for yourself, and will be driven by guilt that you need to put everyone else first but you. This journey back to putting you first is usually a pretty big one and a big one to face, so get support if you are wondering where on Earth to even start with such. Know that the cause of not following and sticking to your own boundaries even though you know you HAVE to, but keep going back on your word time and time again, comes from a lack of love for self, believing you’re worthy and trusting that you’re safe in the world. Work on these three underlying messages to self and you will shift your entire reality. Many situations in our past, can cause us to not feel these and they can be deep core issues that can even drop into Past Life root causes, so reach out for support if you’re ready to shift these and create a very different 2020 for yourself. Nothing changes, if you don’t put into place different boundaries, acts of self love and different behavioural actions - as we can think all the positive thoughts we want, but if we don’t have the behavioural actions to follow the positive thoughts, nothing changes and we go around saying it doesn’t work. The work works, if you work it. So are you? The other part to remember about Boundaries as we tend to think it is all about Boundaries with people, it is where our mind tends to go to go first. Yet, Boundaries also involve, the way we talk to ourselves (eg no more negative self talk and beating yourself up), boundaries around sleep times, exercise times and what you eat and anything else in your life as well, so remember to check in on all areas of your life when tapping into Boundaries for yourself and your life. Love xxx It is quite phenomenal when we can change our energetic field and shift our entire outer reality by doing so. Reconfiguring Energetic Codes does exactly this - if you've been doing lots of inner spiritual work with no tangible physical results, then this is the course for you. Join us for our Two Week Immersion that starts tomorrow (or today, depending on where you are in the world) to bring all that inner spiritual work you've been doing down into reality to manifest in physical form. Be prepared for changes and this isn't for everyone, your SOUL will be calling you for this though if you're meant to be there, this is one event not to be missed as we align with our New Moon Galactic Alignment that takes us to the next level of Humanities evolutionary consciousness. It is time to ground Heaven on Earth beautiful one, click here for all the details to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/reconfiguring-energetic-codes


Card #3: Take a Break. A Life’s Work, Not a Season. Get Off The Treadmill.

Ah - has this year been full on for you? With work and with running a life in general? The energies have been intense yes! And then life on top of that?! Phew! Full on right? I am really getting the intuitive sense that next years energies are going to be somewhat even MORE intense than this past two years and I am not saying that to scare you, however I am saying that so you can prepare and plan for it! It is so important for you to plan life - and plan FUN and JOY - otherwise here we are yet, another year has passed and we all end up saying where did this year go?! Life happens to us, if we don’t take time to create it FOR us. Do you REALLY want another year of running that treadmill, to wind up exhausted and in a dark place at the end of next year? I am getting the message to really take note of this and look deeply into why this is occurring for you. I remember when I began to step out of DOING mode and into RECEIVING/BEING mode and it has completely changed my life. However, it was a fairly long process to make the changes that support this new way of being and energies of receiving and being, rather than doing burnout mode - which literally keeps us in burnout mode, burning rubber and not getting anywhere 🤣 Not joking though! It burns us out! It took me a good 9 months from the time I realised I was in burn out mode, which I had been running this pattern for YEARS, probably my whole life due to the high level of stress of what I grew up in, let alone all the belief systems I created for myself from all those times in my life where I felt unsupported and had to step into roles to make sure I felt loved and appreciated and… gosh, that is exhausting in itself. I am not sharing that it took me 9 months to scare you off and ‘how long it is’ - but to give you a reality check on what it takes to move a reality to shift from doing to being. Sure, it can happen quicker, that is just what it took for me and it was a huge adjustment to so many things in my reality, let alone may internal reality and that is where the key changes need to take place first. The inner work is CRUCIAL to shifting the outer reality that you think is the problem to how you are feeling, it isn’t. It is the belief systems about yourself that are running the show inside and it is here that you need to start first. It is an energy thing. I am still as ‘bsuy’ as I ever have been in my business with clients and running my life. Yet, I don’t FEEL as busy energetically, there is space, energetically and this is what I wish for you as you read this, to start activating internal SPACE - as this is how it then shifts into your external reality. What plans of action do you need to take to start planning for a different 2020 that enables you to get off the treadmill? I remember it was November last year for me that my ‘breakdown’ occurred that woke me up to my draining, depletion exhaustion - which by the way, was a sabotage to success, freedom and love - so I ask you, how is your busyness and staying on the treadmill actually a sabotage for creating the life you REALLY want to be living? How can you start to support yourself to get off the treadmill? How can you plan your life differently to be getting it all done, but with joy and energy again?Love xxx It is quite phenomenal when we can change our energetic field and shift our entire outer reality by doing so. Reconfiguring Energetic Codes does exactly this - if you've been doing lots of inner spiritual work with no tangible physical results, then this is the course for you. Join us for our Two Week Immersion that starts tomorrow (or today, depending on where you are in the world) to bring all that inner spiritual work you've been doing down into reality to manifest in physical form. Be prepared for changes and this isn't for everyone, your SOUL will be calling you for this though if you're meant to be there, this is one event not to be missed as we align with our New Moon Galactic Alignment that takes us to the next level of Humanities evolutionary consciousness. It is time to ground Heaven on Earth beautiful one, click here for all the details to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/reconfiguring-energetic-codes


Card #4: Answer The Call. What Is Your Soul Calling You To Do?

Are you listening? Better still - are you acting on that? What is your Soul calling you to do, that you feel you logically don’t or can’t do? Do you know that those words - ‘I can’t’ are the chains around your ankle that are keeping you stuck? Did you know that years ago, when I was a single mum (ha, I still am that part 😉 by choice btw) I was fed up with not having a car and I was sooo angry about it one day after a zillion bus rides sweating it up in humid summer time and the pouring rain days of taking Adaya to daycare when she was younger that I lost it one day on the way there and I was saying all sorts of horrible things about how much I hated the situation. And I caught myself. And instead of saying those things, I changed the WORDS - How can I get a car? How can I get a car? How can I get a car? How can I get a car? Over and over and over - I was still angry as anything, but I changed the WORDS and within 5 mins (or what felt like 5 mins) of changing the WORDS - an idea dropped into my mind and within 3 weeks I had a new car which for me, as a single mum on government benefits back then, no family around, nothing - was an absolute miracle. I am sharing this with you as this card - what is your Soul calling you to do? Even though I was angry and pissed off - I can see looking back, my Soul wanted freedom - freedom and time to be able to do what I loved, not spend time catching busses anymore - especially int he pouring rain or sweating humidity that was unbearable at times! I had, had enough! So, I ask you - what have you had enough of? What makes you pissed off that you can’t? It might be something underneath, for example I was tired of catching the bus, yet, my Soul wanted freedom - so if your Soul is wanting what? It may be something ‘not related’ that can change the situation. Think outside the box and if you are not sure - then simple change your words from I don’t know to ‘How can I do fill in the blank’ and watch how fast ideas drop in when you are OPEN to receiving them! Be open to unexpected opportunities or situations that can change the course of events and change your life - say yes - however, you have to be open to them! Sometimes we are given opportunities and we are not open to them, yet, they are given to us all the time. Where are you missing opportunities by staying in your ‘I don’t know, I can’t’ words space? The only thing stopping you, is you. Start asking How Can I and let the Universe show you. Situations, healing and shift can happen fast - if you’re open to receiving them and are willing to say yes, even when you don’t know how. Trust. Open. Receive. Change your life.Love xxx It is quite phenomenal when we can change our energetic field and shift our entire outer reality by doing so. Reconfiguring Energetic Codes does exactly this - if you've been doing lots of inner spiritual work with no tangible physical results, then this is the course for you. Join us for our Two Week Immersion that starts tomorrow (or today, depending on where you are in the world) to bring all that inner spiritual work you've been doing down into reality to manifest in physical form. Be prepared for changes and this isn't for everyone, your SOUL will be calling you for this though if you're meant to be there, this is one event not to be missed as we align with our New Moon Galactic Alignment that takes us to the next level of Humanities evolutionary consciousness. It is time to ground Heaven on Earth beautiful one, click here for all the details to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/reconfiguring-energetic-codes


Card #5: Council of Light. Divine Orchestration. Helpers in the Subtle Realms.

Ah, I feel like you have soooo much support around you right now, yet I am wondering if you are open to receiving it? Have you been taking the time out to meditate and receive the guidance on what your next steps are? Or are you still looking outside of yourself? I am also getting the message that a solid meditation routine for you right now - whether that is still mind meditation or the things that make you feel CONNECTED again - is crucial for you right now. What makes you feel connected? Is it sitting outside under a tree? Is it exercising and moving your body in some way? Is it meditation or yoga? These Divine helpers are tap, tap, tapping you on the shoulder as they want to connect with you. I am also getting the message this is about filling your body with spiritual energy right now. Your intuition, psychic awareness and the deep connection that you are - is a muscle and if you don’t use it, you lose it. I learnt to meditate, still mind, solid connection meditate - through yoga - without yoga, I probably still wouldn’t be able to sit still. Yoga taught me how to meditate - so if you think you can’t meditate, do something consistently like yoga for a while to ‘show you how’. The other message I am getting for you is that there is something you aren’t doing that you need to. Yes - exercise, nature, getting connected to self again is important - yet, there is a task, or something that has also been on your mind to do. Is that a book/project or something else that needs organising so you can work on your project? What is that thing? Is it signing up with someone/a course or learning a new skill or simply doing the thing you know you need to? I am getting the message that this thing to do, is also ‘how’ these Beings that are surrounding you are showing you and giving you messages about your next step - but by actually doing this next step, will show you the next task after that. It comes through because there is ‘space’ in your field, because you have got this current task out of the way if that makes sense? I am also getting the message that something is about to happen for you that you ‘didn’t see happening’ but is a powerful step forward your life. Everything is always happening for our highest good and when something doesn’t seem like it is happening, it is and usually for the better - patience! TRUST! I am sensing that these beings have been working on your behalf, behind the scenes to make this happen, so continue to trust and move forward with your plans. Know that you are supported and the only thing you need to focus and worry about it staying connected to your Souce/Intuition and continue to take the next step and the next step that comes after that. If you are worried, not sure what to do or freaking out - that is a sure fire way to know you have disconnected yourself from the place of trust that is connected to Source. We are ALWAYS connected to Source, it is just our conscious connection to this place - so take time out everyday as priority to get back into connection with Source. You will be grateful you did this as priority as when you are connected EVERYTHING flows right?Love xxx It is quite phenomenal when we can change our energetic field and shift our entire outer reality by doing so. Reconfiguring Energetic Codes does exactly this - if you've been doing lots of inner spiritual work with no tangible physical results, then this is the course for you. Join us for our Two Week Immersion that starts tomorrow (or today, depending on where you are in the world) to bring all that inner spiritual work you've been doing down into reality to manifest in physical form. Be prepared for changes and this isn't for everyone, your SOUL will be calling you for this though if you're meant to be there, this is one event not to be missed as we align with our New Moon Galactic Alignment that takes us to the next level of Humanities evolutionary consciousness. It is time to ground Heaven on Earth beautiful one, click here for all the details to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/reconfiguring-energetic-codes


Card #6: Keepers of the Earth. You Are Not Alone. Ancient Ancestors Stand Beside You.

I am getting the sense that you are way more supported than you realise and it is important to continue to trust in this unseen realm of support even when it doesn’t feel like you are. What may seem like a block or not happening is actually showing you your power and what you are truly capable of. You ALWAYS find a way right? Yes, I thought so. You are not one to stop when you are ‘blocked’. You know that your purpose requires you to FIND a way and you do and are always shown ‘how’ when you continue forward anyway. I am also sensing that there are other messages that want to come through there is something else, wanting to come through you, or birth through you or for you to do. This could be something ‘left field’ - well, I feel like it is for you and to trust and follow the ideas you are receiving anyway. I feel like it might seem illogical for you to do the thing that is calling you, yet, I am sensing this is an important part of the ‘left field’ idea coming in for you. I am also sensing that there is a lot of Animal Wisdom surrounding you at the moment too - Shamanic Roots perhaps? #ofcourse 😉 I am sensing that your awareness to these Animals, is showing your deepening of your Gift and how you communicate with Animals - yet, not only this, but the awareness you have about the messages Animals give you and how Spirit speaks to you through these Animals. I trust you are paying attention to these Animals? I am also getting the message - is there an Animal close to you that needs extra attention and care right now? Also, what past memories of Animals are coming to you? Pets? They are saying hello - yet, also the time in your life that this Animal was present, also has a message in regards to that part of your life, may need healing/revisiting for what your goals, hopes, desires were then - to even acknowledge how far you’ve come and/or pieces of that part of your life, that you were so clear on what you were doing in the world - can reignite the passion, desires and goals that can help direct you now. What was going on for you in your life then, that is a message to support your current now? Keepers of the Earth - the other message I am getting for you too, is about staying grounded. I heard ‘Your Earth connection is compromised.’ What does that mean to you? It can mean that you need to do activities on a daily basis to stay grounded and that can also mean cleaning aspects of your home/paperwork pile that is causing a ‘block’ in the energy flow there. If you are feeling alone, you are not and these ‘Keepers of the Earth’ are supporting your endeavour to continue forward with your plans and projects that are supporting Humanity. The only thing you need to do is remove any blocks to receiving and the fastest way to do that is to get grounded. So, what do you need to do, to be grounded your body, and super clear in every aspect of your life? Do more of this and continue this as your primary focus and watch everything manifest into grounded reality - because you are.Love xxx It is quite phenomenal when we can change our energetic field and shift our entire outer reality by doing so. Reconfiguring Energetic Codes does exactly this - if you've been doing lots of inner spiritual work with no tangible physical results, then this is the course for you. Join us for our Two Week Immersion that starts tomorrow (or today, depending on where you are in the world) to bring all that inner spiritual work you've been doing down into reality to manifest in physical form. Be prepared for changes and this isn't for everyone, your SOUL will be calling you for this though if you're meant to be there, this is one event not to be missed as we align with our New Moon Galactic Alignment that takes us to the next level of Humanities evolutionary consciousness. It is time to ground Heaven on Earth beautiful one, click here for all the details to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/reconfiguring-energetic-codes