🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 28th January 2020 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jan 28, 2020

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 28th January 2020 🔮

Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you today from the Angel Therapy Deck ðŸ•Š

These are the FINAL HOURS beautiful Souls! Click here for your place in the Life Purpose Accelerator before this closes in just a few hours: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Throat Chakra. ‘The Angels are helping you lovingly speak your truth.’

Well this card is quite straight forward and to the point. Who are you needing to speak your truth to - or is it that you are needing to step up and out with your truth? The Throat Chakra isn’t just speaking your truth - it is LIVING it. Are your values and what is important to you - being lived? Or do you feel squelched, do you feel like what you want isn’t important, that others come first - but… you actually are getting super tired about this? The other part about this card for you today, is that I feel this is also, almost main space - about voicing something to someone. What have you been holding back out of fear of how they will react or - what they will say back to you? Sometimes you don’t need to physically voice it to them, it is about voicing to them in a letter that you safely burn, or even speaking with a mentor about it. The first person you can speak to about it is your Angels/God/Universe and get it out that way too. THEN you can reassess if you truly need to say something to the person. The other part about the Throat Chakra is - when we have voiced something a long time ago and were shut down for it, you usually haven’t spoken up since! You have also stepped into roles that served other people and ‘your opinion and voice isn’t important’. This usually stems into that you don’t like confrontation either and so you live a life that is usually spent swallowing other people’s opinions and are someone who is easily influenced and controlled by someone. The other space I want to share here about the Throat Chakra is that you do have a voice - I know it sounds silly - because of course you have a voice, however, when you have shut yourself down for such a long time, it takes practise to speaking up again - feeling safe and having the confidence to do so. The space here comes into practise yes - but the first time and even for quite a few times after you first begin speaking up and voicing your truth to people - it can be terrifying and scary and make you shake and doubt everything you have said! It can be scary to speak your truth for the first time or several times after that. HOWEVER - the freedom and sense of relief you will feel? You will have more energy and won’t be so tired all the time, because you aren’t suffocating yourself not only with your own voice, but with everyone else’s words as well. And that honey? That’s tiring holding all that in and down! Your Heart is super powerful and can give you soooo much energy if you would only allow it to support you in this way of speaking your truth! The other last two messages here for the Throat Chakra card that has called your attention today is as I mentioned before, not just speaking your truth, but living your truth. What is that? What is it that you keep saying you are going to do but STILL haven’t started the thing, or done the thing yet? This thing - is an important message from your Soul - to shift your life to the next level. When we voice what we are going to do instead of just doing the thing, we disperse the energy of it and so it begins to weaken and usually we don’t end up doing it. So instead of saying you’re going to do such and such - just focus that energy into doing it instead. And the last message here for the Throat Chakra is that the Throat Chakra is DEEPLY connected to Shadow Work. Who is it that is agitating you? Or worrying you? Or that you are not sure or how could they or - is it admiration for someone? Shadow Work isn’t just about the ‘bad’ and ‘dark’ stuff - If there was another way to describe Shadow Work - it is definitely Homeopathic Remedy! Whatever it is that you are ‘stewing over’ about another person - is like your red flag - your signal sign post beacon - your lighthouse - bringing to your attention what it is you are needing integrate into your life that… set’s you free. Voicing your truth sets you free - and that includes, voicing and speaking to the part of yourself - that is right in front of you calling forth your attention. What is it, that agitates you or that you admire? You know that, this is your calling card, lighthouse shining the way to your next level right? Are you truly ready to shift to your next level by integrating this back into the wholeness and light that you are? Love xxx These are the FINAL HOURS for Life Purpose Accelerator! If you’re truly ready to fine tune, hone and amplify your intuitive skills that you already know you have, but are lacking the confidence to trust yourself and step up and out and share who you really are, or use these skills to magnify and fine tune your own business, whether you ‘teach spirituality or not’ - your intuitive skills are what guide your everyday decisions in ALL areas of your life - but do you really trust them and share that in your life? Life Purpose Accelerator is in it’s FINAL HOURS - this is where 12 months deep and high level mentoring from myself, to take your intuitive and psychic skills to the next level and birth what it is that is uniquely calling from deep within your Soul - the question is - are you ready to stop hiding in the limelight and actually live, your unique Soul’s Life Purpose? Click here for all the details for Life Purpose Accelerator or send me a message with any questions, only a few hours left: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #2: Law of Attraction. ‘Relationships and activities that you once enjoyed are now changing as you become more sensitive and aware of energies.’

Okay, there is lots of different messages about the Law Of Attraction - but with this one I feel like you are somewhat feeling a bit flat, like - you are in a situation that once brought your heart alive and happy and now you’re… a bit flat is the way I could describe the feeling, if I was to try and put it into words. It is like I see you in an environment where you are around people you have been for quite some time, but it is like a fake smile, a fake interaction now, because something inside of you just wants more.. something isn’t feeling like it is bringing you alive there in that space anymore. It is nothing bad - you have just grown. Perhaps you are needing a change of scenery, perhaps you are requiring some new information, perhaps you are in a space, where you have just gone through a huge change, perhaps lots of personal development work and you’re just feeling flat now. It is like you’re waiting for the next thing, or something else, but you don’t know what that is at the same time. Let alone, is there a huge recalibration of energies going on, on the planet right now, when you move through something big, achieve a certain goal or have done a huge chunk of personal development work for quite sometime, there comes a point where your reality is recalibrating - especially when you’re working towards manifesting something - the physical reality needs to catch up yes? I am getting the message for you right now, don’t try and worry about ‘what is happening’ - just continue to take care of yourself, continue to stay connected to your Spirit Guides, Angels and whomever you connect to and let yourself be strong in your connection to self. Your next steps are coming and I feel like you’ve already been getting signs about what that even entails for yourself too. It is like little snippets of things lighting you up and yet, not all the pieces of information have come together yet - but you have found things that have lit you up at times. However - it’s coming! Trust this timing as soon, I feel you will be super busy with all the downloads, new information and new environments that you are about to walk into - so this ‘quiet’ time - is a space for you to prepare and use this recalibration time for such. If you were already living into the new you - what would you be doing? Thinking like? Looking like? Walking like? What would your days consist of? I am also getting the message for you - you are super sensitive to energy - your sensitivities seemed to have increased exponentially right now with these shifts you have had and to really honour how sensitive to you are. Remember - 99% of what you are feeling - is not yours! Honour your sensitivity - check ‘is it mine’? Before you let your mind take you into any places that drive you into the ground - and stay connected to Source. This is your preparation time as you go through this recalibration - and of how sensitive you are - this is your fine tuning and honing time - because soon, your new life will be keeping you so busy and it’s what you did all this preparation for right now. This is your ‘breathing’ space… allow it to be so and tend to yourself, its coming beautiful. Love xxx These are the FINAL HOURS for Life Purpose Accelerator! If you’re truly ready to fine tune, hone and amplify your intuitive skills that you already know you have, but are lacking the confidence to trust yourself and step up and out and share who you really are, or use these skills to magnify and fine tune your own business, whether you ‘teach spirituality or not’ - your intuitive skills are what guide your everyday decisions in ALL areas of your life - but do you really trust them and share that in your life? Life Purpose Accelerator is in it’s FINAL HOURS - this is where 12 months deep and high level mentoring from myself, to take your intuitive and psychic skills to the next level and birth what it is that is uniquely calling from deep within your Soul - the question is - are you ready to stop hiding in the limelight and actually live, your unique Soul’s Life Purpose? Click here for all the details for Life Purpose Accelerator or send me a message with any questions, only a few hours left: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #3: Earth Angel. ‘You are a Lightworker who has come to Earth to teach about Love.’

Ah, there is two really strong messages here with this card for you today - are you doubting your gifts? Are you doubting your intuition? Have you not got the feedback that you wanted or you are second guessing what it is you have stepped into doing? I feel like you do it, but then doubt yourself, but then talk yourself out of your doubt (which is good!) But I also wonder if there is a thread here of ‘not good enough’ or not trusting yourself - however, there is also a space here of when this is going on - it is also about being guided by the right people. When you are around the people who are living in a way that you want to be living ie deeply trusting your intuition no matter what - not doubts, if’s or buts’ - then it is vital to get around them and be trained by them. I feel like you have and are moving to the next level in your spiritual development and that you are being asked to step it up a notch in your entire life and that includes your intuitive skills and how to truly connect to Spirit/Angels/Universe and share these messages with people in a more profound way - you are being asked to do this work full time yes? And you are somewhat scared, doubting or just plain ‘but how’ with that? And this might sound strange, but have Cat’s been strong for you lately? Especially in the Spirit world? Cats are deeply connected to Dragons and when they are around it is a sure fine confirmation that you are deeply coming into your Heart AND amplifying your intuition, increasing abidance and your skills are naturally amplifying. Sometimes the navigation and ‘but how’ is the part where I feel you are being asked to step it up a notch yes? I feel you already know this, have been getting signs and… this is your confirmation for you! I feel like you are being asked to do this full time (I know I said that before) - or a huge part of what you do, is this work. So are you? The other part of this message here is that I feel your skills have naturally amplified and I wonder if this is where the doubt and or even somewhat scared of your gift - and/or - owning the fact that you have this gift and stepping out into the world with full confidence that… this is what you do and who you are. Are you scared of others reactions - or just simply not sure how to do it? Are you worried about getting it wrong? I also feel that you have been stepping up and out slightly - and deeply celebrating this with you!!! The first part is always the hardest… until it becomes our normal - so keep going! Yet, if you are doubting yourself or scared - get around those that are already doing it and know that this card has come to you as confirmation of what you already know but needed that extra bit of confirmation - well beautiful Soul - you just got it, so are you truly ready to stop hiding in the back ground and own the gift that you are to the World? Own your light and be that guiding light for others? No matter what anyone else says? Love xxx These are the FINAL HOURS for Life Purpose Accelerator! If you’re truly ready to fine tune, hone and amplify your intuitive skills that you already know you have, but are lacking the confidence to trust yourself and step up and out and share who you really are, or use these skills to magnify and fine tune your own business, whether you ‘teach spirituality or not’ - your intuitive skills are what guide your everyday decisions in ALL areas of your life - but do you really trust them and share that in your life? Life Purpose Accelerator is in it’s FINAL HOURS - this is where 12 months deep and high level mentoring from myself, to take your intuitive and psychic skills to the next level and birth what it is that is uniquely calling from deep within your Soul - the question is - are you ready to stop hiding in the limelight and actually live, your unique Soul’s Life Purpose? Click here for all the details for Life Purpose Accelerator or send me a message with any questions, only a few hours left: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #4: You Are Profoundly Clairvoyant. “Trust what you see in your mind’s eye, as well as with your physical sight, for your spiritual vision helps you with healing, teaching and guidance.”

This card feels like a flow on from the previous card! I am also getting the message of ‘green’ and also Archangel Raphael really strongly with this card. Now, whilst I know last week the message of ‘green’ came in through Tuesday Tarot too - but this card, with this ‘green’ I feel is deeply connected to Archangel Raphael more than ever today for you! Have you been seeing Green around? Has it been in your awareness more so than not? Archangel Raphael is the Healing Archangel, he helps you heal - ANYTHING - whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual healing and can help you heal relationships, or anything else that goes on in your life - he is the Healer Archangel. I feel he has been present with you recently more so than anything/anyone else - as this is a sign that you are a Healer and are being guided to step up and out with your gifts! (Yes, this card today is similar message as card #3!) ‘You are profoundly Clairvoyant’ - have your visions been increasing? Your dreams vivid, you’re ‘seeing something out the corner of your eye’ - has been increasing, numbers everywhere are so in your face you are questioning yes, but what is the message seeing soooo many! I am getting the message that you are more clairvoyant than you realise and honing your gift would be crucial elements to your up-levelling right now. I am sensing that more so than not, you are in ‘day dreams’ or catch yourself pulling yourself out of visions that you were so deeply in but then almost don’t remember them so much. This is a huge part of your gift and I feel that you pulling this card today is your confirmation not, of something you already know (that you’re clairvoyant!) But - of teaching this gift and skills to other people. This is a big part of what you are being called to step up and do. Not just be of service to others with your gift - but to teach this skill to others - have you already been getting signs about that? And the feeling of that? What are you being guided to ‘do’ and step up to ‘doing’? What ‘vision’ has just come to you that you have been shown ‘the way’ - even though you can’t see the complete vision? You know, and you always hear me talk about that you are not shown the next step usually, nor the bigger picture to it all usually if you aren’t IN the next step already - the next step doesn’t get shown to you. A bit like walking into a dark room with a sensor light and not until you actually walk in there and create movement does the light turn on and then all of a sudden you realise it wasn’t even a room after all - its as an entire path way that opened up once the light was switched on - but you had to walk IN there for that to occur right? So - are you willing to walk in the direction of your current visions and dreams - knowing that you are guided - every single step of the way? That = the light ALWAYS turns on - once you walk in there? Are you being guided to amp up and fine tune your gifts? Are you… listening? Love xxx These are the FINAL HOURS for Life Purpose Accelerator! If you’re truly ready to fine tune, hone and amplify your intuitive skills that you already know you have, but are lacking the confidence to trust yourself and step up and out and share who you really are, or use these skills to magnify and fine tune your own business, whether you ‘teach spirituality or not’ - your intuitive skills are what guide your everyday decisions in ALL areas of your life - but do you really trust them and share that in your life? Life Purpose Accelerator is in it’s FINAL HOURS - this is where 12 months deep and high level mentoring from myself, to take your intuitive and psychic skills to the next level and birth what it is that is uniquely calling from deep within your Soul - the question is - are you ready to stop hiding in the limelight and actually live, your unique Soul’s Life Purpose? Click here for all the details for Life Purpose Accelerator or send me a message with any questions, only a few hours left: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #5: Be Willing To Forgive. ‘Ask the Angels to clear your mind and body of past pain in exchange for peacefulness.’

Ah - do you need to do a big clearing on your Heart Chakra? Of course, we could talk about forgiveness and I will get to that in a moment - however, I am feeling you are carrying a chunk of grief in your Heart right now. Have you been dropping things? Hurting yourself more than you usually do? (Like you rarely do!) And then all of a sudden it is like plates/cups are breaking and things are smashing left right and centre and you just haven’t done that for ages? You are wondering what on Earth? Whilst this occurs when we are ‘smashing through to a new level and reality’ - it can also be a sign of being ungrounded as you go through these intense HUGE reality altering shifting life changes right now too - because HUGE changes are on your door step right? You can feel your entire reality shifting and moving right before your eyes? Or perhaps you can feel it - not sure what that is - but at the same time, you are like, ‘Gosh, why hasn’t that happened yet?’ Because you keep double taking and it is like your are living in a different reality - but you’re still in the same space and place? There are cleansing techniques you can use to shift the grief - as I feel it is grief, yes - but more so just from the change. I feel like you’ve been doing A LOT of work to shift your entire reality and this what I am sensing is the energetic shifts that are flickering realities of you now being in ‘another reality’ already, but it hasn’t manifested yet so to speak. I am getting the message for you to really focus on cleansing your energy this next few days consistently - lots of outside time if you can, and really connecting into cleanse, cleanse, cleanse. Cleanse your home, burn sage, cleanse your energy, allow water to run from your elbows down to your hands and off through your fingers to clear the energy channels from your Heart - as your arms and hands are an extension of your Heart. What are you preparing to receive - what have you just received? Are you fully embodying that? Are you truly allowing your Heart to open that vulnerably and widely - to receive? The entirety of your Heart’s dreams? Coming back to the Forgiveness part - I always say let go of trying to forgive! Just stop! ‘Trying to forgive’ and still seething underneath about all that happened - is not true forgiveness - so just stop that! Rather - let the grief, emotions and hurt out of your heart about all that happened. Let yourself feel the pain, the grief, the betrayal, the resentment - all of it. Because if you don’t - you’ll only be carrying this energetically, buried in your subconscious, attracting situations that are reflecting all this pain. Get support from someone who KNOWS how to shift these deep buried emotions with you if you don’t know how or don’t feel comfortable going there. When you shift these out of your body - then and only then can you TRULY forgive - forgiveness doesn’t even enter into it once you’ve moved into this place. The energy of the freedom of what it truly means to embody the energy of Forgiveness is a bey-product of releasing the hurt buried deep in your Heart. Isn’t it time, to be FREE? Love xxx These are the FINAL HOURS for Life Purpose Accelerator! If you’re truly ready to fine tune, hone and amplify your intuitive skills that you already know you have, but are lacking the confidence to trust yourself and step up and out and share who you really are, or use these skills to magnify and fine tune your own business, whether you ‘teach spirituality or not’ - your intuitive skills are what guide your everyday decisions in ALL areas of your life - but do you really trust them and share that in your life? Life Purpose Accelerator is in it’s FINAL HOURS - this is where 12 months deep and high level mentoring from myself, to take your intuitive and psychic skills to the next level and birth what it is that is uniquely calling from deep within your Soul - the question is - are you ready to stop hiding in the limelight and actually live, your unique Soul’s Life Purpose? Click here for all the details for Life Purpose Accelerator or send me a message with any questions, only a few hours left: Click here for all the details for Life Purpose Accelerator or send me a message with any questions, only a few hours left: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #6: Vacuum Away Fear. ‘Call upon Archangels Michael and Raphael to lift fear-based energy from you, your surroundings, this situation and everyone involved.’

Have you been able to stand in the wind and let the wind blow all the energetic dust out of your aura? Have you been able to put your feet on the ground and stay deeply connected to our Earth, let alone your own Heart. Can you shift the energy in your home with energetic cleaning it? And - the message of travel and movement is deeply coming through here too. I am getting the sense that you are ‘on the move’ - or there is big movement going on in your life right now. Have you been feeling ungrounded or energetically ‘different’? I feel like something to do with your house and/or travel is deeply shifting for you right now. Something is moving in your life - in a big, big way. This ‘vacuum’ away fear card - whenever we go through ANY change - fear is a natural part of it. When we can be conscious of this and gentle self talk ‘it’s only change’ and allow ourselves to deeply ‘ground’ into this truth that ‘it’s only change’, we can start to ‘come back to Earth/Reality’ in what is going on. Most of the time, when we are not sure what is happening - it can be scary - again, ‘it’s only change’ - and most of the time - it is change you have been asking for anyway right? With this movement/change/travel/home - I am sensing that something ‘old’ or something that you have been doing for a long time, or something that is been there for ages… is shifting - or just has shifted. I am also getting the message - are you reconsidering EVERYTHING right now? Has something ‘rocked your world’ that has left you in shock somewhat? Shock - is a normal part of the grief process - so allow yourself to go through these motions and stay connected and grounded to your body, yourself and your life. What choices do you need to make for YOU? If this was your last day on Earth - would you be worrying about the things you are? Would you be stressing about doing that thing that really isn’t that important? A high time to prioritise it feels like for you and really knuckle down to get the most IMPORTANT things done - nothing else. Even if that is just spending time with those you love - it is now that you need to dedicate time to what is important to you. What is that? What have been scared of doing and so keep putting it off? I always say - if you were on your death bed dying and you look back over your life - is there anything you wished you would’ve done? What decision are you trying to make now? If you look back on your death bed and think, ‘Gah, wish I took that opportunity, I wish I had done that thing’? That is the fastest way to get on track with your purpose, live your best life and not let fear get the better of you. What would you shift if you knew, you would could do anything? If you could be free of all the restrictions, what would you be doing? I am getting the message that this ‘Vacuum away fear’ card - is for you to make these choices now and not let your mind talk you out of it, because you are scared or because you can’t - because that is just what your mind says. But what does… your Heart say, before your mind pipes up and says something? Are you ready to completely follow and listen to your Heart and your Heart only? Love xxx These are the FINAL HOURS for Life Purpose Accelerator! If you’re truly ready to fine tune, hone and amplify your intuitive skills that you already know you have, but are lacking the confidence to trust yourself and step up and out and share who you really are, or use these skills to magnify and fine tune your own business, whether you ‘teach spirituality or not’ - your intuitive skills are what guide your everyday decisions in ALL areas of your life - but do you really trust them and share that in your life? Life Purpose Accelerator is in it’s FINAL HOURS - this is where 12 months deep and high level mentoring from myself, to take your intuitive and psychic skills to the next level and birth what it is that is uniquely calling from deep within your Soul - the question is - are you ready to stop hiding in the limelight and actually live, your unique Soul’s Life Purpose? Click here for all the details for Life Purpose Accelerator or send me a message with any questions, only a few hours left: Click here for all the details for Life Purpose Accelerator or send me a message with any questions, only a few hours left: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator