🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 29th January 2019 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jan 29, 2019

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 29th January 2019 🔮

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages The Soul's Journey Lesson Cards have for you today ❤️

FINAL HOURS before the investment increases for Trust Your Intuition, step into your Lightworking role and become a Certified Intuitive Healer with Trust Your Intuition: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition/

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Indecision. I use my intuition in all aspects of life.

What does your intuition say? Oh, but you aren’t sure because you keep flicking? Keep changing your mind? Indecision is the biggest paralysis analysis there is! What is actually is? Is your head overtaking your heart. Your heart always knows, your intuition always knows, yet your mind will always talk your heart out of what it wants to do, what it knows it is meant to do. So what is that decision you are grappling over? I am sensing that there is some big changes coming your way and it’s forward movement - comes from you making this decision! The way you to ask yourself, to get super clear is to one - stop thinking about it and feel into it, two - ask yourself, if you were on your death bed dying, do you wish you had just done it, three - if you had no responsibilities to tend to - would you do it? Now, all those answers might lead you to a yes and then you will say, but….. fill in the blank. What just happened there? Oh, your mind talked you out of your hearts  desires again. The thing about intuition, is that we don’t know or see the big picture until afterwards usually and sometimes we never get shown the bigger aha until years later. This is where trusting your intuition comes in - even when it doesn’t make logical sense but it FEELS right - do you trust it? What would bring you alive? The key here, is that following your heart isn’t easy, but worth it? Ah, it’s that death bed thing again! Do you wish you had’ve? The other part here is that when we follow our heart to one destination, or the thing that is calling us - what happens when we do this, is that we are shown things, taken to places, experience things, that if we hadn’t have taken that leap of faith and just done the thing, we wouldn’t have found this other path, this door wouldn’t have opened, we wouldn’t have met that other person, had we just said YES to our heart and soul calling and left the rest behind. What decision is it going on for you? It also feels like it is a decision that is weighing quite heavy on your heart it feels like? Have you some grief to get out of your heart too? The other thing that stops us letting go and moving forward is grief stuck in our heart. We will go back to relationships, jump into another relationship or addiction, simply because we are full of pain in our heart and don’t want to feel the grief. If you take the time to let your grief out of your heart, it enables you to not only feel lighter, but you are freer to make decisions from a clear space, rather than an emotional space that is usually based on fear and hurt. If you had no care in the world, no responsibility in the world - would you say yes and just do it? There is your answer dear Soul - do you trust your Soul’s calling? Do you trust your own Heart? (before your mind kicks in again!) Love xxx These are the final hours before the investment increases for Trust Your Intuition! This doubt and worry can be gone and you can trust and live your life in freedom and fulfilment - it just depends whether you Trust Your Intuition enough to guide you and resources you - but how do you even do that and know it is the right thing for you to do? Trust Your Intuition of course! Click here for all the details and to jump in before the investment increases at midnight tonight: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition/ 


Card #2: Forgiveness. I acknowledge that harbouring resentment blocks the flow of love.

Ah, do you know what I always say about forgiveness? I say ‘F*&k forgiveness!’ Now you might think that is strange and ‘not right’ - yet, one can forgive in their mind, sure, but then underneath they are still seething with the hurt, pain and resentment that they are still harbouring from the event/situation. This breeds inauthenticity and mis-alignment of energy, you know, say one thing and feel another from a person? So this leads me to ask you, where are you needing to forgive something or someone in your life? If you have trouble digging up the feelings you may have pushed down from the event - you can say in your mind or out loud to yourself, ‘I forgive you _____ fill-in the blank’ You can keep repeating this and then see how you FEEL in your body, see what starts to arise. When there is a mis-match in our energy, you will feel it, if you are tuning in and listening. You will feel good about it and it will feel real, or you will start to feel uncomfortable, or anger, resentment or hurt will start to rise. You might feel fine immediately saying the forgiveness thread, but then over the next few hours, or days, something may start surfacing for you, this will show you the feelings you are still harbouring about the situation, that need to be released. You can write a letter and safely burn it, getting all your feelings out, you can cry, paint, draw or push on a door frame to get anger out and start releasing the tears. “I acknowledge that harbouring resentment, blocks the flow of love.” - Love = EVERYTHING. If you can’t receive love, you can’t receive anything. Why? Because there is an inflow to your energetic body and if you are harbouring resentment, anger or grief deep down somewhere inside, you are energetically blocking anything from coming IN. We also feel everything all the time, and this can become overwhelming and draining if you don’t know how to care for yourself or your energy and this too? This caring for yourself - this is a ‘coming in’ as well. Do you even care for yourself? What you take INto your body? The foods you ingest, the care you give your body that houses your Soul - are you caring for that enough? Do you need to forgive with this process, so you can clear out the stagnant emotions that are causing the need to cover up the feelings in the first place? Imagine if you were free of harbouring any resentment or anger at all to anyone or anything in your past - can you imagine how free and light your energy would be? Are you willing to be? Love xxx It can be super overwhelming to deal with your own emotions when you are carrying everyone else’s emotions and even feeling everything around you, how do you even know the difference and gosh, why would you want to face your own when you are holding everyone else’s stuff already!? Exhausting isn’t even the word! In Trust Your Intuition, are all the tools that teach you how to decipher your energy from someone else’s, how to stop taking it on and how to change your life from the inside out, so you aren’t carrying everyone and can deeply align to your Life Purpose, without dragging everyone along with you! Click here for all the details, before the investment increases in just a few hours: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition/


Card #3: Freedom. I possess the power and the free will to create my own happiness.

Hmmm, the first message that is coming through here is that you are receiving thoughts about making changes in your life and/or are going to support your dreams and goals and what you have been working towards achieving - these thoughts? These are divine messages, divine guidance, your intuition, your claircognisense thoughts - are you paying attention? What is it that you have been thinking about? Not in an obsessive way, but has been subtly and consistently dropping in for you? They may seem out of the blue, yet they make complete sense at the same time. They may mean asking someone for something, or suggesting something to someone that might make you uncomfortable, yet the other part to this is that if it is coming from intuition, then do you trust it and follow it? Have you pulled 2 cards today? This feels stemming off card 1 message, in trusting your intuition and following through on what you know you need to do, even when it doesn’t make logical sense. I am getting the message that these thoughts you have been receiving are divine intuition for you and the other part that is coming to mind about this is that if you have been following me, you would’ve seen/heard/felt/experienced the ‘Atlantis Rising’ just after Christmas, and the message I am getting is that there were some big shifts energetically and consciously between Christmas and New Year and the first two weeks of January, leading up to our Full Moon Eclipse. Now the most dramatic part and shifts have occurred it feels like you are vibrating at a new level right now, something has shifted deep, deep within you and the message I am getting here is don’t deny those ‘out of the blue thoughts’ you are receiving - because they may seem out of the blue and very, not in alignment with your ‘normal’ self and what you would do, say or create in your life - but you know what? It is the ‘normal’ you, it is the new you - the one you have been working towards and shifting into this new reality you have been longing for since early to mid last year. The blue on this card, and whenever I personally pull this card, all I can see on this card is Dolphins, but there are no Dolphins on it! Yet, their energy is deeply strong with this card, and perhaps that is why the Atlantis Rising memories came through here for you, plus the Freedom - how deeply connected to Freedom are Dolphins?! The Heart is also deeply connected to Dolphins, being the Animal Totem for Emerald in the Liquid Crystals, which is also ‘Mental ability to find the right actions.’ Ready to trust those thoughts and take action in the direction they have been calling you to go? It feels like you have come out of a tunnel of change a window of opportunity, a space in between the space and now it is your time to ground down and head firmly on the path of your dreams, in and on the space, your divine heart is calling you to go. Do you trust the Freedom your heart is calling you to go? “I possess the power and the free will to create my own happiness” - are you choosing this? It is a choice? Are you ready to choose it, to trust, the thoughts that are leading you to the path of Freedom that this past month has been a deep pull into alignment of exactly that? You might have even journeyed to the other side of the world and back to find this answer, but it has been right there in your heart the entire time? Love xxx Are you ready to take your Freedom to a whole new level? To deeply know your intuition inside out, what is what, whose energy is whose and step into your clarity with deep trust, let alone your pull to teach this and heal others at the same time? Trust Your Intuition, gives you the depth of clarity in deeply understanding your energy, other’s energy, Spirit’s energy and all in between. Plus, step into your calling as an Intuitive Healer and become certified so you can not only step out of the 9-5, but also, align deeply to your Life Purpose. Click here for all the details and to join before the investment increases at midnight tonight: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition/


Card #4: Success. ‘I know there is not greater goal than to love’

Ah, this card is such a strong message to ‘slow down and smell the roses’ - have you been taking time out for yourself lately? Hmmm, it kind of feels like you have - but there is something missing here. Hmmm, what is it? The yellow on this card, deeply dropping into Solar Plexus energy, which is self worth, self esteem, self belief, trust in self and others, self worth, equality. I am feeling you’ve been pushing hard lately and there is something running there for you - you have to work hard for ______ fill in the blank. I can already hear you telling me all the reason’s why that is true. I am sensing some belief work, some journalling and some deeper diving into what is really going on under the surface here for you. Where is that stemming from? Have you had to hold it all together for quite some time? You have HAD to do everything on your own, yet I am sensing that something has shifted recently and I am wondering if you are still holding onto old patterns? Where can you let go and let God so to speak? It feels like there are many factors pouring in here about this - are you confused at all? Are you carrying someone’s energy? What is really going on under the surface for you? What does Success even mean to you? Yet, I actually feel this is about a specific goal you have been working towards for some time and I am hearing ‘alignment, alignment, alignment’ - is there something you have been aligning too - or are you needing to change something to come into deep alignment with who you are? I am sensing that there is something here for you - what does alignment mean to you? I am feeling this is quite deep, internal belief work we are talking about here for you. It is like you have been pushing hard, and also making great progress, however, this ‘alignment’ piece, feels like, you’ve been doing deep work in the past, and making changes, yet you are still operating from the old pattern, the old paradigm and I am wondering where the connection needs to shift, change, repair, and reconnect in a new way, it is like the internal piece and the external piece are askew at the moment and that is why there is a mismatch of energy and reality going on. Is there something related to the masculine that needs healing? Or the feminine, or both? I am also getting the message if you have been tapping into different realities or dimensions lately? I am wondering if you are trusting the validity of the messages you have been receiving or are you still doubting them? I am getting the message that without the depth of internal work that you’ve done so far, the changes you’ve made and the place you are at now, you wouldn’t be attracting or having these kind of experiences without you being ‘at this level’ so to speak. I am sensing that this is the natural and normal part of your spiritual and human evolution and I am wondering if you trust the validity of the intuitive messages you are receiving without needing someone to validate your spiritual evolution, growth and intuitive messages you are receiving? I feel this is a huge part of the ‘Success’ card for you too, to just honouring, trust and deeply receive the messages you are receiving without needing the validation? Can you allow that to be your ‘Success’ and keep trusting, turning up and following where it is calling you to go? And if that feels like more hard work - want to check out that internal connection and see where it needs to be repaired, changed, upgraded and realigned to ‘connect’ properly to match your new reality creation? Love xxx Phew! That was a deep one! Are you deep? Deeply connected and aware and not like anyone else around you? Welcome to the Trust Your Intuition tribe dear one, where deep is normal for all of us in there. Do you find you doubt yourself, because no one else around you is as deep as you and makes you second guess everything you feel and sense? Come where deep is normal and step into your power dear one, we get you, we got you. Click here for all the details and to join us before the investment increases at midnight tonight: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition/


Card #5: Death. ‘I am leaning that endings are merely beginnings.’

All I heard when I saw this card right away was ‘Let go, Let go, Let go’ it feels like there is something you are holding onto, like grasping onto a straw, and even if you feel like you are letting go, or have, I feel there is a part of you holding on in ‘hope’ and with this, what I am sensing is you need to let go of even that right now too. Sounds terrible right?! Everyone would tell you to hold onto hope - but what I am sensing here for you, is that by you holding onto the possibility of it being again and being everything you dreamed of - you are still holding on to - wait for it - HOW IT WAS. Now, sounds super contradictory right? But what I am sensing here is that with these threads of hope, is that it is still energetically connected to the relationship that you HAD with them, you FELT with them, back then. So when you are holding onto hope of what it could be and turn into and ‘all your dreams come true’ - is you are still holding on the relationship from the past with them, and hence, all the energetics that WAS. Yes, that tiny little thread can do that. Yes, you can transform it and true transformation comes from completely letting go of even the hopes and dreams you HAD with that person. You don’t see the Butterfly flying around holding onto it’ cocoon ‘just in case’ do you? No. So, completely letting go of even the possibility of those hopes and dreams you had with them, holds you onto the old paradigm of relationship that WAS - you are still back there honey. This Death card has come to show you that it is okay to let go, because in the darkness of that cocoon, your wings are deeply growing and when you completely let go of the cocoon around you, you can spread those wings of yours that you have been growing and rise to meet them. The question is, will you? Will you completely let go, feel the depths of grief that you are still holding in your heart and let it fully go? If you haven’t read my article on ‘how to let it go’ you can do so here: https://www.realityawareness.com/blog/how-do-i-let-it-go It is important to remember that we have usually grieved a lot during the relationship of all the bad times already, then when out, we forget about them, and hold onto the hope of the dreams still coming true with them. The other part here is that we forget to grieve the loss of the hope and the dreams and this feels like the strong message coming to remind you here today. The butterfly doesn’t carry around it’s cocoon remember? It completely lets it go, so it can rise to meet it’s mate in the free flowing air, sky, sun, flowers and all that yummy good stuff. Are you ready to let go, fly free, rise, and see where the wind is taking you? Do you trust the call to let go and follow the flow? Follow…. your intuition? The other message here is have you lost someone recently to death? If so, have you grieved? The grieving process is the same, whether it is the loss of a loved one through relationship break up or death, which is still a relationship break up. If you haven’t been receiving help for your grief, I am sensing this is a strong message to receive help through this time, otherwise the weight of the world will be heavy on your shoulder and heart forever more - and that isn’t what they want for you. Who comes to mind to help you? Reach out to them. You’re not alone, even though it super feels like you are. Love xxx Mmmm, it can be SUPER hard to let go, when one - that is all we have known for some time and 2. we don’t have support or understanding on how to move through change, let alone grief and death. This stuff needs to be taught in schools and why I am super passionate about changing the collective consciousness around - GRIEF! When you know and can be with the true depth of the grief cycle, not only do you heal, but your intuition becomes super clear and you’re able to distinguish what is going on without being wiped for months at a time. Click here for all the details and to join us before the investment increases at midnight tonight: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition/


Card #6: Love. ‘I commit to the practise of seeing the good in all things.’

Ah, this feels like such a strong sense of confirmation for yourself - have you recently made changes and adopted a healthy mind-set lifestyle change for yourself recently? I am feeling that you have made some big changes that have even, made you ‘walk away from love’ recently - but I am getting the message, this that you have done, has actually been a deeper act of love for yourself. I am also getting the message that it may feel new and foreign for you, yourself and your life. It hasn’t been easy this past few weeks for you, but my sense is that you are emerging stronger, more aware and more conscious than before. I am also getting the message that you are quite focused on your dreams and anything else will be a distraction for you right now. Have you set some strong boundaries in place that allow you to create this time and space for you to be able to complete what you have started? I am getting the message that ‘they will come back into your life’ - however, I don’t know that you are wanting to choose them, the life you had or what you once had with them. Because, ultimately, what you went through taught you deeper layers of what is acceptable and not acceptable in relationship for you, your energetic field, vibration and what you are ultimately wanting in your dream life - and nothing less. I am also getting the message, that you can ‘love them and leave them’ in a way that is leading you to what you know in your heart is possible for yourself and your life and I am feeing there is something deeper going on here too. It feels like such huge underlying paradigm shifts for you - if it feels ‘quiet’ or like ‘the Earth is moving beneath your feet’ - know that what you are feeling, experiencing and what you are going through is this - paradigm shifts. You have chosen, on some level at some point in the last 12 months, that enough is enough and it is time to take charge and do things your way. And you are, but it hasn’t been easy AND there has been a deep level of trust and internal commitment for yourself and your life to make these changes, even when you’ve questioned what you have done, are doing and going to do right? Yet, deep in your Heart - the place where your LOVE BEING resides - you know that this is what you need to do for yourself, even though you can’t see clearly the big picture in it all at this second in time, you also feel it at your core, deeply don’t you? You just know and you are trusting the deep love in your heart you feel so called to follow. I am also getting the message that the depth of love you are feeling for yourself, for life and for others has significantly increased in the past 3-4 weeks especially, there has been a deep internal change, one you didn’t expect could change anymore than what it was, yet, it just took you to a whole new level of love and understanding love in and on a different way yes? It feels like you are exuding love, and that comes with a depth of boundaries and self love and care for yourself - which is propelling the love inside you outwards, radiating in a way you haven’t felt before, yet, you feel this deep down and can feel the internal power you have for yourself and others deeply rising, like a King and Queen rise to their throne. Have you become the own Master of your Kingdom? Love xxx It feels like you have deeply risen to your calling dear one and I am celebrating this with you!! Are you ready to take the next step and step into your calling as an Intuitive Healer, release yourself from the 9-5 and follow the calling of your Soul to be a Spiritual Teacher and leader in your field? Trust Your Intuition investment is increasing at midnight tonight and not only can you increase and fine tune your intuition so you are not clouded anymore, you can become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator with Trust Your Intuition. Click here for all the details before this increases in just a few hours: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition/