🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 29th June 2021

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jun 29, 2021

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 29th June 2021

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages came through from the Whispers of the Ocean Oracle 🐋🌊🐬

There are just DAYS away before we start this profound magical and deeply heart centring, power reclaiming and Soul shining space of Trust Your Intuition to become a Certified Healer. Some powerful activations, messages and energy flows through when I turn up live and this is the very first time I have ever held Trust Your Intuition as a 12 Week Live Training (yes, I changed it to 12 weeks!).

This is a powerful portal coming right up, to reclaim your power, fine tune your empath gifts, heighten your intuition and come out the other side as an Internationally recognised and accredited Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator.

Join us, as you transform your trauma and rise to the powerful Ancient Blooded Healer you know you ARE in your blood. You were born for this baby: Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Surrounded by Prosperity. ‘Your attention is being drawn to the infinite nature of reality. That which exists outside the known is beyond measure.’ 

I want to say to you - don’t you remember that you are an infinite being in an infinite Universe that has abundantly everything you need? I want to say to you - Remember - you go first - said the Universe. I want to say to you, were you hanging around some people who negatively brought you down? Who you knew weren’t aligned but you did it anyway and now you’ve released and you’re starting to remember your true power? These fish are a stunning yellow on this card and the yellow - is deeply in the Solar Plexus - all about taking back your power! I feel that this is where you are - taking back your power in many ways. I feel you’ve made lots of changes that somewhat have felt like they have been drawn out and yet, you are starting to FEEL better even though say results aren’t ALL in just yet. I am also hearing something about Faith - a leap of Faith - are you needing to take a Leap of Faith in the essence of remembering your true power? Is there something you are needing to remind yourself of here about that YOU have the power to create anything you desire and that all the prosperity exists around you and that YOU are the prosperity by how you feel inside? Are you needing to take action steps to pull yourself into alignment and remember who you are? Everything you desire is worthy of your life, everything you desire - you are worthy for, everything you desire is possible if you only pull yourself into alignment with that piece and truly BECOME that which you are craving, desiring, wanting - can’t stop thinking about and want more of when you have it. That piece is your Soul talking and must be adhered to or you just won’t be fulfilled. There is an innate desire within you right now that is calling you to - what direction? Prosperity is in the trees, in the air, in the ocean of abundance, there is more money in the world than people and you can claim your piece if you would only remember the core truth of who you are. I am also getting the message - what do you need to do to shift your energy? Are you needing to say yes to something? Are you needing to say no to something that is pulling on your energy, so you can say yes to something else? Are you needing to say yes to SOUL and what your SOUL is calling you to do? When you listen to your Soul - there is prosperity awaiting you to go first - remember? Trust. YOU are the Abundance - nothing outside of you precious Soul. What is your Soul calling you forth to take back your power and RISE? Love xxx There are just DAYS away before we start this profound magical and deeply heart centring, power reclaiming and Soul shining space of Trust Your Intuition to become a Certified Healer. Some powerful activations, messages and energy flows through when I turn up live and this is the very first time I have ever held Trust Your Intuition as a 12 Week Live Training (yes, I changed it to 12 weeks!). This is a powerful portal coming right up, to reclaim your power, fine tune your empath gifts, heighten your intuition and come out the other side as an Internationally recognised and accredited Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator. Join us, as you transform your trauma and rise to the powerful Ancient Blooded Healer you know you ARE in your blood. You were born for this baby: Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #2: Dancing In The Rainbow. ‘Break free from whatever you feel is holding you back. Express happiness. Find out what you truly desire.’ 

Ah, there is a Rainbow on this card and right away, that brings my awareness to Archangel Raziel and the first thing I want to say to that is - you have a Gift - you have a gift of saying the right things to the right people at the right time. You are a natural born Healer and you have the Healer’s gift, of just knowing how to help people in any circumstance. It comes naturally to you,  it is usually common sense to you even! Archangel Raziel is deeply connected to rainbows and when they appear you know that Archangel Raziel is around. Archangel Raziel’s gift - is taking that spiritual understanding, that esoteric information and being able to translate it to humans for them to understand. When you have Archangel Raziel close to you (he is one of my main Spirit Guides!) He helps you interpret the spiritual information and translate that to who ever is in front of you - including, helping you to understand the pieces of the intuitive puzzle. As He has showed up with the Dolphin today - in ‘Break free from whatever you feel is holding you back’ - is that a relationship? Is that a way of eating/diet/sedentary lifestyle that is creating a block and strong hold on you? Are you constantly feeling worn out and needing to change the way you do something? When you think/feel - what is it, that is holding me back? You will know! You will know those addictions, behaviours, patterns that are - really quite conscious for you right now I am sensing and you are even questioning yourself why and whilst you are playing them out! However, this is a good sign - to be this conscious of your behaviours/patterns/things that you are doing that you KNOW need to stop? When you are THIS conscious of them? You’re about to BREAK FREE from them beautiful one! So hang in there - I can feel that you’re soooooo close to one of the biggest break throughs of your entire life - BECAUSE - you ARE this Dolphin on the card - you are leaping/jumping out of the water, you are breaking into new paradigms, entirely new ways of being - the RAINBOW Is here - the acute clarity of what you know you need to do, all the awareness of how you’re going to do it (well mostly! I know you hand that over to the Universe like a zillion times a day right?!) This super acute awareness - honey - you’re breaking through, about to, or have just done so. You’ve got this -  you’re so close, keep going and know that you haven’t gone backwards ten steps, you haven’t made a mistake, you haven’t done anything wrong or fucked up or any of that - you are just about to BREAK THROUGH - SO GO DO IT beautiful! Love! There are just DAYS away before we start this profound magical and deeply heart centring, power reclaiming and Soul shining space of Trust Your Intuition to become a Certified Healer. Some powerful activations, messages and energy flows through when I turn up live and this is the very first time I have ever held Trust Your Intuition as a 12 Week Live Training (yes, I changed it to 12 weeks!). This is a powerful portal coming right up, to reclaim your power, fine tune your empath gifts, heighten your intuition and come out the other side as an Internationally recognised and accredited Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator. Join us, as you transform your trauma and rise to the powerful Ancient Blooded Healer you know you ARE in your blood. You were born for this baby: Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #3: Facing Your Fears. ‘Look for ways to strengthen your connection to the Universe and others. Stay peaceful and calm in the knowing of who you are.’

It makes me wonder if your fears are being deeply reflected to you right now through other people? Many times, things lay dormant within us and we are not even aware that they run our reality - because it is just our reality - how are we to know any different, when this is just how it is? Then, when you’re willing to change and you do some inner (and outer) work on yourself - the pieces/issues, that had been laying dormant, creating your reality subconsciously on autopilot, have now come to the surface. This can be reflected through other people - or you could be agitated by other people - because there are shadow parts of yourself that you haven’t owned yet, these are subconscious patterns that are now coming up and out to the surface to be witnessed, released and cleared and sometimes that can feel mighty uncomfortable, mighty stressful, mighty in your face at times - and yet - this is you facing your fears - this is you walking right on THROUGH them so you can come out the other side, having faced your fears, integrated that which was buried deep in your subconscious and now you can choose the reality you really want, rather than a subconscious unconscious reality being created on default - who doesn’t want that right?! And yet - you have pulled this card today, because I feel that whatever fear you are going through, whatever is stressing you out, whatever is deeply on your mind and somewhat quite confrontingly being reflected through other people in your reality right now - is because this is soooo conscious for you and you are shifting it OUT - hang in there! I am also getting the message this is connected to you shining your light, this is connected to being seen for who you really are - you also seeing yourself - perhaps for the very first time, in a light that you weren’t aware of, seeing yourself - living as the divine, incredible being that you are - enabling yourself to shine - perhaps also for the very first time. I am getting the message to remind you that when we are learning something new, or stepping into something new, you are adjusting to an entirely new way of being. This, is to be remembered and when it feels stressful at times - you’re just releasing your entire old life - that is HUGE beautiful one - be gentle with yourself! I am also getting the message here, are you needing to set some tough boundaries with yourself at all? Or with others? Or with something you need to be disciplined about in some way shape or form? Your fears are surfacing because you’re shifting to the next level. They are being reflected through other people - because they exist within you and are so in your face because it is time to integrate, heal and shift to your next level. That is all. You are finding out new things about yourself, re finding yourself even and discovering parts of you, you didn’t know were there OR that this is how you always dreamt yourself into being - that - that person, is now coming out and to become that person - these fears are coming up and out because they do not belong in this new version of you. Trust this change, trust this space, as uncomfortable as it may be. Trust beautiful one, trust some more. Love xxx There are just DAYS away before we start this profound magical and deeply heart centring, power reclaiming and Soul shining space of Trust Your Intuition to become a Certified Healer. Some powerful activations, messages and energy flows through when I turn up live and this is the very first time I have ever held Trust Your Intuition as a 12 Week Live Training (yes, I changed it to 12 weeks!). This is a powerful portal coming right up, to reclaim your power, fine tune your empath gifts, heighten your intuition and come out the other side as an Internationally recognised and accredited Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator. Join us, as you transform your trauma and rise to the powerful Ancient Blooded Healer you know you ARE in your blood. You were born for this baby: Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #4: Connect To Source. ‘Go within to discover what needs to be done. Create the shift required to attract what you want.’

Your answer? Is written above. What you have been looking for - the magic bullet, the magic pill - is Connecting to Source. That can look different for many people - the key is finding what it is for you and doing more of that - on repeat. It could be a strong, strict, dedicated, disciplined routine of meditating, exercising, surfing, running, yoga, connecting with friends, having time away from friends and people, re-kindling lost friendships, fasting - whatever is calling your Soul - whatever it is that brings YOU that feeling of connection, that feeling like you’ve come back to yourself, that feeling of truly living, of being alive, of feeling - yourself - that - do more of that. You know that feeling when have you been busy, and then you’re able to stop and do the things you love doing, the things that make you feel good and then you feel you again? Those things. Your answer is Reconnecting to Source aka - YOURSELF! Have you been feeling lost or like you’ve lost your footing again? That you thought you were going good and just figured it out then - GAH WTF again? It feels like you’re in a phase of everything spinning around you right now - remember, this is where the compass needle is still recalibrating to - YOUR direction. It feels like you’ve let go of something recently, you’ve let go of A LOT and the things you have let go of you’re realising cold hard truths that they have not been you, you didn’t even realise they are you and this entire time, it has been - almost feeling like you’re living a lie - who the fuck are you?!?!?! Woah. Huge right?! HUGS! This is one of the most confronting times you’ll ever have to face - yourself. And when you face yourself? This is the greatest initiation will ever encounter - for when you can truly face yourself - all the needy, all the greedy, all the parts of you that you have shoved down, hidden, buried and didn’t want to ever see again - that are somewhat reflected to you in other people around you in your life, this right now? Is what you are facing. Facing, learning, understanding, hearing, loving and integrating - you know, all the things you wish you had in your life right now through people just being there - but you don’t have them and never have really, that is what you are facing - you are facing yourself, understanding yourself and somewhat trying to recognise how you even ended up in this place in the first place. This honey? You facing yourself? You learning yourself and being there in ways for yourself that you’ve never done before? This - is you deeply giving yourself all that you never had and removing the skeletons in your closet too. This beautiful one? This is you… attracting your divine counterpart - because you - are being your divine counterpart and that… is what you’ve been working on or deep down longing for in your heart right? Connect to Source, Connect to YOU and stay here. Your answer lays in that. Love xxx There are just DAYS away before we start this profound magical and deeply heart centring, power reclaiming and Soul shining space of Trust Your Intuition to become a Certified Healer. Some powerful activations, messages and energy flows through when I turn up live and this is the very first time I have ever held Trust Your Intuition as a 12 Week Live Training (yes, I changed it to 12 weeks!). This is a powerful portal coming right up, to reclaim your power, fine tune your empath gifts, heighten your intuition and come out the other side as an Internationally recognised and accredited Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator. Join us, as you transform your trauma and rise to the powerful Ancient Blooded Healer you know you ARE in your blood. You were born for this baby: Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #5: Be Insightful and Established. ‘Ground and rebalance your energy. Bring your awareness into the now, rather than allowing it to occupy the past or future.’

This last few years has taken it out of you right? I also feel you’ve been trying to heal this year and… it is still taking time right? It feels like you feel worn out or is it ever going to end or just when is the turning point, the breakthrough really ever happening right? I feel like you are doing all the things, you are good at taking care of yourself and only improving that with every breath, every day, however the key here as it says on this card - ‘rather than allowing it to occupy the past or future.’ Have you been feeling like time is passing you by? Have you woken up in a reality and you’re like woah, um, where has time gone and when will this rat wheel ever end even though you’ve created something you love a life you love but you have been heads down and bums up and doing what you love but just - omg how did I end up HERE? The message coming through here for you - reminds me of a card from the Rumi Oracle - Drink the Sacred Wine - basically the card is referring to you - ARE YOU HAVING FUN YET? Take it and get drunk - not physically - not literally - but drunk of life - let your hair down, let go of the to do list for a moment (or a weekend!), let yourself be wild and free again - let yourself HAVE FUN - because that is what you have been doing all this work for in the first place right?!?! ‘Rather than allow it to occupy the past or future.’ - Sure, you need to heal your past, learn from your mistakes, sure you need to focus on creating a future and have goals and something you’re working towards - however - you also need to drink the wine in front of you (LIFE!) And ENJOY IT! I wonder if you feel like you don’t have time? Or that there are other things you need to tend to - or ‘OMG Hannah I don’t have time for myself let alone anything else right now!’ And yet, you already know you have to create the time. You already know, ‘life is passing me by’ and I know - you are ready to stop letting that happen. Many times when we’ve been in a tunnel of darkness, unconsciousness and mundane routine even if we started off loving what we do - there is a change that needs to happen that we know of but  sometimes don’t know how to change it - or we do, but we are just waiting for that day to happen when we can and you deep down know that doesn’t happen! The way you CAN start making the changes is to start small. Perhaps you want the weekends off now - and to shift from 24/7 to the weekends off, can take some time to adjust after being in a tunnel for quite a long time and so setting some boundaries like clocking off at midday Saturday and clocking back on Sunday lunchtime or Monday :) Or it could look like setting strong boundaries with yourself or another so that you can have you time, instead of giving to everyone else all the time and that can look like two hours a week whilst you go and do something for yourself that you’ve been putting off. Sure, you only want to work 5 hours a week and have lots of free time to just flow and be. But after 24/7 for years on end (it feels like!) To shift out of that - takes time. All these tiny pieces add up to larger chunks AND you are recalibrating your system that it is okay to take this time, that your business can still run and function whilst you do you too - and the more times you can do you - all keep extending to a powerful new energy that is starting to fulfil you and totally shift your energy frequency. But you know all this already right? So, start small. Start with something and keep focusing on all the tiny pieces - as they continue to grow and expand into the life you’ve been working for all along. Are you ready to drink the wine yet? Love xxx There are just DAYS away before we start this profound magical and deeply heart centring, power reclaiming and Soul shining space of Trust Your Intuition to become a Certified Healer. Some powerful activations, messages and energy flows through when I turn up live and this is the very first time I have ever held Trust Your Intuition as a 12 Week Live Training (yes, I changed it to 12 weeks!). This is a powerful portal coming right up, to reclaim your power, fine tune your empath gifts, heighten your intuition and come out the other side as an Internationally recognised and accredited Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator. Join us, as you transform your trauma and rise to the powerful Ancient Blooded Healer you know you ARE in your blood. You were born for this baby: Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #6: Seeing Both Sides. ‘Take a step back and try looking at this from a different perspective.’ 

Honey, I feel you have been judging yourself WAY too harshly. Feeling like you’ve done something wrong, feeling like you’ve made a mistake or how did you even let this happen or get this way or - just STOP! Enough! None of this would be coming up for you right now if it was CLEARING OUT FOR YOU! So stop and celebrate this - because things only come up when you have the capacity to handle them. You’re not unconsciously running your life from these things anymore - these things are VERY conscious and you’re shifting THROUGH them - that is why it can feel mighty uncomfortable and you are judging yourself harshly right now.  I know it is hard, but go easy on yourself. You’ve worked hard to get to where you are now and this place - is seeing both sides of it - see that which you have done, see what you’ve achieved, see what you’ve created, see where you’re at now and release all judgement that you have fucked up in any way because you haven’t - AT ALL. All you’ve done is what you have known how to get where you are today. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Walk away from anyone that pulls you down, judges you harshly and take your power back. Sure see both sides of the story - however, I feel this is more a message for you personally to not be so hard on yourself for where you have found yourself right now. There is a Hammerhead Shark on this card (well, more than one) and Sharks are all about Protection and as I always say the best form of protection is being grounded in your body. What are the mini changes you can make to your daily/weekly routine that is going to increase you coming into your body and supporting yourself by being grounded? I feel that as you come more and more into yourself, you’re going to see ‘both sides of the story’ I feel you’re going to be shown the bigger picture and your next steps - have you been feeling a bit that way? That you are also wondering - or ‘hitting your head up against a wall’ - because you are not sure which way to go at the same time of trying to see around the corner for what is next? Take time for you, take all the time you need for you to come into you and who you are. I feel that clarity is just around the corner for you - it is coming and the more you can come into your body through deep, dedicated self care practises, life is going to get easier very very soon beautiful one. I am also getting the message that you are protected - you are safe - whatever you are worried about is going to work out - spirit has your back on this one - trust. Love xxx There are just DAYS away before we start this profound magical and deeply heart centring, power reclaiming and Soul shining space of Trust Your Intuition to become a Certified Healer. Some powerful activations, messages and energy flows through when I turn up live and this is the very first time I have ever held Trust Your Intuition as a 12 Week Live Training (yes, I changed it to 12 weeks!). This is a powerful portal coming right up, to reclaim your power, fine tune your empath gifts, heighten your intuition and come out the other side as an Internationally recognised and accredited Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator. Join us, as you transform your trauma and rise to the powerful Ancient Blooded Healer you know you ARE in your blood. You were born for this baby: Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition