READING RESULTS ARE IN dear!! For 11th December 2018 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Dec 11, 2018

READING RESULTS ARE IN dear!! For 11th December 2018 ðŸ”®

Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you from the depths of the Ocean, the dear Mermaids today. 

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 

Card #1: Divination. Prophecy, fate, destiny, future fortune.

When I first saw this card for you I immediately received the message for you about strengthening your intuitive organs. It feels like you are going through an accelerated period of growth coming up in the next 3 months - there is something about the next 3 months - it feels full of deep preparation for something - a spiritual evolutionary shift within yourself and your life? This, prophecy, fate, destiny and future fortune - it also feels like you are - this is a very special and sacred time for you, I know I just said something along those lines, but it feels very significant. It is almost like you are finalising off the last of your ‘old life’ so you can be ‘free of past threads’ to step into your new life coming up - or moving deeply in the direction of such. This may be a period of intense grief for you as you let go of so much of who you once were to become who you have been working towards becoming. It feels like lots of quiet time for you, lots of self reflection, lots of inner growth, lots of learning deeply about yourself. It feels like you are on a quest for knowledge of the spiritual and psychic realm, that you are devouring everything you can, but also, deeply, listening to your inner wisdom rather than books or courses at this time. It feels like a deep strengthening of your inner self. It feels like you have dived to the depths of so much recently and are ready to come back up and surface, take a break for a moment and prepare for the next wave, that you can deeply feel coming, you are just not sure, entirely what that is. I am sensing you have been stripped bare recently, that not everything was as ‘stable’ as you thought. What is this teaching you? That the ONLY thing stable is the connection to yourself that you have been deeply cultivating for some time. I am also sensing that you are starting to really honour and acknowledge this in a deeper, more profound way than you have ever before, coming into your own, coming into your power remembering how powerful you are when that connection to yourself is strong. I am also getting the message that you are a very, very gifted and talented intuitive healer and psychic - your gifts are strong and deep, and very, very accurate - do not deny your inner voice, it is wise and ancient and very, very connected to the truth. Do not doubt yourself and it feels like this is a time when you are being called to hone your gifts and begin to prepare to align yourself with a service role that helps others connect and awaken to their intuitive abilities. For that is, what you are naturally drawn to anyway right? Our natural passions and talents lead the way - do not deny the calling of your Soul anymore, you are in this ‘quiet’ reflection, preparation time for a reason. Continue to ask for your next step, for you are already being shown how you can connect people to their intuition aren’t you? People, even asking you how? Trust it, you are a leader dear one. It is why you have been feeling the way you have been. Love xxx Want deep intimate support for the entire of 2019? Your 2019 Personal Psychic Readings are now OPEN to have your entire year supported through 2019, to create and deeply align, awaken and step onto in full flourishment (yes I create words!)  of who you are and what you are here on Earth to do - 2019 is your year, is it not? For every single month to have your own Personalised Psychic Reading to guide and support you, click here for all the details:


Card #2: Time Out. Awareness, contemplation, solitude, time alone.

Ah, it feels like you have already been doing this somewhat? But almost, from a ‘I don’t want to be alone’ at the same time? Something has almost ‘forced’ you to be alone at the moment in a way. It feels like you have been craving space, even just for a moment, but now it is here you are also FEELING and this can be uncomfortable! Especially when we have been so busy for so long and then when given ‘space’ all your feelings that have not been able to be expressed, surface! Sometimes we continue to avoid them with other mechanisms to keep our feelings at bay, but once we slow down, they already start surfacing don’t they? I am also getting the message that this solitude for you is bringing about answers you have been wondering about but haven’t had clarity until now? Even the past 24-48 hours things have started to come to light for you? Long standing issues even have been answered and even in the coming 24 hours, things are going to keep unfolding for you. This ‘quiet’ may even be an internal quiet something of stillness you’ve been wanting to ‘get to’ for sometime. It feels like you have shifted something quite bit recently that has enabled you to get to this ‘quiet’ space too - and fast. The ocean is standing out to me on this card - sounds silly right? These are the Mermaid Cards ha! Yet, the ocean - can you be in or near the ocean? And if not, can you listen to ocean waves on meditation music, even on youtube? I am getting the message that the ocean is calling you, has messages for you and will be deeply calming to your situation right now, to help you to ‘stay centred’ in that stillness place of quiet that takes you to the next level of your growth. It feels like something is ‘buried deep’ within you and this is a gift that this silence, is allowing space for it to surface for you, more than what already has. It is like the buried treasure chest - needs this quiet space for you to allow it the ocean current in the right direction your way. Intuitive insight about your next steps, new direction and how you are going to support yourself, all come in this treasure chest. Can you take extra care of yourself at the moment? What else can you do to deeply show love, appreciate and support to yourself? More than just physical things… the way you speak to yourself, show up for yourself, BE with yourself. Do you berate yourself for feeling emotions? Or can you be kind and gentle with yourself, like you would an upset friend? Allow yourself to be held in the womb of our Mother Ocean, even hearing her. Allow yourself to travel to the Mermaids and let them be present with you, opening your deep Heart again, allowing you to feel the depths of who you are… your deepest love - needs to be given to yourself. It is time, for you. Love xxx Want deep intimate support for the entire of 2019? Your 2019 Personal Psychic Readings are now OPEN to have your entire year supported through 2019, to create and deeply align, awaken and step onto in full flourishment (yes I create words!) of who you are and what you are here on Earth to do - 2019 is your year, is it not? For every single month to have your own Personalised Psychic Reading to guide and support you, click here for all the details:



Card #3: Coral’s Wisdom. Colony, delicacy, fragility, works that are created over great periods of time.

Ah, so many messages streaming through about this card all at the same time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, ‘Empire’ also comes to mind, building a house also comes to mind, restructuring a business or your day to day routine also comes to mind. It feels like you have come into deep realisation of what you are actually doing - like you have realised that what you are doing, is going to take time, regardless of all the ‘instant manifestation’ and ‘imagine it’s already happened’ stuff - you have realised we live in a 3D world and there is so many hours in a day (that you can extend at times, yes) - yet you also have a 3D limited human body that your ever expanding Soul is housed in and needs to balance each other - respect each other and care for each other. It feels like this is frustrating for you at times, because you want things done yesterday and also realising that the masterpiece is also YOU and taking care of YOU is vitally important if you are going to go the long haul. I am wondering if you have discovered a health issue recently? And this has been a wake up call for you? I am also sensing about your ‘Empire’ and the work you have created and are still creating in the world - you are learning a new phase of yourself and your gift right now, it is like the next phase is kicking in, or about to kick in, just as the card states, ‘Works that are created over great periods of time’ this is also a message for you to take a deep breath and just know it IS happening, it is just adjusting to this physical 3D world when you have been moving along for some time at a pace that you realise you need to ‘pace yourself now’ yes? I am also wondering what intricate details you are needing to tend to right now? Creative entrepreneurs, can leave ‘chaos’ in their wake of creation and it feels like this is a time to tend to ALL the details you have let go and left behind for some time now in your creative flow. What ‘mess’ needs to be cleaned up? It may feel like things are at some what of a halt right now, but it is actually a space of cleaning up the loose ends and pieces that have been just left undone for sometime due to your creative flow of creation of your gifts to the world. What intricate details do you need to clean up, or finalise for the finishing of this project you have been working on? What are the tiny pieces you are not seeing in this puzzle even? Maybe you need a step back from it just for a day, to re assess your focus and come back in with fresh eyes? I am also getting the message you are stepping up to a new level and that is why everything feels the way it does right now. You are not going backwards, nothing has ‘stopped’ but you are deeply recalibrating to the next level. What fine details do you need to tend to, tune to, clean up to be prepared for this next level to come in? It feels like it is already here in a way, now is not the time to give up, more so, rest, recoup and clean up the little intricate parts, that now the solid foundation is built, the intricate parts are what makes it run - exactly as you’ve always dreamed. ‘Protect your Empire’. Love xxx Want deep intimate support for the entire of 2019? Your 2019 Personal Psychic Readings are now OPEN to have your entire year supported through 2019, to create and deeply align, awaken and step onto in full flourishment (yes I create words!) of who you are and what you are here on Earth to do - 2019 is your year, is it not? For every single month to have your own Personalised Psychic Reading to guide and support you, click here for all the details:


Card #4: Divine Sensuality. Making Love, Erotica.

Ah, this card is very self explanatory! Have you been more intimate with yourself recently? Or with another? Or is it blocked and you are craving, ready, opening yourself back up to actually being with another again? Has your heart been hurt recently? Have you been longing for someone that ‘wasn’t there’? They didn’t ‘see the depth of your love’? I am wondering - were you giving yourself - the depth of this love FIRST? If not, why not? I am sensing that you are pining for someone, someone you already know, or someone, you long to meet. It feels like with this card actually, that you are ready for adventure WITH someone to share your life with or reconnect and rekindle a love that has travelled to far away lands and you are about to be reunited, even though you are not sure when that is exactly yet. I am getting the sense of travel with this card regardless of sexual desire or not - have you had travel on your mind recently? Adventure? Even in your home town? This card deeply relates to the Heart and also the Base Chakra - Base Chakra is finances, physical reality, sexuality, feeling safe, trust and life purpose. If your sexual desire has been shut down, every other area that relates to your Base Chakra will also be affected. Have you been trying to move house and haven’t been successful? How do you feel about physical intimacy? How open are you - with yourself? How kindly to you treat yourself? Speak to yourself? Are you intimate with yourself? Care for yourself? I am also getting another message for you about this card and sexual intimacy… what is that… What is it - that is longing to be reunited? That ‘love across the seas’ is really strong message - something long away, a long distance away, or even a long time ago? What is it for you about this ‘distance’ love/intimacy/desire? Does it feel a long way a way? Like out of your reach, or just distance, or ‘desire is lost’ or - what is it? No, the desire feels strong. It is like there is a channel, a tunnel and I am wondering whether I am picking up past life love here and that is why the distance/long time ago is coming through. I am wondering then, if there is a current love and situation in your life, that is reflecting past life issues for you about this situation? Is there something you are trying to figure about the now love and this issue is stemming from past life love and same theme/tone/message/learning going on for you? Have you done a past life meditation, integration and healing on it? How deep have you gone with that? You can do that here: I also getting the message of movement, and perhaps that is what the adventure message coming in - have you been ‘stuck’ or ‘standstill’ recently? Have you…. been outside or moved your body recently? I am feeling that your Base Chakra will deeply benefit from movement, not just the sexual kind either! Physical activity, exploring new territory in your local area is a profoundly powerful way to extend, change and activate new neural-pathways in your brain, and there fore activate new energy ‘in your base reality’ if that makes sense? There feels something significant about the reflection and energetic presence of your energy in your local area, or new territory in the world, in relation to what you are creating and working on in your life. Is there local places you drive past a zillion times and yet, you’ve never explored? It feels like a strong message about your Base and your Home and your energetic self being ‘home’ and ‘housed’ in your body and and amplification of your power by doing this. Especially when you take each and every movement, consciously, powerfully connecting with your environment with every step you take. Ready to amplify and expand? Love xxx Want deep intimate support for the entire of 2019? Your 2019 Personal Psychic Readings are now OPEN to have your entire year supported through 2019, to create and deeply align, awaken and step onto in full flourishment (yes I create words!) of who you are and what you are here on Earth to do - 2019 is your year, is it not? For every single month to have your own Personalised Psychic Reading to guide and support you, click here for all the details:



Card #5: Telepathy. Non-verbal communication, energetic pulses, ‘mind-reading’

Ah, I am getting such a strong sense that you have been having mental conversations with people, certain people and it is wise you trust these messages! No, you are not going crazy! You are becoming extremely sensitive and choosing to listen to your intuition instead of ignoring it! This also - makes it stronger! I am also sensing you have been having an increase in dreams that you know are messages, and majority of them you don’t remember, but come back during the day to you at times and evade you - it is on the tip of your remembering consciousness, but it is just not 100% clear/conscious to you. I am getting the message, don’t stress about not knowing the details in this moment in time, as when you ‘feel’ your dreams coming back, but you are not sure what they are, you are in fact, receiving the guidance, the messages in that moment. Whatever you are doing physically, or you start thinking about or feeling - is correct and giving you the messages and guidance you are feeling into about - you are receiving them. A lot people come to me and tell me how they are not receiving any information, yet, in those moments you ARE. You are opening to receiving, you are ‘quiet’ because you are opening to let the messages in and usually these people are highly clairsentient, it isn’t about ‘bigger goals’ it is about more meaningful and soul aligning goals - do you know what they are, do you know how to tap into them? Do you even know ‘how’ to or what they are? I am sensing with this telepathy card you have pulled today, you HAVE been having conversations with people on the other side of the world even, that you know of, even if just on social media and you haven’t ever really spoken to them in physical before, maybe once or twice you remember, but you also remember those moments, because there was something significant about it - what was that? Truth? Something hit core home in those tiny little moments and instances right? That truth? That is your intuition on point. You know how powerful that moment in time was? You realise, you can be that powerful all the time? With your energy? Are you? Do you trust it? Can you? Are you ready to? Do you need to enhance your intuition with skills and training to fine tune it, so you can be that powerful all the time? Not from an ‘outer’ power, but from that grounded, solid, unmoveable, (yes, I create words!) power, that everyone FEELS when you walk into the room, not because of who you have created yourself to be on the outside and outside world, but because of who you are and your Soul’s purpose is radiating from within that people must be a part of what you are, before you even speak? Do you have that sort of power? Are you…. listening to those words that you are hearing through your telepathic communication yet? How much longer, are you going to wait until you action what you are hearing? To remind your purpose, your drive your….. YOUR REASON YOUR IN THIS WORLD? For more, than what you have already created? Love xxx Want deep intimate support for the entire of 2019? Your 2019 Personal Psychic Readings are now OPEN to have your entire year supported through 2019, to create and deeply align, awaken and step onto in full flourishment (yes I create words!) of who you are and what you are here on Earth to do - 2019 is your year, is it not? For every single month to have your own Personalised Psychic Reading to guide and support you, click here for all the details:


Card #6: Sisterhood. Friendship, allies, compatible souls, loyalty, joy, delight.

Ah, this card speaks for itself doesn’t it! Yet, there is also another meaning for this card coming through that I will get to in a moment, but right now, this card speaks of loyal, dedicated friends that have always had your back, and perhaps there are new friends or allies in your field currently that you know will always have your back, even though you haven’t known them long. I am sensing there is deep power here for you in your friends right now. You may have not had much contact with them recently - or you have - and not known how much of a support they have been until this moment in time? It feels like they also have a message for you - in a sense, that your intuition is extremely heightened at this time, do not deny the power of your inner voice - have you been listening too much to them? Hmmm, it doesn’t feel like it, actually feels like you have been doubting your own inner voice or such. You have - been holding onto resentment and you’ve been aware of this, even if towards the feminine, females in your life, but you have been working to let this go, even just ‘being present with it’ - coming into deep awareness of how long you’ve actually been holding this in your energetic field. Did something happen about 3-4 weeks ago - that brought this to the surface? It feels significant and the women around you now, your sisterhood is deeply supporting this release. Your sisterhood of kin that you know are your Soul family - have brought out how kind and loving women can be - but you haven't really experienced this depth before now have you? And so, from the depths, comes out the pain that you have buried, because all it has been waiting for, is a new reality to be shown and experienced for you…. of deep love, support and mutual respect, let alone a powerful presence of energy that you have been feeling, and you KNOW is your intuition - but this sisterhood - are exactly like you right? If you are a male reading this - I am wondering if you feel this way with a group of men in your life, and if not, a particular woman, rather than a ‘sisterhood’ of women? The other message is, if you have had the resentment coming out, the grief or the ‘hurt’ of a woman in your life to date, are you able to work to release this now? If you have been asking ‘what is wrong in your life, what is going on, why have I lost my way, my mojo and more’ - healing the Divine Feminine in your life, is where you can start. It can be Mother, Sister, Daughter, Wife and generational. Healing The Divine Feminine, will support this generational pass down and again, if you are a male reading this, the generational line can ‘skip’ and ‘jump’ to the masculine side too after a lineage of time. Love xxx Want deep intimate support for the entire of 2019? Your 2019 Personal Psychic Readings are now OPEN to have your entire year supported through 2019, to create and deeply align, awaken and step onto in full flourishment (yes I create words!) of who you are and what you are here on Earth to do - 2019 is your year, is it not? For every single month to have your own Personalised Psychic Reading to guide and support you, click here for all the details: