🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 10th January 2023

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jan 10, 2023

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 10th January 2023

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Angels.

What a potent start to 2023.

Side swipes, things you didn’t see coming, a new energy coming in to ‘sweep you off your feet’, clearing out, shifting and moving you a long - FAST - rapidly towards your dreams and desires.

If you desire to anchor this baby in and take these dreams to reality, Transcendence commences in just a few days and it is the exact place, we do this, click here for all the details, 2023 is going to be a ride, click here to join us through the quantum: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence

Today I am using the Daily Guidance From Your Angels Oracle. You can click here to get your own deck of these on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3QpoWzT

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Opportunity to Forgive. “This situation brings you the opportunity to heal, grow and release negative patterns. Hold the intention of seeing the other person’s inner Divine light and goodness. We will help you release unforgiving thoughts, feelings and energies and lift you to a higher place of peace and compassion.” 

I am sorry, I love you, please forgive me, thank you. The famous Ho’oponopono Forgiveness Prayer. Have you been knowing you don’t want to hold onto this resentment and anger anymore, but you are ‘not sure’ how to forgive, when you have this buried stuff going on and you know it wasn’t your fault, you don’t even speak to them anymore but you KNOW you need to let go of this? First of all, forgiving someone, doesn’t mean you have to speak to them again, or have them in your life. What it does mean, is that you don’t have to carry around a back pack that is carry what feels like ten tonne bricks from everything that happened. You can put the backpack down, you don’t have to carry that anymore. All that generational shit that you picked up along the way, honey you may be the black sheep of the family, you may be the odd one out, you may have been ostracised, scapegoated and left out in the cold, but you do not have to carry the weight of the world of it all on your shoulders anymore. Now is the time for you to put down your baggage, put down your g*ns, you don’t need to be on guard, don’t need to be on the defence anymore… you are safe to live your life free from the subconscious inner child guilt of considering, worrying about or thinking about what they will say or do or think or otherwise because of your choices. You are free to live your own life now, free to do what you want to do, free to be who you really are and live in the decadent way your heart and soul want to thrive in. I am sorry, I love you, please forgive me, thank you. A process you can do - without speaking to them - is to repeat this mantra: “I am sorry, love you, please forgive me, thank you.” - whether you did wrong or right, whether they did wrong or right - repeat this mantra over and over again whilst thinking about saying it as if they were right in front of you, or you could look at a photo of them or you could imagine them or a situation in your mind. As mentioned, whether you did wrong or right, whether they did wrong or right, by saying this mantra over and over again and noticing what feelings arise, sadness, tears, anger, happiness, joy - whatever surfaces for you and you can purge it out by feeling it, writing it down then safely destroying it (ceremonial fire or burying it or simply placing it in the bin) or speaking out loud to get it out. Then when it seems to ‘calm’, repeat the mantra again and repeat this process until you feel a shift. You could do this weekly for a time, you could do it once, you could do it when you feel you need to. This is an opportunity for you to forgive and set yourself free this year and allow what you truly want to come into your heart, instead of the deep pile of resentment buried there, that you and everyone else can feel and you KNOW you need to clear this out of your heart, so it is not heavy anymore, so you can be light and free and live the joyful, heart led life you know your Soul is calling you to do, but feels like you a treading mud backwards and some! I am sorry, I love you, please forgive me, thank you. You can do this. I know you can. This is about setting your heart free, because you - of all people - deserve this honey. Love xxx What a potent start to 2023. Side swipes, things you didn’t see coming, a new energy coming in to ‘sweep you off your feet’, clearing out, shifting and moving you a long - FAST - rapidly towards your dreams and desires. If you desire to anchor this baby in and take these dreams to reality, Transcendence commences in just a few days and it is the exact place, we do this, click here for all the details, 2023 is going to be a ride, click here to join us through the quantum: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence


Card #2: Blessing in Disguise. “What appears to be a problem is actually part of your answered prayer. You’ll understand the reasons behind your present situation as everything resolves. Trust in heavens protection and infinite wisdom to answer your prayer in the best way.” 

Has something just ‘lit a fire up your tail’ to get your butt into action and MOVING onto it pronto baby! What has pushed your buttons and you are ‘coming back with a vengeance’ this year? What has just given you the motivation to DO WHAT YOU’RE BORN TO DO!? It is TIME baby, it is TIME - yes? And so what has pushed you down, kicked you back and feel like you’re still in a tailspin about it (well, I think you are moving forward now) - is now you see, a Blessing in Disguise. What you have just heard the news of, received or been thinking about - is time to get moving on that idea! If it feels like your world is falling apart, that you’re collapsing, that all your well thought out, well laid out plans have just been pulled out from under your feet - this, is actually a blessing in disguise. You didn’t REALLY want to wait around until your jobs, projects and goals were fully done and complete and THEN you could move on right? No. Didn’t think so. You’ve come into a place where life - precious life - is important and you want to have FUN and LIVE AND work on your projects, because you know your work is never done and that magically creative list CONTINUES to grow, not matter how much you get done because that is CREATION and so, this rug being pulled out from under your feet is the Blessing in Disguise of - LET THE ADVENTURE BEGIN! I feel that this has also allowed you to knuckle down, get work done, get your projects completed and now you have time deadlines - you work best to deadlines right?! Of course you do so of course this is a Blessing in Disguise. Remember after the dark clouds and rain, green grass grows and sun shines on a blue sky again. Remember, the darkest is always right before the dawn. You will get through this and I feel that your ‘job’ right now is to grieve, howl, get the shock out of your system and then - get the fuck on with it! This is an answered prayer, this is a Blessing in Disguise and ultimately right now - you can’t do anything - meaning, you can’t push, force or hurry this along. In fact, this entire situation has just shown you just how much God is in charge - but do you know what else? How damn friggin powerful you are. Because you? You have been working on creating your highest path, you’ve been manifesting, visualising, calling in your dreams, your soulmate, your soulmate clients, your business growth, your increased intuition - you’ve been diligently working on these skills - every. Single. Day. Remember? So take this as a leap into the unknown where God ALWAYS catches you, where the aliveness for life, where the road less taken, truly guides you to your true aligned pathway home and that you have… been asking for all along. Trust in the unknown. Trust in your God given skills, abilities, everything you’ve been working for, building and creating because… this is your power in motion, this is YEARS of work, coming to pass in a single moment, a single day, a single breath…. that will change the world overnight.. because that has always been the way. Trust. Drop back into full faith and know that it truly is all, going to be very alright. Love xxx What a potent start to 2023. Side swipes, things you didn’t see coming, a new energy coming in to ‘sweep you off your feet’, clearing out, shifting and moving you a long - FAST - rapidly towards your dreams and desires. If you desire to anchor this baby in and take these dreams to reality, Transcendence commences in just a few days and it is the exact place, we do this, click here for all the details, 2023 is going to be a ride, click here to join us through the quantum: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence


Card #3: “Quiet your mind, Beloved One and listen to our gentle reassurance that everything has been taken care of. Stay in a quiet and receptive state without worrying about the exact nature of your desires manifestation. A quiet mind and body hears us quickly and clearly. This is our request to you: Listen.” 

Shhhh, now is not the time to figure things out. Now is the time to retreat, go within and get what you are here to do - done. You still have time and there is no time to waste, there is not time to forget who you really are and what you came for. Cut out the distractions, stop listening to and being pulled into everyone else’s stuff - honey - you KNOW what you need to get done, what your next task is, what you are here to be, do, create and travel to in 2023 - this is what you have been waiting for so right now STOP. Listen within and just ‘go about it quietly’ in essence of DO it, don’t talk about it and make it happen. This card can come forth when you need more rest, when you are tired of pushing - but I feel you are past that. You know when to rest, you know how to be gentle on yourself, you know how to take care of yourself - you’ve learnt those things and are pretty well seasoned in them now. This is about keeping your nervous system in a state of calm and holding a particular vision and frequency that pulls you into alignment of your heart’s desires, like a magnet. Perhaps this is your sign for more meditation or activities that keep you connected to this peaceful, calmed and connected nervous system state. This Listen - is about keeping your anxiety at bay - meaning, clear the energy of your Heart - don’t let others who don’t belong there take up residence in your heart. You may be in need of constant clearing of energy of your heart chakra this time, especially if you have been feeling more sensitive in your heart, anxiety levels through the roof that make you question if you should go to the medical or not and just… phew! STOP. Clear the energy in your heart. Stand outside and let the sunshine pour onto your bare skin with your arms open wide chest facing the sun for a few deep breaths, imagining that sunlight coming blood and bone deep to clear out what is not yours from your heart and not just once - this must be done regularly at this time because right now? You’re learning to let go of co-dependency patterns that have very old core roots, ancient even and this is a practise even for all of January. You can also use Sage or Palo Santo to consciously clear your heart chakra and aura from anything that is invading your energy, any ‘sticks or stones’ from people gossiping or judging you behind your back, because I do feel there is a pile of that actually - so make sure you’re keeping up with these energetic practises okay? Of course, this card also means increasing your meditation routine - which is going to help keep your energetic aura clean and strong - which stops any looters coming in and stealing your energy or ideas yes? Those ideas, are sent straight from your Soul - so make sure you are taking time to listen and carve out space and time away from distractions, from people pulling on your time and energy and just make it happen, so that you can just ‘show’ them… instead of dispersing that energy to people who don’t get it and then pull you down. You’re a Leader of your own kind, so trust yourself to step into this with strong boundaries, strong clear energy, trusting your intuition to guide you the entire. Way. Home. Love xxx What a potent start to 2023. Side swipes, things you didn’t see coming, a new energy coming in to ‘sweep you off your feet’, clearing out, shifting and moving you a long - FAST - rapidly towards your dreams and desires. If you desire to anchor this baby in and take these dreams to reality, Transcendence commences in just a few days and it is the exact place, we do this, click here for all the details, 2023 is going to be a ride, click here to join us through the quantum: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence 


Card #4: Steady Progress. “We acknowledge you for the progress you’ve made in remembering love in your daily activities. We can clearly see the contribution you’re making to the world through your thoughts, feelings and actions of love.” 

I almost feel like this card is ‘READY SET GO!” because that is the energy it is putting off! Even though this is ‘Steady Progress’ and I am getting the message for you - that time is not running out, but I feel that something has kicked you along a little bit to get going on this project and not delay one moment more. ‘Slow and steady wins the race’ I am hearing - however, alongside this is make a dedicated time plan and make that non-negotiable to get it done. What is it, that you are trying to finish (or start?!) It feels like you are getting LOTS of ideas, but you can’t move forward with them fully - until - what? What needs to be completed first and then it is GO time?? It feels like this is so important for you to deeply lean into, trust and make this your number one priority at this time. Alongside this, are you needing more time outdoors? It feels like breaking it up with things you love (outdoors?!) or things you love, classes or connection time wth friends - is important along side this Steady Progress, but it is going to help you ‘Balance work, rest and play.’ and feel like you are living and not all work and no play. Work hard and play hard right? Also the travel comes in here too, have you planned to travel this year? Or want to? Or have booked tickets and make it non-negotiable to make happen? It feels like a balanced time ahead or work, rest and play and doing the things you love whilst making your dreams happen is crucial to this next phase… but don’t stop. When you want to stop - rest, and then keep going. These cards are similar messages today - stop waiting around, you’re the one who creates your reality, you’re the one that ‘creates your own luck’, you’re the one that makes your dreams come true, that moves mountains in your life, you’re the one who moves heaven and earth to do what you want to do - it is always how it’s been done. Steady Progress is your reminder to create that disciplined schedule (including fun)… and get it done. Because after it’s done - then what? And that… is knocking on your door faster than you realise - so… what are you waiting for? Love xxx What a potent start to 2023. Side swipes, things you didn’t see coming, a new energy coming in to ‘sweep you off your feet’, clearing out, shifting and moving you a long - FAST - rapidly towards your dreams and desires. If you desire to anchor this baby in and take these dreams to reality, Transcendence commences in just a few days and it is the exact place, we do this, click here for all the details, 2023 is going to be a ride, click here to join us through the quantum: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence


Card #5: Perfect Timing. “Now is the perfect moment for you to act on your inspirations. The doors are open, while you walk through them with us by your side. Don’t delay or procrastinate as all of the ingredients are ripe for your success. Everything and everyone is on your side, supporting your positive outcome.” 

A New Dawn, A New Day is on your doorstep, open it with a big huge smile and know that all of your dreams are coming true. Stay positive, stay true and keep LIVING through what you know you have to do. There comes a day, there comes a place where you will look back and realise, remember and know that all you wanted HAD to happen this way and you will look back and be grateful it happened this way. I feel like you’ve been trying to make something happen for….. YEARS. And now? This year, or in a few months - or now - it is happening effortlessly and you are being blessed with the opportunity of a lifetime it feels like. It feels like you have come into your own, you have separated yourself from the drama, from the trauma and from those who were simply not aligned. Not bad or wrong - just not in alignment for your frequency, for your wave and….. you have set yourself free - or this is the perfect moment to. If you are harbouring resentment in your heart, now is the time to be working on clearing this and getting it out. I am also getting the message something about finances for you with this card - the perfect time to pay off debts, consolidate your debts, sort out payment plans - clear them, get clear on them, work on them consciously and working on those ideas that are guiding you to bring higher levels of income in. Have you been ignoring this? Asking for more help from God, your Purpose, Angels or whoever, but then ignoring the ideas that come in and putting it off until another day before you actually do them and wondering why you’re not moving forward, getting angry and resentful at those that ARE taking action and sharing those wins with you and… gah… time to get off the merry go around right? Are you listening yet? Are you taking action on - what? Because honey, if this Perfect Timing Card ain’t your sign, if 2023 ain’t a fresh new energy that you can bring to the table right now and actually do what you are being guided to do to change your life - then… when will you? Are you angry at me even reading this? If you are frustrated and STILL giving me reasons why you can’t - there is something deeper here - a body soul muscle memory from when you stepped up to do this last lifetime and were burnt at the stake, killed for what you LOVE to do and were damn fucking good at it too - still are today - you’re just… scared.  You can use my Healing from the Witch Hunts Meditation (you can find the link here for that: https://www.realityawareness.com/healing-from-the-witch-hunts ) to help shift the body soul muscle memory from when you were killed last time, release the hurt, resentment and tiredness out of your heart and free your soul to do what you LOVE to do, do what you WANT to do this lifetime, make a tonne of money doing it and have FUN. Right? Now is the perfect time, so what are you waiting for? If you’re still stuck… it’s time for private mentoring. Send me a message to talk about this, Life Purpose Accelerator is open. Otherwise - get to it because.. this IS the Perfect Timing - The Angels say so :) Love xxx What a potent start to 2023. Side swipes, things you didn’t see coming, a new energy coming in to ‘sweep you off your feet’, clearing out, shifting and moving you a long - FAST - rapidly towards your dreams and desires. If you desire to anchor this baby in and take these dreams to reality, Transcendence commences in just a few days and it is the exact place, we do this, click here for all the details, 2023 is going to be a ride, click here to join us through the quantum: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence


Card #6: "Yes, the signs you've been receiving are heaven-sent. We drop feathers, coins and other signs upon your path to remind you that you're loved and never alone."

Feathers in random places, overhearing people talk about something that has meaning to you and you weren’t even listening to anything as you walked past, angel numbers/repeating numbers - EVERYWHERE they stand out to you so much you almost want to fall to your knees and start bawling your eyes out with the level of connection you feel so deeply supported - especially as your world falls apart and you did not see this coming or you are just sooo where you are meant to be right now, doing exactly what you know you need and want to be doing and the strong sense coming through is you willl be shown the exact information, the exact path in the exact moment in time that you need to - do not doubt this one single moment. This level of connection you feel with the Universe and - have you felt quite alone in this recently? Wondering wtf you are doing and like no one is there - including your Angels or God and then all of a sudden with this huge change that has swept through your life recently you are feeling so connected to God again even though you have no idea where you are headed (even though you do) but no ‘confirmation’, even though you don’t know how it will work out (even though you’re doing all the manifestation things possible) to make it work out, you are feeling so connected by ALL. The. Signs. Because they have been soooo strong especially this last week right? If that ain’t confirmation enough - you just got a card telling you MORE confirmation that you are being watched out for - Spirit/The Universe has your back so to speak and you are being called forth into a place of trust and faith that not many get initiated into okay? Know this. I am getting the message for you to think back over your life when you WERE so connected and this feeling was so strong and present for you, because I feel that ‘you have been here before’ and you were guided, you were shown and you really had no idea how it was all going to work out but it did. And there were signs. And now? You’re so much older, wiser and have so much more wisdom on board that is accelerating you in the direction you want to go and… this faith - this - holding the vision of what you truly do want - “Aim too high, because you might just reach it,” is a strong message coming through that I feel you need to write on your bathroom mirror with white board marker, write on a big piece of paper and put it next to your bed, set reminders and have it on your phone - to help you hold this vision, because you very well, might just reach it…. and all the signs? They are already showing you such right? ‘Oh but darling, what if you FLY?’ Love xxx What a potent start to 2023. Side swipes, things you didn’t see coming, a new energy coming in to ‘sweep you off your feet’, clearing out, shifting and moving you a long - FAST - rapidly towards your dreams and desires. If you desire to anchor this baby in and take these dreams to reality, Transcendence commences in just a few days and it is the exact place, we do this, click here for all the details, 2023 is going to be a ride, click here to join us through the quantum: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence