🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 14th April 2020 🔮
Apr 14, 2020
🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 14th April 2020 🔮
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today, to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Dragonfae today.
Ready to shift your frequency? Reconfiguring Energetic Codes has called forth and we commence our heightened vibrational recalibration in a way that is not like you've ever felt before, click here for all the details, we start this Thursday/Friday: https://www.realityawareness.com/reconfiguring-energetic-codes
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Drystan. “Look Beneath The Surface.”
Hmmm, have you been questioning something? It feels like you are ‘stuck in your ways’ - in a way - that… it feels almost like this righteousness energy - however, it is more that you are strong in your values BUT - the sense I am getting here is - can you allow someone else to be strong in their values too? And with that - what is that you are so triggered in about this situation? This ‘Look beneath the surface’ - is deeply rooted in the subconscious. What has triggered you - is coming up to look at - and this rises from the subconscious. When we are in relationship, whether we do personal development work or not - we can rise through things very quickly IF - we allow ourselves the boundaries to stay strong and true in what is right for us WHILST allowing the other person to have that for themselves too. It isn’t about who is right or wrong, but where the tolerance for each other’s process around the issue. Drystan has come to you today - that perhaps you have resolved something, or are still in mid-process - but the issue here - has risen from the subconscious and I feel that Drystan’s message is about consciously shifting what has come up (whether the issue has passed already or not) - as I feel there is a piece of #gold in this subconscious to be recovered, something that - will give you insight to your Life’s Purpose whether the person is involved in your Life Purpose or not. I just checked the message in the book - and it is quite different to what I channeled here for you without looking in the book - but obviously Drystan has this important message for you here too - as his message is about deception, and to ‘look beneath the surface, don’t fall for someone’s charisma.’ The piece here about this to not be confused - but to get yourself clear is - does this persons actions, match their words? Are what they saying they will do, speak of and is the ‘charm’ you love about them - does that follow through with their words? Do they make mistakes, admit them, then make behavioural changes to match that? OR - is it that they continue to speak, but not follow through on their words? You can FEEL in relationship, when someone follows through with their words - it is a very noticeable feeling, compared to someone who speaks and says things, but doesn’t make the behavioural changes and it keeps happening over and over again. What Drystan has mentioned in the book, is that - if you stay in a situation that you are conscious they are not making the changes they speak of then you are putting yourself in emotional/physical/professional danger. Everyone knows what happens when you don’t trust your intuition - you get sick, things get worse, you are over emotional, it is EXHAUSTING and draining to say the least and nothing works, everything is hard work. As opposed to trusting your intuition about doing the inner work OR leaving a relationship - you can FEEL when someone follows through with their words and makes changes… or doesn’t. Which one - is it for you? And - what are you being guided to do here about it? This is the #gold I was talking about before about this situation for you. What is the Inner Work you need to do, to receive the gifts, the gold, for you to expand through this situation - with or without this person? What Shadow Work, Past Life work or Inner Child Work - perhaps another kind of inner work - is calling you - to reclaim the gift that has surfaced through this space for you? What do you REALLY need to see about this situation - are they making changes and following through? Are YOU - making changes and following through, with safe, healthy and respectful boundaries? What piece of #gold is waiting for you to reclaim to gain clarity on your Life’s Purpose and ‘why’ this situation even happened in the first place? Love xxx With these massive Humanity changes going on, on the planet right now, Reconfiguring Energetic Codes has been CALLING! I have been speaking about it and feeling it for two weeks now, and even sat with it over the weekend, when I got the message to complete another round of this powerful, deeply transformative energetic upgrades. This Two Week Immersion sees us going DEEP - if you don’t like deep work, this ain’t for you! This is beyond the mind - this is deeply energetic and is like taking out your old hard-drive of your computer and installing a faster, more accurate and up to date version - exactly what our human body, mind and Soul are calling forth at this time as we try to make sense of these extremely massive changes occurring through Humanity right now, click here for all the details we start this coming Thursday/Friday: https://www.realityawareness.com/reconfiguring-energetic-codes
Card #2: The Elder. ‘Heed Wise Counsel’
Hmmm, several messages came streaming through when I saw this card for you - trust your intuition, preparation and seek within. Do you have an event coming up? That may sound silly with everyone in lockdown - but more so - like a project or something you have been working on already, thinking about creating or mastering? This - Heed Wise Counsel - is calling you to take action on this. Don’t delay - make a plan to get it done, for this is a big piece of what you already do, who you already are, what name you’ve made for yourself and - it is STILL on your mind right? That gentle, tap, tap, tap on your should yes? This is the trusting your intuition part - that, this is your intuition speaking to you - you’ve been asking about your next step - are you going to make a plan now? Sometimes when life changes, it can be hard and tricky to ‘wait until you have a chunk of time’ - but instead, make time everyday - even just 30mins a day, can achieve a lot in 30 days yes? And suddenly - you’re ticking off goals, instead of another 3 months going by and… you still haven’t done it yet, yes? So - perhaps this is the preparation message about it too? What do you have to do to prepare? Is there something you, keep stopping yourself about getting it done, because you have to - wait until this thing happens first? If this is the case - what parts CAN you do, whilst you are waiting for this piece to happen? As I am sensing there is definitely pieces you can do - whilst you are waiting for the other bit to happen. That might ‘throw’ you - thinking there is a certain order that you ‘usually’ do things and make things happen, yet, this entire process - is showing you another way and breaking old habitual patterns in the process right? I also feel this is a huge period of deep expansion for you. It is like you have built quite solid foundations and I am sensing that there is a some huge opportunities about to enter into deep alignment with you over the coming months, that by July, you will be in a very different reality - even if ‘nothing physically changes’ - everything will have changed for you and I feel this is a big piece of what you have been building these solid foundations for - for a long, long time. It feels like you have never given up - never stopped even, in a way and this has created a deep, deep momentum, that allows you have more space and freedom, now than you ever have before. This space - and creating the space to do the project, the preparation piece for you - is about CREATING the space too. We can be busy for busy’s sake, or ‘laze the dayz’ away and one day roles into the next. OR we can CHOOSE to create our own schedule and CHOOSE to CREATE the time for the most important projects that have been tap, tapping us on the shoulders - yes? The Elder - ‘Heed Wise Counsel’ - are you allowing yourself to deeply tap into the inner guidance that is leading you to the answer to your prayers? You already know what to do - don’t get distracted by outside sources - you have about - 3 projects, that currently need completion right? Make these your focus and priorities UNTIL they are done - THEN - you can look at the outside/other source wanting to collaborate and come through you yes? Trust - Heed this Wise Counsel from ‘The Elder’ Dragon and trust your heart to bring your dreams to fruition - you already have what it takes, you already have all you need. You just need to action it - create time for it beautiful one. It is the answer you are seeking, that you already know right? Love xxx With these massive Humanity changes going on, on the planet right now, Reconfiguring Energetic Codes has been CALLING! I have been speaking about it and feeling it for two weeks now, and even sat with it over the weekend, when I got the message to complete another round of this powerful, deeply transformative energetic upgrades. This Two Week Immersion sees us going DEEP - if you don’t like deep work, this ain’t for you! This is beyond the mind - this is deeply energetic and is like taking out your old hard-drive of your computer and installing a faster, more accurate and up to date version - exactly what our human body, mind and Soul are calling forth at this time as we try to make sense of these extremely massive changes occurring through Humanity right now, click here for all the details we start this coming Thursday/Friday: https://www.realityawareness.com/reconfiguring-energetic-codes
Card #3: The Lady Alfreda. ‘Justice Will Prevail.’
Ah - this is the card that came through for our Full Moon Ceremony, Live Online - The Lady Alfreda. What is interesting is that - even though I feel that MANY of us conscious Humans are asking HOW will this world situation change? But what is the answer, the solution - WHAT do we do? And - is there even any point? MANY humans feel powerless right now - because the ‘issue is so big and worldwide’ - well how on Earth CAN we contribute or do anything at all. And the biggest message that Lady Alfreda is streaming through right now - IS about - doing what is RIGHT FOR YOU - aka - trusting your intuition. If you are being guided to stand up and talk about whatever issue - please follow this! If you are being guided to hunker down and finish writing your life changing book - please follow this! It is soooooo important to remember at this time - to tune into what YOU are being called and guided to do, because it is this, that is what is ‘going to change the world’. It might not make logical sense - well, if everyone isn’t focusing on the issue at hand, then you aren’t doing anything about it. And yet, that is so far from the truth - why? Because - our planet works in homeostasis. You don’t see the Earthworms and Blowflies devouring the rotting carcass - telling the bees who spread the pollen to continue our delicate eco system of food/flowers what to do. No. They just do their intuitive thing that their instinctual nature guides them to do - they just do that - yes? So how is, telling another Human what they are doing for their Life Purpose wrong? Now, that nature and human scenario can get quite conflicting for people - when people are still angry at those ‘in power’ for doing wrong against other humans. And yet - when we are hating on another - we are only feeding that energy. A bit like the fear energy feeding the fear in another. “Justice Will Prevail” - what if, every human - is doing exactly their part? Did you know that David Ickes original video had 7million views? And what - there is 7-8 billion people on the planet… soooo, the conversation I had with Lucas about this that ‘let me rest’ in a way is - when I heard that ratio, I was like, ‘Oh, there is the natural balance’ - you know how they say, whatever that saying is of 1 positive person/though outweighs 10 negative ones? - Well, if 7 million people viewed David Icke’s video and there is 7-8 billion people on the planet - how can one argue - that the natural balance isn’t STILL playing out naturally? Even through all this massive chaos and huge changes? Can you…. relax a little now? Can you - breathe easier - knowing and TRUSTINg that everything is working out according to divine plan? How can it be any other way right? Even through the deaths, even though the changes, even through the right and the wrong? What if, there IS a divine plan and the ONLY thing we need to do - is stay connected to our Heart’s true calling - whatever path that may lead, whether that is protesting with the masses, or creating an entirely new existence on the planet, to holding the highest of vibrations and your conscious personal development of self - can you drop into TRUST that - just like Nature - just like the Earthworms and Blowflies doing their very important part in the natural cycle of life - that… everything is STILL going according to Divine plan right now? ‘Justice Will Prevail’ - trust in your path and know that you ARE contributing and making a change by doing… what is right for you. Trust, whatever avenues of shifting humanity you are called to, whether meditating, speaking up or taking action in ‘radical’ ways - can you trust that you ARE contributing to the divine plan and that… everyone is exactly where they need to be, doing exactly what they need to be doing? The good, and the bad? Remember, 7million to 7billion - we are right on path beautiful ones. Trust, trust, trust. Love xxx With these massive Humanity changes going on, on the planet right now, Reconfiguring Energetic Codes has been CALLING! I have been speaking about it and feeling it for two weeks now, and even sat with it over the weekend, when I got the message to complete another round of this powerful, deeply transformative energetic upgrades. This Two Week Immersion sees us going DEEP - if you don’t like deep work, this ain’t for you! This is beyond the mind - this is deeply energetic and is like taking out your old hard-drive of your computer and installing a faster, more accurate and up to date version - exactly what our human body, mind and Soul are calling forth at this time as we try to make sense of these extremely massive changes occurring through Humanity right now, click here for all the details we start this coming Thursday/Friday: https://www.realityawareness.com/reconfiguring-energetic-codes
Card #4: Nimue. ‘Seek the Counsel of Crystals.’
The first message beaming through here when I saw this card for you is - Have you forgotten who you are? Forgotten your POWER? Forgotten - a piece of you? A very powerful, potent you? Have you given your power away - or put others before you this last week/s and… forgotten a piece of you? Perhaps you began well and feel like you ‘fell into old patterns’ - but it wasn’t so much ‘fallen back into old patterns’ - but a deep conscious desire to serve, to care - and now, you’re finding balance with that again. The ‘Seek the Counsel of Crystals’ - is there a message in there for you? Has a particular crystal come to you in the past 24-48 hours? Is there something you need to learn from this particular Crystal? A message it has for you perhaps? I am sensing that you are deeply integrating this into your life right now - the Dragon Nimue has on here is Orange - is there any Orange Crystal of some sort that has come to you recently? Tiger’s Eye, Carnelian, Orange Agate or something else? Have you listened to the message of it? Orange - is deeply connected to our Sacral Chakra as well and our Sacral Chakra, connects us to our womb, to our stomach and to our Mother/Grandmother/Feminine lineage. Have you just gone through Feminine Lineage/Generational Lineage healing of some sort recently? Or need to? It feels like you have and your Sacral? That is your energetic Womb of creation - whether you are male or female you have a Sacral Chakra (located just below your belly button) and this is your creational space - where you birth new realities. Have you just entered into a new reality recently? This is a new space of a 9-10 month gestation period where you are literally gestating and growing an entirely new reality. This can be a project, relationship or other event in your life (yes, lockdown creating it too right?!). This 9-10 months will come with all sorts of ‘birthing pains’ - when you remember you are releasing your old life that will never be the same again and can come with waves of elation and grief at the same time. Continue to ride the waves - as when you look back with your new reality, you will be grateful you rode it out. I am also getting the message for you with Nimue - about the heightened sense of manifestation power at this time. It feels like everything is amplified whether that be ‘good’ or ‘bad’ - it is amplified and a heightened sense of things happening very fast, at rapid speed and deeply connected to Source. Are you using this amplified energy at this time? Remember this when ‘things are going wrong/hard’ - that - so too, comes the upswing and moving into heightened states of ‘good stuff’ too - and the more this is focused on, the more this becomes the normal state of reality for longer. Nimue - ‘Seek the Counsel of Crystals’ is also about allowing yourself to use these for the amplification and healing for the situation you are moving through in any moment. Allow them to ground the frequency of what is shifting through you - with deep, deep integration of self, returning you back to wholeness, that you are in Divine Perfection. You’re birthing an entirely new sense of self, reality and moving into the person you are born on this Earth for. Ride the waves, use the amplification energy for your manifestation powers and REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE precious one. Love xxx With these massive Humanity changes going on, on the planet right now, Reconfiguring Energetic Codes has been CALLING! I have been speaking about it and feeling it for two weeks now, and even sat with it over the weekend, when I got the message to complete another round of this powerful, deeply transformative energetic upgrades. This Two Week Immersion sees us going DEEP - if you don’t like deep work, this ain’t for you! This is beyond the mind - this is deeply energetic and is like taking out your old hard-drive of your computer and installing a faster, more accurate and up to date version - exactly what our human body, mind and Soul are calling forth at this time as we try to make sense of these extremely massive changes occurring through Humanity right now, click here for all the details we start this coming Thursday/Friday: https://www.realityawareness.com/reconfiguring-energetic-codes
Card #5: Brigid. ‘We Are One.’
This card, is almost flowing off from Card #3 in a way - remembering your perfection, remembering who you are - remembering the truth of all things, connects us all together in this space of allowance of all this, working in symbiotic harmony. I am also getting the message for this card for you - is there something you need to stop - and drop into presence of? Where are you needing to set stronger boundaries and allow yourself to be present with - what is that? Family? Nature? You? Where do you need to be present right now? Can you - give yourself this gift of presence right now? Do you literally need to stop what you are doing and go and be present? Seriously - are you still reading? 😉 When you give yourself the gift - to TRUST THE FLOW and stop when you are interrupted - for present time with loved ones or - to stop the needless busyness for the sake of busyness and STOP and BE PRESENT with all that is. When you can trust the flow enough to allow yourself to continue the presence - where you are being guided to go - THIS is where the magic is created yes? This is where you continue to stay deeply connected to your intuition and all that is to guide your every waking and sleeping step - yes, you travel in your sleep - guided by your Soul - when you can allow this level of trust in your waking days - here is the magic of life, the utmost presence and divine self that you ARE to be born in your reality of that which you came from and to and allow yourself to be ‘glued’ to. Here is where your power lays, your self confidence, your trust, your Higher Self to lead you Home. ‘We Are One’ - do you, allow yourself to feel connected to your life, your spirit, your Soul, your Home? Do you allow yourself to be SUPER present with your loved ones - or is that uncomfortable for you? Is being super present - comfortable? Can you allow yourself to be open and vulnerable? Or does that bring up stuff for you? When you can move through this - you step into a Sacred space and life that allows you to feel a different level of LIFE. It is like nothing can touch you here - you own who you are, are comfortable with your presence and it doesn’t matter what others think or feel - however, it can be challenging through times that ‘knock’ this - BUT - you come out stronger and more connected than ever. I feel like you have stepped into another level of your power and are coming out the other side - and this ‘We Are One’ - is a deep sign of the level of your connection with Source, your Higher Self and who you really are as a person. This ‘We Are One’ - you are starting to understand on a deeper level and see what is being reflected in the presence. Your intuition is increasing, you are more confident in who you are and your intuition - more than ever before and this divine power you are feeling - is allowing this feeling of deep intimate connection to be strong for you. This comes - from stopping - what you are doing WHEN you are called to - to be PRESENT with where your intuition is guiding you and I feel that you are deeply trusting the flow more than ever before BECAUSE of your connection to your intuition and this - is where the ‘We Are One’ - deeply stems from. I feel you are rising into a level of being more comfortable with who you are - but this comes from accepting yourself and others and allowing this divine connection to be seen and felt with everyone you come into contact with. ‘We Are One’ - you are ‘being the change you wish to see in the world’ - and noticing the positive effects this has around you. Presence, with what is, no matter how challenging for you. Keep going precious one, your Soul - knows the way and your divine connection is only making you… and the world stronger for it. Love xxx With these massive Humanity changes going on, on the planet right now, Reconfiguring Energetic Codes has been CALLING! I have been speaking about it and feeling it for two weeks now, and even sat with it over the weekend, when I got the message to complete another round of this powerful, deeply transformative energetic upgrades. This Two Week Immersion sees us going DEEP - if you don’t like deep work, this ain’t for you! This is beyond the mind - this is deeply energetic and is like taking out your old hard-drive of your computer and installing a faster, more accurate and up to date version - exactly what our human body, mind and Soul are calling forth at this time as we try to make sense of these extremely massive changes occurring through Humanity right now, click here for all the details we start this coming Thursday/Friday: https://www.realityawareness.com/reconfiguring-energetic-codes
Card #6: Wu-Wang. ‘Wild, Pure, Heart.’
Have you been through the wringer this past week or so? Dear Wu-Wang Dragon, comes to tell you that honey, your heart, isn’t broken, you are not crazy, you are not too much, you are not - anything - it is those qualities that is your power, your strength, your deep, deep, presence, that allows you to be who you really are. It is those - that cannot handle such power, presence is who will tear you down. Do not let those words make your reality true - Wu-Wang, comes to tell you that your Heart is your strength - is the reason you are on this planet - because you hold such a strong, powerful and high vibration that enables the darkness to shift - just by your presence yes? That is why people seem to ‘have a go at you’ - because - it stirs them, just by being you. Honey - don’t stop being you to fit in - no way! It is time for you to step away from such people and find your TRIBE - those that GET you - those that - ARE you. Those that…. Are just like you precious one. Wu-Wang - is very similar name to the space of that which has ‘brought the world to it’s knees’ in a way right now yes? And it is interesting this - and this ‘Wild Pure Heart’ - if you are reading this card today, I feel that you have been called, summoned - to look beyond the surface, the things we are being shown, the space, for which we are here and able to follow. It feels like - you are being called to remember to release yourself from the world stuff pulling us down right now - whether that be people close to you, the media, the world stuff in general - yes, be aware of where people are at, what they are consuming and absorbing and then - remember to continue on your purposeful heart centred Life Purpose work - for this - is where your Wild, Pure, Heart lays right? You know where you are being called into Service, continue to trust this - Wu-Wang, has come to remind you of the presence, the power - your Wild, Pure, Heart holds - this divine sacred space, that allows all the ego, all the woundings to dissolve and is why, Divine Beings, Spirits and Guides - like Wu-Wang - shows up to you - because of your Wild, Pure, Heart - it is this - you - who you ARE - is why, your intuition is on point, why - you know, feel, hear, see and sense the Beings are there, guiding you, your life and your divine Life Purpose right now - continue to trust in this, and most importantly, trusting in your Wild, Pure, Heart - no matter what anyone says about you - you know your Mission and it is your Divine Duty, Divine Responsibility to carry this out. Go forth dear one, your Wild, Pure, Heart is your Divine Soulmate, your Divine Guide - continue to allow it to be - for it is YOU coming into YOU - the Being, you were born on this Earth to be. Love xxx With these massive Humanity changes going on, on the planet right now, Reconfiguring Energetic Codes has been CALLING! I have been speaking about it and feeling it for two weeks now, and even sat with it over the weekend, when I got the message to complete another round of this powerful, deeply transformative energetic upgrades. This Two Week Immersion sees us going DEEP - if you don’t like deep work, this ain’t for you! This is beyond the mind - this is deeply energetic and is like taking out your old hard-drive of your computer and installing a faster, more accurate and up to date version - exactly what our human body, mind and Soul are calling forth at this time as we try to make sense of these extremely massive changes occurring through Humanity right now, click here for all the details we start this coming Thursday/Friday: https://www.realityawareness.com/reconfiguring-energetic-codes