🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 14th January 2025
Jan 14, 2025
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 14th January 2025
Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you there today of the number you choose earlier today from Magical Messages from the Fairies by Doreen Virtue.
2025 is here - and what a start it has been for many - things we didn’t see coming and things we did see coming. It feels like you’re being shown clearly the path you’re meant to walk and with ‘the world being rocked right now’ - you’re being asked to put your blinkers on, focus on what you’re being called to do and not be distracted right now.
I mentioned just before Christmas strongly through my messages - don’t be distracted. What we have seen in 2025 so far - is the vibe of distractions for the next two years. You’re either going to get pulled into it - or get on track with your psychic healing business, stabilise and expand because the world ahead of us, is rapidly changing and your skills are needed. That is why you can’t stop thinking about it.
Click here for all the details, Trust Your Intuition Early Bird investment increasing very soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Affirmations. ‘To lift up your thoughts and energy, and to attract what you desire, use positive affirmations.’
Your mind creates your reality. Well - it is where the seed of your reality begins. What you think over and over again as your standard default will grow thick roots and vines and make a ‘secret garden’ that becomes your reality. Are you conscious of your own self talk? Of how you think most of the day. You see it isn’t just what you’re doing in your morning journalling session with yourself or on your yoga mat for 30mins. It is what you are thinking 99% of the day. Are you catching your mind and changing your thoughts to how you want to think? Or are you just on autopilot. This message for you is that it is not how ‘unperfected’ your thoughts are - it is how conscious you are of catching yourself in a negative spiral and choosing and upward spiral of positivity instead. This isn’t about slapping positivity over negativity, but this is about being honest, real and what you’re choosing to think about this situation, knowing that the ONE thing you are in control of in your reality - is your thoughts. Usually I wouldn’t just tell a normal person going through something in their life to ‘just think positive thoughts’ - that is called spiritual by-passing when we are dealing with real heavy trauma. Not my style baby. I am all for howling your fucking eyes out and not everything is happening for you - sometime shit things just fucking happen and it’s crap and not your fault and we deal with it. The heavy trauma thought process healing stages is not what I am referring to in this card today. Who I am feeling this card is for today is that honey - you’re advanced. You’re a leader. And this is your reminder to LEAD. You’re here to show the way and this requires you to be in control of your own thoughts. Deal with what you need to deal with, feel what you need to feel and then choose the upward spiral that this card is reminding you what you DO have in your control today, this moment. I am also getting the message that you’re receiving divine wisdom via your thoughts (Claircognisense). You will know if it is the ‘right’ choice, because you will keep thinking about it - but you will fear this ‘unreasonable’ fear inside of you at the same time - but you KNOW you have to do this - that, is the ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’. It is an intuitive calculated risk - you’re following the divine guidance of your soul and you’re safe and protected as you follow this. You’re being divinely led right now - your connection to spirit is strong and I want you to look at this next phase as a spiritual pilgrimage. No matter if you actually are travelling physically, or travelling a rough heavy road of trauma or if you are working on a project - view it as a spiritual pilgrimage showing you and teaching you things along the way, that way you’ll have an open mind that is able to process and receive the divine guidance that is being offered to you now. Choosing positive uplifting, upward spiral thoughts, allows you to open up to new frequencies and realities that wouldn’t ‘come to you’ if you were thinking negative closed minded thoughts. This is your solid reminder of this right now. Change your thoughts, change your life. This is the key to magnetising your desires to you with effortless ease. One thought at a time, weaves a tapestry of reality together to create a magical garden that you grow and choose to love. Love xxx 2025 is here - and what a start it has been for many - things we didn’t see coming and things we did see coming. It feels like you’re being shown clearly the path you’re meant to walk and with ‘the world being rocked right now’ - you’re being asked to put your blinkers on, focus on what you’re being called to do and not be distracted right now. I mentioned just before Christmas strongly through my messages - don’t be distracted. What we have seen in 2025 so far - is the vibe of distractions for the next two years. You’re either going to get pulled into it - or get on track with your psychic healing business, stabilise and expand because the world ahead of us, is rapidly changing and your skills are needed. That is why you can’t stop thinking about it. Click here for all the details, Trust Your Intuition Early Bird investment increasing very soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #2: Admit Your True Feelings To Yourself. 'Be honest with yourself. Only you know what it is you truly desire.’
You know deep down what you need to do - and maybe you pulled card one this week as well - what you are thinking about this I situation I want to say is wrong - meaning, don’t think you’re not choosing or following your guidance, especially when it comes to leaving a relationship - because we go back and forth and each time we get stronger. Especially when we don’t have any of our kind around us and you are the black sheep to everyone you know. Right now you are gaining strength, because deep down you know it isn’t right to stay - and that’s okay - now you’re gathering strength and all the resources, so you can make the choices - from a mature, grounded, solid in self choice. You’re not flinging around rushing this. You know it is right and it is now just a divine timing. The tie into card one - is be mindful of your thoughts - stop beating yourself up, you haven’t done anything wrong, you’re not doing anything wrong. You’re simply preparing - because ultimately? Decision is already done baby. The other message I am getting for this card is that if you have been hiding behind an addiction - now is the time to get serious about doing something about it. You’re being asked to realise the detriment another day that goes by is delaying your happiness, gratitude and the life you truly love (not hide behind in shame) - to actually become reality. it is like the ONLY thing stopping this - is your addiction if you may. It may seem scary, but the other sense I am getting about this is that you actually have done this before - stopped this addiction and changed your life and you were the happiest you’ve ever been! And this is your reminder that your dream life is waiting for you - and it is ‘just this’ that is the next thing to deeply tend to. The other reality is, is that you actually have the time on your hands so to speak, to do this for yourself. You know what steps you need to take, you know the course of action that is required from you and the other part is that, I am getting the message, that as soon as you do this - a whole universe is going to open up for you. Like card one, where I talked about changing your mindset to positive opens you up to synchronistic flow and opportunities, as soon as you take positive steps in the direction of releasing this addiction, you’ll find that opportunities that were sitting there waiting for this vibrational shift inside of you to be able to enter your life - come in at rapid speed, as this is the potency and ‘how’ manifestation works - vibrational frequency alignment is all. This card is here to remind you that you have the power to change your reality really fast right now. You’re already clear on the truth of the decisions inside of you that you have already made, now it is just taking the steps to make it happen. Just one thing at a time, what is the next most aligned action that I can take right now? That. Love xxx 2025 is here - and what a start it has been for many - things we didn’t see coming and things we did see coming. It feels like you’re being shown clearly the path you’re meant to walk and with ‘the world being rocked right now’ - you’re being asked to put your blinkers on, focus on what you’re being called to do and not be distracted right now. I mentioned just before Christmas strongly through my messages - don’t be distracted. What we have seen in 2025 so far - is the vibe of distractions for the next two years. You’re either going to get pulled into it - or get on track with your psychic healing business, stabilise and expand because the world ahead of us, is rapidly changing and your skills are needed. That is why you can’t stop thinking about it. Click here for all the details, Trust Your Intuition Early Bird investment increasing very soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #3: Son. ‘Your son is watched over and protected as he explores his world.’
This card has several meanings today - so take which one resonates. Of course, if you have a Son - the strong message here is - your unwavering support, love and devotion to just standing true to his side is all that he is requiring from you at this time - knowing you’re there, as he goes through this time of his life. You’re right there. Not coddling (especially if he is an adult!), but that even though this is a rough time, you’re right there. The other message is - if you’re a male - your inner child is the problem and the solution to this issue you’re facing right now. Now - FAR from problem, but the cause of the issue is probably the better words for this - that this issue stems into childhood and a serious, consistent dose of Inner Child Healing is going to shift this greatly for you. The best way I recommend is 30 Days of Daily Inner Child Mediation. Keys to this are - writing down what comes through in the meditation, as soon as you get out of it. So making sure you do the meditation when you are awake and conscious and not about to go to bed and sleep. Writing it down even if ‘I got nothing’ - will start the flow of ‘getting something’ - because it opens up the communication lines between your subconscious and your conscious. When I say 30 Days, you want to do it Mon-Fri and take the weekends off from the meditation, as it allows for integration. If you want to take it deeper, use the Shadow Meditation straight after, so come out of the Inner Child Meditation, write messages down, then go in and do the Shadow Meditation and come out, write messages down. It is a very transformative cocoon of healing, but commit fully to it if you are going to do it. You can find my Inner Child Meditation on my website under ‘audio meditations’ or in my Trust Your Intuition Course. You can access my Shadow Meditation by commenting ‘shadow’ and I will send it to you. Doing the Inner Child Meditation once is great, but won’t do much to shift old ingrained reality patterns that are creating your reality from that moment your Inner Child understood a concept that was happening at that moment in time and became the perception of reality that you are still operating at - you’re not 6 anymore! What was happening at that age I wonder for you seen as though that just came out - could be a significant age for you. This card can also mean that a child that is unborn, whether didn’t come through completely due to miscarriage or abortion or still birth or that is waiting arrival to come - so this Son in spirit form is communicating to you about something you’re creating in your life and is giving you the ‘go ahead’ that it is a correct pathway for your Life Purpose and that he has significant impact and influence to this way of life you have been contemplating is the right path way for you. So trust your intuition with what you’re being guided to do - because this reality you’re dreaming of is real. Love xxx 2025 is here - and what a start it has been for many - things we didn’t see coming and things we did see coming. It feels like you’re being shown clearly the path you’re meant to walk and with ‘the world being rocked right now’ - you’re being asked to put your blinkers on, focus on what you’re being called to do and not be distracted right now. I mentioned just before Christmas strongly through my messages - don’t be distracted. What we have seen in 2025 so far - is the vibe of distractions for the next two years. You’re either going to get pulled into it - or get on track with your psychic healing business, stabilise and expand because the world ahead of us, is rapidly changing and your skills are needed. That is why you can’t stop thinking about it. Click here for all the details, Trust Your Intuition Early Bird investment increasing very soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #4: Debt Paid Off. ‘The old habit of debt is lifted from you and your life.’
You’re about to receive a financial windfall. Whether planned or unexpected, although I feel that this has been long time planned by you and you’re about to receive the benefits of your hard work. You haven’t given up through the hard times and you’re at a point in your life where you have been shown a different side to life. you’ve been learning about finances and taking better care of yourself and it’s showing. You’re feeling different about your life - even though ‘nothing has changed yet’ - and you’re about to see the benefits of your past efforts. I feel like you’ve been working solidly and that has created a momentum that you can feel but perhaps not seen the rewards of what you think you should’ve by now and yet, you’ve been working with all the laws of this realm and it’s paying off. The spiritual rewards of what you’ve been working on has been great and the message I am getting here is you need to choose to let in the floodgates - choose to open the floodgates. You see, we are comfortable with a certain amount of money and if the thermostat as it’s called, goes above or below that comfortability mark - things will happen in your reality to bring you back to that certain level. I am getting the sense here that on a deeper level, you’re needing to check in with this thermostat - or, perhaps you have been consciously working on this and this is what is changing for you. With this inner work that you have been doing - or need to do - or need to (as well) change your mindset about your finances is crucial here to opening the floodgates of abundance for you. You might say with open arms to the Universe - I am open and receptive to all the abundance of the Universe - yes, sure, but you don’t actually do anything different in your outer or inner world to make that energetic adjustment so you are in alignment with what you are asking for. You’re still thinking the same thoughts, still actioning the same things. Inner work is required here. Conscious inner energetic work on your wealth consciousness is required. This is what we do in Trust Your Intuition. Yes, you can be spiritual, do what you love and earn insane money - not by working harder, but by the magic of the inner work to shift your wealth consciousness. Wealth is a mindset, it is a frequency - where is your frequency barometer? This ‘Debt Paid Off’ card also represents old karmic debt and I am sensing that this relationship you have on your mind is complete and you need to let go of this relationship - the karmic lessons have well been learnt and it is time to set yourself free, stand on your own two feet for a while and do what you’re being guided to do. You’ve learnt what you need to learn - now is the time to implement, because you haven’t yet. Soul contracts are real and this one is complete. Your abundance lays on the other side of the actions you take right now, so pay attention to what you’re being guided to do. Those floodgates are one action away that leads you to a new frequency where abundance is normal, living in overflow. What action is required from your Soul to implement right now? Love xxx 2025 is here - and what a start it has been for many - things we didn’t see coming and things we did see coming. It feels like you’re being shown clearly the path you’re meant to walk and with ‘the world being rocked right now’ - you’re being asked to put your blinkers on, focus on what you’re being called to do and not be distracted right now. I mentioned just before Christmas strongly through my messages - don’t be distracted. What we have seen in 2025 so far - is the vibe of distractions for the next two years. You’re either going to get pulled into it - or get on track with your psychic healing business, stabilise and expand because the world ahead of us, is rapidly changing and your skills are needed. That is why you can’t stop thinking about it. Click here for all the details, Trust Your Intuition Early Bird investment increasing very soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #5: Do Some Research. ‘You need more information about this situation. Look into it further before proceeding.’
There have been things you’ve been wondering about and I feel it relates to your physical reality. It is going to make your physical reality flow better, look better and make you feel better. I am sensing that it is the right time for you to trust and move forward with these ideas. I feel like you’ve been putting them off because you’ve been waiting for the right time - but now - is the right time. It feels like you’ve been wondering if you’re repeating patterns, or whether you’re taking care of yourself and I feel like if you’re not sure, give it a few more days. You can also ask your Soul, is this for my highest growth, learning and acceleration of the reality I know I am meant to pursue, create and live? If you don’t get an answer right away - just leave it for a few days and watch the synchronicities unfold and show you. I feel that this card about ‘do some research’ - I feel like you’re clear on what it is, what you want and the commitment you have to do. I feel what is really important here at this time, is the planning and executing stage. You can be super busy and feel like it is never ending - there are definitely seasons for this and the only piece you need to check - is are you busy creating systems and structures that are creating foundations that are going to stabilise your future to ‘not work so much’ and have the space and freedom you desire, whilst doing what you love? Or are you being busy for busy’s sake - because there is a huge difference. Busy and creating content just for the sake of it - without a clear intuitive strategy that is aligned with your unique life purpose, will keep you trapped on the hamster wheel just like a normal job that you were trying to get out of anyway. So - research here is on the mentor that can guide you to the highest level of intuitive strategy designed uniquely for your Life Purpose. Comment ACCELERATOR below if you want me to be your mentor over 2025 to do just this. Don’t judge yourself if you’re in a season of working non-stop - don’t listen to those who are not holding your vision - continue to do what you’re doing, cause you know where your Soul is guiding you and that is all you need to listen to at this time. Do some research - get around and ‘only’ listen to those living the life you desire, otherwise, it is not aligned. Keep your blinkers on - you wouldn’t be doing this and creating this life by design, if your soul/you weren’t meant to do it - it wouldn’t even be a thought if you weren’t. But here you are not being able to stop thinking about it. That honey, is your Claircognisence speaking. Pay attention. Love xxx 2025 is here - and what a start it has been for many - things we didn’t see coming and things we did see coming. It feels like you’re being shown clearly the path you’re meant to walk and with ‘the world being rocked right now’ - you’re being asked to put your blinkers on, focus on what you’re being called to do and not be distracted right now. I mentioned just before Christmas strongly through my messages - don’t be distracted. What we have seen in 2025 so far - is the vibe of distractions for the next two years. You’re either going to get pulled into it - or get on track with your psychic healing business, stabilise and expand because the world ahead of us, is rapidly changing and your skills are needed. That is why you can’t stop thinking about it. Click here for all the details, Trust Your Intuition Early Bird investment increasing very soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #6: New Career. ‘Your work focus is shifting to a positive, new and successful direction.’
You may be being called into an entirely new career direction - for sure - trust this. However, if you’ve chosen this card today - you’re actually being called to increase your skills in an area that you’ve often thought of, a gift you know you have, but you haven’t actually done any formal training in. This level of your career of where you’re at right now - you’re being asked to focus on increasing the skills your gift that you use, without knowing and know you use at the same time and hone the gift that you have. I am also getting the message that there are some changes in your personal life that you’re being called to make, that will support your career. I know they may not seem related, but sorting out the things on your mind regarding your personal life, are actually going to support the opening of opportunities in your career, because energetically, if deep inside you know this needs to be sorted ‘at home’ so that you have more freedom to x-y-z - that is like an energetic block to the flow and ease that will then flow into your career. What is that saying? If everything is sorted at home - then the career flows? No, no idea this second, can’t think what that saying is - but - Base Chakra - is Life Purpose. It is also feeling safe at home, feeling safe in general, feeling in flow, it is your physical reality, physical relationships (who you have around you) it is finances, it is sexuality, passion, purpose and how safe you feel at home has a direct relationship to your Life Purpose Career. So the illogical step that is on your mind, which doesn’t make sense about your ‘career’ - is the one to take, because your Soul knows and that is going to support the energetic flow onto all areas of your life. I guess the saying was like take care of your own and the rest takes care of itself type thing. If you’re feeling ‘at home’ or feeling like things are not as you want them to be, then yes, it will affect the out there. There are definitely times when ignoring the home/house stuff is vital in building your career to a level - but right now, this card comes to you - that the thing on your mind that doesn’t make logical sense about your home and how that connects to your career - is the right path to take. There is an inflow and an outflow, there are seasons of what we are focusing on. Hone your skills and take the next step - no matter how illogical it seems - it is the right one for you at this moment in time. Trust, because your career is about to rapidly shift to the next level and you’ll want to trust these steps to be prepared for the influx that you’ve been working for all this time in the first place. Love xxx 2025 is here - and what a start it has been for many - things we didn’t see coming and things we did see coming. It feels like you’re being shown clearly the path you’re meant to walk and with ‘the world being rocked right now’ - you’re being asked to put your blinkers on, focus on what you’re being called to do and not be distracted right now. I mentioned just before Christmas strongly through my messages - don’t be distracted. What we have seen in 2025 so far - is the vibe of distractions for the next two years. You’re either going to get pulled into it - or get on track with your psychic healing business, stabilise and expand because the world ahead of us, is rapidly changing and your skills are needed. That is why you can’t stop thinking about it. Click here for all the details, Trust Your Intuition Early Bird investment increasing very soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition