đź”® Reading Results are IN đź”® for 14th May 2024
May 14, 2024
đź”® Reading Results are IN đź”® for 14th May 2024
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Starseed Oracle for you today 🌟
There comes a time when you stand on your own two feet, when you make the leap and trust what is right for you. You know you will be challenged, but the soul death that comes from not - is a greater price to pay and you’re not choosing that anymore.
The spiritual entrepreneur inside of you is calling and you know you’re destined for purpose made millions, you know you’re here to impact and that you’re one of the chosen ones who is here contribute the mass awakening of humanity.
The feeling in your bones that takes you to the spiral inside of your heart that calls you where no one has walked before - this path, won’t leave your mind, doesn’t leave your heart and going to work at your normal job just breaks your spirit and you just won’t anymore. You’re ready to do what ever it takes, you’re willing to follow what your soul is guiding you to do and you know that you’re ready to say goodbye to uncertain ebs and flows and create a thriving soul based, intuitively guided business, a fulfilling life, following the path of your destiny, leaving your Legacy that ripples through human consciousness for the ethers of time. Trust Your Intuition doors are closing soon, click here for all the details before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen đź‘‘
Card #1: CALLED. Soul gifts & training. It’s time to step up.
You are breaking through - do not lose faith, hope or discipline - right before the miracle shows. And let’s face it, you’ve been doing it this long, what is a bit longer!? However, you are exhausted - you are and you’re not - you’re doing your thing however, what is coming through here, is breaks, taking deep breaks, but… this is more than that. You need a change of scenery, you need a change in environment, you are needing an adventure, a holiday and something that is going to shift your energy, mindset and body sensations (get out routine). Perhaps you are already away right now as you read this, regardless, your soul is needing this to see a different perspective right now. I feel you had your heart set on something and it has not come to fruition or something you have been working on or thought would’ve happened by now.. seems like - is it going to?! The answer is YES. However, the discipline, diligent care - and a change of scenery is required. What are you ‘waiting on’ to happen so that you can do x-y-z? CALLED. It is time to go first. It is time to stop waiting and you know what? Sometimes, we don’t even realise we are waiting until we do and then it is like ‘SNAP’ and you kick yourself back into gear, brush off your crown and get back on YOUR OWN PATH. This. YOUR soul gifts YOUR soul path is CALLING you. What are you ignoring? Where do you need to ask my Soul - Soul, show me what it is I am not seeing that you want to be made conscious to me and make me realise you are communicating this to me, so that I consciously realise and remember it. Thank you. Now, notice what you are shown. It could be something you’ve walked passed 50 times and need to pick up, it could be a task you’ve been putting off, it could be booking that trip and stop - what is that you have been putting off? What is, the leap of faith you need to take, to do you and put you first at this time - to block everything out of the way that is not you and do what your Soul is calling you to do? Where is your Soul CALLING you? The path your intuition is calling you to take, is the road that is slightly scary but exhilarating, it is a risk, a stretch and you know it is the path of your destiny - if you weren’t thinking about it, it wouldn’t be for you and right now, you need to trust this. You’ve been at a crossroads lately anyway and - I am sensing - you’ve been at this crossroads before - so is it a crossroads, or is it circles and are you willing to finally break free from that which ends you at this crossroads that you know your Soul won’t let up until you action? It’s time to step up. Your Soul is CALLING you. Will you answer, your date with destiny? Will you step through the portal to the life you know your Soul is guiding you to live, that your heart will be fulfilled with that, you know is your Soul, not ego way of life? The one that nourishes your core? The dreams.. fulfilled? Love xxx There comes a time when you stand on your own two feet, when you make the leap and trust what is right for you. You know you will be challenged, but the soul death that comes from not - is a greater price to pay and you’re not choosing that anymore. The spiritual entrepreneur inside of you is calling and you know you’re destined for purpose made millions, you know you’re here to impact and that you’re one of the chosen ones who is here contribute the mass awakening of humanity. The feeling in your bones that takes you to the spiral inside of your heart that calls you where no one has walked before - this path, won’t leave your mind, doesn’t leave your heart and going to work at your normal job just breaks your spirit and you just won’t anymore. You’re ready to do what ever it takes, you’re willing to follow what your soul is guiding you to do and you know that you’re ready to say goodbye to uncertain ebs and flows and create a thriving soul based, intuitively guided business, a fulfilling life, following the path of your destiny, leaving your Legacy that ripples through human consciousness for the ethers of time. Trust Your Intuition doors are closing soon, click here for all the details before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #2: THE BLUE FLAME. Spontaneous Awakening. Activation. Integration time.
Spontaneous Awakening comes from realising the life you are living is not what you want to be living and instantly shifting gears and doing something a bout changing your life so you are living - what you want to be living. Awakening means you become conscious of something that was once unconscious. That you no longer tolerate how you are living or the standards you have set for yourself that have created your current circumstances and are raising the bar and shifting the way you do everything in your life. No longer do you tolerate the crap you’ve been living in, the shit you’ve been eating nor the people who drains the fuck out of your soul. You’re done with the people you’ve surrounded yourself with that are not living how you want to be living and realise you’ve been keeping yourself small because you’ve been afraid of your own damn light. Butttttt. Not anymore. The snap has happened. The shift has arrived. No longer are you willing to put yourself last, no longer do you tolerate pointless boring asf not to mention draining conversations. You’re focused on where you’re going and if anyone doesn’t align with that you’re out - long gone - and doing what you’re being CALLED to do. No longer do you put your dreams off, no longer do you let people pull at your time unnecessarily. You’ve raised your standards, raised your prices and are heading in a new direction. No longer do you feel guilt for those you leave behind, for you know you can’t change people but you can change yourself and be the person you say you’re always meant to be. And yet, there is healing to be done. You are shifting and growing and this deep inner piece is calling you to look deep within. The Blue Flame illuminating where the healing is required to transport and move you forward with this. As you allow The Blue Flame to illuminate your path, new energy follows the trail of awakening from the portal of your heart, your soul, your illuminated Life Purpose path. This is the greatest turning point of your life, this deep crossroads that felt like death undid you beyond the scathes of time, you’re now realising that you’ve shifted and are drawing to you - everything you desire - after all this time, you’re feeling the support of the Universe and you’re grateful, you didn’t give up. This unravelling is not just from now - this is generational lineage that is disintegrating from your energetic body as you fall to your knees time and time again… release… and know that this… is the doorway to a new life and you’re here for it. Love xxx There comes a time when you stand on your own two feet, when you make the leap and trust what is right for you. You know you will be challenged, but the soul death that comes from not - is a greater price to pay and you’re not choosing that anymore. The spiritual entrepreneur inside of you is calling and you know you’re destined for purpose made millions, you know you’re here to impact and that you’re one of the chosen ones who is here contribute the mass awakening of humanity. The feeling in your bones that takes you to the spiral inside of your heart that calls you where no one has walked before - this path, won’t leave your mind, doesn’t leave your heart and going to work at your normal job just breaks your spirit and you just won’t anymore. You’re ready to do what ever it takes, you’re willing to follow what your soul is guiding you to do and you know that you’re ready to say goodbye to uncertain ebs and flows and create a thriving soul based, intuitively guided business, a fulfilling life, following the path of your destiny, leaving your Legacy that ripples through human consciousness for the ethers of time. Trust Your Intuition doors are closing soon, click here for all the details before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #3: PORTAL. Doors are opening. You decide. Rewards. Wild Card.
The opportunities that are presenting themselves, don’t come around that often - meaning, this pivotal time in ‘history’, in the cosmic galactic line ups that are having a tremendous influence on the circumstances in your life are being changed to a place that is going to set up the next 20 years and beyond in your life. The choices you make today and this year, are truly aligning you to the life path and destiny that you are choosing for yourself. And that is the key - you are literally choosing what it is you are wanting to do right now, you are literally setting the tone for your life - what exactly is it that you are choosing? What quality of life? Who are you choosing to surround yourself with? It feels like you’re choosing to surround yourself with love, care, with support with those who are close to your heart and it feels like there is a lot of love around you at this time. It feels like you’ve been healing your heart and making choices that allow you to follow your heart. Your heart, is a big piece here for this Portal. Your heart is a portal in itself as well - have you ‘travelled your heart?’ At this time, you are breaking deep patterns. This may mean you feel clear and shattered into a million pieces all at the same time as the webs through the ethers of time are stretching, breaking and snapping as you choose this new portal and direction for your life. Leap and the Universe will catch you. I am getting the message you can trust this leap of faith you are taking, you can trust this direction you have chosen - for - you wouldn’t be thinking about it, feeling it in your heart and choosing it - should it not be right for you. I feel that it feels you are leaving a world behind - this is literally a Portal - when you walk through a portal, there is no return to the old life, that’s it, done, finito! And.. you can trust this. I feel this is a great huge lesson in trust, you are releasing the crux’s that you have latch and attached onto and you are ‘standing on your own two feet’ and being asked to trust this more than ever before - it may feel ‘wobbly’ or ‘unstable’ as ‘travelling through portal’ does! And this, ‘standing on your own two feet’ - is healthy, stabilising and is how a new reality is born. You’re safe as you create a new reality for yourself - it is why you did all the healing work in the first place right? Doors are opening. You decide. Rewards. Wild Card. ‘The world is your oyster’ - what do you choose? Your reality is being created - because you chose you. It is safe to do what you want to do - for what feels, the first time in your life and that… is why you’re still looking around for answers but the answers are within your heart - they always have been. Follow it, it is right for you. Love xxx There comes a time when you stand on your own two feet, when you make the leap and trust what is right for you. You know you will be challenged, but the soul death that comes from not - is a greater price to pay and you’re not choosing that anymore. The spiritual entrepreneur inside of you is calling and you know you’re destined for purpose made millions, you know you’re here to impact and that you’re one of the chosen ones who is here contribute the mass awakening of humanity. The feeling in your bones that takes you to the spiral inside of your heart that calls you where no one has walked before - this path, won’t leave your mind, doesn’t leave your heart and going to work at your normal job just breaks your spirit and you just won’t anymore. You’re ready to do what ever it takes, you’re willing to follow what your soul is guiding you to do and you know that you’re ready to say goodbye to uncertain ebs and flows and create a thriving soul based, intuitively guided business, a fulfilling life, following the path of your destiny, leaving your Legacy that ripples through human consciousness for the ethers of time. Trust Your Intuition doors are closing soon, click here for all the details before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #4: Lost Lands. Soul memories and gifts. You’ve done this before.
Have you been feeling lost before now? Or ‘all of a sudden’ it is like the Earth has given way underneath your feet and you’re wondering if you even can hang on any further? It’s okay, you’ve done this before. And yet, when you’re in it, you don’t feel like you’ve done it before or you’re so far at your end, you can’t think of anything else and yet… you’re being reminded. YOU’VE DONE THIS BEFORE and your Soul is waking you the fuck up - that YOU’RE the only one that can do this. You’re in this space and situation you’re in, because your Soul is awaiting you to remember your Destiny, remember why you’re living in the situation you are living in. Remember - when you step into your souls gifts, following your passion and your heart - everything will try to stop you. The biggest family crisis, a life you ‘want’ to live will always feel at arms length with the ‘always something pulling you away from your purpose work’ and yet, you’re the only one that can do this. Not just your purpose - of course you’re the only one for that - that is written in your blood, but you’re the only one that can say NO. You’re the only one that can put boundaries in place and choose your purpose over the drama. You’re the only one that can block it all out and tunnel vision focus on what you’re being called to do. You’re the only one answering your phone interrupting your purpose work time - you don’t need to answer the phone to them - if you were at work, you wouldn’t be answering them, so treat your purpose work like your ‘normal’ work and see how much you actually accomplish. You’re the only one afraid to pick up the phone and have that hard conversation that opens the portal to your gifts that are entrapped because you are holding back your voice. I am getting the strong sense that you are carrying wounds and generational trauma that is not yours that is hindering and halting your progress. When you heal and shift this - you will open the next level beyond what you could’ve imagined… but facing this - is uncomfortable as fuck. But who said growth was easy? You said, walking the path of your purpose, the path less travelled, the rocky climbing hills through the portals of time, would be a walk in the park? No, that’s right, it was never meant to be easy… but your Soul memories and gifts… are pushing through the barriers and that is why you have to speak these words, you have to share your heart and trust - that you’re at this point because you’re not going to repeat patterns - you’re actually breaking them - because your Soul is pushing through, reclaiming these parts of yourself and you’re here to break the pattern so you can live your true destiny. Travel to reclaim them, but come home to your truth and with courage, not just speak it, but live it. Love xxx There comes a time when you stand on your own two feet, when you make the leap and trust what is right for you. You know you will be challenged, but the soul death that comes from not - is a greater price to pay and you’re not choosing that anymore. The spiritual entrepreneur inside of you is calling and you know you’re destined for purpose made millions, you know you’re here to impact and that you’re one of the chosen ones who is here contribute the mass awakening of humanity. The feeling in your bones that takes you to the spiral inside of your heart that calls you where no one has walked before - this path, won’t leave your mind, doesn’t leave your heart and going to work at your normal job just breaks your spirit and you just won’t anymore. You’re ready to do what ever it takes, you’re willing to follow what your soul is guiding you to do and you know that you’re ready to say goodbye to uncertain ebs and flows and create a thriving soul based, intuitively guided business, a fulfilling life, following the path of your destiny, leaving your Legacy that ripples through human consciousness for the ethers of time. Trust Your Intuition doors are closing soon, click here for all the details before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #5: WATER YOUR GARDEN. Nourishment. Body care. Tenderness. Rest.
Maybe you literally need to tend to your physical garden! But of course, this is about taking care of yourself. But of course, your physical garden can be this deep act of taking care of yourself. Taking care of yourself, self care is more than just bubble baths and massages - it is saying no, so you can say yes to you, it is carving out chunks in your schedule, it is putting boundaries in place, walking away from relationships that no longer serve you, it is following your true north star, no matter what family says, it is about shaking of the webs of your family system and your ex’s so you can truly align with your soul’s purpose path. This may mean taking time for yourself on a big energetic cleanse (have you done my ‘clearing every sexual partner ritual’? Comment RITUAL if not and I will send it to you) and allowing your body, mind and soul to be cleansed as you prepare for this next phase of your life. It feels like a big portal of transition for you right now and so being okay with what you need to do to take extra care of yourself is important at this time, knowing and allowing this recalibration of a cocoon as you transform from an old life to anew. I wonder if you have been feeling somewhat uncertain about the outcome for yourself? And yet - when you first began to make all the changes, you made them, because you knew it was right for you and this care is also reminding you to tap back into this potent faith and trust of this truth for yourself right now, because this is the magic that got you here in the first place and it is the magic that will carry you through to the next phase and stabilise this next level for you too. Tend to your garden and pull out any weeds along the way. Anything that is unaligned must go as you step into the path of your purpose and know that you’ve chosen what your Soul has always guided you to do. Let this cocoon chamber of transformation, organisation, discipline and learning of new skills be aliken to your wings growing, so when you emerge from this chamber, you’re not who you used to be and you’re not yet familiar with this new you, but you know and can feel, this is always who you were meant to become. Embrace this chamber of rest, foundational laying of structures and systems to see you through to this next stage and phase and through this messy transformation (healing isn’t clean! It’s raw and birth is extremely messy - be okay with the chaos) as you know your wings are going to come out and carry you to a whole new world. Love xxx There comes a time when you stand on your own two feet, when you make the leap and trust what is right for you. You know you will be challenged, but the soul death that comes from not - is a greater price to pay and you’re not choosing that anymore. The spiritual entrepreneur inside of you is calling and you know you’re destined for purpose made millions, you know you’re here to impact and that you’re one of the chosen ones who is here contribute the mass awakening of humanity. The feeling in your bones that takes you to the spiral inside of your heart that calls you where no one has walked before - this path, won’t leave your mind, doesn’t leave your heart and going to work at your normal job just breaks your spirit and you just won’t anymore. You’re ready to do what ever it takes, you’re willing to follow what your soul is guiding you to do and you know that you’re ready to say goodbye to uncertain ebs and flows and create a thriving soul based, intuitively guided business, a fulfilling life, following the path of your destiny, leaving your Legacy that ripples through human consciousness for the ethers of time. Trust Your Intuition doors are closing soon, click here for all the details before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #6: JUMP IN. Andromedan Energy. Adventure. Say yes to change.
There is a really strong message here of YES (of course! with JUMP IN) and there is another strong message about contact from the Andromedan Galaxy Star System - have you had contact with beings from this realm at some point? Not even recently - but in your past at all? It feels like you have had upgrades to your energy, your mind and body has been purified in a way that only they can do. This has allowed you to hold a frequency that for the last 18 months - you haven’t quite felt like you fit in anywhere and this.. has been unsettling, even though you know this is part of the process you’re just.. ready for something new - you have been for a while and you’ve also been in a place of preparation and this ‘contact’ you had with your star beings at whatever point - is being reactivated and reminded to you as you have been given a sacred task - you’re to JUMP IN and go for it, as this was destined for you and ‘has been waiting for you’ to be ready. now you ‘both’ are and can move forward on your path with what your Soul is guiding to you to do. What do you need to say yes to? What do you need to take the leap of faith and just JUMP IN? If you needed a sign, you just got it - this card cannot be any clearer. Yes, your life will change, yes your life will be different. Yes you will come out the other side changed and can never go back.. but your Soul - has called this into alignment and you are being reminded of this now. Something that is on your mind is on your mind for a reason. When that gentle tap tap tap of thoughts doesn’t go away, it is something to pay attention to. If the ‘thoughts’ or your ‘desire of manifestation’ keeps shifting ‘but has the same theme’ - and also if something you thought was certain, then doesn’t work out and you’re wondering wtf because it was sooo certain for you, know that the timelines keep rapidly shifting right now and you’re being taken to higher dimensional fields as you ‘wait patiently’ for the green light to open the pathway up. If you’re being blocked it is for a reason, but if the lights are green and the only thing stopping you is your fear of the unknown, then it is right for your Soul to dive head on into this and don’t look back. You wouldn’t feel that deep whole body soul FUCK yes, if this wasn’t meant for you and you know it. ‘Follow your heart’ is real. Divine synchronicities with the alignment to your heart and soul don’t show up for no reason - but I am not telling you anything you don’t already know. Love xxx There comes a time when you stand on your own two feet, when you make the leap and trust what is right for you. You know you will be challenged, but the soul death that comes from not - is a greater price to pay and you’re not choosing that anymore. The spiritual entrepreneur inside of you is calling and you know you’re destined for purpose made millions, you know you’re here to impact and that you’re one of the chosen ones who is here contribute the mass awakening of humanity. The feeling in your bones that takes you to the spiral inside of your heart that calls you where no one has walked before - this path, won’t leave your mind, doesn’t leave your heart and going to work at your normal job just breaks your spirit and you just won’t anymore. You’re ready to do what ever it takes, you’re willing to follow what your soul is guiding you to do and you know that you’re ready to say goodbye to uncertain ebs and flows and create a thriving soul based, intuitively guided business, a fulfilling life, following the path of your destiny, leaving your Legacy that ripples through human consciousness for the ethers of time. Trust Your Intuition doors are closing soon, click here for all the details before it does: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition