🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 14th November 2023

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Nov 14, 2023

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 14th November 2023

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from The Magical Mermaid & Dolphins Oracle Cards 🔮🧜‍♀️

We are days away from starting Transcendence! 💎

Such a potent time and a seriously more potent time of commencing this with the astrological and  cosmic crystalline vortex of creation poring through - what are you wanting to anchor in, set in stone and solidify to form for an incredible 2024?

This is your opportunity to think bigger, dream even bigger still - and manifest your dreams to reality - welcome, to Transcendence - we start on Friday! Click here to join us - pre-work is right there waiting for you right now: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Mother Healing. “As your feelings towards your mother heal, your desires manifest more rapidly and accurately.”

When you are feeling full and nourished, you are open and receptive. When you are empty and depleted you are contracted and closed. When you feel abandoned by someone in your life - there is a deeper reflection - where have you abandoned yourself? Where have you dropped the deep commitment to yourself? Where have you put other’s needs ahead of yours and slowly, bit by bit lost yourself and not sure where or who you are right now?! When we go through a life change where we wake up and all of a sudden the children have grown up or some other ‘the rug has been pulled out’ scenario you will feel quite lost. You might be trying all these different avenues or starting 50 things and not finishing any of them, because you actually don’t want to do any of them because you haven’t  grieved letting go of your old life, don’t even realise you’re in a transition and omg it is all just so much right now and just let me curl up away and never come out again because what is happening to my life?! Type thing… or.. you try and continue your old life, realising it just isn’t there anymore and then everything falls apart or you just feel numb, or have crazy bouts of panic and wonder wtf is happening and just… it’s all a bit too much at times. Breathe. You’ve got this and you’re going through a MAJOR transition in your life right now that is leaving you slightly exhilarated underneath all the stress because you know that this is the change you’ve been asking for, the shift you’ve been praying for and the stage of your life that you know you have to walk through to get where you want to go. You’re also very aware of the fact that you have - in your life - never really known where you’re going -  you do and have and don’t and didn’t at the same time. Because one thing is very clear - you’ve always just trusted the next thing that you’ve done and you’ve always - always - been doing the right thing at the right time, in the right space on the right timeline of the right energy - you’ve literally been following your intuition the entire time. This is a message for you to not doubt yourself now. The only reason at times it feels like you’re not sure wtf you are doing with your life is because you’re going through a bit transition - to the next stage! So honour it. Honour the phases and stages that you are going through and really ‘be’ with each part of it - with the deep presence that you know so well how to do because it is who you are and know that you’re not lost, you’re recalibrating and deeply healing your feminine, the divine mother wounding all at the same time, as you shift, grow and arrive at your next level - another layer of your mother healing has occurred. This may also be a time to reach out to someone who is like a mother to you, if not your mother or someone you are like a mother too. It feels like ‘you’ve been unable to move’ and this has taken this mother healing to a whole other level - this… is preparing you  for your Life Purpose. But… I  think you already knew that ;) Love xxx We are days away from starting Transcendence! Such a potent time and a seriously more potent time of commencing this with the astrological and  cosmic crystalline vortex of creation poring through - what are you wanting to anchor in, set in stone and solidify to form for an incredible 2024? This is your opportunity to think bigger, dream even bigger still - and manifest your dreams to reality - welcome, to Transcendence - we start on Friday! Click here to join us - pre-work is right there waiting for you right now: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence


Card #2: Father Healing. “Your personal power increases as you give any father-related issues to heaven.”

I understand this is a ‘hand it over to God’ meaning of ‘give any father-related issues to heaven’ - but the strong message I am getting here for you is to actively create what it is that you want, rather than ‘passively’ waiting for things to show up for you. It feels like you’ve been waiting for something and ‘sure, maybe’ it was a divine timing thing - BUT that has also passed now and it is time for you to take action now. You’ve ‘arrived’ at a particular place and it is here that you are to now be with your goals, actions and decisions that you’ve made and make it happen. Have you felt like time is flying - moreso, passing you by?! That only happens when you are not working on exactly what you need to work on, when you are making everything else a priority except the thing you know you need to get done - what is it that you need to put full focus on at this time and not let another day pass you by without it being worked on? Honey, people are counting on you. Honey - people are relying on you! Honey - YOUR PURPOSE IS RELYING ON YOU and YOU are the only one that can pull this around! I am also hearing - ‘what did you wish you did at the start?’ Like - what would you do differently? It feels like this is where your focus needs  to be - and receiving support? In what way would you just take the leap and receive support, help,  assistance and take the leap in this direction? It feels like there is a mentor around you that you’ve been ‘keeping your eye on’ = but you know that, the Universe doesn’t move until you do - because… the Universe is actually reflecting you? That all you are required to do - is to come into full alignment with your hearts desires? How would you be showing up each day? Walking,  talking, holding yourself, what would you be actioning? This - is your new ‘structure’ of the masculine frame that you’ve grown up in - you are no  longer your family system - you are your own person and you’re free to not only create your own life - but fulfil your dreams that can support your lifestyle. Let… your business support your lifestyle. Choose it, live it and that is your WHY. Show up - every damn day. Like - fully show up, not half assed. You know the standards in which you want to live and to be known for… so stop hiding away - that time has passed. You are being called into he spotlight and it is important that you follow this. This can also mean, not just masculine healing - but your father. Has your father called or visited lately - even in your dreams? It feels like an important time for humanity to be ‘de-threading’ from the unhealthy patriarchal energetics at this time - it is like that web has disintegrated and is why you are having these  visitations and connection/healing with your father. Know that this card has come to you, to  signify this healing and this shift, that is embarking your life into a channel of pure creation of you and your soul… the stuff not only your dreams are made of - but the life you were born to LIVE! Love xxx We are days away from starting Transcendence! Such a potent time and a seriously more potent time of commencing this with the astrological and  cosmic crystalline vortex of creation poring through - what are you wanting to anchor in, set in stone and solidify to form for an incredible 2024? This is your opportunity to think bigger, dream even bigger still - and manifest your dreams to reality - welcome, to Transcendence - we start on Friday! Click here to join us - pre-work is right there waiting for you right now: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence


Card #3: Stay Optimistic. “Your Dreams are coming true. Don’t quit right before the miracle occurs.”

You heard the Mermaids - don’t quit right before the miracle occurs. You have been working on something for a long, long time and you…. Are so close to the miracle breakthrough that people on dream of. Hold the vision. Do the inner work. Hold the alignment. Any no is your step closer to the yes. I feel you feel like crying you feel so let down and elated at the same time! There is something so close and just even closer to your heart, that you won’t let go of but question everything at the same time. This. Hold it. Your dreams are coming true. Perhaps you’ve seen signs, feathers, things that remind you of Angels, Aya and our Grand Mother whom we walk upon. Your connection to Spirit is strong, has become stronger and these signs are how close you are. It is almost like all you have left is your faith.. but even then when that well of faith has dried up - you are shown all these signs. This - is your depth of connection to spirit. You speak to the trees, you feel the roots and the mycelium network with your heart, you walk the ley lines you follow the calling of your Soul and this my love, does not go unnoticed. You’ve walked this path for a long time - everything has fallen apart for you this last few years… but you know this is more a shedding than a falling apart - you know.. this is so close and this card is your sign… and I want to say to you - what.. has felt different just these last few days? You have felt the tangible shift in  your Soul - the energy is different and you have already arrived energetically and so it is here, in this new bubble of reality that you hold this. Like for example, have you gone to do something and tried and it is not there, or you expected it to be there and it is not? This - is a sign that you are this close. So don’t quit right before the miracle occurs. I am getting so strongly for you that you are to hold the energy of this - and ground it in. Like this new energy you’ve been feeling that you are ‘already here’ it feels that this is important for you at this time to fully focus here and implement new routines and strategies that are going to support this for you. It feels like the energy has just kicked into gear into this new level ‘all of a sudden’ after years of not and… the energy is tangible is it not?! Also, is there a book you need to read or write? There is something about a book coming through for you here - what does this mean to you? Also, are  you moving, thinking of moving or something about your home that needs to be tended to? It feels like the ‘home’ is a shift and grounding place for you, so whether it needs cleaning or you are needing to invest in a new home or this is your sign that yes, the investment home or investing ‘in your home’ is the right thing for you to do at this time. Don’t quit right before the  miracle occurs precious Soul! Your dreams are coming true! Love xxx We are days away from starting Transcendence! Such a potent time and a seriously more potent time of commencing this with the astrological and  cosmic crystalline vortex of creation poring through - what are you wanting to anchor in, set in stone and solidify to form for an incredible 2024? This is your opportunity to think bigger, dream even bigger still - and manifest your dreams to reality - welcome, to Transcendence - we start on Friday! Click here to join us - pre-work is right there waiting for you right now: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence


Card #4: Rest. “You’ve been working too hard. Take a nap and get some rest.”

Stop pushing so hard. You literally need bed days! Nothing wrong with them - I personally love them! I stay in my pjs all day and just get up for food and bathroom and take my food to my bed and just soak around all day in bed. I work on my laptop, chill and just do me and it is heaven! This is your sign that you need more rest and it is important to heed this call right now. You have just been holding a fuck tonne lately and you finally have space AND there has been an energetic shift and let go and now you can literally let your body rest and ‘let go’ so it can release all the toxins you’ve been holding, whether energetically, emotionally or physically - your cellular make up is changing and seriously - this level of rest is like a reset to the soul - hmmm, let me describe it better - this rest portal for you right now is like you are being transported to another land so your body can receive energetic healing and upgrades. You might even be feeling like what you have been doing recently to how tired you are is not warranted and I want to say yeah and no because you’ve been non-stop really so yeah no. Rest. I have come to believe lately - that when we are so tired - especially during the day ‘when really we shouldn’t be’ - we are literally walking parallel realms are awake in the other realm and is why we are so tired ‘here’ because we are actually there and we aren needed there more than here this moment. I know it sounds super out there but hey, you should know me by now! Of course there are other reasons to be tired during the day - but it is definitely a factor. Like - when you tap a day nap and zonk out so deeply or you wake up several hours later and only planned for a 20min nap! Which realm are we truly in right now? What realms are you traversing in multiple locations all at once and some? This card may be coming to you to pull your energy back from these realms - or meditate more and consciously sleep - meaning, when you go to sleep, ask to be shown where you actually go and that you remember what you are shown when you wake up. You can use my free Recalling Your Energy Meditation to do this very simply - just comment RECALL below and I will send it to you. So, from now on, stop beating yourself up thinking that you should be doing anything other than following your natural body rhythms - no matter how ‘not natural’ they seem to society.  Because honey you are of society but not society and you know to trust yourself and your soul on what you’re being shown at this time. For now. Rest. And let your body recover, recuperate and receive these upgrades… because amazing things are coming for you AND you’ve been taking amazing care of yourself leading up to this - cut yourself some slack precious soul! Rest guilt free and let your body soak it up. Love xxx We are days away from starting Transcendence! Such a potent time and a seriously more potent time of commencing this with the astrological and  cosmic crystalline vortex of creation poring through - what are you wanting to anchor in, set in stone and solidify to form for an incredible 2024? This is your opportunity to think bigger, dream even bigger still - and manifest your dreams to reality - welcome, to Transcendence - we start on Friday! Click here to join us - pre-work is right there waiting for you right now: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence


Card #5: Explore Your Options. “It’s time to look at other possibilities. It’s a good time to make changes.” 

Just like I said on livestream yesterday - what are you wanting to achieve between now and the end of the year? Hmmm, achieve just auto-spelled into cohesive - what has felt like a cohesive for you. What has made you feel stuck?! And/or - what has been stuck in your mind?! I feel you have put something on the back burner just because you’ve been so damn busy but it is tuck on your mind and won’t go away? This avenue MUST be explored and put into action - it is like, don’t waste another moment thinking about it but DO IT. It feels like such a strong soul calling - like have you even been dreaming about it even!? It feels so strong for you so definitely explore this. It  feels like pure alignment right?! And, adding it to what you do anyway is like a no-brainer AND you will be helping people AND doing what you love right?! Soooo….  Also -  this feels like a big YES because it isn’t like you have to ‘stop what you’re doing and only do this’ - it feels like you can do what you want and need to do AND do this and it feels so streamlined and easy to what you already do - what is coming to mind for you with this? I also feel this card is about opening your mind to other ways of doing things - of bringing in income of the way you dress, of the way you sleep - something is showing you a whole new way of being right now and I feel like you are in a place where you’re  open to it and if not - this is your sign TO open to it. Open your mind, open your heart and open  your energy. “Consciousness, show me that which I am not seeing, show me a way to do this, that I am not yet seeing.” I am also hearing, ‘Your time is almost done (or just completed).’ - It feels like there is a very specific process you’ve been going through or perhaps you still are going through and it is nearly over and nearly complete (or has just been completed). The pearls on this card on her crown are also jumping out at me and Pearls are about innocence - honey - you’ve done nothing wrong. Can you please let go of any guilt you’re holding onto that you’ve made wrong choices or that you are not where you’re meant to be or whatever the story is because reality is that you are exactly where you’re meant to be - or you would simply be somewhere else. Simple. Now… without the guilt - what is it that is on your mind you must tend to, follow and create the pathway home - or creating a path at home - or supporting the home - what comes to mind for you - or that you just KNOW you must do - now? Soooo go do it! Love xxx We are days away from starting Transcendence! Such a potent time and a seriously more potent time of commencing this with the astrological and  cosmic crystalline vortex of creation poring through - what are you wanting to anchor in, set in stone and solidify to form for an incredible 2024? This is your opportunity to think bigger, dream even bigger still - and manifest your dreams to reality - welcome, to Transcendence - we start on Friday! Click here to join us - pre-work is right there waiting for you right now: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence


Card #6: Dream Big. "Let go of small thoughts about yourself! See yourself succeeding."

Your dreams have been calling you. AND there are opportunities coming your way that require you to think bigger than big. Do you know what happens when you think big? The universe responds in kind - and synchronistic events line up, things fall into place and people show up on your path that will even GIVE YOU ideas, because you have already been opening to them in your mind and when they show up, it is like God talking! THAT is when you know you are in pure alignment when these synchronistic events happen - BUT they wouldn’t have happened had you have not have been thinking big! Sooooo, when you have your little visioning session - go bigger! When you have your journalling practise, go bigger! When you are dreaming into reality what you think you want - GO BIGGER! Like - the crazy dreams you’re putting on the back burner I think it is CRUCIAL right now - you JUST GO FOR THESE ONES! Yes, I am yelling in my caps! Because it is is an IMPORTANT message for you to hear right now! You know in my mentors training, she said one day: ‘When things are manifesting, it is because you’re not in alignment with your biggest desires.’ - meaning - you aren’t even going there because you don’t know how it is possible right now - but we know that reality is not what we’re taught to believe and you know how reality actually works so what is stopping you from going for your FULL DREAMS? Yeah - only YOU baby! So - the strong message here for you today is that to think and ‘be’ in your bigger dreams. It is ‘almost’ like you are disconnected from current reality and ‘living your dream state now’ - energetically you should be - to pull this reality in faster for you. Plus it is ‘how’ we manifest reality - alongside daily aligned action of course. This isn’t about sitting around waiting for it all to drop in your lap - daily aligned action is a non-negotiable and let’s be real - it is just who you are anyway. You do the things - but this card has come to you because you let go of your wild ass crazy dreams because you didn’t know how or ‘think they are for a later time in your life’ well honey, I am here to tell you that the strongest message for you is to be living in this ‘dream reality’ of your most crazy, wild, outlandish dreams that you can conjure up - because really? They are none of that - because those crazy wild dreams?! That is NORMAL life for your Soul - or it simply wouldn’t even be a thought in your mind AT ALL! You simply wouldn’t even think it around and around and what comes back to your mind, heart and soul time and time again - it doesn’t leave you! Soooooo play here in these realms and make them reality.. stay here playing in these ‘dream’ realms - and make them sooooo real that one day you wake up… and it is literally physical reality because you made it so and magical crazy synchronistic events made them happen faster for you - but really… it was ALWAYS part of your Souls plan the only thing everyone was waiting on… was for you to believe so deeply in those outlandish dreams… they were just plain and simple reality. #ofcourse. Love xxx We are days away from starting Transcendence! Such a potent time and a seriously more potent time of commencing this with the astrological and  cosmic crystalline vortex of creation poring through - what are you wanting to anchor in, set in stone and solidify to form for an incredible 2024? This is your opportunity to think bigger, dream even bigger still - and manifest your dreams to reality - welcome, to Transcendence - we start on Friday! Click here to join us - pre-work is right there waiting for you right now: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence