🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 16th August 2022

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Aug 16, 2022

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 16th August 2022

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards for you. 💃🎇

You are powerful, you are wise and you already help a tonne of people.

Whether professionally or just in friendship and acquaintance circles.

You love the spiritual stuff, you are constantly talking to your Angels  and you love psychic development.

You know you don’t want to work the 9-5 forever and you’re ready to dive into fine tuning your skills so you can not only turn your passion into profit, but take your life to an entirely new sense of freedom of doing what you love, when you want, with whom you want and living the life you truly desire.

Trust Your Intuition Early Bird investment increases in just a few hours, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑


Card #1: Vesta: Home. “Your household situation is improving, either through a move, or a healthy change in the occupants.”

Home. The place where you are supposed to feel safe, settled, ‘at home’, ‘at peace’ - do you? I do feel you have come into a more healthy space recently about your Home and I feel this may be stirring up deeper issues for you - because you feel safe now, so now everything else that was sitting there waiting for this ‘safety’ can be cleared and released now. I am also hearing ‘grounding’ and I am wondering what the next level of grounding coming to mind is for you? I am hearing yoga - has yoga been on your mind? This card also has a lot of yellow and orange on it - deeply related to the Sacral Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra - taking your power back and nourishing yourself in ways that you can now drop into with this ‘safety’ that has come forth for you. If you are needing to move house, have faith that the perfect house is lining up for you but it isn’t quite ready at this time. Trust in the knowledge that it is on it’s way and to hold the faith strong as the final details are worked out (in Heaven) behind the scenes for you. I also wondering if you are needing to ‘change the way you do home’ too? Are you needing to open yourself up to a new way of living in your home, moving home, being on the road as your home, the way you treat your home, upgrading furniture, saving for a home or the way you pay for your home? Has something been on your mind about this? Saving, paying off or something otherwise to do financially in regards to ‘Home’ for  you? Trust these messages and don’t delay acting on these as it feels like - everything else can wait at this time and this, is where a huge chunk and focus of your energy should be going. It is almost like everything you do needs to be dedicated to this cause yes? I feel this will deeply nourish you in ways you have only dreamt about or not even actually felt in this reality as yet and this is going to shift something deeply internally for you. I m feeling this will set you ‘free’ - like you’ve always wanted to be. This is your… greatest value right? So, why aren’t you putting ALL your energy into this? Yes, it’s just time. So, time to make it plan for it and happen! Ah, and one last message, if you haven’t got an alter set up where you can meditate and  regularly connect to Source via a meditation practise, this is your sign to do that too and if you already do have that - increase your devotion practise for a time - as there are messages that your Soul want to convey to you.  Love xxx You are powerful, you are wise and you already help a tonne of people. Whether professionally or just in friendship and acquaintance circles. You love the spiritual stuff, you are constantly talking to your Angels  and you love psychic development. You know you don’t want to work the 9-5 forever and you’re ready to dive into fine tuning your skills so you can not only turn your passion into profit, but take your life to an entirely new sense of freedom of doing what you love, when you want, with whom you want and living the life you truly desire. Trust Your Intuition Early Bird investment increases in just a few hours, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #2: Guinevere. 

Ah, the lovers. Is there love on the horizon for you? Have you been thinking about taking your current relationship to deeper depths - or are you consciously calling in your King/Queen? I feel that this card has come to you because your relationship has been weighing heavily on your mind. Either you are ready to call yours in - or you are questioning whether you want to go deeper in your current relationship. Maybe you do and that is a no brainer for you - maybe you’ve just realised that you’ve been walking along half in half out  this entire time. The reason one Ould do that 0 is because they already know that it isn’t the correct relationship for them, but are settling for less than what they desire - waiting for… waiting for what exactly? You’re already in this relationship - but is it what you want? If you’re already looking outside - it means that what you have - isn’t what you want, or you wouldn’t even be considering it. Relationships go through hard times 100% - but what has kept you with one foot in, one foot out - since when? Trace back to when you ‘left’ and ask yourself why you are still here if you already ‘left’ back - when? I am also getting this message if you are calling in your King/Queen - when did you shut down and turn down from - when? Go back to these ‘portals in time’ reclaim yourself and bring all parts of you to now. Knowing you’re safe now, how would you move forward? With an open heart? And what does that look like in taking care of yourself so eloquently in your own life on a day to day basis? I feel that love is on the horizon for you… have you been working on self love and self improvement or about  to embark on a whole new journey with this for yourself? You do know this message has been coming through for you - because it is the answer to your prayers about meeting your divine counterpart right? Love xxx You are powerful, you are wise and you already help a tonne of people. Whether professionally or just in friendship and acquaintance circles. You love the spiritual stuff, you are constantly talking to your Angels  and you love psychic development. You know you don’t want to work the 9-5 forever and you’re ready to dive into fine tuning your skills so you can not only turn your passion into profit, but take your life to an entirely new sense of freedom of doing what you love, when you want, with whom you want and living the life you truly desire. Trust Your Intuition Early Bird investment increases in just a few hours, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #3: Freyja. Bold. “Unleash your adventurous side! Take risks and be daring.” 

Stop hiding! Come out of the closet! You’ve had something on your mind to do - that is going to take your business and life to the next level and at this time, it is sooo important that you just do the thing! No more, ‘when I am ready then’ - no - today. Period. Now. Like even stop reading and go and do the thing - because you have put it off for way to long and why are you STILL reading already?! You already know what to do, your intuition has already told you so why are you… still here?! I need not even write anymore, but if you insist on reading, then I am going to tell you that you need to get to it and get moving on this project or idea that you have because time is a ticking and… there are potent very supportive energies right now that are going to help move this project along faster than without them. Set deadlines. Work late. Get up early. Get it done. But most importantly - when do you want what finished by when? It feels like deadlines at this time are super important and… what is the hobby you’ve been thinking of taking back up? I feel that by pursuing this, is going to open up doors that were once previously closed to you, let alone the fresh energy and aliveness, that is going to support your energy/body/life by doing this. Is there words you need to speak to someone? Is there are risk you need to take and back yourself the entire way in changing your life for the better? What has been holding you back until now I feel has let go of it’s hold on you and you are coming into a space where you have more freedom to make these decisions, so they will move with rapid speed as you implement them into your life… so what are they? Get to it then! Love xxx You are powerful, you are wise and you already help a tonne of people. Whether professionally or just in friendship and acquaintance circles. You love the spiritual stuff, you are constantly talking to your Angels  and you love psychic development. You know you don’t want to work the 9-5 forever and you’re ready to dive into fine tuning your skills so you can not only turn your passion into profit, but take your life to an entirely new sense of freedom of doing what you love, when you want, with whom you want and living the life you truly desire. Trust Your Intuition Early Bird investment increases in just a few hours, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #4: Artemis. Guardian. “You and your loved ones are safe and spiritually protected.” 

If you have been trying to make a decision the answer is yes. If you have been wondering if it is going to work out, the answer is yes. If you have been questioning if it is the right thing to do, the answer is yes - or..ask your Heart and Soul - and of course your Heart and Soul says yes - why? Because you wouldn’t even be thinking about it if it wasn’t right for you. You wouldn’t even be questioning it, if it wasn’t for you. It wouldn’t even be in your mind if it wasn’t something you weren’t supposed to do. Is there something you used to do a long time ago that has been on your mind, but then every time you go to do it, it just doesn't work? Or you simply don’t WANT to? That is - because a deeper part of your Soul is trying to bust forth through into your consciousness and life. Your Soul is guiding you to a different avenue to release your Soul’s message out into the world and you are protected as you ‘test the waters’ - or just completely dive right into where your Soul is calling you to go at this time. Regardless of what you are choosing - know that you are protected and you can walk forward in the trust that, if it isn’t meant to work out - it simply won’t happen or you will be blocked. So trust where your Soul is guiding you to be, who to be around, what crowds to hang and trust your are protected the entire way. Love xxx You are powerful, you are wise and you already help a tonne of people. Whether professionally or just in friendship and acquaintance circles. You love the spiritual stuff, you are constantly talking to your Angels  and you love psychic development. You know you don’t want to work the 9-5 forever and you’re ready to dive into fine tuning your skills so you can not only turn your passion into profit, but take your life to an entirely new sense of freedom of doing what you love, when you want, with whom you want and living the life you truly desire. Trust Your Intuition Early Bird investment increases in just a few hours, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #5: Dana. High-Priestess. “You have Divine knowledge that can help others through your Spiritual Teaching.” 

You are a Healer. You are a Spiritual Teacher. You are a practitioner, a facilitator, you are someone who can heal someone  just by standing there listening to them and barely saying a word because it is just who you are. You are more intuitive than you realise and give yourself credit for. You are someone who can make anything happen in reality because you just put your mind to it and do it. It always works out - because you make it so, there is no other option. You have walked and do walk some very hard, dark paths that make you question everything you're doing and some - but walking off this path makes you sick to even think about it and your Soul scream out in rage and grief that even the darkest witches are afraid of. THAT is not an option. You are being asked to STEP UP AND RISE Dear High-Priestess & Divine Wizard. What is your Soul calling you to do? You are being called - are you listening? Are you ready to take that leap? Are you ready to throw all caution to the  wind, because you didn’t realise you were doing that anyway and you know you need to make big moves for big moves to come in - because you know that you go first THEN the Universe has your back and you make things happen - because… you chose to first? Before the signs told you to. Before you had a moment to think about it. Before you… you just did it. Because that is how you always roll. You follow Soul. You follow intuition and you just make things happen. Because you can. You know you can’t sleep at night without doing this thing because you ain’t going to let any other time pass by not doing the thing! Your Soul is calling - are you listening? Love xxx You are powerful, you are wise and you already help a tonne of people. Whether professionally or just in friendship and acquaintance circles. You love the spiritual stuff, you are constantly talking to your Angels  and you love psychic development. You know you don’t want to work the 9-5 forever and you’re ready to dive into fine tuning your skills so you can not only turn your passion into profit, but take your life to an entirely new sense of freedom of doing what you love, when you want, with whom you want and living the life you truly desire. Trust Your Intuition Early Bird investment increases in just a few hours, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #6: Isis. Past Life. “This situation involves your Past Life memories.” 

This card is very clear and obvious here and I am sensing that whatever you are ‘stuck’ on, or the reason this feels SOOO big for you? Is because it has deep roots in your Past Lives and something here is needing to be cleared so you can be free. It isn’t even that it shifts it - well, it does of course, it releases the energetic locks that are keeping you trapped in this lifetime. And what it does - is releases the heavy load that is energetically influencing and interfering with the current reality. A Past Life memory/energetic lock can also entangle into inter dimensional webs and so when you release through the Past Life lock, it unlocks and detangles you from any inter dimensional web entanglements that may also be interfering. This goes for any situation you are facing, whether it is a health challenge, relationship issues, career path choices or financial binds, healing through your Past Lives can help. (You can use my Past Life Healing & Integration found here on my website if it is alive for you to do this: https://www.realityawareness.com/Past-Life-Integration-and-Healing-Meditation) You may have felt like you are ‘stuck in the past’ or have even dreamt of far away cities or had memories come back from places you forgot about or are keep coming up on social media or other places and this is your Soul letting you know that yes - Past Life healing can help unlock this for you at this time. Give it about 3 days from listening to the Past Life Meditation to noice affects - but they can also be felt within hours from doing the meditation too. You are unravelling deep, old, ancient ties at this time too. Old relationships, old flames might have been in your awareness quite strongly for you and they are being burnt out of your system right now. I also feel that you have a big clearing/cleansing few months ahead of you (by your own choosing), because you are clearing out your life right? Celebrating this - because that.. is where dreams are made of - to have clean slate to move forward with clarity, certainty and deep honouring of your Souls Purpose - cheering you on from here! Love xx You are powerful, you are wise and you already help a tonne of people. Whether professionally or just in friendship and acquaintance circles. You love the spiritual stuff, you are constantly talking to your Angels  and you love psychic development. You know you don’t want to work the 9-5 forever and you’re ready to dive into fine tuning your skills so you can not only turn your passion into profit, but take your life to an entirely new sense of freedom of doing what you love, when you want, with whom you want and living the life you truly desire. Trust Your Intuition Early Bird investment increases in just a few hours, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition