🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 17th October 2023

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Oct 17, 2023

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 17th October 2023

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the The Herbal Astrology Oracle ðŸŒ±ðŸ”®ðŸ’«

Our 2024 intake for Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator Super Early Bird Doors Are Open Now.

If you are feeling like you’re ready for your next evolution of who you are becoming, are ready to intake a journey to truly face your own Soul, heal your past, understand your intuition with the intricate nature that it is sifting through what is trauma, what is your shadows, inner child or your higher self, connect through to the inter-dimensional plains and come back to our realm once again all without leaving your body, to step through the other side understanding the different trauma wounds and how they interplay in everyday life so your intuition can  be acutely aware alongside having the choice to pursue your career as a Internationally Recognised Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator, then Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition

 Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Skullcap. ‘Stillness.’

You need rest. You need a break. You need timeout. You need sleep. You need healing. You need time out so your body and your reality can catch up. The silent stillness that so many are almost scared of because it is actually quite hard to find in a city however - it belongs and lives deep inside of you that deep stillness that exists deep within that at the same time - is always there and inside of the stillness is actually…. movement - everything is actually moving in there. Atoms - make up everything, so even the things that seem hard or solid - are actually vibrating atoms and they are moving. Deep within you is the stillness - but within that - exists all the possibilities that you are looking for and all the answers to every question - to every question all the answers exist here - even though - there is all of it and none of it at the same time. This card is asking you to slow down and if you can’t ‘stop’ you may get stopped in ways you don’t want to be stopped and also - you can ALWAYS become conscious of the mini moments of stillness you have… that moment on the toilet, that space in the shower, that moment whilst you’re driving, the moments as you wake up in the morning - lay there for 5 seconds and be aware of the mini space you have of laying in bed for 5 seconds and the mini spaces you have throughout your day. It might not seem like a lot but the more you become conscious of these little pieces they all connect to each other AND you… become more conscious throughout your day! You are releasing poison from your body right now - whether chemicals, trauma or something else - some days you will have up days and feel incredible and some days you will feel like you won’t be able to move or get out of bed and this is when it is ‘hitting another layer’ and purging from your system - so LET IT PURGE! No, you’re not doing wrong, you’re not, not getting it right, you’re literally purging another layer - so this is way more important to be ‘How can I support myself right now?’ Mantraring through your thoughts right now. Don’t repeat the ‘Im so exhausted or sick or tired’ - remove those words from your vocabulary and continue to ask, how can I take better care of myself right now? What do I need to feel taken care of right now? Many people don’t even know what they need - well, now you can start finding out what it is REALLY is that you need. This ‘poison’ from your body - is coming from the Scorpion on this card - maybe someone has been like a Scorpion around you ‘stinging’ you with their words or that you are literally purging this poison out of your system. There is a HUGE dimensional shift going on right now - where people are being pulled apart, circles falling apart, people leaving and at the same time, on another ring of the spiral - people are coming together for a God Given Purpose that are here to change the world. So if the poison is leaving your life in whichever way shape or form - let it go. I also feel that this can be relational to old situations that you’ve outgrown that you might be tired of - this is also changing. In this Stillness - you are shown the truth. The truth of what needs to change, what you have outgrown, what is old and what truths in front of you need to be shown - will be shown. If you have people around you that are not of your highest and you are not seeing clearly about this situation - walk forward in trust, knowing that Spirit has your back (always has) and if you are not meant to walk a particular path - Spirit will halt you and show you the truth, so let yourself walk forward with full faith in what feels right and if it is not meant to to be this pathway - trust you will be shown the full truth - because… this has always been the way for you right?! Spirit has ALWAYS had your back on this - nothing has changed on that. So trust. Take this deep space within as your safe space to be shown the truth and in the Stillness - all the answers arise for you. Love xxx Our 2024 intake for Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator Super Early Bird Doors Are Open Now. If you are feeling like you’re ready for your next evolution of who you are becoming, are ready to intake a journey to truly face your own Soul, heal your past, understand your intuition with the intricate nature that it is sifting through what is trauma, what is your shadows, inner child or your higher self, connect through to the inter-dimensional plains and come back to our realm once again all without leaving your body, to step through the other side understanding the different trauma wounds and how they interplay in everyday life so your intuition can  be acutely aware alongside having the choice to pursue your career as a Internationally Recognised Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator, then Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #2: Saint-John’s Wort. ‘Radiance’.

You are shining! It is time to shine! And keep shining! Also - time to EXPAND your shining light dear one! ‘Running over the rainbow bridge’ - what does this mean to you? The woman on the card is running over/on the rainbow bridge with the cauldron at her feet, the sparrow flying in front, the deer and the rabbits running beside her and Saint John’s Wort growing from the cauldron. There feels like such a deep meaning for this card - in between worlds even. There even appears to almost be an eclipse above the peak of the mountain on this card - this card messages feels multi-faceted and significant and multi-messaged for you today and the deep sense is that if everything is swirling around in a huge vortex of energy and light and confusion and chaos and that everything is crumbling around you right now - it is because it is. You may be going on one pathway and it FEEL SO DAMN right then all of a sudden BANG and the pathway changed, right from under your feet, you didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye or lift your foot up to go in the other direction, it just dropped away from your feet before you even got a chance to realise what was going on and yet honey - I can tell you what is going on - you want to know what is going on? You’re being protected right now. You’re being protected from the deep dark chaos that would’ve ensued from going on a path that wasn’t for you, that would’ve been brought to you and would’ve taken so much from you. You’ve already endured that through your life - you’ve done too much work and given so much AND done the deep, dark healing that not many people do this lifetime and because of that - you are PROTECTED and THAT is why the path all of a sudden changed on you - THAT is why. As hard and as harsh and perhaps heartbreaking as this message is - the path HAD to change, because you have reached a level where that isn’t your path anymore. When people come together for a Purpose - when that Purpose is done, it can abruptly complete and end and you ‘didn’t see that coming’ let alone, when it isn’t meant to continue, it just won’t. The Radiance? You simply are here to shine your radiant light in YOUR way, in your Sovereign way. You have a huge expansive path ahead of you and only the most highest vibrational deeply truthful in their integrity of their word, their own path and their life WILL be beside you. Anyone who is not this - will simply fall way. Let them. You are so protected, supported and provided for on this path - know that God has your back the entire way. You have a very important purpose that IS to shine your light in the most outlandish, radical, unconventional ways that change this world - know that it takes like-minded courageous Souls to walk beside you on this and only God knows who that is meant to be and TRUST you are protected as you cross this rainbow bridge - walking two worlds at once - because this is where your light comes from and is the reason you are here. Let it radiate through you and connect both worlds for this is your Purpose. Step up, share it - and SHINE. Love xxx Our 2024 intake for Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator Super Early Bird Doors Are Open Now. If you are feeling like you’re ready for your next evolution of who you are becoming, are ready to intake a journey to truly face your own Soul, heal your past, understand your intuition with the intricate nature that it is sifting through what is trauma, what is your shadows, inner child or your higher self, connect through to the inter-dimensional plains and come back to our realm once again all without leaving your body, to step through the other side understanding the different trauma wounds and how they interplay in everyday life so your intuition can  be acutely aware alongside having the choice to pursue your career as a Internationally Recognised Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator, then Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #3: Lavender. Weaver. 

Lavender is used for calming - but also Psychic Protection and leading on from Card #2 - Protection - you are protected through this portal of change you are moving through…. You are the Weaver of your reality and there has been a lot of change for you let alone what you are also about to walk through. The woman is carrying a baby on her back and I feel there are a lot of new beginnings happening for you - all at once - sooo much like all at once for you it feels? There is a big beautiful spider web on this card as well and it is sparkling platinum light - I feel there is such a huge shift happening for you - it is generational ties being cut - but more than that, this is a web of darkness that is being released, transmuted and changed in your life. This may mean that relationships will fall away as new ones enter your life. Who is being reflected to you in your life that makes you upset or triggered? Or… is shining too brightly you feel they have abandoned you when they go and ‘live their life’? This.. is deep in attachment here and is your beacon to go and live YOUR life too… they are only shining light on where you are not giving yourself permission to live your own life - what do you really want to do? What have you been putting off and putting on the back burner because… why? Lavender clears darkness and illuminates what is hiding in the dark so your Higher Self can deeply step in and do the communication for you from a grounded, higher perspective - rather than your reactive, emotional and hurt self. I am also sensing here - with this ‘web’ being cleared for you right now, it might seem like a dark portal that you’re shifting through and that is very unsettled or unrounded or like you’re waiting on all these outside circumstances to make things happen for you and whilst this is a HUGE lesson in surrender for you at this time, this is the ‘last clear out’ before the massive breakthrough that you’ve been working for all these years - THIS is why it is so hard - THIS is why it seems like everything is trying to pull you down from ALL angles. But somewhere.. somewhere deep in the darkness.. is a tune.. a sound.. a song.. that you know… every time you ask WHY.. WHYTF is this happening… you hear…ever so gently that tune.. and you break down crying knowing you have been following your heart this entire time - especially when it didn’t make logical sense - especially when you wind up in places you think HOW THE FUCK DID I END UP HERE… and you know deep down, that there is some cosmic huge - you can’t even see how big this intricately woven magic that is occurring in your life and ‘why’ it is happening.. but deep down you know.. even though you question, lose your shit and howl your eyes out and that sacred rage releases from your core… you KNOW… You wove this before you entered you KNOW that this is what you are born for and this card has come to you to show you this is the final push before… your  new reality is here… KEEP. FUCKING. GOING. Let all the darkness burn in their own karma and hold your wildfire to your purposeful passion and don’t let the dark shit distract you, because it is all it is. A test. Do you really fucking want this? Why yes I fucking do thank you. Love xxx Our 2024 intake for Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator Super Early Bird Doors Are Open Now. If you are feeling like you’re ready for your next evolution of who you are becoming, are ready to intake a journey to truly face your own Soul, heal your past, understand your intuition with the intricate nature that it is sifting through what is trauma, what is your shadows, inner child or your higher self, connect through to the inter-dimensional plains and come back to our realm once again all without leaving your body, to step through the other side understanding the different trauma wounds and how they interplay in everyday life so your intuition can  be acutely aware alongside having the choice to pursue your career as a Internationally Recognised Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator, then Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #4: Got Kola. Higher Consciousness. 

Remember who the fuck you ARE. Remember your bigger picture vision during this time. You are being shown so many possibilities of how your reality can unfold right now and it is so important to pay attention to all of them. Do not dismiss anything that is offered to you right now. Meaning - notice when you say ‘no’, notice when you say ‘I can’t’, notice when you shut down opportunities at first response and catch yourself and say instead, ‘Oooh this is interesting, let me come back to you’. I feel that ‘take everything that is offered to you’ - is more like - there are so many possibilities right now, you are getting sooo many ideas, your Crown Chakra is very active and open and you are almost overwhelmed with the choices (in a way). I feel that this is a very potent time for you - write all the ideas down - better still delegate and put into action right now what you can - all at once. It is okay and VERY needed to do ten things at once because this is how foundations are set in stone with this. You can feel ungrounded to an extent when so many ideas are flooding in and if you don’t delegate or action them right away, you will find that you will shut down and get depressed - because actioning the ideas you receive from your Claircognisence (Crown Chakra) keeps the flow flowing and open - like a dam/river. Once you stop putting into action those ideas, you shut off the flow of energy and ideas and then everything shuts down, becomes dark, stagnant and blocked. What ideas can you delegate and get someone else to do so you can keep expanding? This message is very much on the Higher Consciousness streaming through for you to expand your life - are you? What ideas are you shutting down before you’re even letting them show you the whole answer? What is your heart saying that your mind is talking you out of? What possibilities can you say ‘YES’ instead of your automatic no? (society is trained this way btw) - so notice your auto responses with things like this. When we say YES even though we don’t know how in the moment it is even possible but you KNOW your SOUL is saying YES to it, the resources, and ‘how’ shows up. I would not be where I am today if I worried about the HOW of things.. I kept trusting where my Soul has been guiding me with every step of the way and it has led me to a $1M heart and soul led company. Where are you needing to follow your intuitive guidance, your higher consciousness, your trust in self to take the leaps of faith for the doorways and opportunities that are opening for you, that you do not know the entire pathway - you cannot see the road ahead, but you know, as you step, your soul illuminates a path and that… is all you trust? That.. this path - is the only option because it feels right even though you can’t see but can feel it? That one. Especially the one that keeps coming back to your Claircognisent mind… this is Archangel Uriel… pay attention. He is guiding you to your Life Purpose right now. Choose it. But hey, only if you want to cause you have free will! BUT… ‘Be willing to do what your Soul is guiding you to do, if you wish to create that which you are asking for.’ That one. Is how I have lived my life. So, only say YES.. if you’re a fellow Ancient Blooded Healer Soul who lives their life on MAGIC and knows that is what they have to do create that which they are asking before, because why on Earth would you live any. Other. Way. Love xxx Our 2024 intake for Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator Super Early Bird Doors Are Open Now. If you are feeling like you’re ready for your next evolution of who you are becoming, are ready to intake a journey to truly face your own Soul, heal your past, understand your intuition with the intricate nature that it is sifting through what is trauma, what is your shadows, inner child or your higher self, connect through to the inter-dimensional plains and come back to our realm once again all without leaving your body, to step through the other side understanding the different trauma wounds and how they interplay in everyday life so your intuition can  be acutely aware alongside having the choice to pursue your career as a Internationally Recognised Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator, then Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #5: Bobinsana. Trust. 

Trust. Trust. Trust. Do you truly need anymore signs?! This flower looks so gentle and healing, so open and trusting… there is also a Whale on this card - what do Whales signify for you? Whales deeply hold the portal between realms and I am wondering if you’re needing to draw on this unseen faith and trust in such a deep way right now that will enable you to shift what you are currently holding back on? It feels like you’re waiting for something and yet, there are things that can enable deeper trust right now - what is that for you? What comes to mind when I ask that question? It might seem completely unrelated to trust or to the issue on your mind - however, when you TRUST what your next step is and what you’re being called to do, you are able to move forward now. If you could choose what you are wanting now - what would you choose? Did you know there is a way but you are blocked by your own eye sight at ‘how’? Working with my clients it is easy to spot their blindspots and they don’t stay stuck or stagnant, shift rapidly and move in their life and business once again. That is what mentors are for. That… is what trusting int he right people do. Of course - this is trust in yourself, trust in Spirit and trust in the invisible realms, but I also feel you’re being called here to break through the shell of not trusting people. Sure you’ve been hurt in the past, sure, you closed your heart because of it. But let’s be real, you’ve done a lot of work to leave toxic situations so you can have healthy relationships and open your heart again and… right now - there is someone or some people around you that are #1: showing their true colours to you and this is your sign to have the courage to not engage and walk the fuck away from it all. There are DEFINITELY HUGE chunks of time that I have had by myself that have involved me releasing any contact with any one and almost everyone I have known. Sure.. it was lonely but peaceful and I KNEW I was doing it because my entire reality and vibration was SHIFTING away from toxic unhealthy, unconscious people and also plain and simply people who I just didn’t have anything in common with anymore. This is a step that MANY people miss because they are soooo worried about  being alone or not having friends or family around and then they complain or get sick because they are not listening to their intuition about leaving situations that are not good for their Soul. They want to make their dreams come true, follow their heart, their passion and their purpose and yet when their intuition tells them to leave unhealthy situations they don’t and so they… stay where they are. #2: There are people or a person who has shown up in your life (mentor/friend/relationship) that is someone who is on the same page as you and HAS shown up BECAUSE you have walked the ‘alone’ space where your entire reality has been recalibrating to that higher level. Trust you are traversing the realms right now and be okay with your own company… your new reality is birthing. Healthy relationships come from space away from toxic ones. If you can’t be comfortable on your own… how can there be recalibration space to let the healthy ones magnetise towards you? Trust.. what you’re being guided to do right now. Love xxx Our 2024 intake for Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator Super Early Bird Doors Are Open Now. If you are feeling like you’re ready for your next evolution of who you are becoming, are ready to intake a journey to truly face your own Soul, heal your past, understand your intuition with the intricate nature that it is sifting through what is trauma, what is your shadows, inner child or your higher self, connect through to the inter-dimensional plains and come back to our realm once again all without leaving your body, to step through the other side understanding the different trauma wounds and how they interplay in everyday life so your intuition can  be acutely aware alongside having the choice to pursue your career as a Internationally Recognised Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator, then Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #6: Mucuna. Journey. 

You’re ready for change but you can’t yet - perhaps because of outside circumstances. You know it. Your Soul feels it and it may be frustrating to be where you currently are and yet… you also know that change is coming it is on your doorstep it is well overdue change - or perhaps it is just time. There is also divine timing with this so let go and let god at this time. If you forced it now (nothing you can do right now anyway), you would miss a pertinent doorway of opportunity that is about to ‘hit home’ for you and it is important that you are currently where you are so you can say YES to this opportunity. I know it might feel like time is going so slowly as you ‘wait’ for this thing - however, there is a very important window of time right now - what do you need to get done and accomplish? I wonder if you feel settled where you are because you ‘can’t do anything anyway’ - but deep underneath you want to move or create change but can’t and so have ‘resolved to being where you are’ and in this, is this waiting almost… not moving energy. Mucuna has come to you as a sign that you are definitely on the right path in opening up to unchartered territory (as long as it feels right in your heart) and even though you can’t see all the details - you know it is the right path for you. Sooooo what do you have to do to prepare? What do you need to organise in your physical body, your heart, your home, your phone your - everything? I am sensing that this change that even though you have resolved to being settled where you are - this change is something you ‘didn’t see coming’ even though you’ve had itchy feet for a little while now. I am also wondering what ‘Journey’ means to you? The word itself? Whatever it means to you is a message in itself too. I also wonder if there is heart healing that is occurring, has occurred - or that something deeper is surfacing for you in regards to your heart? What was going on for you 6 months ago at the previous eclipse? This feels significant for you in acknowledging where you are now, compared to just 6 months ago and… where do you plan to be in another 6 months? You are being shown this timeline so that when you get caught up in the figuring out of ‘how in the now’ - you can ‘balance your vision’ either side of you in this timeline of life to truly see how you are taken care of, supported, guided and the steps you have taken that you have trusted your intuition to lead you to where you are now and what you are now choosing for yourself. It feels like an important anchor for you - to anchor in more trust, to hold the highest vision for yourself. The Third Eye on this card is deeply confirming this and to truly realise that when and even though you feel unstable and wobbly on your feet - honey, you’ve created such a solid ground for yourself… lean into this, dream bigger, choose bigger, choose the entire way and watch the Universe Match you there. Love xxx Our 2024 intake for Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator Super Early Bird Doors Are Open Now. If you are feeling like you’re ready for your next evolution of who you are becoming, are ready to intake a journey to truly face your own Soul, heal your past, understand your intuition with the intricate nature that it is sifting through what is trauma, what is your shadows, inner child or your higher self, connect through to the inter-dimensional plains and come back to our realm once again all without leaving your body, to step through the other side understanding the different trauma wounds and how they interplay in everyday life so your intuition can  be acutely aware alongside having the choice to pursue your career as a Internationally Recognised Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator, then Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition