🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 18th January 2022

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jan 18, 2022

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 18th January 2022

Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting for you from the Flower Therapy Oracle ðŸŒº

You will never know - until you do it. So many ask me, what is my purpose, what do I do and it always comes back to Trusting Your Intuition on what your next step is, but most are afraid to even step into that unknown or take that risk where... all exists! Just because you can't see it, just because you can't feel it - doesn't mean it doesn't exist! 

Trusting Your Intuition is a flow.. that most have shut down.. isn't it time, to let your life begin... for the very first time to truly live... what your deepest Hearts desires wants for you? Honestly? Authentically? In Love? Trust Your Intuition starts soon, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Chakra Clearing. Lotus. “By clearing your chakras, you open yourself up to a profound wisdom.”

This card is pretty clear. Have you cleared your Chakras? If you are feeling clouded or confused there are a few things going on here. The Lotus Flower moves through the mud then through the water to the top, then opens into a new reality of air and sunlight and opens its petals to the light. I feel for you right now, that this is exactly what is going on for you. You are moving through the mud or you are moving through the water and it feels like you can't breathe at this moment in time or like you are going to drown, for you are about to bust through and break into a whole new reality, or perhaps you already have and are experiencing a whole new sensation of air and sunlight and your petals are about to open and bloom. Yes you may need to cry, however, I feel like this card has come to you to let you know that you are on the right path. You are doing exactly what you need to do at this time. It feels important for you to understand this, there is nothing wrong with you. You are just about to bloom, you are moving through the hardest part. Remember the darkest is always just before the dawn. Remember, that there is a day cycle and a night cycle. Remember that there is a breath in and a breath out. It is so important to understand the cycles and know where you are at. There is nothing wrong with you, it's okay to cry, it's okay to realise the depth of what you are going through right now is massive, huge, rebirthing and quite simply change. You are safe as you go through this change. Whilst this card can mean that you need to clear chakras definitely and it can also mean that you are carrying somebody else's energy, I feel that this is more about your rebirthing and opening to a new reality in your life at this time. So, of course check if you really need to spend time in nature, reset your energy and clear your chakras for sure, however I feel this is more confirmation for you that you are moving through the mud, moving through the waters, or about to bust through a new reality and breathe the fresh air for the first time. Know this and regardless of where you're at know that you're in the right place at the right time doing the right thing because your soul has led you here to give you this confirmation. Love xxx You will never know - until you do it. So many ask me, what is my purpose, what do I do and it always comes back to Trusting Your Intuition on what your next step is, but most are afraid to even step into that unknown or take that risk where... all exists! Just because you can't see it, just because you can't feel it - doesn't mean it doesn't exist! Trusting Your Intuition is a flow.. that most have shut down.. isn't it time, to let your life begin... for the very first time to truly live... what your deepest Hearts desires wants for you? Honestly? Authentically? In Love? Trust Your Intuition starts soon, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #2: Emotional Healing. Bleeding Heart. “It's safe for you to let go of old emotional pain. By doing so, you allow your heart to mend.”

This is the Bleeding Heart flower. It literally has teardrops on the bottom of the Heart. However, it also opens and creating a new reality at the bottom of this bleeding so to speak. I feel for you you are literally opening your Heart again. Did you close it? Did you get reminded to open it again recently? This is confirmation that you are doing the right thing in opening your Heart. It doesn't mean that you will never get hurt again, but what it does mean is that you are able to experience the love that you are so deeply craving, the love that you know is out there for you. Perhaps you gave up your heart, YOU have given up hope that there is that love out there for you, but this card has come to tell you to open your heart, to keep it open and know that there is that person out there for you that is waiting for you to open your heart to receive them. ‘It is safe for you to let go of old emotional pain, by doing so you allow your heart to mend.’ Perhaps this card has come to you because it is time to let the tears out, because it is time to let the pain out because it is time to bring down that wall and let yourself soften. Maybe you have already done that, however you will know its accuracy and where you are at, by the people you are attracting into your life. If you're attracting people who don't seem like the right fit, that is only because the walls of your heart are closed. It is time to open them again, yes that means by crying or letting out the pain or the grief, there will be abandonment or just the complete nothingness that you don't even know how that's even possible to find someone again Hannah, because there's no one that can match that of the person that you're trying to let go of, right? I know, I know it's hard, trust me, I know. But this card has come to you to let you know that it's time. You've been asking for your next step. You've been asking for a sign. This is it, it's time to open your heart again. You can do this. I believe in you and know that you are safe to let yourself feel again because that is the way that the most potent portal into you - is coming to you through your feelings not through the walls, right? Love xxx You will never know - until you do it. So many ask me, what is my purpose, what do I do and it always comes back to Trusting Your Intuition on what your next step is, but most are afraid to even step into that unknown or take that risk where... all exists! Just because you can't see it, just because you can't feel it - doesn't mean it doesn't exist! Trusting Your Intuition is a flow.. that most have shut down.. isn't it time, to let your life begin... for the very first time to truly live... what your deepest Hearts desires wants for you? Honestly? Authentically? In Love? Trust Your Intuition starts soon, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #3: Magnify Your Intentions. Baby’s Breath. “Choose a specific goal to work towards. Your energy is spread out amongst too many ideas. Please bring your focus back into the key intention and let your angels help.”

This card is also self-explanatory. Your energy is spread out amongst too many ideas. Have you been feeling overwhelmed lately? Have you been feeling like you are getting what you really need to get done, done? The key and the trick here is to push everything aside and only do what is most next in alignment for your Heart. I feel this card has come to you today to let yourself drop into the trust and understanding that you can let go of everything else and let yourself focus on the most important thing. You do not need to worry about all the other things, because by you focusing on the next most important thing is going to solve all of those other issues. Now that might seem unrealistic. You might be thinking, “Well Hannah that's all great in theory, but there is this and this and this and this!” I know, I know that feeling very well! However this card has come to let you know that it is safe for you to trust in letting go of everything that is not the most important thing that your Soul is calling you to focus on right now. If you have more than five things on the go at the any one time, that is where we start to get overwhelmed. A good rule of thumb is five things - you’ve got five fingers, five things. That's it. If anything other than the most important things do not fit on that hand it can wait or hire someone to help you. It is not the most important thing if it is not directly in your hands, everything else can wait. So, what is the next most important thing for you to go into right now? Or find someone to help you? Expansion baby. Focus baby. Your mission is important - honour it. Love xxx You will never know - until you do it. So many ask me, what is my purpose, what do I do and it always comes back to Trusting Your Intuition on what your next step is, but most are afraid to even step into that unknown or take that risk where... all exists! Just because you can't see it, just because you can't feel it - doesn't mean it doesn't exist! Trusting Your Intuition is a flow.. that most have shut down.. isn't it time, to let your life begin... for the very first time to truly live... what your deepest Hearts desires wants for you? Honestly? Authentically? In Love? Trust Your Intuition starts soon, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #4: You Are Healed. Calendula/Pot Marigold. “The healing you’ve prayed for is on its way.”

You Are Healed. “The healing you’ve prayed for is on its way.” This card is self-explanatory like many of them today, however I feel like there is an aspect of patience that comes through with this card. I feel like all your answers are coming – but you already know this, right? It feels like your answers, your prayers have been heard. It feels like there has been a doorway that has unexpectedly opened in your life and prayers have been deeply answered. Prayers are being answered in ways that you didn't even consider was a possibility in this world (in a way). Almost like, your dream life is literally dropping into reality. Is that correct? However, it also feels like there is more information that is coming to you, there is more information that you are going to be shown about this situation and patience is the key at this time. There is a strong message coming through about enjoying this journey of this phase too. You have opened the doorway to your new life by accepting this opportunity with open arms and an open Heart. The healing you’ve prayed for is on its way – have you been thinking about moving house? Is there something about moving or is that a movement of energy? There is something about a new location or moving house also coming through this card. It feels like your Prayers are being answered, so continue to hold the vision of what you are wanting, what you are seeking, what you are desiring and know that this outcome is possible for you. Do not let doubts or other people's opinions get in the way of what you're truly thinking about. Be very discerning with your energy, your thoughts and who is infiltrating your thoughts and your energy and giving you their opinion at this time. You may need to block everyone out and stay focused on your true Heart's desires and intentions and your visions to bring this to fruition. It is okay to put boundaries in place to allow yourself the full manifestation of your desires. Only you know your Heart's desires and what has showed up for you in your life right now, only you know the path of your intuition. The healing you’ve prayed for is on its way – stay in gratitude, stay in celebration, this is going to be an amazing opportunity for you, doors opening walk through them. Love xxx You will never know - until you do it. So many ask me, what is my purpose, what do I do and it always comes back to Trusting Your Intuition on what your next step is, but most are afraid to even step into that unknown or take that risk where... all exists! Just because you can't see it, just because you can't feel it - doesn't mean it doesn't exist! Trusting Your Intuition is a flow.. that most have shut down.. isn't it time, to let your life begin... for the very first time to truly live... what your deepest Hearts desires wants for you? Honestly? Authentically? In Love? Trust Your Intuition starts soon, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #5: Share The Message of Love. Daffodil. “Rivers of love flow within you and others may benefit from this healing energy. Be mindful of each word that passes your lips.”

Have you been feeling angry? Have you been feeling stuck? Or, have you deeply been feeling the Love? There are two messages coming through this card. Being mindful of each word that passes your lips. This makes me feel into a conversation with a person that you need to have. Have you been biting your lip? Are you scared about something? It feels like there is a deep suffering happening right now for you. On this card the Daffodil is yellow. This symbolizes taking back your power. It feels like you have been strengthening your skill sets to be able to take back your power and you have been feeling very empowered lately, but I'm also wondering if there is something that you need to voice to somebody? Be mindful of each word that passes your lips. There is definitely words that need to be spoken whether that is expressing your deepest grief to yourself, to the Universe, to God - to somebody. Or actually having a conversation which I personally feel is going to open up doorways that were once previously closed to you. I feel like this conversation is going to bring you the Peace and ‘let go’ to be able to move forward again. This card might also be coming to you as you are being guided to step up and learn new skills to be able to use your healing power of words, your healing power of energy, your healing power of just being you in the full state of being entirely you, to help other people. Hmmm, are you needing to express your Soul to yourself? To come out and shine in the world in a way you have not done before? I feel like you are going through a big transition right now and the ground underneath your feet might feel like it is not stable or not even there anymore. Is that how you feel? Know that this is a huge time of transition for you right now. Be mindful of each word that passes your lips. Have that conversation with somebody that needs to be said. Let your heart express the feelings of the true desires. Let you Soul speak. You can never say the wrong thing to the right person. Take back your power, speak your truth with courage and confidence to the World or to a person. I do feel that this is an initiation as you step into embodying the truth of who you are, to then teach this to others. You are safe as you go through this transition, take back your power, and empower yourself to empower others. That is the seat of your Purpose. But you, my love, need to go first. Love xxx You will never know - until you do it. So many ask me, what is my purpose, what do I do and it always comes back to Trusting Your Intuition on what your next step is, but most are afraid to even step into that unknown or take that risk where... all exists! Just because you can't see it, just because you can't feel it - doesn't mean it doesn't exist! Trusting Your Intuition is a flow.. that most have shut down.. isn't it time, to let your life begin... for the very first time to truly live... what your deepest Hearts desires wants for you? Honestly? Authentically? In Love? Trust Your Intuition starts soon, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #6: Sign From Heaven. Protea. “Your loved ones in spirit awaiting hello and giving you reassurance that you’ll be all right.”

Do you have a deceased loved one on the other side? I feel there are a few messages for this card today. Number one, is that I feel that whatever has just occurred in your life or what decision has been made, has been spurred on, with the love and help of your deceased loved on the other side. Not just them, but definitely your Spirit Guides/Archangel Michael and your Life Purpose is shifting to a new phase in your life. If you feel like you're going through a huge transition, know that the catalyst of your Life's Purpose Awakening is at its core. You are ready for this next level, you are ready to step into the truth of who you are. Everything that is crumbling and falling away right now is because your Purpose is Awakening. This ‘Sign From Heaven’ can be coming from a deceased loved one who is giving you reassurance that they are there and the signs that you have been hearing from them are correct, so trust in this. This ‘Sign From Heaven’ can also be from your Spirit Guides and I also feel that this is confirmation for you - the signs that you have been seeing in your current physical reality, in your dreams, in your visions, through other people’s words, through devices, these waves are coming straight from Heaven. It is okay and safe for you to trust these signs in this potent change in your life right now – it is the divine timing that you have been waiting for. All of your dreams are coming true, hold the vision, continue to trust the signs, and know that you are definitely on the right path with more blessings to come. Love xxx You will never know - until you do it. So many ask me, what is my purpose, what do I do and it always comes back to Trusting Your Intuition on what your next step is, but most are afraid to even step into that unknown or take that risk where... all exists! Just because you can't see it, just because you can't feel it - doesn't mean it doesn't exist! Trusting Your Intuition is a flow.. that most have shut down.. isn't it time, to let your life begin... for the very first time to truly live... what your deepest Hearts desires wants for you? Honestly? Authentically? In Love? Trust Your Intuition starts soon, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition