🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 19th November 2019 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Nov 19, 2019

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 19th November 2019 🔮

Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what messages are waiting for you there today from the Healing with the Angels ðŸ•Š

Our Reconfiguring Energetic Codes starts next week on our Galactic New Moon Portal! It's a powerful one!
Click here for all the details to join us to take you to the next wave frequency that is being downloaded to align us for 2020! 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Harmony.

Harmony. Divine Balance. Coming to Peace. Joy. Love. Is this how you’ve been feeling lately? Or noticing the lack of it? Or - are you in the process of creating so much more of this? It feels like you are well on the way to creating this, have you not already been feeling this lately for yourself. This card has a lot of orange on it and orange is deeply connected to the Sacral Chakra. I am sensing a big shift coming up for you in a way that will almost take your breath away, but I wonder if it is a breath of fresh air, or that you can ‘breathe’ again? I am feeling that you are going through a huge clean out time and a big recalibration as you come back to yourself and who you really are. Have you felt like you have lost yourself recently? As I am sensing you’ve been a bit down, but have started to make changes to ‘pull yourself out of this situation’? I am also getting the message about the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine - the Divine Balance - have you been working with this recently? I feel like this ‘Harmony’ card is also about you creating your life from a sense of ease, flow and more Harmony - rather than pushing, striving and being stressed out all the time. As this relates to the Sacral Chakra with the Orange - have you been doing a clean out of your body or home recently? As I feel this has been divinely guided to shift you to your next level and receive what you’ve been asking for. A clean out of your home, rearrange/moving or throwing out old belongings that no longer feel aligned anymore, can create a huge shift in energy and the way you are feeling. I am also wondering too if you have been feeling a lot of grief lately? The Sacral Chakra is very connected to grief - in that we are sad about certain relationships not working out or feeling like there is a big great hole inside you. Or - that you may not even sense it as a great big hole, but rather just a lacking of joy in your life, as your relationships are deeply connected to feeling connected to life and a feeling that you belong, that you are loved. If you don’t have these in your life, life can feel very lonely - yet, this may be covered up with busyness. Then when you go to change your life out of the doing (Masculine) to step more into the receiving (Feminine) then you have to ‘face’ the feelings that have been covered up by the Masculine doing. This can be a process and I am getting the message to be gentle with yourself as you re-find this Divine Balance, within yourself and your life. There is a big purging going on right now as you release the last 10 years and all the things that have held you back to date. The sense that I am getting is that you are purging so you are free to live your life, on your terms and setting up a solid foundation - what was going on 10 years ago? What was going on 11 years ago, then something happened that changed the course of action to lead you where you are right now? If you are not feeling a sense of Harmony or joy in your life right now, I am getting the message the answer lays in the life you were living - parts of it - your happiness, what brought you happiness - lays back there. What activities, sports, hobbies and other interests did you do that you have stopped or don’t do now that brought you joy? What parts of yourself do you need to bring into the now, to reclaim parts of your Soul, your happiness and your joy again? Allow the grief to surface, for this purging is clearing the slate, for the ultimate Divine Harmony to be the forefront of who you are. Be okay with the clean up going on right now - I am sensing this is the final ‘test’, the final ‘thread’ to give birth to what you’ve known in your Heart and Soul and have been working on for so long. Love xxx I have been deeply called to work with the Moon Cycles on a deeper level than ever before and with this huge amount of change that is sweeping across so many of our lives, I have been guided to hold Reconfiguring Energetic Codes for a second round to deeply re-wire and energetically reset, restart and usher in the Soul Purpose Alignment us as we prepare for 2020 and this decade of the Age of Aquarius the LIGHT Bearer. If you’ve gone through exponential change in the last 18 months, let alone since May this year - then Reconfiguring Energetic Codes is for you. You may have done quite a lot of internal work, meditate frequently are constantly shifting out your blocks to align your life and step into higher frequencies - awesome - because you’re the perfect candidate for Reconfiguring Energetic Codes, that takes the dynamic frequency of your vibration and completely Reconfiguring it for your Highest Divine Path to unfold before you. And that, is what is calling forth from your Soul as we walk into 2020 and beyond. We are commencing on the Dark Moon/New Moon portal next week, this is 21 Days of deep Reconfiguring after all that clear out, cleanse and creating a new path you’ve been doing, this is like taking out your old hard drive of your computer, and bringing in the latest, most powerful, technology there is to date. Click here for all the details, pre-work is already there waiting for you to commence this powerful journey with us: https://www.realityawareness.com/reconfiguring-energetic-codes 


Card #2: New Beginnings.

Fresh start? Where do you need to pick up everything and just leave? Where is your life headed and are you supporting yourself with the changes you know you need to make? I am also getting the sense that this card is confirmation of the changes you’ve been making and keeping yourself in good nick so to speak. Have you been implementing new strategies and new behaviours in your business and your life? I am sensing confirmation for you - but yes, still that - what else do you need to pick up and walk away from? Is there a relationship that has just ended or gone through a deep transformation?  Do you need to seek support or create a ritual/ceremony for yourself to support yourself through this time? I am also getting the message about your body - your physical health - where is that at? Are you getting stronger or need to get stronger in your body? I am also hearing the message ‘You are just about to bloom, don’t give up’ - and this new beginning, these ‘unexpected’ changes - are because of your Life Purpose - that something recently was a catalyst for change in direction that you didn’t really see coming - yet, ultimately you know it is right? This New Beginning feels like, not just a new chapter, but an entirely new book! Time to write the story of your life, free from past life binds, hooks and entanglement from relationships of your past. Time to write the incredible, most magical life you could dream of into existence - are you - writing that reality as we speak? Do you journal? I am getting the sense that even if things are looking up and you are feeling good - now is the time to continue doing the work, as it amplifies it, not time to stop the work! Write your reality into existence beautiful Soul! We hold onto what is familiar and I wonder if that is why the seeking help/creating a releasing ritual can help you? Letting go of the old webs, so you can freely walk into this new reality with open eyes, open heart and a deep commitment to self in what your heart is calling you to do. Remember, when we are learning something new, heading into new territory or learning something new, it can be overwhelming - that’s just change beautiful one, your brain neural-pathways changing. Honouring the grief cycle and allow that to surface can allow your emotions to be free - which enables you to be free too - it frees up energy. I am also getting the message about grounding down somewhere and into something. What is it that you need to ground into? A passion/project/idea that needs your unwavering dedication to see it through to completion? A place/home to ground into? I am getting the message that you don’t need to do anymore preparation right now, you are prepared, you have got this and it is time to just do the thing now. Anything else is a simply a distraction to your calling and it is important you just do the thing, no matter what it takes. Push all aside and focus. These New Beginnings are your doorway to freedom - the question is - will you truly take the Freedom that has been handed to you? Or are you going to stay in the realm of not doing the thing that your Heart and Soul are calling you to do? Love xxx I have been deeply called to work with the Moon Cycles on a deeper level than ever before and with this huge amount of change that is sweeping across so many of our lives, I have been guided to hold Reconfiguring Energetic Codes for a second round to deeply re-wire and energetically reset, restart and usher in the Soul Purpose Alignment us as we prepare for 2020 and this decade of the Age of Aquarius the LIGHT Bearer. If you’ve gone through exponential change in the last 18 months, let alone since May this year - then Reconfiguring Energetic Codes is for you. You may have done quite a lot of internal work, meditate frequently are constantly shifting out your blocks to align your life and step into higher frequencies - awesome - because you’re the perfect candidate for Reconfiguring Energetic Codes, that takes the dynamic frequency of your vibration and completely Reconfiguring it for your Highest Divine Path to unfold before you. And that, is what is calling forth from your Soul as we walk into 2020 and beyond. We are commencing on the Dark Moon/New Moon portal next week, this is 21 Days of deep Reconfiguring after all that clear out, cleanse and creating a new path you’ve been doing, this is like taking out your old hard drive of your computer, and bringing in the latest, most powerful, technology there is to date. Click here for all the details, pre-work is already there waiting for you to commence this powerful journey with us: https://www.realityawareness.com/reconfiguring-energetic-codes


Card #3: Divine Timing.

Do you trust the timing? Have you been trying to analyse all the reasons how and why instead of allowing yourself to be completely present with life? Are you STILL trying to figure out the how? You know this keeps you in your head, not your heart? And your Heart is what steps you into divine flow, in the synchronistic flow that is what allows for the highest manifest path to unfold for you. Divine Timing - the other message I am getting here is that you are forcing too much, you are pushing and striving out of fear, rather than coming from flow and divine trust in your Heart space. What is it, that gets you back into this Divine Heart space? Is there a place you can go, visit or spend time doing something that lights up your heart? I am feeling that you are needing to take time out to come back into your Heart - what is that for you? I am also sensing that there is something that you have been ignoring for a long time that is surfacing and it is a bit tricky to face right now? That - this Divine Timing - is a bit stuck (in a way) - because there is something in your Heart that is coming up to face now/surface - that is something that you’ve been ignoring for some time. I am curious too - with this Cherub on the card - he has his bow and arrow pointed, focused, ready to go and I am getting the message that perhaps part of this ignoring, is that there is things you need to organise? If you had to pack up and leave tomorrow - what is the thing that comes to mind that most needs your attention on it? What came to mind? As I am sensing that #1 - it may seem illogical to do this thing, that it is not THAT priority. However, it actually IS and this where a big ‘block’ is in the energy field if that makes sense? #2 - when you put THIS first, everything else will follow and ‘unblock’ is what I am hearing for you. Can you make it a priority every morning? Or evening, whichever is your flow. Yet I am hearing commit to this focus - this unwavering focus, dedication and ‘you will make your mark’. I am getting the message too - it seems you feel that there is something else you are not doing that is more important but you are still not doing it, however, this thing that just came to mind then when I mentioned before - is actually WHAT you are supposed to be focusing on right now and that anything else is a distraction. That it may seem illogical - but you know, that intuition, does not work on logic, let alone Divine Timing and Synchronistic flow are all linked into this? I am getting the message too, that it feels like you are not believing in yourself or believing in your dreams - that something has worn you down recently - yet, I am getting the message that your Purpose, your mission is soooo needed in this world and don’t let the ‘little bumps’ slow you down or worry you. I am getting the message to look at where that arrow is being aimed and not to forget why you even started this in the first place right? The other message is that to connect with your Future Self - the in 5 years time self - are they worried about the things you are worried about now? Did you make it? Oh yes you did! So - pull on that Divine 5 Year Future Self and draw in that energy to help you through this phase - work on that thing everyday, because even though it doesn’t make logical sense - know that it is this, that is the driver of your future that got you to where your in 5 years time self is BECAUSE you trusted and did it anyway 😉 Love xxx I have been deeply called to work with the Moon Cycles on a deeper level than ever before and with this huge amount of change that is sweeping across so many of our lives, I have been guided to hold Reconfiguring Energetic Codes for a second round to deeply re-wire and energetically reset, restart and usher in the Soul Purpose Alignment us as we prepare for 2020 and this decade of the Age of Aquarius the LIGHT Bearer. If you’ve gone through exponential change in the last 18 months, let alone since May this year - then Reconfiguring Energetic Codes is for you. You may have done quite a lot of internal work, meditate frequently are constantly shifting out your blocks to align your life and step into higher frequencies - awesome - because you’re the perfect candidate for Reconfiguring Energetic Codes, that takes the dynamic frequency of your vibration and completely Reconfiguring it for your Highest Divine Path to unfold before you. And that, is what is calling forth from your Soul as we walk into 2020 and beyond. We are commencing on the Dark Moon/New Moon portal next week, this is 21 Days of deep Reconfiguring after all that clear out, cleanse and creating a new path you’ve been doing, this is like taking out your old hard drive of your computer, and bringing in the latest, most powerful, technology there is to date. Click here for all the details, pre-work is already there waiting for you to commence this powerful journey with us: https://www.realityawareness.com/reconfiguring-energetic-codes


Card #4: Healing.

Ah. This card is quite… self explanatory! I am sensing in particular you are in DEEP healing mode right now! So if you haven’t got your usual ‘mojo’ and are quite internal - can you honour this space right now? I am sensing you are moving into something that has ‘sent you into this healing space’ - that you’ve needed to shift into to allow the next chapter of your life to come in. Yet, I am getting lots of Heart Chakra and Sacral Chakra connections, plus I am also sensing there is a relationship from your Past that you are specifically healing from and letting go from your womb and heart. Have you been seeing Heart symbols around the place recently? Yes, hearts can be common, but you’ve noticed them more so? Or you’ve been feeling your Heart more strongly than ever before. This is your confirmation of what you are releasing - and do you know ‘who’ has your Heart? Who gave you a Heart? Who, did you give your Heart to? Even in a past life? Did you have a child with this person? As these are always strong threads that we can carry in our womb without even realising the depth of placement they carry in our system. Look around your home - how many items/things/memories still relate to this person? This is a weight in your energy field and I am sensing a releasing ritual may be powerful in releasing this from your womb space to clear out any remnants related to this person/s. Have you done my Womb Clearing Ritual? It may be calling you now? (Send me a message if you haven’t and would like this). The other thing about this Healing card for you is that I feel like you are in a cocoon right now, you are re-organising, gathering information and changing things around - you are growing wings and you’re about to fly. Do you trust this space that you are in? Do you trust that you are going through this deep healing and purging, because of what you have asked for? The Green is deeply jumping out at me on the card and the Heart Chakra of course is green, yet I am also sensing that Trees - Trees are your friend right now. Can you sit under them? Spend time with them? I feel like they will ‘Earth’ you back to your true self and truly remember who you are, what you are here to do and not hold onto any little thing that no longer serves you. You have felt for some time, this pull, this calling to step up - and you are and you have right? And it may seem like you have hit a slump, or block yet, you are just purging this final piece that has been sitting there driving your life… until now. Release, release, release, allow this time and space and know that you will pick up the pace and your pace is coming back real soon precious Soul. Trust, in the Divine Timing, trust in what you are clearing out right now. Rest, recoup and watch those wings prepare you to FLY. Love xxx I have been deeply called to work with the Moon Cycles on a deeper level than ever before and with this huge amount of change that is sweeping across so many of our lives, I have been guided to hold Reconfiguring Energetic Codes for a second round to deeply re-wire and energetically reset, restart and usher in the Soul Purpose Alignment us as we prepare for 2020 and this decade of the Age of Aquarius the LIGHT Bearer. If you’ve gone through exponential change in the last 18 months, let alone since May this year - then Reconfiguring Energetic Codes is for you. You may have done quite a lot of internal work, meditate frequently are constantly shifting out your blocks to align your life and step into higher frequencies - awesome - because you’re the perfect candidate for Reconfiguring Energetic Codes, that takes the dynamic frequency of your vibration and completely Reconfiguring it for your Highest Divine Path to unfold before you. And that, is what is calling forth from your Soul as we walk into 2020 and beyond. We are commencing on the Dark Moon/New Moon portal next week, this is 21 Days of deep Reconfiguring after all that clear out, cleanse and creating a new path you’ve been doing, this is like taking out your old hard drive of your computer, and bringing in the latest, most powerful, technology there is to date. Click here for all the details, pre-work is already there waiting for you to commence this powerful journey with us: https://www.realityawareness.com/reconfiguring-energetic-codes


Card #5: Focus.

Ah ‘Your unwavering focus’ message came through in another card today. Yet, the strong message here is to FOCUS of course 😉 In all seriousness though - the strong message for you as soon as I saw this card? Was that anything right now is a distraction from what you are really meant to be doing. If you had all the time in the world, no responsibilities, no worries about anything - what is calling your Soul to create out of joy? This - is where you need to focus, even if it doesn’t make logical sense right now. I am also hearing, ‘You already know the answers, you just need to do it’ - because trying to figure things out, waiting until all is perfect IS a distraction to your path right now and I am getting the message that this is something that you need to adhere to for the next 6 months! Have you got a plan for the next 6 months? Even 12 months? Where is your focus and what are you believing about your situation, about yourself that you are capable of doing? Are you re-working your belief systems to match the you, you know you are born to be? What did you change recently? Are you feeling like you shouldn’t have? I am wondering if you did - to fit into someone else’s lifestyle? But - that isn’t YOUR lifestyle is it? I am getting the message to FOCUS on your BIG dreams - where did you let go of them? Who was influencing you? SHAKE THEM OFF and take the reigns of that damn horse again because you KNOW who you are and the FIRE that comes from BEING who you really are! TIME TO BURN the structures, the rigid systems, the doubts, the fear and REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE! You are fierce, you are FIRE you are FREE you are YOU with all your bells on, shining bright and letting NOTHING get in your way precious one! It’s YOU, who created this space it is YOU who are creating a whole new consciousness on the planet and this is such a strong message to do not doubt yourself one moment more. LIGHT that fire again - let go of ANY belief system and structure of how you ‘think’ it should be done and go with what LIGHTS YOU THE FUCK UP! This card is such a strong message that if ANYTHING is stifling you - LET IT GO. If anything doesn’t feel good LET IT GO! If you need to change things to get back to your FIRE then do so, but don’t do so if it is a distraction for you doing the THING you are meant to do. Get a plan on, ground your Focus and MAKE YOUR MARK. You are BORN for this beautiful one - remember that and don’t let ANYONE knock it out of you nor distract you. Got it? Love xxx I have been deeply called to work with the Moon Cycles on a deeper level than ever before and with this huge amount of change that is sweeping across so many of our lives, I have been guided to hold Reconfiguring Energetic Codes for a second round to deeply re-wire and energetically reset, restart and usher in the Soul Purpose Alignment us as we prepare for 2020 and this decade of the Age of Aquarius the LIGHT Bearer. If you’ve gone through exponential change in the last 18 months, let alone since May this year - then Reconfiguring Energetic Codes is for you. You may have done quite a lot of internal work, meditate frequently are constantly shifting out your blocks to align your life and step into higher frequencies - awesome - because you’re the perfect candidate for Reconfiguring Energetic Codes, that takes the dynamic frequency of your vibration and completely Reconfiguring it for your Highest Divine Path to unfold before you. And that, is what is calling forth from your Soul as we walk into 2020 and beyond. We are commencing on the Dark Moon/New Moon portal next week, this is 21 Days of deep Reconfiguring after all that clear out, cleanse and creating a new path you’ve been doing, this is like taking out your old hard drive of your computer, and bringing in the latest, most powerful, technology there is to date. Click here for all the details, pre-work is already there waiting for you to commence this powerful journey with us: https://www.realityawareness.com/reconfiguring-energetic-codes


Card #6: Trust.

I feel like you are coming back into YOU, coming back into who you are, remembering who you are and not letting anyone knock you around anymore. Have you just set a vow/contract or something else that has grounded in/solidified what you are doing? Have you just remembered who you are? That strong, powerful Soul who has a brilliant light to shine and you haven’t been? What made you hide recently? It feels like you are coming out, you are remembering who you are and not letting anyone dim your light again? Where did you lose trust in what you were doing in your life? Where did you lose trust and hope with what you are doing in this world? What you are here for? When did you begin doubting your gift? Did someone just come to mind just then? I am getting the message that they have impacted you and to release them from your energetic field now and to do a past life/all time vow clearing, for any contract that is outdated between you two Souls now. They may have knocked you in a past life - but not this time beautiful one. Your energy is beginning to shine bright again, even though it may not feel like it - it is - TRUST it. I am also hearing ‘conflict resolution’ and also - the person that just came to mind - are there two? As this ‘conflict resolution’ I am sensing is relating to someone who had authority over you as a child - what generational patterns are you breaking/releasing out of your field now and where do you need to have that really hard conversation with someone to ‘resolve the conflict’? How does this relate to you trusting yourself again? To you, coming back into YOU again? You may have lost yourself recently, yet the sense I am getting is that you are ever stronger and clearer in what you do and what you are doing yes? I feel like you may have been influenced by people in your energy field that weren’t supportive to your higher path and now you’ve stepped out of that, this recalibration back to yourself and to your Soul’s calling - to YOU - as the powerful being you are doing what you do BEST - don’t forget this - at all! You are needed and you are being guided by your Heart, your Soul, your Intuition and the Divine - know this, trust this and know your purpose is most important and needed in the world. What you began in 2016 - wasn’t for no reason. TRUST this and where you’re Dreams are taking you - they are leading the way, they always have, now is the time to trust this more than ever before precious one. The question is, do you? Love xxx I have been deeply called to work with the Moon Cycles on a deeper level than ever before and with this huge amount of change that is sweeping across so many of our lives, I have been guided to hold Reconfiguring Energetic Codes for a second round to deeply re-wire and energetically reset, restart and usher in the Soul Purpose Alignment us as we prepare for 2020 and this decade of the Age of Aquarius the LIGHT Bearer. If you’ve gone through exponential change in the last 18 months, let alone since May this year - then Reconfiguring Energetic Codes is for you. You may have done quite a lot of internal work, meditate frequently are constantly shifting out your blocks to align your life and step into higher frequencies - awesome - because you’re the perfect candidate for Reconfiguring Energetic Codes, that takes the dynamic frequency of your vibration and completely Reconfiguring it for your Highest Divine Path to unfold before you. And that, is what is calling forth from your Soul as we walk into 2020 and beyond. We are commencing on the Dark Moon/New Moon portal next week, this is 21 Days of deep Reconfiguring after all that clear out, cleanse and creating a new path you’ve been doing, this is like taking out your old hard drive of your computer, and bringing in the latest, most powerful, technology there is to date. Click here for all the details, pre-work is already there waiting for you to commence this powerful journey with us: https://www.realityawareness.com/reconfiguring-energetic-codes