🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 19th November 2024
Nov 19, 2024
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 19th November 2024
Scroll down to find which number you chose earlier today to see what message is awaiting you there from the Goddess Guidance Oracle for you.
The lux mornings of having a slow morning because it's close to your moon flow, whilst payment notifications ding through at $4,444 and above before you've even made your morning coffee ☕️📈🚀 Or being able to lounge about with your loved ones instead of rushing off to the work day sitting through traffic and meh - no thank you.
You need the physical online structures - an avenue for people to contact you and send you the moolah 💸 plus the mindset and energetics you need to expand your capacity to break out of societal programming and in Manifesting Magic, this is exactly what you'll find. If you've always been called to work online, but are not sure how or where to start, I got you covered, doors open now, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Eireen. Peace. “There’s no need to worry as everything is working out beautifully.”
You are on the verge of a major breakthrough or have just experienced one. You’re stepping through a vortex and everything is dropping away. It is like you have walked this path for soooo long, with barely any changes and now, all of a sudden, changes are pulling at you left, right and centre. And you… chose to do this alone. For some reason, you need to be reminded of that. Yes, you can have mentors and you’ve had them in the past, with great detriment and great success forward all at the same time and now? You’re moving forward on your own baby. You had to make a choice and deep down, your Soul needed to do this on your own. There is a stage of learning and being part of different groups or relationships and then there is a time for being on your own with only less than a handful of people in your sphere that you hone in on all you’ve learnt, integrated and now put into practise. It feels that here, you’re at a turning point - you’ve been here before where everything drops away and you walk this path alone… but you don’t feel alone. You feel deeply on purpose. It is like you’re standing there doing what you’re doing and then entire Earth beneath your feet disintegrates and shifts and you’re left standing in a deep nothingness space of space with nothing but silence and all the starts of the universes in which we belong… the universe awaiting your command to where to next? It’s your choice and the Universe doesn’t decide - it only reflects what you want? So where do we set the navigation to now? Love xxx The lux mornings of having a slow morning because it's close to your moon flow, whilst payment notifications ding through at $4,444 and above before you've even made your morning coffee ☕️📈🚀 Or being able to lounge about with your loved ones instead of rushing off to the work day sitting through traffic and meh - no thank you. You need the physical online structures - an avenue for people to contact you and send you the moolah 💸 plus the mindset and energetics you need to expand your capacity to break out of societal programming and in Manifesting Magic, this is exactly what you'll find. If you've always been called to work online, but are not sure how or where to start, I got you covered, doors open now, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Card #2: Diana. Focused Intention. "Keep your unwavering thoughts, feelings and actions focused on your target and you will make your mark."
This card says it all. Right now it’s about not getting distracted. Right now it’s about staying focused on your goals and targets. Right now, it’s about you leaving behind anything that feels like a weight, anything that is pulling you down, anything that is taking up too much time in your mind, heart, soul and energy that is no longer aligned with where you are going. I feel like you’ve been afraid, afraid realising that you’re growing too fast, moving too fast for those who are struggling to keep up with you. You are needing to find new circles - or perhaps you just have - that are aligned with your Soul, your path and where you’re heading. The old is being released and it’s important you let the cycles run their course and release what is no longer required or aligned. The reality is, is that you have shifted fast, quickly and will continue to. Something that once entrapped you for a long time - has now been released and you no longer have resonance with what was aligned before you were released, before what was on you - released from you. You are free of your curse and now must allow yourself to elevate to the standard that you are born for. You already feel this where you can’t stand environments or situations that feel like you’re wearing old skin, it irritates you and makes you agitated let alone feel stuck again… it’s okay to acknowledge you’re out of an old paradigm of abuse, torture and entrapment and step away from that which doesn’t serve you anymore. Stay focused - on your intention and you will make your mark. Right before the breakthrough we are distracted the most and it is important to stay focused right now. Don’t let things pull you off path that are not significant or supportive to where you are going. Focused Intention. Get clear on your path and commit to it with unwavering faith. This, is all you should focus on right now. Love xxx The lux mornings of having a slow morning because it's close to your moon flow, whilst payment notifications ding through at $4,444 and above before you've even made your morning coffee ☕️📈🚀 Or being able to lounge about with your loved ones instead of rushing off to the work day sitting through traffic and meh - no thank you. You need the physical online structures - an avenue for people to contact you and send you the moolah 💸 plus the mindset and energetics you need to expand your capacity to break out of societal programming and in Manifesting Magic, this is exactly what you'll find. If you've always been called to work online, but are not sure how or where to start, I got you covered, doors open now, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Card #3: Sige. Quiet Time. "Take some quiet time alone to rest, meditate and contemplate."
It’s been busy and you have a lot to do. Right now, it is important to only focus on what you can do and leave the rest. You’re being asked that in the chaos, to carve out alone time for yourself that you can get clear on what is going on within - because there is a lot happening right now for you. Almost too much, all at once. However, if you look back to 2 years ago - you were in a rest space, you were in a quiet space and you knew - that your ‘busy’ time was coming. Right now, in the ‘busy’ the moments of quiet can come when your driving, when you’re in the shower, when you’re travelling, when you’re walking, when you’re falling asleep or just waking up. Those in the moment moments are the ones that, create a web of quietness through out your day, so even though you’re busy, you connect in with the web of all your little moments that have added up to now and you’re now lifting yourself to and creating an overall quietness and calm that will infiltrate everything do. You become calm, quiet and connected, rather than chaotic, frantic and stressed out. You’re being asked to connect to your Higher Self and ‘stay there’. Meditating on your mat or at your alter is great and to create a disciplined practise is essential if you are wanting to hone your skills to any level and train yourself, but it’s who you are off your mat that counts. When you’re in a busy phase, you can stay connected through your calm present breath that connects you to your heart, that instantly reconnects to the training you did on how to meditate and breath properly that connects you to your Higher Self so that you stay in flow, on purpose and on your path, even when things get busy… which is the tide coming in of what you created in the first place. The inner creates the outer and we stay connected to the inner with our inner breaths that are the gateway and portal to our outside world. This card for you today may mean that it’s time to up the anty on your disciplined meditation routine so you can train yourself to stay connected to your Higher Self when you’re in busy states and stages of life, or that it’s time to make and plan some time for a holiday that will allow you enough time to destress and dismantle what has held you back aka allow your nervous system to switch off. Love xxx The lux mornings of having a slow morning because it's close to your moon flow, whilst payment notifications ding through at $4,444 and above before you've even made your morning coffee ☕️📈🚀 Or being able to lounge about with your loved ones instead of rushing off to the work day sitting through traffic and meh - no thank you. You need the physical online structures - an avenue for people to contact you and send you the moolah 💸 plus the mindset and energetics you need to expand your capacity to break out of societal programming and in Manifesting Magic, this is exactly what you'll find. If you've always been called to work online, but are not sure how or where to start, I got you covered, doors open now, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Card #4: Ostara. Fertility. "It is the perfect time for you to start new projects, access new ideas and give birth to new conditions."
You’ve shifted frequency, you’ve shifted into a person you couldn’t have imagined 10 years ago and yet, this was all by design. There is something here for you about a new portal that has opened for you. A doorway has flung open wide in a place that you didn’t see coming and it is here a new cycle of change is knocking on your doorstep. Pluto has just moved into Aquarius commencing a new 20 year cycle and Ostara has come to your today to revise your 20 year plan. She has come to make you realise the Angels are knocking upon your door and wanting you to wake up and realise what an opportunity this is. Something might have rocked you recently (that full moon portal last week was brutally intense as fuck!) but this was the shake up you needed to really see where you are at, who is truly by your side, what and who you really want by your side and where you’re really heading - you get to choose this next 20 years (or I think it’s 19 technically or something). It feels like the last 20 years you’ve been ‘coasting along’ or that the decisions of the last decade or so ‘were taken out of your hands’ and you’ve been ‘living with the cards you’ve been dealt with’ and yet, now… this cycle? You’ve got your power back, you’ve healed this, gained critical wisdom that your purpose required you to and now the path is not only clear - the vision of what you have to do is crystal clear. Now is not the time to waste time, now is the time to do, what your Soul was born to do… oh, and have fun along the way this time. Love xxx The lux mornings of having a slow morning because it's close to your moon flow, whilst payment notifications ding through at $4,444 and above before you've even made your morning coffee ☕️📈🚀 Or being able to lounge about with your loved ones instead of rushing off to the work day sitting through traffic and meh - no thank you. You need the physical online structures - an avenue for people to contact you and send you the moolah 💸 plus the mindset and energetics you need to expand your capacity to break out of societal programming and in Manifesting Magic, this is exactly what you'll find. If you've always been called to work online, but are not sure how or where to start, I got you covered, doors open now, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Card #5: Hathor. Receptivity. "Allow yourself to receive. This will increase your intuition, energy and ability to give to others."
You need to ask for help. You need to open to support. You need to create your life in a different way and realise that you’re being tested right now - how much can you open? How much can you let yourself receive and break out of old patterns and paradigms and shift yourself again and again in an upward spiral that allows you to take the gain wisdom and knowledge and leave anything else that is not shifting with you to this higher vibrational standpoint? It feels like you have to or have made a decision and you’re needing to back yourself the entire way right now. Regretting or reminiscing is part of the grief cycle, is part of the letting go phase - so don’t think you ‘shouldn’t be thinking about things or what ifs or regrets’ - it is part of letting go. Whether something major like a house move, career change or relationship or whether making amends and healing within a situation. And as you let go, you make space for what is to come, for what is aligning to you - right now, as you are allowing space in your life, in your body and in your heart, this alignment grows stronger, like a magnet. What you seek is seeking you. This Receptivity Card for you today is reminding you of the power of trusting your intuition and the divine timing of alignment. Just because it hasn’t happened - yet - doesn’t mean it isn’t going to and right now you’re being asked to continue to walk in the direction of your dreams - in pure alignment of your Soul, following your intuitive guidance… just as you always planned. The more you do this, the more the paths of your purpose will open for you, let alone you consciously working on opening and receiving.. trust your next steps, this is the core of how you ‘open’ (as much as mother wounding healing is, following your intuition is just as crucial). Trust instead. Love xxx The lux mornings of having a slow morning because it's close to your moon flow, whilst payment notifications ding through at $4,444 and above before you've even made your morning coffee ☕️📈🚀 Or being able to lounge about with your loved ones instead of rushing off to the work day sitting through traffic and meh - no thank you. You need the physical online structures - an avenue for people to contact you and send you the moolah 💸 plus the mindset and energetics you need to expand your capacity to break out of societal programming and in Manifesting Magic, this is exactly what you'll find. If you've always been called to work online, but are not sure how or where to start, I got you covered, doors open now, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Card #6: Green Tara. Start Delegating. "Ask others (including me) to help you, instead of trying to do everything by yourself."
Well this taps into and reminds me slightly of Card #5 - to be able to receive you must be able to delegate. You must be able to hand over control and allow yourself to be supported - but delegation? Is a whole other ball game. You can’t hire staff and then micromanage each task that they are doing. That’s exactly why you hold the belief that it’s quicker and easier to do it yourself. And where Card #5 plays into here is that if you’re holding onto old paradigm ways of operating you’ll cap out at the same levels in which you began. And around and around you go. Now, you could apply this to a relationship you have as well - what patterns are going around and around? Or are you willing to shift what is underneath there holding you back from cracking open your heart and body to let out the old trauma that is buried inside of you? Delegation does involve finding the right staff, but it also deeply involves you being the leader than can train and hand over without micromanaging. There must be systems in place ‘doing the training for you’ which allows you to scale at large. The other message I am getting here is don’t need a huge following to become a millionaire. You just need an engaged audience and you showing up in a way that is authentic and allowing you to have the systems and strategies behind the scenes to support your creative genius to let the moolah flood into your bank account. Delegation in the very start is about you, micromanaging your own time and not wasting a single second on anything that doesn’t move the needle forward. Delegation when you’re established is finding the right staff and hiring them as you would want them to work for you - meaning, don’t just hire Willy nilly, make sure they can do the job. Many people hire friends, family or people who don’t end up doing the job right but you then feel guilty because you don’t want to hurt their feelings - and yet it’s hurting your bank account and company growth. To delegate, you must step into your Empress or Emperor status. You must stand tall, but first you must be clear on what the structures and systems even are for your Life Purpose business, then get clear on what systems and structures support and ‘run without you there’ and what tasks you don’t enjoy but can delegate so you can stay connected to what is going to move the needle forward. It feels like you’ve forgotten this? Or this is coming back to you - or you’re arriving at a new level where you’re needing to take this basis business 101 and apply it at this level. All successful systems, businesses and companies have the solid foundations in built and… always tend to the garden that began it all in the first place. Upgrading the systems definitely is needed as humanity’s needs and desires shift and change and you’re being asked to propel this forward into your systems, structures and delegate to the level you’re moving towards, not the level you’re at. Love xxx The lux mornings of having a slow morning because it's close to your moon flow, whilst payment notifications ding through at $4,444 and above before you've even made your morning coffee ☕️📈🚀 Or being able to lounge about with your loved ones instead of rushing off to the work day sitting through traffic and meh - no thank you. You need the physical online structures - an avenue for people to contact you and send you the moolah 💸 plus the mindset and energetics you need to expand your capacity to break out of societal programming and in Manifesting Magic, this is exactly what you'll find. If you've always been called to work online, but are not sure how or where to start, I got you covered, doors open now, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business