🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 20th December 2022

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Dec 20, 2022

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 20th December 2022

Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Flower Therapy Oracle Cards ðŸŒ¸

Karmic ties, karma is the make up of our reality - or is it?

The fabricated reality of what is - or do we truly create it?

Collapsing timelines, rapidly shifting, integrating higher frequencies, the advancement of technology and AI - how to hold your ground, raise your vibration, releasing from darker energetic grids keeping you stuck and in the loop holds and integrate the highest version of yourself all at the same time to navigate this world that is rapidly coming before us?

Transcendence baby, Transcendence - a 6 Week Journey to Activate Your True Source Code. When I released this last week - super early bird was not open, but now - SUPER EARLY BIRD IS NOW OPEN for a few more hours, then investment increasing, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Purification. White Rose. "By purifying your life of negative people, places and experiences you attain true peace."

Ah… it is like FINALLY this stuff is clearing out… finally this is shifting…. finally this is landing and you feel…. different… things are different. Things are changing and you are coming into a place of peace within yourself that you have not felt for such a long, long time. It feels like you need to remember who you are and what you were born for - because you have forgotten this deep down inside of you and that… honey - you need to come back ‘here’. Everything has changed and nothing has changed and I feel that for you right now - is deep, deep, cellular change is going on for you right now. Have you been sick lately? Extra tired? Deep, deep, cellular change is happening for you right now. It might feel like everything is a mess, everything is worse than what it was before (in a way), but you are deeply healing, recalibrating and shifting - but when we are purging or cleaning out the cupboard, as I say, there is mess everywhere whilst we shift and sort out what is staying and what is going and it is perfectly okay for it to feel worse - before it gets better. When we are going to the toilet for example, that isn’t always a pleasant experience but we feel better afterwards. Or when we are crying, we don’t usually feel good - but we feel better after a huge cry. It is a release of grief, a release of the stress hormone cortisol through our tears. It feels like you have been releasing A LOT recently and I wonder if you feel like you’ve been getting stuck in it, or ‘dragged into it’ again, or feeling like you don’t know what is going on or like you have gone backwards again? No… this is just a release that is all - your system is recalibrating to a new frequency in your body energetically, so it is normal to feel like things are worse or going backwards, whilst this clean out and rearrangement is going on. The hardest and most argh feeling is when it is the first time we are adjusting to a big change, up level or energetic frequency shift because you’ve decided to change your life. Then, every time we shift afterwards, it get’s easier and easier, not as dramatic (usually) and yet the biggest piece is that the way you respond to things happen, shifting, changing is that you are just that - responding, instead of reacting and so it changes the entire perspective and experience of what is going on. This changes the way you feel, drops you into a space of love and safety, instead of fear and being scared and these are important shifts that the way ‘purification’ and upgrades also then happen, so they are not obliterating you and knocking you down, but you learn to take care of yourself, are kinder to yourself and find that you heal faster, receive the lessons and consciousness faster and move through things quicker and quicker each time. You can have big shifts without the big reactions to things also. You can heal and you can come back stronger and stronger every time. You can rise and enjoy life at the same time. It does get easier, healing can be raw and messy and you can still create and have all your desire at the same time. Acknowledge how far you’ve come. Be gentle on yourself and deeply drop into a place of kindness for yourself - because you are healing deep, deep karmic trauma wounds right now, you are healing at a cellular level and you will soon see the results of all your efforts. Love xxx Karmic ties, karma is the make up of our reality - or is it? The fabricated reality of what is - or do we truly create it? Collapsing timelines, rapidly shifting, integrating higher frequencies, the advancement of technology and AI - how to hold your ground, raise your vibration, releasing from darker energetic grids keeping you stuck and in the loop holds and integrate the highest version of yourself all at the same time to navigate this world that is rapidly coming before us? Transcendence baby, Transcendence - a 6 Week Journey to Activate Your True Source Code. When I released this last week - super early bird was not open, but now - SUPER EARLY BIRD IS NOW OPEN for a few more hours, then investment increasing, click here for all the details:  https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence


Card #2: Reach for the Stars. Orchid. "You deserve the best and this is all you should focus your attention on."

Dream bigger than big right now - your highest life is about to drop in more than you could ever predict, dream for or want - sooo…. dream bigger than big. When you are deciding on your dreams, on your ‘future’ - be conscious of checking in - “Is there ways I could dream bigger here?” or “What other possibilities and ideas am I not aware of that my Highest Self wants to shoe me?” You can write these as journal prompts - write these questions at the top of the page and sit there with pen in hand and ask yourself these questions - then write whatever comes out? Then when it stops, ask the questions again and write whatever comes out. Repeat the process over and over until it seems like there is nothing else to come out. You will be extremely surprised that if you truly sat down with pen and paper and asked these questions daily and WAITED until something came through or you might even write what seems like trivial things at first - but when you can truly take the time to allow your SOUL to come through….. this is where magic is birthed, this is where ideas are created, this is where you can come into a place of deep awareness of your Life Purpose and things you were not aware of previously. What can also happen with this practise, is that you open up to higher possibilities that you didn’t know where sitting there in your field - but now you’ve opened the door to them AND - synchronicities are lines up when your mind has been opened and you continue to open it through regular daily/multiple daily practises that continue to keep your mind open to all possibilities. Mindset, affirmations, visualisation practises, mindset and journaling to create your reality ALL are this. Have you been getting signs about this recently? Or perhaps this is confirmation that you have been doing this? Of if you have fallen off the bandwagon so to speak, this is your opportunity to pick it back up right now. I feel like you are ‘on a roll’ and everything you touch turns to gold. The question is do you realise this? Do you see how much magic you have created recently and even in the last few years even if it doesn’t totally feel like it? I feel like you have created sooo much momentum in your past by what you do so naturally and what you work at doing so effortlessly - this card has come to you today to keep that in full swing, by making these practises non-negotiable in your day again…. dream bigger than big - ‘Reach for the Stars - You deserve the best and this is all you should focus your attention on.’ - For real. Dream bigger honey! Hmmm, and does the flower Orchid have significance for you in some way too? Love xxx Karmic ties, karma is the make up of our reality - or is it? The fabricated reality of what is - or do we truly create it? Collapsing timelines, rapidly shifting, integrating higher frequencies, the advancement of technology and AI - how to hold your ground, raise your vibration, releasing from darker energetic grids keeping you stuck and in the loop holds and integrate the highest version of yourself all at the same time to navigate this world that is rapidly coming before us? Transcendence baby, Transcendence - a 6 Week Journey to Activate Your True Source Code. When I released this last week - super early bird was not open, but now - SUPER EARLY BIRD IS NOW OPEN for a few more hours, then investment increasing, click here for all the details:  https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence


Card #3: First Step. Hydrangea. “Breaking down this problem into tiny pieces makes it easy to take the first step.”

Right now, it might not seem like you’re making progress but believe me, you are. All these little steps are adding up to this one great step and you will soon see how all of your work, all of your hardships, are all coming together and all of a sudden you’ll be living this ‘new life’ and wow… won’t that be something! It can be overwhelming to start a new path or tackle a project that has been on your mind for a long time - because in the beginning you don’t know where to start AND mostly? You do not know HOW. And that ‘how’ problem will keep you stuck and spinning the wheels or walking away from a path altogether that you know in your heart is right and meant for you - so stop asking how and just take the first step. The other thing? You’re paving the way right now. What you are doing has not been done before and does not come with a blueprint or a university degree that gives you the 1, 2, 3 - always remember this. You are paving the way AND your Soul knows what to do. However, you are usually only shown, one step, two steps in advance IF that. You are walking with pure blind intentional faith as you walk a path that has no map, no way to know which way other than the faith in your intuition that it is all going to be okay, it is all going to work out - even when things are falling apart or taking you x 10 tries to figure it out and some. Sleepless nights, long days, working hours no one dreams of doing. But you… you’re built differently and you’re one of a kind precious Soul - never forget this. Never. Remind yourself constantly at times if you need of this card you have pulled today. The other important factor in this is that you, not only don’t have a blueprint or roadmap or university degree step by step guide - not only are you walking along with pure heart and soul blind faith, but the only steps and kicking overwhelm to the curb - is just by doing the next thing you know how to do. Trust this - that every single tiny little step you take, every tiny little movement forward you make - is all adding up. AND this? IS your roadmap, is your blueprint. Do not see that as you pick up one tiny little step of this huge overwhelming task and then you put it down and ‘get sidetracked’ into this other thing that you are avoiding or creating more work or ‘can’t focus’ on this one task to get the job done - honey! Didn’t you know that creatives and highly sensitive entrepreneurs work BEST when they are doing 50 things at once all at the same time and some?! Didn’t you know that working on 10 projects at once and ‘jumping’ from this task, to this task even though that other task isn’t finished yet IS how you get all this done? AND - when you complete it - you will look back and go, “Well, actually I would not have been able to even complete the first task if I didn’t move forward to these ten other tasks at the same time.” And this is literally how creative intuitive flow WORKS. It is how you come out on top of your PEAK baby. It is how you get shit done and some. So stop being so hard on yourself and see how far you’ve come and… most importantly - let yourself work in creative chaos - you KNOW this is how it flows. Let go of the reigns, let go of control and let yourself drop deeply into the first step and the next step, then step 12 and back to step 3 and back to step 1 - all at the same time. Trust. Love xxx Karmic ties, karma is the make up of our reality - or is it? The fabricated reality of what is - or do we truly create it? Collapsing timelines, rapidly shifting, integrating higher frequencies, the advancement of technology and AI - how to hold your ground, raise your vibration, releasing from darker energetic grids keeping you stuck and in the loop holds and integrate the highest version of yourself all at the same time to navigate this world that is rapidly coming before us? Transcendence baby, Transcendence - a 6 Week Journey to Activate Your True Source Code. When I released this last week - super early bird was not open, but now - SUPER EARLY BIRD IS NOW OPEN for a few more hours, then investment increasing, click here for all the details:   https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence


Card #4: Open Your Third Eye. Echinacea. “It’s safe for you to open your centre of clairvoyance. By doing so, you’ll see the truth.” 

Hmmm, two things with this card - have you just been shown the truth about a relationship or are you needing to face the truth about a certain relationship? Is there something that has come to light that you didn’t see before and now you are and… have you just made some hard choices recently that you needed to put strong boundaries in place because well - the truth has been shown? I am getting the message to not doubt yourself at this time about the truth about this relationship. You are right on track with the intuition you’ve been shown. The Third Eye, is yes about your spiritual gifts or clairvoyance, but if there was one word to describe the Third Eye, it is   Relationships and Truth - okay, technically three words, but two mainly and they are an acute representation that when the Third Eye card comes up - this is about listening to your intuition about the relationships in your life and what truths you are needing to wake up from and understand what action you need to take about it. It feels like your intuition can not be ignored about this at this time, because you have learnt severely with relationships in the past and this is an important message about trusting yourself with what you have been shown about this relationship. If you have needed to walk away or are walking away currently, it is important to understand how close you are to the ‘truthful’ relationships right now - or has someone just come in that you CAN trust and open up to and this is a re-write of relationships and what they have been for you?! Regardless, the main message here is to trust yourself, is to trust that you are breaking patterns, whether you are opening up or walking away depending on your individual situation reading this. I also sense that you are stepping into a ‘new truth’ in your life - which can be breaking addictions of some sort. The Third Eye Chakra is deeply connected to the the Sacral Chakra as they are both one in from the top and bottom and the Sacral Chakra houses all our addictions - because there is a direct link to Source here through the Sacral - as our womb is here. Our Umbilical cord connects to our Mother and the mothers through the line - it is a direct connection to Source. So this may be confirmation of releasing additions that have plagued you for years, or that you need to work on releasing this main addiction or that you are breaking generational patterns by the work you are doing at this time. Of course this card, can also come as a reminder to amp up your meditation routine - you’ve been hearing that a bit lately haven’t you? Love xxx Karmic ties, karma is the make up of our reality - or is it? The fabricated reality of what is - or do we truly create it? Collapsing timelines, rapidly shifting, integrating higher frequencies, the advancement of technology and AI - how to hold your ground, raise your vibration, releasing from darker energetic grids keeping you stuck and in the loop holds and integrate the highest version of yourself all at the same time to navigate this world that is rapidly coming before us? Transcendence baby, Transcendence - a 6 Week Journey to Activate Your True Source Code. When I released this last week - super early bird was not open, but now - SUPER EARLY BIRD IS NOW OPEN for a few more hours, then investment increasing, click here for all the details:  https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence


Card #5: Sign From Heaven. Protea. “Your loved ones in spirit are waiving hello and giving you reassurance that you’ll be all right.” 

Mmmm, this card is deep in Mediumship - have you lost a loved one recently? Or a few years back or sometime ago? I am getting the message no matter how long ago or recent that it is, there is a sense here that you are needing to let them go in some way. Now, true letting go and a the ‘only’ way to truly let go of something, is to deeply go through the grief cycle - deeply - and cry, howl, get angry (safely) and grieve away… this is sooo important. We can be ‘holding our loved one to the Earth plane’ - by not grieving them and they are ‘waiting to go’ (in a way) because the grief is holding them here - and….. they are making sure you are okay. Hmmm, is there a thread of interwoven lies/truth surfacing somewhere?! It feels like more information will be revealed about this soon and that ‘it will all come to a head soon’ - where you can let go, truth will be revealed and you will be free to not carry around this… hmm, guilt? Is it? Or shame? Or.. do you blame yourself? Are you walking around wishing you could change something? That - is part of the grief cycle honey and know that you are walking through this beautifully, although it probably feels soooo far from this truth for you right now right? It is a hard path to walk losing someone close to you - or even someone you didn’t know well, but have a strong connection to. It is so important to understand that grief - will ‘become a friend’. It isn’t always something that will ever go away - but the hardest part of the grief will dissipate - when you go THROUGH it, unfortunately, there is no way around grief - but to walk THROUGH it aka FEEL it. The raging, howling grief that you don’t know how you can take another breath grief…. Give yourself permission to go this deep into it, because it will seem like it never ends, but this hardest biggest chunk does… of course you’ll still be sad once you go through this big chunk, however, it won’t take over your life as it is now. I am also getting about this guilt - do you feel that you are guilty for getting on with your life? Or… being happy again? it is almost like this barricade you have up - to not let people see you are happy, because, well ‘she/he shouldn’t be happy and laughing when this has happened’ - which - it is none of their business - but I feel you are holding a barrier up of some sort and not letting yourself be happy…. now… your loved one on the other side - they wouldn’t want this for you - would they? No. So, give yourself permission to let go, to grieve, and to fuck anyone else off who is judging you to your face or behind your back about how you are dealing with it. Reality is, is that society is taught not to grieve, not to feel and we are expected to just get on with it. Did you know in some cultures, they have 90 grieving periods where everyone in the village STOPS to honour this process? Yep. How backwards western society is and no wonder people get ill in so many ways. This is your permission to get off your own back about how you are dealing with this, know that it is okay to howl every night for 18 months (normal - but society won’t tell you that), drop the barricade and let yourself experience happiness again. Remember, your loved one, wouldn’t want anything less for you. You know this. Love xxx Karmic ties, karma is the make up of our reality - or is it? The fabricated reality of what is - or do we truly create it? Collapsing timelines, rapidly shifting, integrating higher frequencies, the advancement of technology and AI - how to hold your ground, raise your vibration, releasing from darker energetic grids keeping you stuck and in the loop holds and integrate the highest version of yourself all at the same time to navigate this world that is rapidly coming before us? Transcendence baby, Transcendence - a 6 Week Journey to Activate Your True Source Code. When I released this last week - super early bird was not open, but now - SUPER EARLY BIRD IS NOW OPEN for a few more hours, then investment increasing, click here for all the details:  https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence


Card #6: You Are Healed. Calendula/Pot Marigold. “The healing you’ve prayed for is on it’s way.” 

Did you know that you are further along than you realise? Did you know that you are so close to break through of your new life - that you already have it now? Did you know that all of your dreams are coming true, everything you’ve prayed for, everything you’ve asked for, everything you’ve longed for, everything you’ve been hoping, wishing and praying for - is sooo close it is ridiculous and if this isn’t a card of keep the faith - because in essence it’s already healed - this situation, your health, your traumatic past - all that you’ve been asking for is on it’s way. It is a strong message of you’re going to be okay, everything IS okay and I feel you’ve been getting signs about it strongly recently too yes? I am also wondering something about your house? Moving? Or cleaning - or a change in your household - hmmm, is it that you are feeling better about your house or is the ‘house’ I am getting the message of - is referring to your body? Our physical body is where our Soul is housed - so if you have been unwell or know you need to detox or take better care of your body - this is your sign to not delay that any longer. Have you been getting intuition about increasing your self care or taking better care of yourself in some way shape or form? This card is your sign that yes, time to take action on that intuition and the ‘it’s already healed’ - is by means that you are following your intuition in what you are being guided to do. For example - your body is healing and you are getting messages to get fit and healthy and you are not auctioning that, well your body will heal at a slower rate for example. So, if you are getting intuition to to take better care of your body - so your Soul can house into it at a higher frequency, giving you more energy, heightened awareness of self and clearer, more accurate intuition, let alone more confidence for your entire life that changes the game of EVERYTHING - and you are not doing it yet - well, just look at the benefits listed there! You want that right? And.. the house move thing - if you are wanting to shift/move or something to change in your household - moving your body - daily is going to be the ‘answer’ to that shifting, because your moving energy which then changes and affects how you feel, let alone that energy from your body ripples out and creates…. the life you’ve been working towards right? You are Healed - trust where you are being called to go, where you are being called to ‘move’ to, to ‘shift’ energy by moving your body. Those messages about increased self care are real. Love xxx Karmic ties, karma is the make up of our reality - or is it? The fabricated reality of what is - or do we truly create it? Collapsing timelines, rapidly shifting, integrating higher frequencies, the advancement of technology and AI - how to hold your ground, raise your vibration, releasing from darker energetic grids keeping you stuck and in the loop holds and integrate the highest version of yourself all at the same time to navigate this world that is rapidly coming before us? Transcendence baby, Transcendence - a 6 Week Journey to Activate Your True Source Code. When I released this last week - super early bird was not open, but now - SUPER EARLY BIRD IS NOW OPEN for a few more hours, then investment increasing, click here for all the details:  https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence