đź”® Reading Results are IN đź”® for 21st January 2025
Jan 21, 2025
đź”® Reading Results are IN đź”® for 21st January 2025
Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you there today of the number you choose earlier today from the Seeker Oracle, by Ravynne Phelan.
You know you’re gifted, you know you’re a healer, people come to you for advice, people tell you their life story and in the same sentence tell you they haven’t told anyone this ever before. You can give advice without even thinking of it - shift their entire life trajectory and you wonder how they didn’t see it for themselves.
This happens repeatedly, until you realise - there is something in this that you’re meant to do. And it is here, Trust Your Intuition guides you into what exactly that unique gift has laying in the Life Purpose Blueprint pathway for your Soul’s mission that is. You’re ready to hone your psychic gift to make clear decisions, to be confident and attract via your own vortex of manifestation, that which you know is meant for you, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here, for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen đź‘‘
Card #1: Knowledge is Power.
Have you just signed up for a course? Or to work with a mentor? It… has already changed your life right? Imagine where you will be in 12 months time! How frigging exciting!!! Or… maybe you’re thinking about it - and… knowledge is power baby - you’re definitely on the right path with what you’re thinking about signing up to - or have already just and have already moved 5 years worth in a week or a session or a month and you’re wondering why you didn’t do this sooner - or 12 months ago! It’s okay - divine timing, but also, as I got the intuitive message the other day: There is a frequency that our Earth has attuned to since December 22nd. It has opened a doorway of opportunity to a new realm, new way of life that will act like a catalyst to a higher timeline of your life, should you decide to take it. I just received the message though - ‘this window of opportunity is closing around 26th-28th January’ so any changes you wish to implement with ease, grace and flow… Is this vortex to fully commit to the pathway that your life has opened you up to, that may be hard diligent, consistent work - but rewarded by the life you truly aspire to - rings true for you here. You’re being guided or have stepped into a line of training that is going to accelerate your career and life in ways that brings you so much friggin joy - this is the life you’ve dreamed of and now it is manifesting into form - or perhaps you’re just in a place where you’re getting clear on that - this, is the right course of action for you to take - how do you know? Cause it lights you the fuck up baby! It brings a joy and aliveness to your life and your path that you haven’t felt in a long long time and you’re soooo grateful to get YOU back, that it brings you to tears most of the time - happy tears, happy tears. You’re so fucking grateful this is where you’re at, this is what you’re here for and it’s time to shine your light in ways you’ve never done before - you’re sooo grateful for this. Perhaps even - it is a book you have had on the back burner to read - now is your time for that baby, now is the time. Knowledge is power and you’re being called to heed this call, follow the threads that are weaving the tapestry of your dreams and bringing them to life. Love xxx You know you’re gifted, you know you’re a healer, people come to you for advice, people tell you their life story and in the same sentence tell you they haven’t told anyone this ever before. You can give advice without even thinking of it - shift their entire life trajectory and you wonder how they didn’t see it for themselves. This happens repeatedly, until you realise - there is something in this that you’re meant to do. And it is here, Trust Your Intuition guides you into what exactly that unique gift has laying in the Life Purpose Blueprint pathway for your Soul’s mission that is. You’re ready to hone your psychic gift to make clear decisions, to be confident and attract via your own vortex of manifestation, that which you know is meant for you, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #2: Undeserving Villains
This - is about getting a bad rep when it isn’t actually the whole truth - or anywhere near it. Sure, animals of all kinds can carry diseases, but it is something like less than 1% of the entire bat species that have actual life threatening diseases - and yet, their entire kind has a bad rep because of it. A bit like witches really. There are good and bad witches, ones that are genuinely here to help people and others with dark traits that carry ill intentions with their work. And ultimately? There is good and bad in - every single culture, in every single genre and kind on this planet, in this realm, it is just the reality we live in. And yet, the message for this card is I am getting the message that you have been specifically singled out and unfairly ruled in this case - whether an actual court case, or a different circumstances and have been unfairly blamed, judged and it has had a very negative effect on your life - and - your self worth/self esteem. I feel like you’re carrying a cloak of shame about this and I am sensing for you - don’t let that pull you down. Don’t let this situation be the thing that stops you from pursuing your dreams. There is always a way and failure only comes - because you gave up. Ultimately there is no such thing as failure. Failure only happens when you stop. So don’t stop. Rest. Heal, recover, retreat for a while even.. but do not stop. Your mission, your purpose, is too grand to stop. To let THEM win. No. And ultimately? The other piece about this - is that you are longing for something and you hiding and cowering away because of ‘this incident’ is only pro-longing and delaying what you are actually longing for. By you healing and coming back out into the sunlight, back into the spot light, back into the potent power that you are and who you hold - magically, magnetises your desires to you - it is like, the ONLY thing blocking it all manifesting right now, this second, ‘overnight’ if you may - is you, stepping into the full fruition of who you are, of your dreams, of the life you know you want to live - not some wispy day in the future - but today - and everyday - is just by you deciding on you, backing you and choosing you. No matter what they said, no matter how they stopped you - what is meant for you and your life purpose path is meant for you. Don’t let their words cut you down like the big tree that has fallen, but stand back up, straighten your crown and step into that gown with those Louboutin’s you’ve been eyeing off, shoulders back, smile ON and show the world what you’re here for. The only reason they ‘battened you down’ - is because you’re here to build the new world. Your vision is yours for a reason, now show the world that reason. Walk away from those that continue to tear you down, raise your standards your boundaries and change your phone number - your new life begins now. Love xxx You know you’re gifted, you know you’re a healer, people come to you for advice, people tell you their life story and in the same sentence tell you they haven’t told anyone this ever before. You can give advice without even thinking of it - shift their entire life trajectory and you wonder how they didn’t see it for themselves. This happens repeatedly, until you realise - there is something in this that you’re meant to do. And it is here, Trust Your Intuition guides you into what exactly that unique gift has laying in the Life Purpose Blueprint pathway for your Soul’s mission that is. You’re ready to hone your psychic gift to make clear decisions, to be confident and attract via your own vortex of manifestation, that which you know is meant for you, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #3: The Importance of Sleep.
Lately, you haven’t been getting that deep restful sleep your body needs. Perhaps a change in diet is in call, perhaps a room make over with organic mattress and materials are in call. The positioning of your bed and bedroom furniture and ensuites from a feng shui perspective can also affect the way you sleep as well - so check all these pieces. Perhaps what you are doing as your ‘night time routine’ needs to change, perhaps starting or increasing that exercise routine to daily or upping your schedule in it, is in call. Something with how you are operating during your days, needs to change, for you to really honour not just your need for sleep, but the quality of sleep you need. Exercising naturally helps us sleep better, obviously so does quality and quantity of food, not eating late, eating in sunlight hours and getting to bed when the sun goes down - when you have the opportunities to, will set and reset your circadian rhythms which help your body regulate and function and optimal capacity. I am also getting the message about your dreams - to make habit of writing your dreams down. This strengthens your intuition and over time, helps your deciphering of your own intuitive messages that your dreams are showing you become second nature to you. Monitoring what length of hours supports you to feel your best also helps and different stages of your life, call for different hours and time schedules. Just because something used to work doesn’t mean it still does and it is adjusting and recalibrating to the cycle and rhythm that you are personally on now with your life how it is now. With the increase in regularity of solar flares affecting many aspects of sleep, monitoring outside influences can help you create a support system for yourself, so at different times of the month, working with your cycles and schedule and knowing how much sleep supports you - to work in sleep as an important factor for your health routine. The other message - with your dreams here too - is that those moments as you wake and the moments as you fall asleep are crucial elements to you creating the life you dream off. Don’t pick up your phone, because you’ve already leaked your energy into the world and allowed the world to suck your energy, before you’ve even begun. This is your sign to have stronger boundaries with your devices and how you are utilising your time to support your 2025 and beyond - this is a new year for a new you right? Humans thrive on routine - yes, routine can become monotonous and needs shake ups from time to time - but humans thrive on routine - especially that supports your growth and health to be at optimal. This message comes to you that it is time to set strong boundaries and routines to support your most powerful 2025 yet, sleep and deep rest - that deepest restful state that restores and heals, is required for you this year. Love xxx You know you’re gifted, you know you’re a healer, people come to you for advice, people tell you their life story and in the same sentence tell you they haven’t told anyone this ever before. You can give advice without even thinking of it - shift their entire life trajectory and you wonder how they didn’t see it for themselves. This happens repeatedly, until you realise - there is something in this that you’re meant to do. And it is here, Trust Your Intuition guides you into what exactly that unique gift has laying in the Life Purpose Blueprint pathway for your Soul’s mission that is. You’re ready to hone your psychic gift to make clear decisions, to be confident and attract via your own vortex of manifestation, that which you know is meant for you, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #4: Choose Love.
Choose Love - what does that mean to you? As, the message coming through for you - is about you coming into your power again. This is about you choosing you ‘over love’ - meaning, choosing to love yourself no matter how anyone treats you or mis-understands you or holds you in disregard or discards you when they whirlwind in and then leave just as fast and you’re left spinning around in circles wondering wtf was that? And that? Was your sign that it is definitely over. That, was your sign that no matter how much you love someone - you love yourself more, because you will not tolerate that in your life anymore. You can definitely love someone, but it doesn’t mean the values and lifestyles are aligned. And whilst there are many couples out there who stay together, even though their lifestyles and values are not aligned, if you’re reading this - that part is actually really fucking important to you. The other part here is - is that when we heal? We are not attracted to what we were when we were unhealed. We may love them, but we don’t necessarily feel the same way we did before and this changes everything. Yes, there are stages in relationship, yes, there are growth periods in relationship of individuals growing at different rates, but the message is clear here - what you are holding onto, clinging onto even, when you know something is off, something just doesn’t add up anymore and what was said and done when you were unhealed, just isn’t a vibe for you anymore now you are healed. This is your permission slip - you can love someone, but choose not to be with them, because your values and lifestyle alignment is more important to you and you don’t have that with them. You can love someone or still feel those feelings for them, but something (everything else) just doesn’t feel good anymore. Just because it is all shiny and good on the outside, when damage is done, damage is done. There is a difference between forgiveness and letting go and staying with them and knowing when the unhealed version of you has grown into the healed version of you and life is calling you on a different timeline and life path. If you stay, you know you won’t find happiness like you did when the unhealed version of you entered into the relationship and it is important to know the difference here. This doesn’t mean you won’t feel grief, upset or the pain of a break up - you definitely will and it will probably be ‘worse’ because you know you’re making a choice to love yourself more than you love them and that… is huge. And a celebration, even though you probably very much so, don’t feel that way right now. What you experienced with them in the unhealed version of yourself - is a reference point for love, for what true love, seeing the reflection of the version of you mirrored back to you - feeling the love you never received as a child. This very crucial reference point for love in your life - is now that - a reference point. And now, you get to become the reference point and over time you will feel it more and more within yourself without needing external validation or acceptance from them or anyone and you will continue on your path with your heart filled with self love, actioning a life path that reflects that, not the pain and neglect you’ve been so used to. You’re cultivating a level of self love you’ve never felt before, that was the catalyst from your previous relationship. Thank you and what awareness to move forward into even more love, life and confidence in who you are - because you see you now and that…. is all that matters. Love xxx You know you’re gifted, you know you’re a healer, people come to you for advice, people tell you their life story and in the same sentence tell you they haven’t told anyone this ever before. You can give advice without even thinking of it - shift their entire life trajectory and you wonder how they didn’t see it for themselves. This happens repeatedly, until you realise - there is something in this that you’re meant to do. And it is here, Trust Your Intuition guides you into what exactly that unique gift has laying in the Life Purpose Blueprint pathway for your Soul’s mission that is. You’re ready to hone your psychic gift to make clear decisions, to be confident and attract via your own vortex of manifestation, that which you know is meant for you, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #5: Illusory Obstacles
You’re feeling stuck because you keep tripping yourself up on the how. But you know how this works - the how is not for you to figure out - the Universe, your Life Purpose Blueprint - already knows the how, all you need to do is take the next step. #lifepurposerules - do what you can with what you have, take the next step. Sure, you may need to get clear on your finances, sure, you may need to recalibrate to your highest destiny by saying no and walking away from what is no longer serving you anymore, but right now, you are being shown - plain as day - like you’re super conscious of it - that you’re the only block to what you want right now. It’s quite… in your face. Everywhere you turn you’re hearing this same message - and the message won’t change until you get it! I want you to think back to a time when you had all the gusto and you just went out and made it happen, whatever that was - you weren’t sure how you were going to - you just kept doing the thing and wallah! It happened! Right now you need to bring this trust, faith and hope alongside aligned action back into your life. I am also getting the message - it’s the Hummingbird Method right now for you. You might be holding back taking any action because it seems so huge and how and just - well, you wanted it yesterday not in 5 years time. And yet, the Hummingbird Method is a story of the Amazon on fire - huge forest fire - massive. And this Hummingbird, this teeny tiny Hummingbird was flying back and forth from a source of water, with it’s tiny beak to put out it’s little section near it’s home. Back and forth with it’s tiny beak - against this huge Amazon Forest Fire. The Black Panther walked past and laughed - “What are you doing, you’re never going to put that out, you’re never going to be able to beat this!” The Hummingbird, continued back and forth said, “Just doing what I can, just doing my part!” The panther laughed again.. and next minute, it started pouring with rain and put out the forest fires, saving the Hummingbirds home. Remember, the Universe is watching and waiting for you. This concept applies to whatever you feel is too big right now - just take the next step. Just do what you can with what you have. Because you create momentum when you do this, you create a vortex of a reality that you are creating that draws to it every very thing and every opportunity that will support the vortex of reality that you are creating. Remember, the Universe is only mirroring and amplifying what you’re doing - so, if you were the Hummingbird in your life with this approach to what seems too insurmountable, what would you be doing right now? What can you do with what you have? Where can you take action that brings back the joy, the amplification of happiness? With what you have? Whilst diligently doing what you can - to create that which you want, no matter how big it seems? Because it is only big when you’re doing something you’ve never done before.. and then you do it and you’ll probably rinse and repeat because it becomes normal to you. So, Hummingbird? Love xxx You know you’re gifted, you know you’re a healer, people come to you for advice, people tell you their life story and in the same sentence tell you they haven’t told anyone this ever before. You can give advice without even thinking of it - shift their entire life trajectory and you wonder how they didn’t see it for themselves. This happens repeatedly, until you realise - there is something in this that you’re meant to do. And it is here, Trust Your Intuition guides you into what exactly that unique gift has laying in the Life Purpose Blueprint pathway for your Soul’s mission that is. You’re ready to hone your psychic gift to make clear decisions, to be confident and attract via your own vortex of manifestation, that which you know is meant for you, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #6: Life’s a Juggle
It might seem like you have a million things on the go right now and even though the card says something different the message streaming through for you is - how can you streamline what you have right now? How can you focus on ONE thing and just bring that to completion? What comes up with you for that? Fear? Of what if I only do that one thing and it doesn’t work? Oh but honey - what if you ONLY do that one thing and it WORKS? Besides, what do you have to lose? What you are doing right now - isn’t working. Burn out isn’t a thing when you recognise it is expansion and burn out is too scattered on too many projects that aren’t moving the needle and are only keeping you spinning your wheels. You desire more freedom in your life, you desire more space in your schedule, you desire more space for yourself and you desire an increasing income that allows you to do the things you want to do in your spare time - you actually want spare time again and realise that you don’t have that right now. This is about honing your skills and focusing on what moves the needle, focusing on the ONE thing that your Soul is calling you do right now. Sure, you still have responsibilities, but there is a skill you have that only YOU can do and this is what you’re being called to harness right now and everything else, can be done by someone else. There are seasons for you doing it all and there are seasons for delegating so you can focus ONLY on your creative pursuits and gain your time freedom back again. And this season? is for the latter right now. You’ve done it all before and you know where that ended you - right back to here and so you’ve learnt that lesson, not doing that again. Now - two more messages here - you may have a child, or partner that you need to tend to at this time. This is your priority, alongside you - alongside this ONE project right now. This moment - you may have been interrupted and shown exactly what that is - or something came to mind for you - trust this ONE project. This is, what you’re best at anyway, what you can talk about until the cows come home and what you love too - so.. this ONE thing. Trust this. You do it best. You know it like the back of your hand. And you’re being asked to see how incredibly gifted you are - to just do this one thing. The only thing that will scare you from this is your own fear of your own light, of your own brilliance, of your own success. And yet, it’s time isn’t it? That time freedom, that space in your schedule - all can be achieved by ONE. Trust. Love xxx You know you’re gifted, you know you’re a healer, people come to you for advice, people tell you their life story and in the same sentence tell you they haven’t told anyone this ever before. You can give advice without even thinking of it - shift their entire life trajectory and you wonder how they didn’t see it for themselves. This happens repeatedly, until you realise - there is something in this that you’re meant to do. And it is here, Trust Your Intuition guides you into what exactly that unique gift has laying in the Life Purpose Blueprint pathway for your Soul’s mission that is. You’re ready to hone your psychic gift to make clear decisions, to be confident and attract via your own vortex of manifestation, that which you know is meant for you, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition