🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 21st November 2023

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Nov 21, 2023

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 21st November 2023

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Whispers of the Ocean Oracle Cards ðŸ”®ðŸŒŠ

Trust Your Intuition Early Bird Increases next week! And... Black Friday Sales are on this week! That means that The Reality Awareness Members Lounge - The Inner Circle for Reality Awareness which includes Trust Your Intuition - plus all the Inner Circle benefits becomes available... for the same investment as Trust Your Intuition Early Bird.. but only available for.. you guessed it - Black Friday Sales! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-awareness-members-lounge

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Replacing What Was Lost. “You now have the opportunity to rejuvenate and start anew. Create with a new perspective or outlook. This card may also indicate abundance is on the horizon.” 

Something happened to you. And you’re ooovvveeerrrrr it! Like you’re sick of dealing with the fallout of it, sick of being the victim of it and ready to take back control and charge of your life. You’re tired of telling the same old story, tired of where you’ve ended up because of it and more than fucking ready to change your life. You’ve done the healing you’re over the mess that was created from it and it seems like it was years ago and you’re still in it! Over it! Done! Get me the fuck outta here! Your soul is screaming for change, ready to move on and just almost feeling like you can’t catch up or don’t know where to begin to shift things or you do but you can’t seem to make the time and space to do what is really important to get done and do what will actually move things forward. Breathe. Stop for a minute and know that this is like a tipping point because you won’t indeed have to deal with the clean up and fall out for much longer. I feel like - you’re almost there and you’re almost at a point where this will be so far behind you you won’t think much of it for too much longer. However, right now there is organising to do. Now is the time to get ridiculously disciplined in your time and energy, in organising what does need to get done and stay on top of it. If you need to hire help to do this, this is really important at this time - as this is the crux point of your expansion that shifts things to the next level. Amongst your organising get clear on what needs delegating so this doesn’t come back to this point, rather you can continue to the complete fulfilment of your dreams - because this honey is not only where you’re at, but why it all happened in the first place. Breathe, you’ve got this. Love xxx Trust Your Intuition Early Bird Increases next week! And... Black Friday Sales are on this week! That means that The Reality Awareness Members Lounge - The Inner Circle for Reality Awareness which includes Trust Your Intuition - plus all the Inner Circle benefits becomes available... for the same investment as Trust Your Intuition Early Bird.. but only available for.. you guessed it - Black Friday Sales! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-awareness-members-lounge


Card #2: Help Appears In Various Ways. “There is much support for you. Sometimes you may get so adrift you forget to look to the support systems that are with you continually.”

You have so much support with you at this time and it feels like you are needing to see this of what you have right in front of you. I am hearing focus on your gratitude lists and amplify them. Call in more support but it feels like - what are you taking for granted right now? What are you still complaining about that if died tomorrow - would what you’re complaining about truly be an issue? I know sounds harsh but also - reality check. Now, this doesn’t disregard feelings, but more so what is underneath the surface issue going on? Usually we ‘complain’ because it is something we are jealous of of said person or issue or we simply don’t want to do the thing we are thinking we want to do and instead of being honest we are making excuses to throw blame or stop looking within ourself. The person we are truly scared to face is ourselves let alone the grief that entails from truly following your heart because you’re somewhere you don’t even want to be anymore but not doing anything about it! People complain because they are not ready, but that doesn’t mean you even want to! So get clear on what you’re judging in someone else. Then ask yourself if you even want to do the thing. If the answer is yes then ask yourself why you’re not willing to fully accept #1: responsibility for what situation you’ve placed yourself in and #2: own the fact that you truly want what you’re judging in someone else and #3: let yourself grieve the fact of the change or what you truly want and don’t yet have. You do realise that this is just your Soul showing you what you really want right?  When we are living so far out of alignment with our desires we actually feel jealous and angry rather than the joyful and happy feelings that come from when we are close to living our purpose if not on it already. Are we ever truly ‘out of alignment’ or is it that we are waking up to the next stage of evolution on our life’s journey? What came first the chicken or the egg? Soooo, coming back to grieving or amplifying gratitude… if you can’t find gratitude there is just a pile of feelings in the way that’s all. So grieve then come back to what magic you actually have in front of you because honey - there was a time when you were wishing for what you have now… remember? Love xxx Trust Your Intuition Early Bird Increases next week! And... Black Friday Sales are on this week! That means that The Reality Awareness Members Lounge - The Inner Circle for Reality Awareness which includes Trust Your Intuition - plus all the Inner Circle benefits becomes available... for the same investment as Trust Your Intuition Early Bird.. but only available for.. you guessed it - Black Friday Sales! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-awareness-members-lounge


Card #3: Take Note. “Your answers are being given to you. Quietening external voices and excessive noise will give you the change to hear what is being offered.”

I think you definitely know what to do and yet you’re holding back because your decisions are going to affect a lot of people. And yet you KNOW in your Soul that it is right for you to do this, so you’re doing it and following it - even though it’s making you uncomfortable asf and somewhat angry about the situation. Hmm maybe angry isn’t quite the word - it could be - but you’re… in a place where you wish that reality was different right now. As much as you’re accepting things where they’re at there is something about reality you wish you could change. But the peace and acceptance comes in that you ARE doing things to change it. And yet - some aspects are just out of your control and you’re learning to roll with this. I am getting the message be okay with this taking time. Sure we can collapse timelines and be with it all now and yet… just… take note. This space is giving you deep reflection time. This space is giving you time to truly choose what you want - to truly find PURPOSE with what you WANT. It feels like there is a significant relationship that is influencing your life right now. This card has come to you to get so clear on what this relationship means to you and where you go from here. I am hearing don’t make any rash decisions about this as it feels like the Seal Lions on this card - Seals are very much about reclaiming your authentic true self and I feel this person is inspiring you and encouraging you to bring out the best version of yourself. If you’re ‘fighting against this’ ride it out…. You’re breaking through barriers that have limited you up until now about this situation. In this space.. deeper layers are surfacing that may make you feel confused - as old patterning’s are being dissolved you will question EVERYTHING. It’s part of the letting go process. Letting go of the old barriers, shields and lenses of your past - to truly see not only the person in front of you, this significant relationship or mentor that is pushing you to grow - but to truly see… who you are and not be scared of that. To not carry the judgements and lenses that shaped and moulded your beliefs and reality until this very day from childhood - rrreeellleeeeaaassseeeeee….. ex’s might’ve popped up out of nowhere recently for you - as a sign of the depth of what you’re shifting out. You’ve shifted dimension and frequency recently, and this ‘reaching from the depths of your subconscious & conscious past energetics’ is just a sign with how on path you are. I’ve been sharing my clearing every sexual partner ritual recently - to clear your sacral chakra to have a clean slate to manifest from, and shift old patterns no matter where they came from, if this calls to you, comment RITUAL below and I’ll send it to you. Love xxx Trust Your Intuition Early Bird Increases next week! And... Black Friday Sales are on this week! That means that The Reality Awareness Members Lounge - The Inner Circle for Reality Awareness which includes Trust Your Intuition - plus all the Inner Circle benefits becomes available... for the same investment as Trust Your Intuition Early Bird.. but only available for.. you guessed it - Black Friday Sales! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-awareness-members-lounge


Card #4: Adrift In Shallow Water. “Take a few deep breaths and reconnect to your inner peace. Notice the small things and appreciate them.” 

It’s okay to not know where you’re going, have any direction of what you want and just…. Be adrift right now. Let the current of life take you to the next phase of your life. When we’ve just undergone and huge life change or been working towards something and do a big healing process - then suddenly - everything we thought we wanted - shifts. No longer do we desire the thing we thought we wanted and we’re focusing all our energy on creating! It can feel frustrating or like a huge rug has been pulled out from under your feet and when you dig into why it makes you question even more because well if you’re not doing x-y-z or living up to a certain persona, well what on earth are you supposed to do with your life then?! Questioning everything is healthy. But for you at this time, question everything but don’t make any major decisions just yet. Let all the options and questions run around in your mind until you feel like you’re losing your mind then stop and drop to your knees break down and cry.. because the zillion questions, doubts and all the ridiculous pieces that are driving you insane as you arrive at your new reality is just releasing from your body, psyche and lifetimes of carrying it around as you ascend into the next era of your life… let yourself adrift for this moment in time. Let yourself be what and who you’re becoming and that your Soul has been edging you to become and for now… learn and train yourself at this time to let go of control and surrender back into the depths of your intuition guiding you in the fullness of your being. Your Soul knows exactly what you’re doing, where you’re going and how you’re going to get where you’re going. Right now… let your human self be held in the fullness of your Soul, adrift in shallow water… and wait for the clarity that your Soul already knows to come into consciousness of your human self… divine timing is a big player in this and right now, you’re preparing for the biggest changes of your life. Be okay being held in this unknown as you come into alignment with your Souls life purpose and reason you’re born. Because it’s exactly what is happening for you. Love xxx Trust Your Intuition Early Bird Increases next week! And... Black Friday Sales are on this week! That means that The Reality Awareness Members Lounge - The Inner Circle for Reality Awareness which includes Trust Your Intuition - plus all the Inner Circle benefits becomes available... for the same investment as Trust Your Intuition Early Bird.. but only available for.. you guessed it - Black Friday Sales! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-awareness-members-lounge


Card #5: Single-Mindedness. “Choose your own path and what is best suited to you.”

Hmmm, there are people around you influencing you that is throwing you off path. Shake it off, stop listening to them and realise you’re only doubting your next level of evolution by listening to the shadows of logical reason around you. You don’t play in the realms of logical reason though now do you? No. Didn’t think that is who you are. You’ve got what it takes - but I think you forget this in moments. Remember, moments pass… seemingly quite quickly (Like how is it late November 2023?!) Somewhere along the way you got knocked down… but you’ve picked yourself up, you’ve said ENOUGH! And you’ve pulled yourself into gear with this single-minded focus to get where you want to be. You’ve arrived, but you’ll never be satisfied and there is always more and that honey? Is the seed of creation. We are creative beings and you’ll only feel stuck and stagnant if you’ve lost your drive to create and your drive to create is diminished when you’ve lost your why and/or you’ve hit goals and are ready for new ones. Like when a Mother gives birth there is a ‘let down’ phase of okay, now what?! If you don’t have a reason to create change or create what you really want - you simply won’t make time ‘won’t have the motivation’ and little secret?! No one successful is motivated (bare with me as I explain this) they are mono disciplined! They don’t feel like doing things every day! But discipline… is the core of success. And your WHY - is what makes it happen, rain, hail or shine, or whether you ‘feel like it’ or not. This card has also come to you to remind you that just because it hasn’t been done before doesn’t mean you can’t do it. And just because someone doesn’t understand you or it, doesn’t mean you still can’t go ahead and create it. Remember, you’re the visionary, that’s why the vision was given to you. But if you don’t push everyone else’s small minded understanding aside and single minded my focus on the gift you’ve been given to birth into the world, then the next visionary who comes along and sees it - it will be given to them. You see creative ideas that create the next evolution of reality are not ‘yours’… the are source in full expression of itself and going to manifest into reality whether you do it or someone else does it. The question is, what wave do you want to come in on? Don’t let small minds change your mind. Push yourself to uncomfortableness and be around big limitless minds (people) that expand you beyond what you thought you were capable of. You were born for this, but only you can decide and then go for it outside of what others think. At this time, their opinion is invalid. Listen to your Soul because it is beckoning you to become… what you’ve always been born to be. Love xxx Trust Your Intuition Early Bird Increases next week! And... Black Friday Sales are on this week! That means that The Reality Awareness Members Lounge - The Inner Circle for Reality Awareness which includes Trust Your Intuition - plus all the Inner Circle benefits becomes available... for the same investment as Trust Your Intuition Early Bird.. but only available for.. you guessed it - Black Friday Sales! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-awareness-members-lounge


Card #6: Back On Task. “Be sure you are using your time in the best possible manner. You might consider reviewing your goals, your schedule or a project you’re working on. All could use some fine tuning.”

Okay! You’ve had your little break now! Have you been sidetracked?! Or just… busy? Did you know you’ll feel more busy when you’re not prioritising what your Souls work is calling you to do?! When you are making time for this important Soul work first - even if it’s just 20-30mins a day, you’ll feel like everything is in alignment and ‘on task’ - plus everything else will feel like a breeze. I always remember an entrepreneur (can’t remember exactly who) said - ‘do the hardest task first thing in the morning’ and it’s sooo brilliant because when you discipline this in the morning as first priority and everything else can wait - it feels like the biggest weight off your shoulders, it feels like you’re making progress, it feels like growth because most times these hardest tasks can feel like they take the most concentration or the most energy and it’s usually because your brain is rewiring as you learn something new, push yourself outside your comfort zone or is breaking barriers of ACTUALLY changing your life instead of just talking about it and this can feel big… until it’s not anymore and you just get it done. But when you’re breaking through to new realities it is important to remember this. If you’re feeling low in energy or lost in what to do - ask yourself what’s been on the back your mind or you keep ‘pushing back there’. This can also be a ‘clean up’ so you can ‘clear the slate’ for the next phase of your life. I feel next year you are embarking on a very different journey - one you’ve always dabbled in - but you’re committing to something that you know is ‘your path’ and it’s already been coming out of you in different ways. The energy of it reminds me of myself back in 2016 when I began Reality Awareness online after years of in person and towards the end of 2016 I said to myself, “I can’t do in person and online at this time.” And I made a commitment to stop yoga classes and all other in person events and workshops and just focus on building Reality Awareness online and from January 1st 2017 I did just that. What is it, that is calling your full commitment and dedication at this time? What commitments do you need to make to yourself, even from now, or it could be January 1st. What is your Soul calling to commit to that you’ve dabbled in? What… can’t wait any longer? If you already have a business this could be about the mentorship or training or soul and intuition expansion that enhances what you already have. This could mean a committed relationship or life path… I think you know without me already giving ideas what it is for you. It’s been on your radar for… I think years. It’s just now.. it’s time to commit - and your Soul has already told you this in the last few weeks so I’m not.. telling you anything you don’t already know. Love xxx Trust Your Intuition Early Bird Increases next week! And... Black Friday Sales are on this week! That means that The Reality Awareness Members Lounge - The Inner Circle for Reality Awareness which includes Trust Your Intuition - plus all the Inner Circle benefits becomes available... for the same investment as Trust Your Intuition Early Bird.. but only available for.. you guessed it - Black Friday Sales! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-awareness-members-lounge