🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 25th May 2021

free psychic reading tuesday tarot May 25, 2021

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 25th May 2021

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Goddesses today. 

You move forward, then you go back. 

You move forward, then you doubt everything you've ever done. 

You forgot who you are and now you realise and yet, you have NO idea where to start anymore because well you're also not that person anymore and just feel so darn lost with where you're at and what is the point let alone... starting? Again? Halp! 

Trust Your Intuition has arrived and is the space, the place and the gentle resetting, recalibrating and deeply life transforming space, where this confusion, doubt and like just not working - not a part of your reality anymore! 

Early bird is officially open, but only for a short time, click here for all the details, you deserve not to live in limbo anymore! https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Aeracura. Blossoming. ‘You are just getting started, so have patience with yourself and the process and do not give up.’ 

Be gentle, slow down - but keep going. Sometimes we want to give up, sometimes we are at the point of when on Earth is this going to shift - but you have to realise, remember and re-remember that when you feel like this? You ARE shifting to another level you ARE shifting and breaking through to an entirely new point of reality that you have never experienced before. So no, you are not ‘going back’ you are not ‘doing it again’ - you are moving forward and faster than you have ever before but it might feel like you’re at snails pace and walking so slow and wah just why?! BUT - you are the diamond miner who does not give up - at all. You are just about to break through to your next level - it might not be THE level YET that you are wanting - however, this? Right now? Is definitely your stepping stone UP to that next level yes? I feel that this is and has also opened opportunities you haven’t yet seen or imagined before and now you’re also like, ‘Um, why didn’t I think of this before?!’ That is why it is important to never let money stop you - go and explore beyond what you think you can afford for example, because just exploring it will lead you to the next step and the next step and energetically shifts you let alone opens new ideas and influx of energy - you busted through to a new level and reality and all you did was explore and all of a sudden you opened yourself to new heights without even realising it yes? #huge and friggin awesome and now you can just continue to expand beyond your comfort zone, even if you’re just exploring - because just like the petals of the flower unfolding and unfurling you begin to step into owning your truth more than ever before and have just allowed yourself to expand beyond your wildest dreams, taking up delicate and powerful beautiful space with those petals of you, your energy and your life - reaching beyond limits you thought were possible. You have now reached a new zone of genius one could say… you have just received the gift, the lesson the magic to becoming limitless. Now… with your new found abilities and strengths - how far can you expand now? Love xxx You move forward, then you go back. You move forward, then you doubt everything you've ever done. You forgot who you are and now you realise and yet, you have NO idea where to start anymore because well you're also not that person anymore and just feel so darn lost with where you're at and what is the point let alone... starting? Again? Halp! Trust Your Intuition has arrived and is the space, the place and the gentle resetting, recalibrating and deeply life transforming space, where this confusion, doubt and like just not working - not a part of your reality anymore! Early bird is officially open, but only for a short time, click here for all the details, you deserve not to live in limbo anymore! https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #2: Guinevere. ‘The Romantic stirrings in your heart, have propelled the universe to deliver great love to you.’ 

What has been going on in your life this last week? Who is around in your life? Is it you? Your own next level love within yourself? That has ‘propelled the Universe to deliver great love to you’? When we step into loving ourselves more, accepting ourselves and deeply taking care of ourselves - we will find that our reality shifts. If there is someone in your life right now - that you know is meant for you - they are meant for you. Sometimes time apart will make the heart grow stronger, sometimes it shows you it just wasn’t for you. What is important, is that you are loving on yourself no matter what. Find that happy space in your own life and let the Universe ‘deliver great love to you’. Some people can feel more alone in relationship than they do when they are not in relationship. And yet, that aloneness stems from the same place - the connection within yourself - namely - it is your Inner Child that feels alone. Consistent Inner Child work, consistent deep healing of childhood wounds and trauma, that is always a constant evolution and constant life long journey of healing, however, doing a decent chunk of it for a period of time, will shift a lot - but are you willing to do that to receive the love of your life? Inner work isn’t easy especially on your own, but it is possible. I feel that you… have done a lot of work and that.. great love is coming - if not here already for you. I am getting the message that it is safe to trust this love - first, trust the love within yourself, meaning - knowing yourself, your boundaries, taking care of yourself - you you you - and then, trust the love that is reflected outside of that for you. It feels like this is a true love, that has stood the test of time - not just this lifetime, but other lifetimes and you have found each other again - but not without a fight… or ten! And yet, something has shifted and changed and… you know what you want, who you are and that - has changed everything with it, along side it - your reality has changed. You love life again and life.. is reflecting this great love back to you. The question is - how much more, can you open to receiving even more love? How much more, can you drop into the delicate safety net of the love, that you are? That… the Universe is? That… is right in front of you? Can you open - more? Love xxx You move forward, then you go back. You move forward, then you doubt everything you've ever done. You forgot who you are and now you realise and yet, you have NO idea where to start anymore because well you're also not that person anymore and just feel so darn lost with where you're at and what is the point let alone... starting? Again? Halp! Trust Your Intuition has arrived and is the space, the place and the gentle resetting, recalibrating and deeply life transforming space, where this confusion, doubt and like just not working - not a part of your reality anymore! Early bird is officially open, but only for a short time, click here for all the details, you deserve not to live in limbo anymore! https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #3: Sarasvati. The Arts. ‘Express yourself through creative activities.’

Hmmm, what is it, that you keep putting off? It is yes - something creative, something that lights up your Soul - however what is the thing you used to do - that, enabled you to almost have the time or energy to actually do the creative thing? For example perhaps you loved doing something and yet, you always used to exercise - that was just who you were. And nowadays, maybe you do the creative thing but you don’t do it with much joy or even interest in it anymore (or maybe you just don’t do it anymore). I am getting the sense that you feel…. Bad in a way because you know you need to do - or used to love doing the creative thing but it just… meh nowadays. The sense I am getting is that it is a bit like an addiction - it isn’t about removing the addiction, but about the thing underneath what is causing the addiction in the first place. This feels like this - there is a two fold piece here. It isn’t that the creative thing, the thing you used to love that now feels like meh to you - there was something else you used to do in your life that gave you the fuel, the life force energy, the get up and go for LIVING that made you WANT to do the creative thing. Or perhaps the creative thing has turned into the monotonous thing - same deal - what is it, that alongside ‘what you used to do’ have you stopped doing? If feels there is something from your past to pick back up because now you have created space, or something has shifted that you can - or are choosing to make happen - what is/was it that you ALSO used to do? Yes, things and life changes, evolves and shifts and yet, there is an upgraded version a deeper part and living that you can now do the things you love/d and do them now, this time, with greater impact, greater meaning, greater love, greater joy… and a deep fulfilment. Just like when you were a child, there were things you wanted to do, things that you loved… and doing them now brings a sense of fulfilment. There is something about your recentish past, your adult life past that also has clues into this fulfilment. What did you stop, drop and let go of and gave up for someone else (in a way) that you are now rekindling along side of living your life and doing ALL The things that your Soul wants you to? That… YOU want you to? I am also getting the message - What is holding you back? What are you clinging onto? I feel there is also a crumbling going on for you - a crumbling of all you’ve ever known and lived through especially over this last 4 years specifically and now... something is emerging, waking up inside of you and you can’t deny that anymore. Time to do - both the things… one supports the other and vice versa. Nothing holds you back - even if you can’t ‘right now’ - you’re working towards ‘I can’ and so you ARE and NOTHING holds you back… because that’s the reality you’ve known deep in your heart right? Your Heart holds your Art and your Art is your Heart… that is you. As they always say, follow your Heart - it knows the way, it always has. Time to let that lead again. Love xxx You move forward, then you go back. You move forward, then you doubt everything you've ever done. You forgot who you are and now you realise and yet, you have NO idea where to start anymore because well you're also not that person anymore and just feel so darn lost with where you're at and what is the point let alone... starting? Again? Halp! Trust Your Intuition has arrived and is the space, the place and the gentle resetting, recalibrating and deeply life transforming space, where this confusion, doubt and like just not working - not a part of your reality anymore! Early bird is officially open, but only for a short time, click here for all the details, you deserve not to live in limbo anymore! https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #4: Eireen. Peace. ‘There is no need to worry, as everything is working out beautifully.’

Follow the road that is most peaceful - that.. is the leading light of your Life Purpose. ‘The more Peace you feel, the more on path you are.’ They say. I am getting the message that you may have been doubting something recently or almost… regretting something you did in the past. I don’t know if it is regret as such, but you’re wondering what it is that you did wrong? Tricky to put words to, however, I am sensing that it is important to remember that everything happens for a reason (cliche I know) and yet, the deeper meaning right now is - do you feel more peace now, or when the thing was happening? I wonder if there is self worth issues arising for you from this situation and I also picking up Past Life connections here too. Have you been crying lots lately? Or even happy tears? I feel there are two parts here… you are grieving the loss of something/someone and the other is that something/someone has come back into your life. There has been a reconnection/rekindling of this connection a… healing. And yet, it wouldn’t have come from without this other situation happening first. I am getting the message for you with this ‘Peace’ card, is that everything had to happen this way for you to reach this level of Peace you are now feeling, that you are now experiencing in your life. I am also getting the message you are taking it one day at a time and crossing any bridge that surfaces when you do - and yet, the piece here is that you also feel somewhat confused, or like you are treading carefully because phew, what has this last few weeks of whirlwind even been?!  I am getting the message don’t try and figure it out, just ‘be at peace with it all’ right now and just continue to take one day at a time. It feels like you’re a lot more aware this time around, a lot more conscious than you ever have before and are handling things in your life in ways that you wouldn’t usually do in the past and you are even proud of you for how you are moving through things and dealing with situations in your life. I feel there is something that has happened in this last 4-5 months especially that has taught you some valuable lessons - these are Soul lessons and as we edge this Eclipse in a matter of hours - these are the definite eclipse energies. I feel like you’ve come full circle and are feeling safer in the unknown, more than you’ve ever done before. This ‘Peace’ - is that - feeling comfortable, finding the Peace in the unknown - that… is when you know you’ve really gained the Mastery skill level of being human and being Soul at the same time. Continue building that muscle.. that is the key to life and the ultimate reward.. is Peace. ‘The more Peace you feel, the more on path you are’ - that comes from being comfortable and ‘at Peace’ in the unknown that life is… for within that? Is ALL the possibilities of creation… of creating the life your Life Purpose calls forth from you following PEACE. One day at a time. One - consistent daily, intuitive Soul aligned action at a time. Love xxx You move forward, then you go back. You move forward, then you doubt everything you've ever done. You forgot who you are and now you realise and yet, you have NO idea where to start anymore because well you're also not that person anymore and just feel so darn lost with where you're at and what is the point let alone... starting? Again? Halp! Trust Your Intuition has arrived and is the space, the place and the gentle resetting, recalibrating and deeply life transforming space, where this confusion, doubt and like just not working - not a part of your reality anymore! Early bird is officially open, but only for a short time, click here for all the details, you deserve not to live in limbo anymore! https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #5: Kali. Endings and Beginnings. ‘The old must be released, so that the new can enter.’

'In the beginning is the end and in the end is the beginning.’ Hmmm, this is similar to the last card… and yet - what are you holding onto? In our Transcendence Reality Society class yesterday, we deeply dropped the judgement. Sometimes we think that we are still holding on, or not far enough ahead, or still a mess or still not there or or or - stop. No. When we become aware of something 99% of the time, it is actually because we are shifting through it in those moments. We are in the process of transformation (Transcendence) rather than ‘we are still stuck/holding on’. Are you doubting something? Or has something washed over you that you are like gah, what is this feeling already? I feel that something has changed recently for you and you ‘didn’t see that coming’ and yet - you also subconsciously knew and yet… this is a huge paradigm shift for you. I am wondering if you also feel like you’ve been ‘waiting’ for it to happen, waiting for it to change again? This can somewhat feel unsettling right? That unknown and the complete drop away of an entire paradigm that you once knew - well, that was your entire reality right? It is safe for you to grieve, it is safe for you to cry, it is safe for you to wonder what was really going on and all the things you…. Are just grieving for right now. So important to just allow yourself this space of not trying to figure it out - let everything fall away, let everything collapse around you and allow your tears to flood the floor whilst you move through this time. This too passes - even though we are a complete wreck as we walk through this… or feel like we are sinking and sinking and just… what on Earth is going on. ‘The old must be released, so that the new can enter.’ Kali… is known to be somewhat destructive and the destroyer… I feel that She gets this name and known of Her energy in this way - because change is ‘destructive’ change - brings chaos and it feels like chaos because our routines, our comfortable life that we feel safe in the routine of life - changes. ‘Change is the only constant thing.’ I also feel that this, sometimes doesn’t come in the form of our job, relationships, or something physical in our life - this can be a complete emotional breakdown at times and we are just an emotional mess. This - is the ending and the beginning. You don’t need to carry this emotional burden around anymore. If you are accidentally knocking your head, hurting yourself or feeling like you need to cry and can’t - it’s coming. These emotions surfacing - is part of the releasing, you don’t need to hold onto these anymore and everything you’re doing IS shifting you IS changing you. It might feel like you don’t know what to do with life anymore… but I can assure you - you’re shifting through some huge old emotional buried turmoil that just…. Cannot be buried anymore. Let it flow, let it go, let the waves make you learn how to ride this thing called feeling and know that you’re not alone. You’ve got this and you are feeling what you’re feeling because not long ago you said yes to a better life and this… is clearing out so you can have… that better life. #igotyou. Love xxx You move forward, then you go back. You move forward, then you doubt everything you've ever done. You forgot who you are and now you realise and yet, you have NO idea where to start anymore because well you're also not that person anymore and just feel so darn lost with where you're at and what is the point let alone... starting? Again? Halp! Trust Your Intuition has arrived and is the space, the place and the gentle resetting, recalibrating and deeply life transforming space, where this confusion, doubt and like just not working - not a part of your reality anymore! Early bird is officially open, but only for a short time, click here for all the details, you deserve not to live in limbo anymore! https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #6: Green Tara. Start Delegating. ‘Ask others (including me) to help you, instead of trying to do everything by yourself.’ 

Asking for more help, hiring more help - this has already been on your mind right? And yet - you’ve been holding back, what, because you think you can’t afford it? Remember - that is not how it works beautiful one! I know you know this! Besides, exploring the options of it is going to take time to go through the application process of finding the right person any way yes? And in that - that gives the Universe time to realise what you are doing and then provide the means to support you yes? Remember - you go first yes? Wondering what you are stuck on besides that? Is it the level of Freedom you will have in receiving this level of help? It almost feels like the last thing that enables you to - be happy right? Are you afraid of having that freedom and happiness again? It is almost that… we want it but also when it is right there, it takes us a little while to be able to move back into that… for whatever reason yes? We are stepping to our next level, to the bubble and sphere of beautiful life that.. is the reason you made all these changes in the first place. I wonder if there is some grief sitting there under the surface about this breakthrough you’re about to have or have been having? It feels like you have really come to the next level of your new reality and this… is almost happy tears in a way too. Old structures are outmoded outdated and big changes have occurred for you to get in to where you are. This next level for you - feels a lot of purity. Pearl in the Liquid Crystals is coming to mind - which is that purity and the innocence. You can own, claim and create your life - step into this next level - with pure innocence. It is time to release the guilt it is time to release the beliefs that are holding you back saying you don’t have time or money or support because you do - it is right at your fingertips are going to let yourself take the damn gift? You can change your reality OVERNIGHT. But YOU have to go first remember? So… time to make that call? Post that post? Put yourself out there and do it? Love xxx You move forward, then you go back. You move forward, then you doubt everything you've ever done. You forgot who you are and now you realise and yet, you have NO idea where to start anymore because well you're also not that person anymore and just feel so darn lost with where you're at and what is the point let alone... starting? Again? Halp! Trust Your Intuition has arrived and is the space, the place and the gentle resetting, recalibrating and deeply life transforming space, where this confusion, doubt and like just not working - not a part of your reality anymore! Early bird is officially open, but only for a short time, click here for all the details, you deserve not to live in limbo anymore! https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition