🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 26th October 2021

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Oct 26, 2021

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 26th October 2021

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Starseed Oracle for you today đŸŒŸ

Ready to take your Psychic Skills to the next level? 🔮I feel... deeply humbled to announce that Early Bird for Trust Your Intuition is OPEN. That means - Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN too. Life Purpose Accelerator is my Inner Circle đŸĻđŸĻ… and Trust Your Intuition is your opportunity to not only receive the highest intuitive and psychic training around, but your destiny to become a Certified Intuitive Healer is knocking at your door. 

Early Bird is Open Now, investment increases 1st December and we commence training on the magical date of 22nd February 2022. Click here for all the details or message me about the Inner Circle: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen đŸ‘‘

Card #1: Jump In. Adromedan Energy. Adventure. Say yes to change. 

Have you been looking at the stars recently? Have you been seeing stars lately? What has made you ‘dizzy’? Adventure - have you been on an adventure lately? That has  brought you alive and made you feel normal again? ‘Say yes to change’ - is there an  opportunity you are needing to dive into, say yes and figure out the how later? This  card has come to you today to say YES to change, say YES to adventure, say YES to the hard  stuff you don’t know how to figure out or ‘how’ but you KNOW it brings you excitement just thinking about it - how it lights you up and you haven’t even done it yet,  how you feel  alive again when you’ve b been  feeling so flat and  depressed lately and this,  this  thing,  this  opportunity this life  path, this  thing you KNOW you have to do because you need a challenge,  it lights you up and…. Is a magical doorway to a life you have been  dreaming about but didn’t know how it would come about. This - is the one to follow. I am sensing you may STILL be wondering how it is going to come about and yet, the signs are in your face - you’ve  been asking for signs too right?!  So, are you following them? What is holding you back? The how? JUMP IN it says - there - another sign,  soooo…. What are you waiting for right? I want say to you that the signs are obvious. The  signs are there, but the biggest sign of all? That it lights you up - it brings you ALIVE, you feel ‘you’ again because you have done this adventure, or choosing to do or going to say yes to this thing, or just have! I feel like the other message here is, make a  plan and work on it - daily. It feels like there is some planning that needs to happen - but you can  do this right? You’re good at planning I sense :) I feel this also involves taking a risk, but I deeply feel you are supported by the Spirit world right now too and to ‘jump in’ - means GO FOR IT - because it is THEN all  the support turns up in the space for you. Make a plan,  the daily consistent work on it, get’s it done - but you know this right? It feels like you’re ready for a big life change and you can feel that inkling knocking on your doorstep, it feels like you  have been ‘waiting for this moment’ and can feel it bubbling up within your Soul. I feel like you feel excited about this change, even if you don’t know the final outcome, but you KNOW this is the path and this is the path of your Soul - you realise this right? The one that is ‘risky’, the one that you have to jump in and fully commit and not look back, the one you have to just do it and not care about what anyone thinks - because you know, in your heart, this is right for you. So….. are you going to say YES? This has not been your first sign right?! So, go on now, not waste anymore precious  time of - your new life about  to START!  Love xxx Ready to take your Psychic Skills to the next level? đŸ”ŽI feel... deeply humbled to announce that Early Bird for Trust Your Intuition is OPEN. That means - Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN too. Life Purpose Accelerator is my Inner Circle đŸĻđŸĻ… and Trust Your Intuition is your opportunity to not only receive the highest intuitive and psychic training around, but your destiny to become a Certified Intuitive Healer is knocking at your door. Early Bird is Open Now, investment increases 1st December and we commence training on the magical date of 22nd February 2022. Click here for all the details or message me about the Inner Circle: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card  #2: Forge. Don’t Follow. ‘Pave a new path. Be the Leader you wish you had.’

Ah - this one - ‘Be  the leader you wish you had.’ - So interesting right? You have been  nit  picking you have been  thinking how that  isn’t right and how you wouldn’t do it that way - or that  you cannot  believe  they even do it like that right? You know where this nit picking comes from? You’re not happy where you are. That’s where. And this card is coming to you today to let you know that  you are being guided to step up and out - step up to be the leader you wish you had. Step up to be the person you wish you had to guide you. Step up to be the one you are picking apart all the pieces of someone   else - is simply showing you a huge part of your own life path right now. I am also getting the message about forgiveness. Is there some resentment or anger you are holding onto from your past? I always say fuck forgiveness because you have to heal the resentment, anger, hurt, pain, betrayal that is going on underneath - so do you? This - will enable you to have a clearer path ahead so you can truly forge your own path - in your own way, in the way you know in your heart is right, that you know you are here to do. The only reason we don’t leave toxic, unhealthy or just past their use by date times is  because we are scared. Scared of the unknown, scared of it not working out, scared of not having a solid footing, scared of trying to figure out what we know in our heart to be true, when NO ONE is talking about this, no one has done it, no one has - it isn’t on the damn planet yet. Do you know that this is? YOUR LIFE PURPOSE BABY. When you are pissed because someone is doing something, it is simply a sign, you’re not doing the thing you are meant to be doing. Period. Try it. Prove me wrong ;) Whatever you get agitated about - go do what you’re meant to do instead. Turn your focus back to your own life, your own business and pour that energy into the thing you are meant to do. What is the thing you are scared to do, that no one is else is doing (or that they are, but not in the way YOU would do it?), what is the thing that you want to do? What is the thing that is constantly on your mind? That. That is what you are meant to do. ‘Forge your own path’. What do you need to walk away from - so you can do your own thing? What do you need to create that is going to give you the steady solid structures and  foundations that is  you - truly paving your own path? I am also getting the message - it is time to get organised, like really organised. Make a plan, commit, discipline and dedicate yourself - get it done. Literally ‘Forge your own path, be the Leader you wish you had.’  Your Unique Life Purpose - is calling you. Open, the damn door. Love xxx  Ready to take your Psychic Skills to the next level? đŸ”ŽI feel... deeply humbled to announce that Early Bird for Trust Your Intuition is OPEN. That means - Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN too. Life Purpose Accelerator is my Inner Circle đŸĻđŸĻ… and Trust Your Intuition is your opportunity to not only receive the highest intuitive and psychic training around, but your destiny to become a Certified Intuitive Healer is knocking at your door. Early Bird is Open Now, investment increases 1st December and we commence training on the magical date of 22nd February 2022. Click here for all the details or message me about the Inner Circle: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #3: Water Your Garden. ‘Nourishment. Body Care. Tenderness. Rest.’

Have you forgotten yourself lately? What are the things you used to do to care for your body that you have given up recently for whatever reason or change you’re going through? Time to get that massage, book into that spa, get that facial done, water your own garden, instead of everyone else’s for a change yes? It feels like you used to do this but stopped recently for some reason - but this card is coming to you to take care of yourself again. Make it priority and I want to say, before your cup gets too low, before your fuel runs out, before you wish you had taken action. I am also wondering about sleep - do you need more sleep (or have been getting lots of it?!). There are two parts to this card - one is you need more TLC and care for yourself. The other is - if you feel you have been good with this lately - that is because, I am getting the message for you that  soon - you are going to be BUSY baby and you will need and be grateful for this ‘rest’ you have been taking for yourself recently. If it feels like you are waiting for the next instruction it is because you are. This is your ‘rest’ phase before your next chapter, next book, next stage of your life starts. You may be grieving the loss of your old life, or old relationships right now - be okay to drop into the ‘well of tears’ that are wanting to or are pouring out of you right now. This is your sacred space and time of healing, of being in your cocoon, of not knowing what is next, but can feel something big is next, of preparing yourself, even though you don’t know what you are preparing for, the sense is your time is coming. It is coming without them that you had to walk away from (and I am sensing you are still unthreading and untangling yourself from), grieving the loss of all you thought you were a part of, thought you had found… something.. somewhere to belong but honey…  you know, you  DEEP DOWN know… you are a gypsy  at Heart. You know you came  from the stars and you feel like  you are from somewhere that isn’t here. You wander around wondering what the point of it all is at times. You find something that lights you up for…. A second then back to it all again that you wonder... and wander… and I am getting the message to let  you know that of course, all the hurt, past  pain, all the loss, all the things you thought you were supposed to be in… you are not - because you are here to do something that has not been embedded  on the  planet yet.  You have a gift, a frequency, a healing message that only your SOUL  can deliver and the other message here? Is that… it is almost TIME. Breathe baby, its coming. Love xxx Ready to take your Psychic Skills to the next level? đŸ”ŽI feel... deeply humbled to announce that Early Bird for Trust Your Intuition is OPEN. That means - Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN too. Life Purpose Accelerator is my Inner Circle đŸĻđŸĻ… and Trust Your Intuition is your opportunity to not only receive the highest intuitive and psychic training around, but your destiny to become a Certified Intuitive Healer is knocking at your door. Early Bird is Open Now, investment increases 1st December and we commence training on the magical date of 22nd February 2022. Click here for all the details or message me about the Inner Circle: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #4: The Void. ‘Stop. Embrace Winter. Great Cosmic Womb.’

I am sensing that even though you’re in a ‘nothing’ space right now.. you are receiving…. Soooo much information right now. So many ideas about new things, what to do, old things and how they all come together. It feels like you are being given lots of pieces of the jigsaw puzzle right now and it is all coming together, starting to make sense, even though, you are still not 100% clear, but you are… on the verge of a big breakthrough and you can deeply feel that in your Soul right? The void,  yes, but, you are about to bust through to something and you can feel you’re on the precipice of huge change right? I feel there is more information coming for you (of course) and…. Big grounding,  foundational shifts and changes for you very soon, if not this week. It feels like you will be shown more information and understanding that, is going to set your life in a ‘different’ direction than what you thought, but its exactly where you are meant to be/go/do/see and you know it right? You can feel it in your SOUL. Trust this. You are birthing something huge in your life, something that… is what you’ve always wanted. I want to say, trust this void, in the unknown space of ‘nothingness’. Remember, you can’t see the stars in the day time, it has to be night to see that. I am also getting the message - the Void - is also like the big gaping gap and hole that you may be feeling in the lack of support from women, or women friendships/relationships or have you felt let down by a female or are feeling alone and just well, where is everyone? I am sensing that right now for you is the female/feminine healing in your life too. Or, was an event or trip cancelled that you were looking forward to?! This - is what the Void is here for you - to heal these feminine /female relationships in your life. Or perhaps this is your sign that a  reconnection to a female has been healing and is shifting you to the next phase of your life without dragging this resentment, hurts and betrayal with you. This is a time of  healing for you. Of facing the ‘darkest’ wounds you had buried in your subconscious  and  didn’t even know they were  there. Be gentle with yourself. Also, are you needing a break? Can you… plan something? Love  xxx Ready to take your Psychic Skills to the next level? đŸ”ŽI feel... deeply humbled to announce that Early Bird for Trust Your Intuition is OPEN. That means - Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN too. Life Purpose Accelerator is my Inner Circle đŸĻđŸĻ… and Trust Your Intuition is your opportunity to not only receive the highest intuitive and psychic training around, but your destiny to become a Certified Intuitive Healer is knocking at your door. Early Bird is Open Now, investment increases 1st December and we commence training on the magical date of 22nd February 2022. Click here for all the details or message me about the Inner Circle: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #5: Wait. ‘It’s not yet time. Things are being woven.’

Hmmm, are you waiting on an answer?  The answer - is no. In a sense that - something is being delayed for you on purpose. There is something else that needs to be fulfilled here for you. Something better is coming along. For now, can you ‘get cosy’ where you  are? It feels like you are working on something and are planning something, still these plans need nurturing and patience. I am getting the sense that what you are asking for, about and to come true - is - better than you expect, however, there are other factors that need to fall into place, other things that need occur first. I am also getting the message that what you a re asking for  - is quite ‘big’? Like,  it is a big life change? And this,  takes some re-structuring baby! Are there things you need to finish? Clean up? Tidy? Change? If… this thing were to ‘drop into your lap tomorrow’ - are you seriously  ready!? Your body? Your home? Your finances? Your life? What aspects would you be like, oh shit, this is not done yet?! Or how you want it to be when this thing takes place? As I always say, there is always a time for pushing everything out the road and just  getting it done. Then there are times when - the right timing is necessary for this thing  to come to fruition for you and this card for you today? Is confirming it is one of the  latter. Divine timing is needed and required. It can be annoying to be in limbo waiting around for this, I know! But  in this space  - what can you do? Finish things, get  things organised. Rest, heal and wait… .for that go time, because when it comes - you will  know  and then you will be ON and grateful you used this ‘waiting time’. So… what needs to be  done? I am also getting the sense  that you may think that  what you can  do in the ‘waiting’ time is almost pointless because well then you just have to stop it  half way and start allover again (in a way) - however, the very thing that you are putting off right now? IS the thing, the divine timing is waiting on :) it is the thing that opens the gates ‘to’ the divine timing. Interesting right? So…  you’re creating the divine timing. So.. what do you have to do again? Love xxx Ready to take your Psychic Skills to the next level? đŸ”ŽI feel... deeply humbled to announce that Early Bird for Trust Your Intuition is OPEN. That means - Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN too. Life Purpose Accelerator is my Inner Circle đŸĻđŸĻ… and Trust Your Intuition is your opportunity to not only receive the highest intuitive and psychic training around, but your destiny to become a Certified Intuitive Healer is knocking at your door. Early Bird is Open Now, investment increases 1st December and we commence training on the magical date of 22nd February 2022. Click here for all the details or message me about the Inner Circle: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #6: Inner Earth. ‘You’ll survive this. New Solutions and Beginnings.’ 

What you’re worrying about will soon be resolved. What you’re worrying about will be  resolved in ways that you cannot see coming yet. So breathe easy, it is all working out just fine.  There is a solution in the works coming  that will be more than you need, more than enough and some. It feels like you are coming out of a cave, coming out of the woodworks, coming out of the ground and you are starting stand tall like the huge Oak  Tree that you are. But right now, it feels like… a lot of stress a lot of unknown, a lot of worry, a lot of  but just tell the god damn answer now?! It feels like you can feel a huge change coming but you are unsure what that is right now and you are just wanting to know the answer now because this  not knowing is  driving you insane. I am also getting the message about mountains or nature or just being outside. Has it been a while?! It feels like an adventure in nature, a hike - or whatever it is that you do best is. It feels like this is where your inspiration is, where you will be nurtured, revived and ‘given a  second  chance’ Seems like you are needing some revival in nature to remember your roots,  remember where you’ve come from and where you’re going, and… to calm those nerves that  it is all going  to be okay. There is a strong message here that this is so hard right now, because an entirely new reality is waiting to bust forth for you. This feels like such a pivotal turning point for you and that a ‘whole new world’ is waiting for you. The waiting sucks right?! How can you find your grounding in the waiting?! Nature. Change and shake up your routine and the way  you do things. Break out of old habits, routines and ideas in the way you think you need to do something. Go somewhere. Drive a different route. Do the things you love and being grateful for where you are right now too, because soon it will all change and you will be looking back on this time, wishing you were doing… what would you be doing? Time, to do that now yes? I also feel like  new people are about to come into your life. New friends or a lover. There are friendships and connections that are going to ‘change the course of your life’ or ‘leave an imprint’ on your heart and it feels like this is  Soul family coming in for you at this time. At the same time, I feel you are/will be getting super clear on things, people and situations that are not aligned and what you have to walk away from at the same time. This moment, shaking up your routine, I feel will ‘shake up the energy’ and bring new ideas in as I mentioned… and this? CREATES the world that you’re waiting for. If you’re feeling stuck or stagnant, get out and go somewhere different. You are creating the outer world  you ‘wish to see’ as you move things, move you, do different things. Who do you need to ‘unplug’ from, so  you can, become more you? And move  yourself, your body and life in different ways,  to  create,  that which you are waiting for? And  you’ll see that, you never had to wait for anything after all?! Magic right? You create it baby. Even  the stagnation. Now move! ;) Love xxx Ready to take your Psychic Skills to the next level? đŸ”ŽI feel... deeply humbled to announce that Early Bird for Trust Your Intuition is OPEN. That means - Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN too. Life Purpose Accelerator is my Inner Circle đŸĻđŸĻ… and Trust Your Intuition is your opportunity to not only receive the highest intuitive and psychic training around, but your destiny to become a Certified Intuitive Healer is knocking at your door. Early Bird is Open Now, investment increases 1st December and we commence training on the magical date of 22nd February 2022. Click here for all the details or message me about the Inner Circle: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition