🔮 Reading Results are in 🔮 for 28th January 2025
Jan 28, 2025
🔮 Reading Results are in 🔮 for 28th January 2025
Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Angels and Ancestors Oracle.
Your intuition is a precision tool for navigating life and business with absolute clarity and confidence. It gives you the edge to sense subtle nuances, detect early warning signs, and make aligned decisions that keep you on your highest life purpose path. With attaining this mastery, you’ll elevate not only your leadership but also your personal lifestyle, creating success that feels deeply fulfilling and purpose-driven. If you’re ready to master the highest level of intuitive training and live your full potential with this precision of clarity, click here for Trust Your Intuition: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Stag. Trust & Thrive
The time for celebration is here. You’ve worked hard - not just now or lately but your whole life. You have risen to the top and now the structure is changing - as your expansion has called you forth to a new stage that you’ve heeded and are now under going major transformation. I know you know you’re going to get through this, but sometimes it’s nice to just hear it and so I am telling you - you are. The Stag represents wealth and solidarity in self and is deeply connected to Masculine Healing. You may have just, may need to or are actively working on healing the masculine. This can show up in your life as reality ‘all of a sudden’ crumbling; a state of ‘stress out of nowhere’; feeling like what you have built to date is undergoing a huge transformation that feels like a deep falling apart - but is a huge transformative time as you have reached a peak in your spiritual evolution - you’re not longer bound in consciousness to the societal mould that made you who you’ve become. It’s shattering and dissolving and you’ve taken a leap of faith to dismantle your old reality (you kinda had no choice) and yet you know, this path is leading you somewhere, even though you don’t quite know where it’s leading you - you know, this path is made for you. And you’re here trusting it. And Stag has come to show you - Trust & Thrive. The dawning of a new era is upon you and it’s leading you to an era of thriving that you haven’t experienced before. You thought you grew magic up until now.. wait until you’re through this transformation…. It’s stunning. The cocoon of the caterpillar is worth it for those wings… so is yours 🦋 This card has also come to you today as you may be feeling pressure from all sides and then ‘pop’ one beautiful thing will come into resolve the whole situation, so breath easy the relief is on it’s way. Until then, take extra care of yourself - one moment at a time, one breath at a time. Love xxx Your intuition is a precision tool for navigating life and business with absolute clarity and confidence. It gives you the edge to sense subtle nuances, detect early warning signs, and make aligned decisions that keep you on your highest life purpose path. With attaining this mastery, you’ll elevate not only your leadership but also your personal lifestyle, creating success that feels deeply fulfilling and purpose-driven. If you’re ready to master the highest level of intuitive training and live your full potential with this precision of clarity, click here for Trust Your Intuition: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #2: She Wolf. Unleash the Wild Within.
You’ve been integrating some of your deepest Shadows - and the light you’re emitting is tangible. You’ve entered a new era of light that is grounded in a deep solidarity that you’ve come along way to arrive here. This is your sign to deeply embody and become intimate with your deepest feminine self. Unleashing the Wild Within is shedding layers of consciousness that no longer serve you (that are outdated) - the Wolf Totem - is exactly this. You may be good at shifting beliefs - but the integration of who you’re becoming is where the magic is. You can do all the inner work you like, but if you aren’t adjusting your reality to match, are you even? There is a strong message here that there is something right in front of you that you’re needing to acknowledge and deeply come into great acceptance of. Instead of trying to run away - what is it that is right in front of you? What is it that you can deeply let into your Wild, Brilliant, Pure and Free Heart and obliterate any perceived limitations to bust through the wall of what you’re Wild Spirit is busting forth through this next dimension of consciousness? It’s powerful. It’s grounded. It’s pure. It’s free. It’s you. You’re being asked to channel this magic into a space where you’re truly seen to receive that which you’ve been asking for. And to do that - you need to come into great acceptance of what is right in front of you - is it you? That deep wild spirit deep within is calling to be free - let Her Out. This could also represent something you’re holding onto that you’re releasing - so you can be free of this situation - but do you really want to let it go? Sometimes we think that is the answer, sometimes it’s a non-negotiable - and sometimes it’s releasing that right in front of you is what you needed all along. Decipher the difference from the wild within 🐺. Wolf also shows up as a strong ally when you’re needing to put yourself first and take care of your needs. Wolf calls you to this action now. Love xxx Your intuition is a precision tool for navigating life and business with absolute clarity and confidence. It gives you the edge to sense subtle nuances, detect early warning signs, and make aligned decisions that keep you on your highest life purpose path. With attaining this mastery, you’ll elevate not only your leadership but also your personal lifestyle, creating success that feels deeply fulfilling and purpose-driven. If you’re ready to master the highest level of intuitive training and live your full potential with this precision of clarity, click here for Trust Your Intuition: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #3: Star Ancestor. Follow the Voice of Your Soul.
To walk the path of your soul is to walk the path of the unknown. There is a path you chose a while ago that you were slightly scared to take - but soul knowing - you knew you had to take it! And look how it has paid off! Of course it was the right path to take. Just recently, right now or within the next week, you’re going to have to make a similar decision - following the path of your Soul that you deep down know is right but you have no tangible proof that it is going to work out for you - except that - following the path of your Soul. You’re being asked to have and stretch your faith with this one and the reality is - you’ve done this before. There is a pathway about to open up for you that maybe you’re questioning but you also know that staying where you are is not what you want - another 12 months time - where do you want to be? And how will making and not making this choice create that particular future? The unknown may not be seen with the physical eye - but your metaphysical third eye is super clear and all knowing. This path, wouldn’t be offered to you without all you’ve done to reach here - so trust the path of the unknown, for it is indeed known - at the core of your soul and life purpose blueprint. It’s what you’re destined for - the signs have been clear and this message? Another one? How many do you need before you take action of what you know is right? Divine timing sure, but that deep inner knowing won’t go away - at this point, it’s even waking you up. Heed the call, everything, is working out for you. Love xxx Your intuition is a precision tool for navigating life and business with absolute clarity and confidence. It gives you the edge to sense subtle nuances, detect early warning signs, and make aligned decisions that keep you on your highest life purpose path. With attaining this mastery, you’ll elevate not only your leadership but also your personal lifestyle, creating success that feels deeply fulfilling and purpose-driven. If you’re ready to master the highest level of intuitive training and live your full potential with this precision of clarity, click here for Trust Your Intuition: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #4: Lady. Enjoy Growth & Receive Rewards.
This message has come to you today because you’ve shifted frequency. You’ve either shifted physical reality/environment or all of a sudden circles you used to feel at home in, just don’t anymore. People or things have just disappeared and you’re wondering what just happened because you didn’t do anything different. The thing is when you do this work it doesn’t take much for reality to shift. The good thing is that alignment becomes your best friend and like a magnet people and things will be repelled or drawn to you, ‘plopped’ in your path - just like how you found me. Messages will be clear and strong and you’re finding that the signs are becoming next level - especially those numbers! 🕊️ The signs are leading you they are leading you true right now. Your soul has called you to make changes and heeding these changes has expanded you. You made decisions recently that was a leap of faith and even though you may be ‘unsteady on your feet’ this moment - the choices you made, have expanded your leadership and has allowed you to make decisions from your soul. These are aligned choices that help you gain more clarity the more you follow them, because you are in alignment with the path you’re meant to be on. We only become clouded and confused when we are on the ‘wrong’ path aka - not listening to what your intuition is guiding you to do. As soon as you start actioning what your intuition is guiding you to do - enquire, make that phone call, take that action - you will immediately feel clearer and like everything is moving forward again - because you are. Remember, the Universe is only mirroring your current actions. Move, and you’ll attract the resources you need. I am also getting the message, is there someone you need to connect with from your past? They had a significant impact on you when you needed that person to guide you through a rough time - perhaps you don’t need to reach out to them, but something from this time is important to what you are going through right now. How does that relate for you? It could be the lessons you learnt back then, or the beliefs from that time in your life - need upgrading to match your currently reality now. Who you were back then, was very different - you’re not surviving anymore - you’re thriving. Your past doesn’t have a grip on you at this time and any ‘discord’ you’re feeling at this new level, is your DNA cellular re-write happening - support it with new beliefs that are going to stabilise this new reality you’re experiencing. The Apple, signifying the abundant harvest and new beginnings that you’re receiving through these shifts of your reality having a complete overhaul and upgrade. Let yourself receive and most of all - celebrate this transition to allow the . Love xxx Your intuition is a precision tool for navigating life and business with absolute clarity and confidence. It gives you the edge to sense subtle nuances, detect early warning signs, and make aligned decisions that keep you on your highest life purpose path. With attaining this mastery, you’ll elevate not only your leadership but also your personal lifestyle, creating success that feels deeply fulfilling and purpose-driven. If you’re ready to master the highest level of intuitive training and live your full potential with this precision of clarity, click here for Trust Your Intuition: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #5: Druid. Hold the Space.
You’re being asked to hold it right now. Not hold on tightly out of fear - but this card reminds me of the ‘Be like the Mountain’ psychic reading reel I did the other day. When you shift consciousness - everyone feels it. You become the stone that was thrown into the pond and your reality is rippling out new vibrations. People will fall away and people will come in. Know that these changes are pulling you further into alignment of your purpose with absolute clarity. You’re being shown things in your reality right now that you didn’t see before. The way people think of you, what they really thought about you and how that is now shifting your perception of not just them as you reassess the relationship in question - but also, the relationship is being reassessed by you. Not just from what it was - but from who you are now. This will cause you to make changes, based on who you are today - not on who you were when you met them or what you thought the relationship was evolving into - because it actually isn’t evolving. You have outgrown it. And it is here - you’re being asked to Hold the Space. Meaning, don’t take action this moment, just Hold the Space and see where it is taking you - or not. When you Hold the Space ‘correctly’ it will mean you stay focused on what you are being called to do moving forward with your life, without taking any ‘reactive’ action - you are able to see what is meant to stay and what is meant to go. Sure, you may be super clear that something in your life is not acceptable anymore, but the key here is to wait - as you ‘being like the Mountain’ at this time - will shift things without you doing a thing - as your energy and focus repeals and attracts accordingly. I am also getting the strong message for you about also moving your focus. If it is taking up too much focus - go and do something completely different to shift the energy. So if you are focused on your work, take a break and go do something with family or household movement that needs to be done. Or if you’re avoiding something your work, go and tend to to this as it will ‘shift the focus’ and move other things. The most important part here is to not be moved by unnecessary issues that will pull you away from your key outcome. Remember - when you’re about to have the biggest breakthrough of your life - you are tested beyond measure. The best diamonds come out from under pressure. Be like the Mountain. Hold the Space. It is what created the shifts in the first place - now hone your skills - this space holding is strengthening your resolve and laying the foundations for a new reality to birth from the Mountain which you hold. Love xxx Your intuition is a precision tool for navigating life and business with absolute clarity and confidence. It gives you the edge to sense subtle nuances, detect early warning signs, and make aligned decisions that keep you on your highest life purpose path. With attaining this mastery, you’ll elevate not only your leadership but also your personal lifestyle, creating success that feels deeply fulfilling and purpose-driven. If you’re ready to master the highest level of intuitive training and live your full potential with this precision of clarity, click here for Trust Your Intuition: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #6: Hunter. Track Down Your Fears and Desires.
The world was rocked recently - on a collective level memories were literally burned from our physical realm - that one day will be but a memory - of times past and of the trauma. What this feels like is the energy of the witch hunt days that still live also - in our collective memory. If you have been feeling crazy weird fear lately - know that you’re so acutely tuned to the collective and that this (LA fires) coupled with the changes in government in the USA - are having their own ripple out into the world. This may be rattling your own fears ‘of being hunted’ in the past. If you have had clear visions, day dreams, dreams or just feeling super weird when you don’t usually feel this way - you’re not only attuning to this collective - your deepest fears are rising from your subconscious. It is here - we address them, ‘face’ them and transform them. You can do this with my Shadow Alchemy Process (comment SHADOW) below for this and I will send it to you. When you transform and integrate with the Shadow, it is the best form of protection. You don’t need to hold shields of protection up - the integration has allowed you to become whole - not hole - and gives you back your power, strength and focus so you can stay acutely attuned to your path and complete your goals with precision. You’re being asked to ‘track down your fears and desires’ right now to accelerate past whatever you feel is on your mind that feels like it is ‘taking up a lot of space’ - because energetically it is. And the best part about this is that this was sitting in your energy field, not just taking up this space, but also subconsciously running at effect of reality (having influence into your decisions and reality) and now - this is clearing out so your Soul can create from the purity with clarity and precision that your life and business are destined for. When you do - you’ll find your Ancestors will speak to you about your next steps in your life purpose - they will come to you via the dreams or visions, so pay attention to ideas that lead you to research topics or places you haven’t thought of before. You’ll discover new information that will lead to new pathways that are actually - what you always thought you’d do anyway - you just hadn’t pursued it - until now. It’s just the right time. Love xxx Your intuition is a precision tool for navigating life and business with absolute clarity and confidence. It gives you the edge to sense subtle nuances, detect early warning signs, and make aligned decisions that keep you on your highest life purpose path. With attaining this mastery, you’ll elevate not only your leadership but also your personal lifestyle, creating success that feels deeply fulfilling and purpose-driven. If you’re ready to master the highest level of intuitive training and live your full potential with this precision of clarity, click here for Trust Your Intuition: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition