🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 29th August 2023

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Aug 29, 2023

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 29th August 2023

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Oracle of the Mermaids 🧜🏻‍♀️

Ancient Blooded Healer, Wildly Wealthy Witch, Psychic Entrepreneur - you're invited. The doors to Life Purpose Accelerator are open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator

Are you ready to accelerate this next phase of your Purpose? To take the leap of faith and FLY with Eagle precision intuition that you are? To trust yourself, your Purpose and your psychic guidance, more than anyone you've ever known and step into the true alignment of your Purpose that you know you've been waiting for? Life Purpose Accelerator invites you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Sacrifice. “There are those worth making, there are those that will destroy you.” 

That is enough sacrifice now! This feels like you are stepping into a place of plenty and abundance. However, it also feels like there is some sacrifice energy still playing out - where do you drop your standards or lower what you think you can get because you are still playing in the old paradigm? It feels like there is a new endeavour on the horizon and at this time you would benefit with Past Life Healing to help unlock this hook that has threads way back in the old. It feels like you don’t mind rolling up your sleeves and working of course, however, there is an energetic thread here that is ready to be released. You can message me with PAST LIFE and I will send the meditation to you if you need it. I am also getting the message of - where have you sacrificed your needs in relationship of another? It feels like enough sacrifice of the true desires of your heart - stop settling and raise the standards you set for yourself in relationship, in your work and in your home environment. “There are those worth making, there are those that will destroy you.”. You have sacrificed, so much - to get where you are. You have walked away from loved ones you ‘shouldn’t have’ in knowing you had to make the decisions and do what you have done up until now and right now it might feel like everything is SUPER unstable, nothing is clear and you’re wobbling all around like - woah, what and where is this going!? It feels like you’re in such a state of awe and confusion almost at the same time and a place where you know everything is changing, have reached your tolerance levels for what is no longer serving  you - nor required - nor will you put up with any longer - because your sacrifice tank is done baby! ENOUGH OF THAT PARADIGM! You’re shifting, you’re elevating and you’re just not willing to put up with the standards that you’ve been living in anymore - in your environment, in your heart centred desires of what you truly want in a relationship, in your financial status, in your health - you’re just done with that old and it is time for the new. This Sacrifice card is confirming what you already know and that now is not the time to go backwards, now is not time to doubt yourself, now is the time to stay so divinely connected to your vision and hold that thread of stars that is pouring through your Crown Chakra (have you been feeling the sensations in your Crown/head/headaches and even nausea in your solar plexus or sacral - this is the energy moving, and like you have been given an entirely new ‘skin’ if you may). You’re on the verge of a huge breakthrough in your life, so don’t give up now, hold your vision and know that you’re choosing a huge destiny at this time for yourself by holding the vision of what you want - not what you fear. Those things that agitate you, those things that hold you back, those things that irritate you - these are the things crawling under your skin that you are not welcome here anymore and almost like growing pains - this is all shifting as your body adjusts to the new vibrations you’ve been holding in your visions - you are literally birthing a new you through this process, so hold on for the ride as you shift your life to become the version of you, you’ve always held in your Heart and Soul - you’re birthing you, into this reality. Birthing is messy, chaotic and then the new arrival of your new self settles into your new life of the new standard you’ve been holding for yourself - celebrate yourself, because you’ve done a lot of work to get here, acknowledge it and FLY. Love xxx Ancient Blooded Healer, Wildly Wealthy Witch, Psychic Entrepreneur - you're invited. The doors to Life Purpose Accelerator are open, click here for all the details. Are you ready to accelerate this next phase of your Purpose? To take the leap of faith and FLY with Eagle precision intuition that you are? To trust yourself, your Purpose and your psychic guidance, more than anyone you've ever known and step into the true alignment of your Purpose that you know you've been waiting for? Life Purpose Accelerator invites you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #2: Falling In Love. “Kissing the divine in another, in yourself.”

This.. would be the Soulmate Card if there was one in this deck. This card, can also mean the beautiful Divine Masculine and Feminine Balance within you is either awakening or in need or healing OR - is healed and in balance and I like to feel the latter for you. Because of this Divine Balance - your entire reality is shifting right now. People or your Divine Counterpart has come out of the blue, or aligned ideas, opportunities or a healed body, mind and spirit is what you have been feeling lately - like so balanced, so on path, so ‘out of this world’ - like you’re living presently, but not in reality, because your new vibrational reality state has ‘overtaken’ energetically and is almost like you have moments of dawning because reality hasn’t caught up yet and this somewhat throws you. But you know, in these moments are close. All the signs are there and these are strong signs, different signs, they come alongside an energetic vibrational feeling that is not just a ‘knowing’, but a whole body FUCK YES, and you know, this is what you’ve been waiting for the entire time. I am getting the sense your Heart has shifted gears to. Your heart has healed and this new vibration is having a ripple affect in your reality at this time, which is changing the trajectory of where you thought you were going (or perhaps you just had no idea where you were going) and then all of a sudden everything has changed, but still nothing has changed - that… reality hasn’t caught up part again right?! This Divine Balance - the Falling In Love, may literally mean, that the one you’ve been waiting for has showed up for you - or about to - and that this is why you just didn’t all this time before now. If a Divine Counterpart has showed up and you know at the core of your being it is YES - then trust this. You KNOW when something is not aligned, you KNOW when something is even just 1% OFF! Your whole body feels it and you doubt, you don’t feel secure and you feel unsure or sick most of the time. Wait for the 100% - it is worth it and you also KNOW deep in your Soul. I am also hearing ‘transformation’ and it is like you’ve been or are in, a cocoon of utter transformation that when you arrived where you are now - not even 6 months ago are you anywhere close to who you used to be. It has become so clear to you that you have accelerated beyond what you even thought possible already and you can feel in your Soul this spiral UP is the trajectory you’ve all of a sudden aligned to and have said YES to. There is also the strong message here of it is time to drop the masculine shield and sink into your divine feminine and/or it is time to step out of the feminine and into your divine masculine - the roles of the healed version of your divine masculine and feminine is where you will thrive and you might be feeling this now, or there is healing to do around these pieces which will take you to the next level and breakthrough that which has been holding you back and on your mind. There is a strong message here for you with FAITH and that everything has already showed up ‘without you controlling anything’ or ‘trying’ (meaning, of course you’ve been doing your manifestation, mindset and magic practises), but everything that has occurred recently has been out of your hands - quite literally. You are taking deeply aligned action where you are called to of course, so move forward with this FAITH that everything else, will continue to be provided for, opened up to and shifted for you, by continuing to be you, opening your heart, trusting your intuition and moving forward with the full 100% faith feeling that led you here in the first place. Love xxx Ancient Blooded Healer, Wildly Wealthy Witch, Psychic Entrepreneur - you're invited. The doors to Life Purpose Accelerator are open, click here for all the details. Are you ready to accelerate this next phase of your Purpose? To take the leap of faith and FLY with Eagle precision intuition that you are? To trust yourself, your Purpose and your psychic guidance, more than anyone you've ever known and step into the true alignment of your Purpose that you know you've been waiting for? Life Purpose Accelerator invites you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #3: Time Out. “Awareness, contemplation, solitude, time alone.” 

Hold up! You need to recalibrate for a moment. There has been a lot of energy in short space of time and you are needing to come back deep into your heart to ‘contemplate’ your next move - although - I feel you are actually SUPER clear about what you want, what your next move is and what you are wanting to do next, however, I feel this Solitude Oracle from the Mermaids today, is letting you know that there is more information that wants to come in before you make this next move/decision. What is that I wonder for you? Divine guidance? Something out of your hands? I feel it is an opportunity that comes in for you that if you didn’t have this pausing recalibration for a moment (or a few) you may very well just miss it. Pause, slow down, breathe, this opportunity won’t go away, there is a divine timing here, but you also it feels you are needing to get clear on something or clear something away. Even if you don’t know quite what that is, trust it will appear and once the final cord is cut, you will be free to truly jump at the opportunity that is awaiting you that has landed on your lap. Is there an energetic thread, tie or door closed that needs tending to? Or, is it that you are releasing what you ‘thought’ things should look like and are being initiated into a greater level of surrender right now? This solitude and surrender can be mighty uncomfortable - because you are facing deep dark hidden buried aspects of yourself, but it is also one of the most profoundly transformative spaces you could ever be in. I keep hearing cocoon for you - so know you’re in the midst of a massive transformation that the next 3 months for you are going to be vital in knowing this is what you’re in, so be okay ‘being lost’ ‘letting the current take you’ ‘God’s got control of the current’ ‘let the Mermaids usher you onto your correct path’ and watch your heart come alive with what the Universe has install for you. The word coming through strongly is ‘Trust’ for you. Walk forward knowing this deep inner Solitude time for you, is giving you space, to truly get clear on your Heart, to say yes, and only yes when you know it is right for you. This is Mastery in action and not many dare travel here - celebrate, acknowledge and honour this space, for you are in initiation right now and you WILL come out the other side of this. Love xxx Ancient Blooded Healer, Wildly Wealthy Witch, Psychic Entrepreneur - you're invited. The doors to Life Purpose Accelerator are open, click here for all the details. Are you ready to accelerate this next phase of your Purpose? To take the leap of faith and FLY with Eagle precision intuition that you are? To trust yourself, your Purpose and your psychic guidance, more than anyone you've ever known and step into the true alignment of your Purpose that you know you've been waiting for? Life Purpose Accelerator invites you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #4: Transparency. “Honest, authentic, genuine, present.”

It's time to open your heart. It is time to voice what you really want to say. It is time to stop hiding or holding back your words because you fear someone is going to disapprove of you - that only stems from childhood woundings and you’re free to not let that trap you anymore. You’ve arrived at place in your life, where you only have supportive people around you - you know that, can feel that and are experiencing this, so your next level is to open your heart and your voice and let your true desires be known. I am also getting the sense - where do you need to be honest with yourself? What is it that you are shunning away or turning a blind eye to? What is buried right at the back of the pile, that has been coming up lately? Who… do you need to forgive? If you’ve followed me for a time, you would’ve heard me say FUCK FORGIVENESS! It is a spiritual cliche that keeps people OUT of their heart - because if you say, ‘Oh, I forgive you’ - but you’re SEETHING with anger underneath, it isn’t really forgiveness now is it? No! So there are two pieces here - is the emotions that are under the surface that you’re burying (have you been extra tired lately?!) that need to be unpacked, felt to be healed and shifted or you’re at a point where the emotional side of it has been done, and it is here, that you are ready to actually work through this forgiveness now. Which one is it for you? I am also getting - of course it could be Mother or Father healing for you - specifically Mother/Feminine healing is coming strongly through as I read this card for you - but there is a lot Father/Masculine healing in the collective at this time as well - as everyone is ‘waking up to the truth’ (of world stuff - or realising deep truths in your own life) the authority break through and taking back of ones own power is strong, hence the Father/Masculine healing happening at this time. I am also getting the message for you to slow down. If you’re busy - and just cannot - then it is time to make your meditation a disciplined routine and let nothing come in between you and this sacred place right now. If you’ve dropped your sacred practise - did you have a huge chunk of it at the start of the year or several months ago perhaps? These moments, this sacred space, this sacred time in the stillness of your meditation practise right now, is going to allow you to stay centred in the eye of the hurricane as everything shifts, changes, grows and moves around you - because you’re in the midst of huge change right now, right? And… this stillness, meditation practise (or whatever your own sacred practise is for you), is essential to stay connected and allow the miracles to continue to guide you through this change, this evolution of your Soul growth. You came to this place, because you rekindled your connective practise and now, you’re shifting to these higher dimensions again - stay connected to your meditation practise right now, so the miracles that on the doorstep for you, can fully enter your home, expanding your heart and stepping into the divine essence of your true nature for that which you are born. You don’t need to carry around the wounded shields anymore, you can allow your authentic presence to shine, because it is time. Be honest, open your heart, voice your truth, connect your mind to the higher divine and know, that everything, absolutely everything is working out for you, nothing has been missed and you’re fully supported on your true, authentic life purpose mission. Or you just wouldn’t be here reading this right now. Love xxx Ancient Blooded Healer, Wildly Wealthy Witch, Psychic Entrepreneur - you're invited. The doors to Life Purpose Accelerator are open, click here for all the details. Are you ready to accelerate this next phase of your Purpose? To take the leap of faith and FLY with Eagle precision intuition that you are? To trust yourself, your Purpose and your psychic guidance, more than anyone you've ever known and step into the true alignment of your Purpose that you know you've been waiting for? Life Purpose Accelerator invites you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #5: Freedom. “Independence, self-determination.”
This card has many meanings - but today, it is strong - it is time to leave this toxic, unhealthy relationship. I am not telling you anything you don’t already know. I do not often tell people what to do, but this is a strong message - your Soul is calling the FREEDOM from this toxicity, from the drama, from the not putting up with the shit anymore! There is one thing to support a loved one through a rough patch, but when the continually finger pointing, blaming and no change in behaviour occurs, there is only so much one Soul can take and I feel this card has come to you to draw your line in the sand. Perhaps it is not tolerating being spoken to in a certain way anymore, perhaps it is not being the vicinity of someone abusing drugs and alcohol (this has a huge effect on anyone energetically in the vicinity of), perhaps it is not living in a certain way anymore, perhaps it is your own tolerance for the way you’ve been treating your body, speaking to yourself, the way you see yourself of what you’ve been tolerating in your living conditions. It feels like you have a doorway of opportunity that you have a thread dangling through to take a leap of faith to jump onto and let the Eagle show you how high you can truly soar at this time. You’ve gone through the darkest of days and even lately you’ve been feeling stagnant, like… you can’t do anything more in this space until these changes occur and whilst there is a ‘you can do anything and make anything happen’ - there has definitely been a divine timing and a series of events that has needed to occur for you to be at this space of opportunity to take that thread of starlight and jump on it to say YES - even though you are not sure if that starlight rope is going to snap or if you are going to truly be taken up to new heights with the great Eagle leading the way, but you’re willing to trust, even though you have NO idea how this is going to work out… you know, this is the thread of starlight rope you have been looking for… waiting for and you were not even sure it was going to occur. Well, it has. Your opportunity is here. It is time to draw the line in the sand, stand up for what you truly believe, put boundaries in place, no matter the fallout because you have been tolerating so much up until this point that your Soul just can’t anymore and if you think you can - you are in DENIAL and have sunk into a level of unconsciousness of what you’re doing. Phew - that is tough love if I ever heard truth talk! Said, with deep conscious love to pull you back up to your SOUL’S TRUTH honey, please know this. The Freedom Mermaid Rebel on this card, knows Her worth, knows Her truth, knows what She wants and isn’t afraid of the fallout of what She will have to walk through to clear her space, to hold her divine feminine self in high regard so others rise to meet her - not pull her down! And she won’t ALLOW them to pull her down one single moment more because ENOUGH. Enough. Enough. Your Soul is calling you forth.. will you… RISE dear Ancient Blooded Healer? Love xxx Ancient Blooded Healer, Wildly Wealthy Witch, Psychic Entrepreneur - you're invited. The doors to Life Purpose Accelerator are open, click here for all the details. Are you ready to accelerate this next phase of your Purpose? To take the leap of faith and FLY with Eagle precision intuition that you are? To trust yourself, your Purpose and your psychic guidance, more than anyone you've ever known and step into the true alignment of your Purpose that you know you've been waiting for? Life Purpose Accelerator invites you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #6: The Magic of the Cohellen Druith. “Caution, secrecy, wary.”

This… is a I feel you about stepping into a greater level of power, leadership and not having to tell everyone every little detail of your life - this shows you simply don’t trust yourself, your purpose, your vision and you certainly don’t feel safe. You’re in a place where you are waiting for someone to swoop in and pick you up, hold you, save you even   but this only stems from childhood wounding of neglect and abandonment WHICH - you are healing right now, yes? It’s been on your mind, or you’ve been looking into inner child and shadow work and wondering what the next steps are after this (I teach this aspect in my Trust Your Intuition course - from start to finish, because it is all a process and all steps are required and a level of consciousness we journey through. Early Bird opens very soon). This card is powerful symbolism that you are stepping into a higher level of consciousness and your Soul’s Essence is busting out (or wanting to) and imprinting this through how you dress, wear your hair, make up, clothes or some other aspect of your self appearance, tattoos, body shape, fitness level or something else. You may have felt ‘old in your clothes’ or that none of them suit you anymore - or perhaps you’ve just  bought a brand new wardrobe and are deeply in the sovereignty of your Souls Essence pouring through into your life at this time. This is a time for deep inner power awakening, for your Life Purpose path blossoming and that means your entire life undergoes a positively powerful transformative time right now. It might feel rocky or unsteady as your find your new grounding, but you will know when you put those new clothes on metaphorically and physically - you will feel the great big YES and who you are comes shining and beaming out like never before. I also feel that there is also something just around the corner for you that you ‘didn’t see coming’ but is a testament to your level of faith and trust and you knew this was coming, but almost forgot about it at the same time and it is like the simmering pot of delicious dinner that someone made for you or the seed you planted and forgot about that is sprouting already and the fruits of that labour come at the divine time, just when you need it/them (of course) and that couldn’t have been anymore perfect. This card, the Cohellen Druith, is your sign that it is safe to step into the full power of your potent Soul’s Essence, shine your light and show the world who you truly are - your heart, your communication, your divine magic - that.. is what the world has been waiting for and everything will shift as soon as you say YES, take aligned action and make it happen. Heal, grow, change, shift and THRIVE. Love xxx Ancient Blooded Healer, Wildly Wealthy Witch, Psychic Entrepreneur - you're invited. The doors to Life Purpose Accelerator are open, click here for all the details. Are you ready to accelerate this next phase of your Purpose? To take the leap of faith and FLY with Eagle precision intuition that you are? To trust yourself, your Purpose and your psychic guidance, more than anyone you've ever known and step into the true alignment of your Purpose that you know you've been waiting for? Life Purpose Accelerator invites you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator