🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 3rd March 2020 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Mar 03, 2020

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 3rd March 2020 🔮

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Goddesses for you 💫

Are you ready to activate the next layer of your Life Purpose? 

We are in CRUCIAL element times right now. 

As the world shifts and awakens through the chaos with major events grabbing everyone's attention and more on their way- you are being CALLED 🌟Are you ready to receive the next instalment for your unique Life Purpose, or activate it for the first time?

Click here to grab your FREE Realm Attunement that you can find in the Free Essentials Meditation Pack - you are being CALLED - are you - listening to your Soul? https://www.realityawareness.com/essentials-free-meditation-pack

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Kuan Yin. Compassion. “Release judgements about yourself and others and focus on the love and light that is within everyone.”

‘Go easy on yourself’ is the first thing that streamed through when I saw this card for you - stop being so hard on yourself, go softly, go gently, go easy - be gentle - with yourself. Speak kindly to yourself, stop thinking you’ve done something wrong, stop - just stop! The other message here is to increase your self care levels - have they dropped recently OR have you been considering upping your self care somewhere here? What has changed here? Is there something ‘new’ on your mind - or just something you need to increase or include into your routine? Or is it a whole new shake up and routine itself? Then, the other message streaming through here is - the problem? The issue that has caused you such frustration or aversion lately? Is the judgements you are holding about yourself, this situation and the people involved. It feels like you are judging the person without even having the full insight about the person. It feels like you’ve had an outside snippet, perhaps you’ve talked to them one or two times and then have seen something and made judgment OR has something been triggered from your past about this relationship? What is that? Can you - just stop? Lots of ‘stopping’ in this message here today for you! I am wondering if you have shifted this now? You’ve had these realisations and you were like argh - dropping this NOW! This doesn’t serve me anymore and SHIFT just. Like. That.? It feels like you have just shifted this OR this is what is currently going on for you. I am also getting the message about your Heart/Heart Chakra - What… has this ‘releasing judgements’ thing got to do with expanding your Heart further into the wide open space? I am sensing a piece here that this judgment thing that was/is going on with this person/event - is deeply connected to your Heart… did you ‘open your heart to them’ only to find out they are not in alignment with your values or that they didn’t ‘respond with open heart back’ and ‘be there for you like you were for them’? I am also getting the message that this open heart/releasing judgments thing, has got to do with the ‘environment’ as well - has your ‘environment changed’ or felt stagnant lately? And - what Heart calling adventure activities/sports or body movement - is your Heart calling you to do? Perhaps there is something that you felt ugh about recently - but your Heart used to love it? What judgments are you holding about it that is your mind keeping you away from… the very thing you loved? Did you get too busy? Did something else take precedent? Do you remember that following your Heart gives your more energy, let alone more joy and happiness? I am getting the message here that releasing the judgments or the ‘reasons why you can’t’ from your vocabulary is like releasing the armour from your heart and when you do that? All of the world opens up to you again, let alone being able to breath again - you are able feel the joy - that the judgments of the other person/situation - is what is blocking you from…. Even finding that aliveness and joyful path again. Isn’t it time? To STOP in all areas so you can…. Follow your Heart and open to the softness, the joy and… your LIFE again? You first. Always. Love xxx Are you ready to activate the next layer of your Life Purpose? We are in CRUCIAL element times right now. As the world shifts and awakens through the chaos right now, with major events grabbing everyone's attention and more on their way - you are being CALLED 🌟Are you ready to receive the next instalment for your unique Life Purpose, or activate it for the first time? Click here to grab your FREE Realm Attunement that you can find in the Free Essentials Meditation Pack - you are being CALLED - are you - listening to your Soul? https://www.realityawareness.com/essentials-free-meditation-pack


Card #2: Oonagh. “Easy Does It. There is no need to hurry or force things to happen. Everything is occurring in perfect timing.”

Ah - so interesting this ‘Easy Does It’ - message came through Card #1! Yet here - for this card for you today? I feel that this is deep confirmation - the stressed out you that you used to be - is not so much anymore. I feel you are noticing how much calmer you are in situations that used to bother you or trigger you - just don’t anymore. You are not reacting like you used to, you are finding that you are ‘catching’ yourself more and more and are ‘responding’ rather than reacting. I feel that you’ve deeply stepped it up in empowering yourself rather than staying in situations that dis-empower you - or that ‘knock’ you or that people ‘dump’ on you - rather, you are deeply stepping into the empowered you in more ways than one. At times it might be ‘scary’ as you change your life and old patterns that have held you back for years - but you are DEEPLY shifting realities right now and you know this is what you have been doing all the work for - but it is almost like ‘training wheels on’ with this space you are at right now, however, it is becoming more and more normal for you yes? I am also sensing that there is something about home life that has ‘knocked’ you recently and that this reality is about shifting what you have known in your heart for so long has needed to change and something has felt ‘off’ about it, but you also didn’t know what to do with it in a way? I am getting the sense that you’ve been asking to ‘shift the blocks’ and/or even shift your new reality to greater heights (and that even involves digging deep, grounding into the truth of your purpose in a way) and… with that - ‘all of a sudden’ things are crumbling around you. I feel that you know this truth - that underneath? Everything is occurring exactly as it is meant to. I am wondering if you have waves of panic or ‘old stories’ or ‘old feelings’ of how it was in the past, but again, catching yourself and choosing to respond differently whilst processing the feelings at the same time. I am also sensing that his home life shift has completely changed you in a way too - that ‘nothing has changed’ but everything has changed in a way and you can feel this at your core. The Chakra colours are deeply jumping out at me too - do you cleanse and open your chakras daily? More than once daily? If you ‘feel the old’ coming back - first thing - check, do I need to clear my energy - is this me? No - so cleanse, clear, align, refocus - and ground in, this new reality, that you’re doing so well in making huge progress in leaps and bounds like never before. Continue on grounding this in beautiful one, this is your new normal and in this stabilised reality - so too - does everything around you stabilise and build the reality you’ve been doing all this work for in the first place. Trust, recentre, continue to ground. New normal beautiful one.Love xxx Are you ready to activate the next layer of your Life Purpose? We are in CRUCIAL element times right now. As the world shifts and awakens through the chaos right now, with major events grabbing everyone's attention and more on their way - you are being CALLED 🌟Are you ready to receive the next instalment for your unique Life Purpose, or activate it for the first time? Click here to grab your FREE Realm Attunement that you can find in the Free Essentials Meditation Pack - you are being CALLED - are you - listening to your Soul? https://www.realityawareness.com/essentials-free-meditation-pack


Card #3: Mawu. Mother Earth. “You are calling upon to help with environmentalism.”

Ah, so when this card comes up - yes, Earth matters, animal and land environmentalism, activism, and caring for the environment are important here and trust if you are called in any of these areas for your career or Life Purpose. The other aspect here - is that, well more than one and one I always talk about - but the main message streaming through here is that you are being called upon to clear the land in particularly. Perhaps you have already been receiving the message about clearing the energy of the land, or a house or people IN the house and this card has come to you as confirmation of this! I am also getting the message that if you are in a house that hasn’t been energetically cleaned for a while or if at all ever - AND you are thinking about it? Then this is your sign and your responsibility as a Lightworker/Healer/Empath - someone who picks up this energy - to deeply tend to this! How do you do this? There are MANY ways you can do this and I have lots of programs and resources that can teach you how to do this. A few ideas are, asking Archangel Michael of 100% Light to clear the energy in the space; you can imagine the house/land/person/space with it’s own Internal Compass and clear it and activate the grid with this as well; you can imagine your energy - your powerful LIGHT energy, your powerful Aura and being - that as you walk into the space, you clear, cleanse and transform any energy that is in front of you/around the space/place. Regardless - the strong message here is that if you re sensing the energy needs cleaning - it does! Trust this! The other message is that if you feel there is a Spirit or Soul that is in the space in your home, someone else’s home or in a place that you can just - keep thinking about it, knowing it, sensing it in whatever way shape or form - you are correct! When there is a Soul in the home, there are many reasons why they ‘haven’t moved on’ - yet, the main message I am getting here is that #1, you don’t HAVE to do this work - you can get a Healer/Medium trained in making sure the reason ‘why’ they are there in the first place is resolved, or they just won’t move on. #2: Notice where the Light Portal is in the room/space you are in (the first place you just imagined that to be in your mind - it is - trust it) and then you can ask Archangel Michael of 100% Light to help the Soul go to the Light as well as asking the Soul if there is someone, a relative they know who is on the other side, to come forth to help them feel safe to pass over. #3 - this is your sign that YES you are a Medium - you have a VERY clear connection to Spirit and you need to TRUST THIS! Do you… need anymore confirmation? 😉 Remember - the only thing that makes you better is practicing with study buddies and/or having clients. You wouldn’t be receiving the information if it was wrong - so just don’t doubt it okay?! As I mentioned, there are MANY reasons a Soul is ‘stuck here’ on this Earth Plane and I have full trainings on Mediumship for this reason, but those 3 are a basic few you can start with. The main factor is calling upon Archangel Michael of 100% Light - or whoever you work with - of 100% Light and opening the Light portal in the space you are in - which is as simple as asking yourself where it is and trusting the message you receive about that. Can you see that… all of this relies on trusting yourself? So the other message here is where do you need to trust yourself more? Whether when dealing with the Spirit world and your intuition - AND an important decision you are trying to make. Don’t doubt yourself and most importantly - don’t let anyone talk you out of what your Heart knows you are being called to choose and do. Trust. All the way.Love xxx Are you ready to activate the next layer of your Life Purpose? We are in CRUCIAL element times right now. As the world shifts and awakens through the chaos right now, with major events grabbing everyone's attention and more on their way - you are being CALLED 🌟Are you ready to receive the next instalment for your unique Life Purpose, or activate it for the first time? Click here to grab your FREE Realm Attunement that you can find in the Free Essentials Meditation Pack - you are being CALLED - are you - listening to your Soul? https://www.realityawareness.com/essentials-free-meditation-pack


Card # 4: Freyja. Bold. “Unleash your adventurous side! Take risks and be daring!"

Okay - so… your ‘rebel’ side wants to speak! Not in a ‘I’m out to get them and hurt them!’ - No - this is - what are you ‘rebelling’ against? What… do you feel so darn passionate about, even ‘pissed off’ about - that you ‘will show ‘em!’? THAT - that is what is calling to burst out of you right now! And it is this thread that is the leader in you - that… is somewhat dying to come out and BE that light in the world! You have a solution, you have a guiding light within you and that - being shut down for so long, by so many - even when you KNOW that it is the thing for you, the right thing, the SOUL calling thing - your Soul? Is also asking you to ‘show the world’ in a different way than how you are ‘trying to make it happen’. YES it is still meant to be done/lived/created by you - your Soul is calling forth this 100% - but the ‘way’ you are to ‘do it in the world’ is a different way than the current road you are trying right now. That might sound frustrating to hear because you might be already saying to me, “I have tried ALL the things Hannah!” - yet, I feel there is more.. I am hearing, ‘You’re on the precipice of change’ and everything is about to shift to an entirely new level right now. A new reality… but a Soul Aligned reality. I am also getting the message about not sharing this with anyone… don’t tell people what you are doing… just… do it and show them 😉 I am feeling there is something quite huge about to ‘drop into your reality’, it feels deeply aligned and heart and soul, deep Life Purpose path space for you the question is - are you creating the space to allow yourself to receive this? Does this come with a shift of self care levels and the way you structure and schedule your routine? Are you needing to amplify the way you take care of yourself (it’s been on your mind right?) And allow yourself to give yourself what you give to others? Something has deeply shifted for you right? It’s time to BE that in the world that you have always said and at the same time, you know this has always been coming for you… and yet now, it is time to BE that already right? I am wondering if there is a piece of you that is still waiting for the thing to show up first? Remember - we have to BE that first, so - when that thing comes in - how would you be living? How would you be feeling most of the time? THAT is the ‘being’ you need to be now… which, I deeply feeling is what has shifted.. you ‘get it now’ and.. are ‘feeling it’ ‘living it’ now right? DEEPLY Celebrating this! Next Level Baby!! Love xxx Are you ready to activate the next layer of your Life Purpose? We are in CRUCIAL element times right now. As the world shifts and awakens through the chaos right now, with major events grabbing everyone's attention and more on their way - you are being CALLED 🌟Are you ready to receive the next instalment for your unique Life Purpose, or activate it for the first time? Click here to grab your FREE Realm Attunement that you can find in the Free Essentials Meditation Pack - you are being CALLED - are you - listening to your Soul? https://www.realityawareness.com/essentials-free-meditation-pack


Card #5: Isolt. Undying Love. "The Love you have shared is eternal, regardless of the situation."

Ah - have you lost someone or something recently? I feel like this isn’t a loss so to speak, because I feel this is about the reflection of you in your life - but it is…. Actually reclaiming part of you… in a sense that when we lose something - it is a bit like shedding a skin - it may seem like a loss - but actually it is ‘old’ and ‘not who we are anymore’. It is interesting, it is like the Druid card coming to mind, where it says, ‘Instead of thinking about what you want freedom from, ask yourself what you want freedom for and move towards that.’ - It is like this - it isn’t what we’ve lost - but who we have become from that thing that ‘has lost us’, that… is no longer aligned with the ‘us’ we are becoming and ARE if that makes sense? When you think about a snake shedding a skin - it’s new skin is soft, open and vulnerable. This part, I feel is where you are at right now. You are open, the layers have peeled off and you are open, vulnerable, somewhat very tender and almost fragile in a way… you may be bawling your eyes out crying lots, there may be lots of everything shifting at once AND - you are also handling this in a different way to what you’ve ever done before? This is next level shifts beautiful one! You’re being more gentle with yourself, the way you talk to yourself (or you’re very aware of this and are doing this more than you ever have before). Remember - no one really dies - their physical body returns to the Earth and their Soul - lives on - always and what happens in this ‘dying’ process is that you are simply changing the relationship you have with them right now. You had a way of relating, communicating with them, knowing them as a person, when they were alive and now… you are learning to communicate with them in a new way, with their Essence, their Soul Consciousness of who they are, (their Soul that is still alive and always has been), now they are on the other side and not here anymore in this form that you’ve always known them this lifetime. Now - that doesn’t mean you are probably not bawling your eyes out about this! You should be! This is normal! Grief is a normal and important human emotion and important to honour this process no matter how long it takes, for this is part of the reborn, rebirthing and reintegration of who you are - of who YOUR SOUL is and what you are moving into in your life. The great circle of life - all emotions, all facets of it, all parts of it. Allow all of it beautiful one, even the uncomfortable ones - these ones are the most important of all. #igotyou Love xxx Are you ready to activate the next layer of your Life Purpose? We are in CRUCIAL element times right now. As the world shifts and awakens through the chaos right now, with major events grabbing everyone's attention and more on their way - you are being CALLED 🌟Are you ready to receive the next instalment for your unique Life Purpose, or activate it for the first time? Click here to grab your FREE Realm Attunement that you can find in the Free Essentials Meditation Pack - you are being CALLED - are you - listening to your Soul? https://www.realityawareness.com/essentials-free-meditation-pack


Card #6: Ostara. Fertility. “It is the perfect time for you to start new projects, access new ideas and give birth to new conditions.”

Birthing new realities! I feel like you’ve been through some what of a super hard time recently! Now, it may not be ‘hard, hard’ - like victim ‘it’s so hard’ space - but… its been…. Pushing you to expand in different ways that you ‘thought’ it was going to go/be like right? Birthing new situations - it is also moving closer to Full Moon and on the ‘upswing’ of energy that is allowing you to expand in ‘new realities’ that you didn’t quite think of before - or actually - of course you had thought this way before but perhaps you didn’t necessarily LET yourself believe or experience this as ‘now’ type thing, but you just ‘went with what was always the normal way’ you have done it before and now the Universe is pushing you so to speak in different ways that are moving you in a new direction that is…. Always the way you’ve wanted to go. I feel like you have a deep, strong, solid plan, you are super clear about what deeply aligned action steps you need and are planning to take in the next 6 months that have - almost given you a deeply solid new and alive ‘lease on life’ energy that has brought you alive in ways you…. Feel deeply grateful for, as you had somewhat lost your spark in a way for a time there for a moment (or a few months more so!) right? I am also getting the message that you also have another big download coming through shortly - this will also ‘change the course of action’ you plan to take - BUT - it is more deeply aligned than ever before. Something is about to show you what you have always ‘dreamed’ about - but not in a way you have thought of before - this is more ‘deeper’ than that… in a way - this is not coming from ‘the higher realms’ - but a deeply grounded aspect of yourself… that…. Is the reason you chose to be human on this planet at this crucial time of change on the planet right now. This is a grounded sense of who you are and it is something that you feel, so, SO at peace with in so many aspects that you feel like you are ‘walking on a cloud’ - but the energy - is so solidarity grounded in self that…. This is who you have always been, without any facade, without any fear, without anything holding you back… this is… the Soul calling, Life Purpose Path activated self you…. that… is ready to ‘take on the world’ - it is almost like you are ‘waiting for the world to collapse’ - so you can TRULY step into your service role - in a way! But of course you are already doing this and are soooo ready… everything has fallen into place, everything has locked into next level and where and what you are here for you and you feel it in your bones. It truly is, something that cannot be described, but felt, with the Heart. You are… this. No words needed. Just vibrationally there… aligned. You. It’s always been You. Love xxx Are you ready to activate the next layer of your Life Purpose? We are in CRUCIAL element times right now. As the world shifts and awakens through the chaos right now, with major events grabbing everyone's attention and more on their way - you are being CALLED 🌟Are you ready to receive the next instalment for your unique Life Purpose, or activate it for the first time? Click here to grab your FREE Realm Attunement that you can find in the Free Essentials Meditation Pack - you are being CALLED - are you - listening to your Soul? https://www.realityawareness.com/essentials-free-meditation-pack