🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 3rd May 2022

free psychic reading tuesday tarot May 03, 2022

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 3rd May 2022

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Goddess Guidance Oracle for you.

To hold such an accelerated container for incredible Souls, the magical, the mystical, the powerful, the potent Heart and Soul led clients who know they have a calling, know they aren’t here to do the normal life and already haven’t been - but are ready to be deeply supported, held and accelerated into their next level that they can feel bubbling up inside of them, is an honour I am so grateful to live in this life that I have created to be here in Divine Sacred Service to you.

You’re restless, unsettled and know that you’ve been waiting for this, Life Purpose Accelerator is now open for the Heart and Soul led mystic and deeply empathic entrepreneur and business owner, that is here to impact millions, make billions and change the world at the same time. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘ 


Card #1 Rhiannon. Sorceress. “You are a magical person who can manifest your clear intentions into reality.” 

Ah, it feels like you’ve taken your power back! And although you’d like to be further along than you currently are right now, I feel you’ve made huge progress to get to where you are right now. I also feel it is shifting so much energy too and this is going to reap massive rewards and benefits in your life for you! I am also getting the message about getting super clear, tidying up your house, life and body and getting back on track - which I feel you’ve started to do, but getting super super clear on things feels really important to help your manifestations come to form. Have you been taking more time out for yourself? Taking extra and way better care of yourself? Have you been making you, a number 1 priority and the world can just wait a minute? I am also getting the message to really acknowledge how far you’ve come and what you’ve achieved. It is almost like you’re needing to really ‘arrive’ at this level/space/new you that you’ve created. I feel you’ve stepped into your genius zone and have truly begun to accelerate your Purpose in huge ways. However, I feel like the biggest key to your manifestations right now - because you’re definitely doing all the things and this for you, is about truly seeing yourself, what you’ve created and ‘where you are now’. It’s almost like as you truly drop into this space - sure, you’re here, you’re present with life (somewhat) but you’re also, still onto the next goal (so you should be!) but - this truly seeing, acknowledging and allowing your next stage of life, evolution and self, truly being here and celebrating that (have you even celebrated it?!), it feels like, things will exponentially take off for you - even more than what you’ve experienced before. How can you truly be here now, present, allowing, acknowledging, celebrating and seeing yourself and this stage of life you’re at now? Love xxx To hold such an accelerated container for incredible Souls, the magical, the mystical, the powerful, the potent Heart and Soul led clients who know they have a calling, know they aren’t here to do the normal life and already haven’t been - but are ready to be deeply supported, held and accelerated into their next level that they can feel bubbling up inside of them, is an honour I am so grateful to live in this life that I have created to be here in Divine Sacred Service to you. You’re restless, unsettled and know that you’ve been waiting for this, Life Purpose Accelerator is now open for the Heart and Soul led mystic and deeply empathic entrepreneur and business owner, that is here to impact millions, make billions and change the world at the same time. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #2: Damara. Guiding Children. “You are good at helping, counselling and healing Children. Use your skills to help Children now.”

This card has several meanings: Spend time with a Child that is close to you; your Inner Child needs TLC; something from your childhood is needing attention to heal a current issue; the Faery Realm is calling you to connect with them. Which one of those jumped out at you? That is the core of what to work on in combination with - this is also the stage of where you are right now - either with a relationship with yourself, another person or a project you are working on. Meaning, whether it id a relationship or project - you’ve passed the infant stage and you’re into the childhood stage of it. It still needs nurturing, tending to, caring for and being super present with it, even though it isn’t an infant stage anymore and not so hands on, you’re still needing to be super present for it. You can have some ‘hands off the project’ time, some time away from the relationship, but overall you’re still needing to be there (not a bad thing!) I am sensing that the need for fun is also very relevant for this card for you today too. Not just a once off - but increasing the overall joy and fun in your life in a big way. How can you increase your life well being overall? How can you enjoy your life more - every single day? How can you wake up and love the fuck outta your life? Do you wake up this way now? It feels this is a super important message for you right now and Inner Child will be happier when you’re happier and vice versa. Which is first, the chicken or the egg? But ultimately this is about giving yourself permission to have fun - which is the deepest form of Inner Child healing you could ever do. And most times, as we get older it is about redefining what fun even is. Have you pondered that? Do you feel stagnant at what fun even is anymore or maybe at all? Definitely something to dive into and keep trying things until you remember and find what fun means to you now. This will change everything in your life - for the better. Love xxx To hold such an accelerated container for incredible Souls, the magical, the mystical, the powerful, the potent Heart and Soul led clients who know they have a calling, know they aren’t here to do the normal life and already haven’t been - but are ready to be deeply supported, held and accelerated into their next level that they can feel bubbling up inside of them, is an honour I am so grateful to live in this life that I have created to be here in Divine Sacred Service to you. You’re restless, unsettled and know that you’ve been waiting for this, Life Purpose Accelerator is now open for the Heart and Soul led mystic and deeply empathic entrepreneur and business owner, that is here to impact millions, make billions and change the world at the same time. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator 


Card #3: Nemetona. Sacred Space. “Create an altar or visit a power place to connect with the Divine.”

Whilst this card is deeply about devotion and making sacred disciplined time to practise your chosen spiritual tool of connecting to the Divine and yourself - I am also getting the message that this is about about Home and also that - you can make anything sacred - I feel, that this card is asking you to do exactly that - make everything Sacred. Don’t have space in room or home to set up an altar? Nature is your altar honey. There are no excuses. I feel that the disciplined practise is essential for you right now and will bring great benefits to your life beyond what you could possible comprehend. Meditating for minimum 10mins a day (set a timer and don’t move until it goes off) and do this for 3 months - your life will radically feel different from this seemingly insignificant practise that I BET after a committed amount of time you will WANT to stay meditating for longer periods of time. So, if you don’t have a disciplined practise, pick how many minutes you’ll commit to - 10mins, 20mins (ideal), 1hr, pick how long you are going to stick to it for, no matter what - 30days, 60 days, until the end of the year - and mark it on your calendar so you can reflect on the changes in how you feel in your life from this one ‘simple’ committed practise. The other message here is about your Home. Does your home feel warm? Loving? Like it wants to wrap you up and love you? Do you love it? Even if ‘don’t like your home’ you can definitely make it something you love, by changing furnishings, upgrading furniture, changing linen, cutlery, pantry storage, flooring and tending to your garden. If you don’t love where you live now, how will you ever love any place you choose to move to or even experience love in your life in other forms? Of course, loving your body and tending to your body also comes into it - but sometimes upgrading your home in whichever ways suits, can start the process of loving your environment, which will naturally ‘rub off’ onto your body. Don’t judge what comes first - do what you want, what feels alive and what will make you most happy. This will lead you to your Sacred place and that, is the entire point. Make your life a devotion to Life itself and it begins at Home… with what feels good and what you love, about where you live… the more you connect to the Divine, through regular meditation and making your home, well, Home, the more life will shine it’s light on you and show you the way for that thing you’re so longing for. It begins, with you, connecting back… to Source, to the Divine, to your Soul. Create your life to be one magical flow of the Divine manifest in form through Devotion to that which you Love. Love xxx To hold such an accelerated container for incredible Souls, the magical, the mystical, the powerful, the potent Heart and Soul led clients who know they have a calling, know they aren’t here to do the normal life and already haven’t been - but are ready to be deeply supported, held and accelerated into their next level that they can feel bubbling up inside of them, is an honour I am so grateful to live in this life that I have created to be here in Divine Sacred Service to you. You’re restless, unsettled and know that you’ve been waiting for this, Life Purpose Accelerator is now open for the Heart and Soul led mystic and deeply empathic entrepreneur and business owner, that is here to impact millions, make billions and change the world at the same time. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator 


Card #4: Coventina. Purification. “It is time for cleansing and detoxification.”

This card is obvious and I feel if you’ve drawn this card today the message is clear and clear in the way of this is a physical body detox. Whether that is through a change in what you eat, fasting regimes, exercise or moving your body in different ways, yoga, attending a regular sauna and/oxygen hyperbaric chamber and/or other therapies I feel that all of these are calling you right now. Have any of these been on your mind? Or jumping out at you? Seeing signs everywhere? Well, I’d you needed another sign - you just got it! At this time for you, I am also sensing that the revalue commitment to it is super important, it feels like this is super relevant to what you are trying to achieve and is the ‘of course’ next step. I am also getting the message to stick to it for a period of time (lots of discipline and committed practises coming through Tuesday Tarot today!) so pick a length of time and stick to it. The other piece dropping in here is - if you’re going through a relationship break up right now, number 1 be gentle on yourself and to just monitor the timing of a physical detox. Doing a huge physical detox when you’re in the midst of a huge life change isn’t something I recommend because you will be detoxing emotionally from what has just happened and that can definitely be enough at this time for you, so just honour this process. However, in saying that, sometimes the best ‘come back’ and healing from a relationship break up - can be, getting the most fittest, healthiest and best you, you can and have ever been in, in your entire life. So perhaps, this is your sign to become the best you, you’ve ever been and show the world who you really are. Love xxx To hold such an accelerated container for incredible Souls, the magical, the mystical, the powerful, the potent Heart and Soul led clients who know they have a calling, know they aren’t here to do the normal life and already haven’t been - but are ready to be deeply supported, held and accelerated into their next level that they can feel bubbling up inside of them, is an honour I am so grateful to live in this life that I have created to be here in Divine Sacred Service to you. You’re restless, unsettled and know that you’ve been waiting for this, Life Purpose Accelerator is now open for the Heart and Soul led mystic and deeply empathic entrepreneur and business owner, that is here to impact millions, make billions and change the world at the same time. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator 


Card #5: Brigit. Don’t back down. “Stand up for what you believe is right.” 

Ah - pull back! Right back! I am sensing this is a very strong message for you to not be influenced by other peoples opinions and to hold your ground no matter how much they try and persuade you to not do what feels right for you, take that opportunity and stay true in what you know that you have to do for your own life. I also feel this is a message for you to find your own groove, your colours, your flavour, your branding. Step back into yourself, what you believe in, what you love, what feels good for you, what colours you love things to look like, what and who you are. It feels like you have almost hit a hit of a slump or stuck point - but - you’ve detached from others as you are finding your groove - that is all. You are birthing your, finding who you are ‘in this new world you’ve found yourself in’ and becoming super strategic when it comes to what you’re creating because you value your time, energy and who you have become in this space. I feel it is important to honour your calling in this way and to just detach and not try and have to prove to you are to anyone but just get your work done so to speak. Sometimes we need to stand up and voice to the world who we are and other times we just need to do our thing. There is definitely a time and a place for both at different times and I feel you’re coming into a zone where this is required to decipher what is important and when. Brigit is also holding a fire in between her hands - have you felt ‘on fire’ in your life again recently? Like the new flame has been lit, a new energy, a new lease on life has been created for you? If EVER this goes out again - know that the ONLY thing that is required is that you get to step up and into a place where you’re backing yourself 100% of the way and not listening nor being influenced and holding your ground for what is right for you and you only. That might mean unplugging from social media, friends and family for a while and doing your thing…. UNTIL you feel better and find you again. Because when you’re 100%, you’re the strongest and happiest and then, you can conquer the world, so to speak. Love xxx To hold such an accelerated container for incredible Souls, the magical, the mystical, the powerful, the potent Heart and Soul led clients who know they have a calling, know they aren’t here to do the normal life and already haven’t been - but are ready to be deeply supported, held and accelerated into their next level that they can feel bubbling up inside of them, is an honour I am so grateful to live in this life that I have created to be here in Divine Sacred Service to you. You’re restless, unsettled and know that you’ve been waiting for this, Life Purpose Accelerator is now open for the Heart and Soul led mystic and deeply empathic entrepreneur and business owner, that is here to impact millions, make billions and change the world at the same time. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator 


Card #6: Aeracura. Blossoming. “You are just getting started, so have patience with yourself and don’t give up.”

Don’t give up. Keep trying until you find what works - and then don’t be surprised if it shifts to a whole new level and you’re having to find new structures and systems for it to all work again! But remember, it’s not about it not working, it is about it evolving to a new height, a new relationship dynamic in how things work. Things are shifting, evolving and changing all the time. Remember that, once something is stabilised, it paves the way for the next thing to land. Sometimes they come in like cannon balls or a waterfall with so many ideas you can’t keep up and other times you will stabilise things and plateau because you’re simply bored. This card is also - don’t give up, you’re just getting started - which, of course, if you’re at the beginning, or you’ve just launched something and it seems a flop - remember - you’re just getting started. Don’t throw your baby out because it was the first time you launched it with not what you expected. The things the successful people won’t tell you - is that it takes time! Everyone wants an overnight quick fix pull to cure their life long health ailment and we all know that doesn’t work. We also know that selling your course or product or doing something for the first time isn’t going to be the $1M cash grab into your bank account is it now? That shit takes time - unless you’ve poured thousands of $$ into your marketing campaign, have deep confidence in your selling structure and getting up there ‘on stage’ and promoting it for weeks before hand, honey - you’re just getting started and it’s important you keep mofo going! Giving up ain’t an option right? You just keep going, getting better, learning more along the way, gaining more confidence and all the whilst gaining more followers. It’s a numbers game, time numbers, followers numbers and commitment, dedication and growth - internally and externally numbers game. The question is - are you in it for your Life Purpose - meaning - for Life? Or is this a side gig you just want some extra cash for? Because if it’s a side gig, you best be going job hunting. You’re either in it for your Souls calling, or you’re just here to make money for such and such. Figure out which you are and dedicate yourself to that. Just - don’t give up. Because you’re just getting started babe, no matter which level or plateau you’re at. Love xxx To hold such an accelerated container for incredible Souls, the magical, the mystical, the powerful, the potent Heart and Soul led clients who know they have a calling, know they aren’t here to do the normal life and already haven’t been - but are ready to be deeply supported, held and accelerated into their next level that they can feel bubbling up inside of them, is an honour I am so grateful to live in this life that I have created to be here in Divine Sacred Service to you. You’re restless, unsettled and know that you’ve been waiting for this, Life Purpose Accelerator is now open for the Heart and Soul led mystic and deeply empathic entrepreneur and business owner, that is here to impact millions, make billions and change the world at the same time. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator