🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 4th February 2025
Feb 04, 2025
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 4th February 2025
Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today see what messages are awaiting you from the Indigo Angel Oracle.
Your intuition is a precision tool for navigating life and business with absolute clarity and confidence. It gives you the edge to sense subtle nuances, detect early warning signs, and make aligned decisions that keep you on your highest life purpose path. With attaining this mastery, you’ll elevate not only your leadership but also your personal lifestyle, creating success that feels deeply fulfilling and purpose-driven. If you’re ready to master the highest level of intuitive training and live your full potential with this precision of clarity, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Authority.
You are the authority and no one has power over you - unless you let them. You have the power to take back control in your life - no matter how long it takes or how little it seems to be making progress with what you’re working on - the piece here is that you do. Remember - do what you can with what you have. Remember - the Hummingbird, putting out the Amazon Fire with its little beak of water back and forth to save his home, the Black Panther laughing at him for trying something ridiculous and impossible feat and then try raise came and put out the fires and saved his homed. This. Is what you are being reminded of here. You think you can’t do what you want to do because of x-y-z but you’re forgetting your power - your authority - that you can create magic just because of who you are. That you can create whatever you want you just have to start moving towards that. As you do, it creates a vortex of energy, a river, that pulls to it, more of that via the law of attraction what you are creating you’re focusing on, what you’re focusing on - expands. You just have to hold your focus long enough for the momentum to catch on then you create more of that from the momentum- it’s here the vortex and expansion becomes easier. It is here - you’re being reminded to take back your power and do what you can with what you have - because reality is, you CAN do something right now and what you CAN do and focus on, is creating the reality you desire. No matter how insignificant it seems - over time, all those little threads of focus add up to a big thick rope of focus and that rope (a bit like the EAC out of Finding Nemo - the current of water) - the channel, vortex, river… right now, you’re being called to take back your power and focus your attention on where you want to go now. Love xxx Your intuition is a precision tool for navigating life and business with absolute clarity and confidence. It gives you the edge to sense subtle nuances, detect early warning signs, and make aligned decisions that keep you on your highest life purpose path. With attaining this mastery, you’ll elevate not only your leadership but also your personal lifestyle, creating success that feels deeply fulfilling and purpose-driven. If you’re ready to master the highest level of intuitive training and live your full potential with this precision of clarity, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #2: Manifest.
You’ve got something on your mind and you’re being given signs and ideas on something that feels like a stretch for you - even you think out of your reach - but you know there is a way you can do it. It’s a bit like feel the fear and do it anyway and I am hearing ‘confidence’. This is about you stepping into the confidence of what you know is true and right for you to manifest your desires. It feels like you’re sooo good at doing this thing and in the past you were shut down from it. And yet, this is who you are. You’re being asked to step back into the confidence of who you used to be - for it is going to bring about the manifestation of what you’ve been asking for. Like - time to come out of hiding, your desires will manifest as soon as you remember (and step into) the truth of who you are. It also feels like something recently ‘let go’ and now you’re free to do what you want. Your confidence was shattered and you’ve been healing this. And this ‘thing that let go’ - has shown you a deeper layer of what has been holding you back on a subconscious level of what you didn’t even realise was sitting there under the surface like an anchor to the shattered confidence. You feel like a different person with this released now. You feel like your light is back and you didn’t realise - how much was taken from you in the shattering of your confidence of the truth of who you are. Now? Now you can manifest the fuck out of your life on a level you’ve only ever imagined…. Until now. This is called reality make manifest. Hallelujah! Love xxx Your intuition is a precision tool for navigating life and business with absolute clarity and confidence. It gives you the edge to sense subtle nuances, detect early warning signs, and make aligned decisions that keep you on your highest life purpose path. With attaining this mastery, you’ll elevate not only your leadership but also your personal lifestyle, creating success that feels deeply fulfilling and purpose-driven. If you’re ready to master the highest level of intuitive training and live your full potential with this precision of clarity, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #3: Learn Something New.
To grow and evolve - you learn skills. You took lessons to learn to drive a car. You educated yourself doing you favourite things because you love them - by training. What is it, that you’re admiring right now? You’re being asked to take note - there is a training available to hone your skills right now in this. You’re being reminded to become great - by training yourself. You want to be better? To earn more income? To crack your next level? To expand your network? What is it, that you’re watching and loving on a daily basis? You have been drawn to it - because you can do it too. Feel the fear and do it anyway. You’re being shown an avenue that you can create your reality same - so, train yourself. Everybody started somewhere and the successful ones you see is because they didn’t give up that’s all. They’ve been in it for the long haul and continue to hone their skills. They constantly learn and improve what they are good at and learn skills to expand their reach in what they are good at. This is your sign - if they can, you can too. I am also getting the message here - there is something here that is very specific for you. This specific skill is something that you know you have but have been called to improve this. Everything else you want to do seems insignificant to this one particular skill that keeps coming back to you. Hire the mentor that has this specific skill - as it is here, you’re next level of income and freedom awaits you. Love xxx Your intuition is a precision tool for navigating life and business with absolute clarity and confidence. It gives you the edge to sense subtle nuances, detect early warning signs, and make aligned decisions that keep you on your highest life purpose path. With attaining this mastery, you’ll elevate not only your leadership but also your personal lifestyle, creating success that feels deeply fulfilling and purpose-driven. If you’re ready to master the highest level of intuitive training and live your full potential with this precision of clarity, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #4: Release/Relax.
This card has come to you - there is something here that you need to let go of - sure, this could be physically - but it feels like a mental control that you’re needing to let go of. (Could be heart chakra blockage too that is infiltrating mind perception.) What is it that you’re doing that is wasting time - when you could be focusing that energy into another endeavour that will actually give your energy into a channel that actually manifests what you’re being distracted by? Does that make sense? For example, if you’re looking to do something and researching it, but not actually putting your energy into the action taking, it will never come to pass. You’re being asked to stop wasting time and put your focus into the action and come back to the researching when you’re actually stable in the reality you’ve been trying to create in the first place. This back and forth too and fro is not serving you and is ‘dismantling’ the path that you’re trying to create steady ground on. By channeling your focus and setting a boundary with yourself (eg: for the rest of the year I am not going to do x-y-z - instead going to channel my energy, focus and creative pursuit into x-y-z instead) you’ll come out at the end of the year actually manifested into reality what you were only ever researching in the past. This feels very solid and grounded that will, create the heaven on earth you’re looking for. Release the control and relax into the creative pursuit of your Soul that magnetises everything to you because of your relaxed energy and dedicated focus to the dreams of your Soul. Love xxx Your intuition is a precision tool for navigating life and business with absolute clarity and confidence. It gives you the edge to sense subtle nuances, detect early warning signs, and make aligned decisions that keep you on your highest life purpose path. With attaining this mastery, you’ll elevate not only your leadership but also your personal lifestyle, creating success that feels deeply fulfilling and purpose-driven. If you’re ready to master the highest level of intuitive training and live your full potential with this precision of clarity, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #5: Health.
You’re being called upon to dedicate your focus to your Health at this time. It could be parasite cleanse, it could be a different weight routine, it could be a new exercise regime, it could be a new exercise class that has caught your attention - or all of the above! This is your next level healthy body to match the energetic frequencies that our reality is transcending to. This year particularly there are astrological shifts that are accelerating our DNA changes therefore our cellular memory is being upgraded and activated to levels we’ve never seen before - The Great Awakening is here. 🧬 It’s the shift, you’ve been waiting for - your body and health levels are being called to attention as a way to ground these high frequencies that are coming in as direct guidance from your Soul. What is the next level of your health calling forth for you? This has already been on your mind and in your awareness, this isn’t something new that I am telling you - so heed this guidance. This could also be your ‘spiritual health’ and what you’re being called to take care of on a spiritual and emotional level. I am getting something specific here around your nervous system. Your nervous system has a direct correlation to your chakras, aura and your soul. It is the communication network between your Soul and your Human self. And that ‘phone line’ is your nervous system. This connection between your nervous system, soul and your body is being called into attention here now as well. This can be severed, tattered and torn from wear and tear of being a human in our current 3D reality over our life with the trauma, tumultuous rides and ups and downs that this life takes us on through relationships, career paths and just life in general. You can use my Next Wave Ascension and Healing Meditation to help repair this, comment WAVE below and I will send it to you. I am also getting the message specifically to be mindful of chemicals in your environment that you are ingesting through your food or water source - even the chemicals you’re using in your home or around you in the environment. If you haven’t been feeling 100% lately - it is here alongside body detox/new health regime - you’re being called to upgrade everything, this includes what you’re sleeping and walking on. Tune into your body - your body speaks, when you listen, you’ll be shown what it is that you need to change, adjust and up level to the new environment around you to match, the frequencies that are being called into your awareness as they are already here, awaiting you to receive them. Your Soul is speaking. Love xxx Your intuition is a precision tool for navigating life and business with absolute clarity and confidence. It gives you the edge to sense subtle nuances, detect early warning signs, and make aligned decisions that keep you on your highest life purpose path. With attaining this mastery, you’ll elevate not only your leadership but also your personal lifestyle, creating success that feels deeply fulfilling and purpose-driven. If you’re ready to master the highest level of intuitive training and live your full potential with this precision of clarity, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #6: Divine Timing.
This is a place where you can do all the things you need to do and still, there is a Divine Timing piece that is playing an extra role for you right now. This is very frequent with people who are in alignment with their Soul, taking action from their Soul and on path with their Soul’s Purpose. I am getting the message for you to trust not only in the timing - but in the divine unfolding of your unique life purpose right now. Right now - there is nothing holding you back and the only thing that will dip you down to oblivion - is your own thoughts. So at this time, it’s most important to steer your thoughts in the direction you want to go. You are literally at the helm of your ship right now. I have been saying for the last few years - that ‘the awakening of consciousness, accelerates manifestation of thoughts’ - so be super conscious of what you are thinking as the astrological events of this year - also support this on an even greater impact. This may be a time for you to come back to a regular journalling practise, or to attune your mindset to those of whom are living the life you want to live, of who you admire with what they are practising in their life. It feels like you’re listening to your intuition at this time and are right on path - the next level of this - is the acceleration of your manifestations by pulling all that you do down to Earth into a vortex of you - becoming known for a purpose - you’re already amazing at what you do - now is the time for your brilliance to be seen. It’s time to remove the cloak and come out of the closet. You may need to work on Feminine/Mother Healing - to allow yourself to be nurtured and receive back all that you have given and do on a daily basis. You’re being shown signs to learn new ways to be in your Divine Feminine and receive on even greater levels through this Divine Timing of what has ‘aligned on your path’ for you. It feels like this cloak - has generational ties and this is what you are releasing - the family system that has been like the spider web clouding your vision. The heart release from the scar layers from this will feel like anchor weights dropping off your body and you may experience waves of grief as it does. A huge part of this Divine Timing message and a way to ‘connect back to the trust of this flow’ - the message is - Believe In Yourself. This comes back to the mindset work as well - do you believe you can do it? Do you believe that it is already done? Sometimes we have full faith in something and do all the work for it to happen. Then, when the ‘crumbling’ and change in reality is occurring - we are scrambling trying to hold on - but this is the change that is bringing your new reality into existence. You’re being called to stay grounded and allow this change - as the Divine Timing has arrived, where all - your dreams come true. Love xxx Your intuition is a precision tool for navigating life and business with absolute clarity and confidence. It gives you the edge to sense subtle nuances, detect early warning signs, and make aligned decisions that keep you on your highest life purpose path. With attaining this mastery, you’ll elevate not only your leadership but also your personal lifestyle, creating success that feels deeply fulfilling and purpose-driven. If you’re ready to master the highest level of intuitive training and live your full potential with this precision of clarity, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition