🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 5th December 2023
Dec 05, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 5th December 2023
Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Oracle of the Mermaids 🧜🏻♀️🔮
You’re One Of A Kind, You have gifts, skills and abilities, talents and wisdom that you’ve honed and become very established in what you do. But you can feel that something in the undertone is missing and/or bubbling… you have it all - everything a success person is deemed to have, but the undertone bubbling of your Soul is calling you forth to bust through this dimension - there is something more and it is different and new and you know, that you need to follow this call of the Soul to enhance what you already have with a sparkle, shimmer and shine that you can feel wanting to come out and shine like the diamond - your Soul wants to speak.
Life Purpose Accelerator, my 12 month Private Mentorship is open. If you’re established but feel change in your bones and ready to hone your gifts to enhance what you already do and take it to the next level, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, click here to apply as applications are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Atlantis. “Rapid Development, Excellence, Success.”
The world is your oyster and you’re claiming it! Nothing is holding you back right now, you’ve overcome your demons and making huge progress - don’t let them pull you down now! Watch your mind at this time - overcome the way you’re thinking about yourself - take a break and go and move your body. You have the perfect opportunity right now to make changes, don’t let it stop you now. Let the sun into your eyes and know that you’ve got the power to make this happen and that anyone who comes along to dull your sparkle is just a drop of water you need to shake off. You’ve become that rock solid in who you are, don’t let the demons of your past shake you - but utilise the energy to rapidly move you forward. What choice do you need to make - what commitment do you need to make to yourself that you KNOW in your heart of hearts is going to pull you back into who you are? That makes you exponentially magnetise your next level? It’s been on your mind, you’ve dabbled here and there but I am getting there are two things you need to commit to within yourself on a daily basis to get this momentum happening? What is that for you? The depths of the dark indigo blue are standing out to me on this card and that is deeply connected to the Third Eye Chakra Consciousness. Past, Present and Future lives inter-dimensional realms all playing into effect here. It feels like some unlocking and connecting to the lives you want to live - are being lived somewhere right now - as are the lives you don’t want to live. Have you had dejavu recently, like in the lats 24-48 hours? It may feel like life is shifting faster than you can handle and yet… you’ve admitted something to yourself this last few days, that you have been holding for a long time. This is a weight off your shoulders, off your chest - admitting the truth to yourself first, then to God, then to others (whether or not you actually share this with others is irrelevant that the first two steps are taken) and this… has already opened the portals of reality to shifting life how you actually want it to go. I feel like you’ve been comparing yourself to others lately and.. you need to stop that. The only reason we do that is when we are on the verge of a breakthrough - and you are being tested - are you REALLY going to make it through?! Yes… you are. You’re not one to give up - this is why you are still here. Why God keeps waking you up every morning and you come back from the other realms, wherever you have been. You have a huge success on your horizon and it is important to continue forward at this time. Your memories are ancient - from Atlantis and you are needed with your gifts…. return to the core of who you are.. it’s calling you forth to your next level. Will you leap? Love xxx You’re One Of A Kind, You have gifts, skills and abilities, talents and wisdom that you’ve honed and become very established in what you do. But you can feel that something in the undertone is missing and/or bubbling… you have it all - everything a success person is deemed to have, but the undertone bubbling of your Soul is calling you forth to bust through this dimension - there is something more and it is different and new and you know, that you need to follow this call of the Soul to enhance what you already have with a sparkle, shimmer and shine that you can feel wanting to come out and shine like the diamond - your Soul wants to speak. Life Purpose Accelerator, my 12 month Private Mentorship is open. If you’re established but feel change in your bones and ready to hone your gifts to enhance what you already do and take it to the next level, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, click here to apply as applications are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: Sacrifice. “There are those worth making, there are those that will destroy you.”
Ouch. What are you in deep regret about right now? What choices have you made that changed the direction of your life in a split moment in time and as more days go on - you’re really starting to become clear about wtf just happened and what did I do?! Did you say something you regret? Do you wish you could’ve just been honest and not hidden how you really felt? Was this a HUGE life lesson in Throat Chakra Consciousness for you? If you had spoken up for how you really felt (not after the fact!) - then things would’ve turned out very differently? And… everything happens for a reason. Choices are made, timelines change and truly - if you were REALLY meant to have said something different, you would’ve. We can always look back and think something is different and wish we would’ve made a different choice and whilst you have learnt from this, doesn’t help the sting of it - but also doesn’t change anything AND - if you were TRULY meant to have done something different - you would’ve. You ‘making this mistake now’ (which it isn’t) - is actually saving you from something more detrimental in the future and ‘learning this lesson’ now is actually - you WERE listening to your intuition and next time - you’ll listen to it more… or perhaps there won’t even be next time, because this - what has happened - has actually taught you more than what ‘the decision you wish you had made’ would’ve.. there are no mistakes right?! Only hindsight…I am also getting the message that you cannot sacrifice your happiness anymore. Have you been happy? Like REEALLy Soulful authentically happy - yes, happiness is a choice and we must choose the positive etc, but… I feel that you’ve reached a point where you’re actually hmmm, how can I describe it, you’re not able to hold the fact down anymore, that you’re just putting on a brave face ‘choosing happiness’ and ‘making the best out of a bad situation’ - is actually not cutting it for you anymore. You can’t live in denial anymore - your Soul has been applauding you ‘for doing the work/shifting your mindset, doing the inner work’ etc - but… you’ve reached a point where physical external reality MUST shift and there has been a huge LET GO. Like - your body has given way - your body feels different, the cells in your body have changed, you’re not… holding it anymore - you physically can’t - you’ve reached your limit and you are not willing to continue in this ‘denial’ anymore. Now.. I am saying denial, but it is not ‘denial’ as such - but it is - hmm, tricky to describe, but it is more that you are letting go of what you thought you needed to hold and… ultimately? You did need to hold a certain vibration, ‘act as if’ if you may.. but there comes a point where you must let go and recently? You have. You’ve chosen to walk away from certain situations or certain situations have walked away from you and you’re just… not anymore. Reality has hit and you can’t ‘act as if’ anymore, because nothing has really changed, you’re worse off if anything and right now - you’re not willing to sacrifice your happiness anymore, you’re not willing to put yourself last, you’re not willing to make everyone and everything more important. At this point, you’ve reached a dangerous level of self worth - meaning - no one can fuck with you anymore. You truly don’t give a flying fuck what anyone thinks and you’re done - done with living a certain way, done with people walking all over you, using you and making you out to be the bad one. DONE MOFO DONE. Surrender. Let go. Over it. Outta here. NO more fucking sacrifices to the detriment of your own happiness - you’re just not anymore. You’re doing you from now on and that is that. The only sacrifice you are willing to make is that which supports your own happiness. It is time to be selfish for a good fucking while. Without guilt. And own it. It’s you time now… and forever more. Love xxx You’re One Of A Kind, You have gifts, skills and abilities, talents and wisdom that you’ve honed and become very established in what you do. But you can feel that something in the undertone is missing and/or bubbling… you have it all - everything a success person is deemed to have, but the undertone bubbling of your Soul is calling you forth to bust through this dimension - there is something more and it is different and new and you know, that you need to follow this call of the Soul to enhance what you already have with a sparkle, shimmer and shine that you can feel wanting to come out and shine like the diamond - your Soul wants to speak. Life Purpose Accelerator, my 12 month Private Mentorship is open. If you’re established but feel change in your bones and ready to hone your gifts to enhance what you already do and take it to the next level, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, click here to apply as applications are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #3: The Mirror. “Know thyself, self-examination, seeing who you really are.”
Mirror. Phew! What a mirror it is/has been! #huge. Ummmm seeing yourself reflected in someone else is no easy feat! And when we are not ‘getting the message from the Universe ourselves’ - the Universe (or is it our Soul?!) will bring someone along - either through work, career, family, friends, mentor or some other learning - that will rock your socks off and hold up a great mirror that you love and hate all at the same time. It will make you dig deep inside of yourself and amongst your grief - probably the hardest pill to swallow is that you actually knew all these things and this is what is sticking the greatest pain in your heart about it all #ouch. Now - on the flip side - there are beautiful amazing mirrors and I feel that you need to see your greatness in yourself too. I am also getting the message about ‘your life is like a video game’ - which level will you choose? What ‘program’ do you need to upload to your brain to give you the upgrades you need to move to your next level?! Just like the matrix - yes, Neo just get’s new programs and software uploaded - you too - can do this. Not that it will be easy - but it could be - because it is all how you approach it. You have to want to and if you don’t well… another mirror just might get shoved in your face and… aren’t you done with the mirrors yet?! I am also hearing.. don’t wait for clarity. Like, it feels like you’ve been waiting for ‘the reason why’ or ‘the right timing’ or ‘something else insert whatever your excuse has been’ to not start the thing you know that your SOUL is screaming forth for you to do - and yet, it is here you need to make manifest and do the thing! Like, what I mean is don’t wait for the clarity of why or how - you can literally start today with what you have (because you do have what you need to start 100%) even your Angels are nudging me at this moment saying - you literally have the tools in your home/hands right now to START. You know what you have to start but your WHY you are doing it will come later. You won’t want to or feel like it - or feel like you have reason to and yet, what is coming through for you is that once you get started, then you will understand ‘why’ but for now - all you need to do is start, because you know how to just start…. don’t wait for the motivation, it will never come, don’t wait for the sign - you’ve been getting this for ages **insert rolls eyes emoji** and it feels like - don’t wait until it’s too late and right now - IS the right time - because you’ve also ‘been waiting until now to do it’ - soooooo. Don’t wait for the next mirror to show up in your face.. be the mirror you wish to see, that you LOVE looking at.. and all the rest will make manifest if you would just…. mirror your own Soul so no one else has to come and wake you up to your own Soul. Listen to the mirror within. Love xxx You’re One Of A Kind, You have gifts, skills and abilities, talents and wisdom that you’ve honed and become very established in what you do. But you can feel that something in the undertone is missing and/or bubbling… you have it all - everything a success person is deemed to have, but the undertone bubbling of your Soul is calling you forth to bust through this dimension - there is something more and it is different and new and you know, that you need to follow this call of the Soul to enhance what you already have with a sparkle, shimmer and shine that you can feel wanting to come out and shine like the diamond - your Soul wants to speak. Life Purpose Accelerator, my 12 month Private Mentorship is open. If you’re established but feel change in your bones and ready to hone your gifts to enhance what you already do and take it to the next level, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, click here to apply as applications are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: Soul Cage. “Rescue, escape from captivity and restriction.”
Eeek, do you feel like you’re in a prison?! Maybe you actually HAVE been in prison in the past and it is time to encapsulate your body, heart, mind and Soul and release it from the prison of your past - whether literally or metaphorically. If you were in prison - something is surfacing from that time that is calling for this layer to be released - it was buried (or from just before you went to prison!?) and it is ‘pushing to the surface’ and calling for you to look at this to release from your energetic body. Something… has been suffocating you lately and it is like you have just been sinking deeper into the patterns that… are actually holding you in this entrapment that you feel! It is like you have gone unconscious to something that - you had to bury this thing, because it was so fucking big and you had no one there and you had to go through this, walk through this on your own and the only way to pull through this was to also bury it and get on with things and now… this is surfacing. And it is very VERY confronting to look at. This recent past Scorpio energy pulling things up from the deep subconscious and now it’s like wtf is happening!? It can feel like you’re losing your mind - but this is just the trauma surfacing and it all coming to a head and wanting to RELEASE from your body, mind and Soul - you don’t need to carry it deep down anymore. Let it all out - book a practitioner - and get help - you don’t need to do this on your own anymore - you’ve done it on your own for so long! I am also getting that there is a whole new direction opening up for you - this trauma releasing from your system, is opening a new portal, a new doorway and you’re being shown a new path right now. Something that you also buried a long time ago, because you always thought you were meant to do something in your life, live a certain way, have a certain career - this has been in the forefront of your mind, more so than not lately and it is almost all you can think about and the strong sense here is - what do you need to do to prepare for this to be a thing for you now - like, if you had to pick up and leave tomorrow to go do the thing - are you ready? What do you need to put in place to do this? What do you need to change in your day to day life that would enable you to say yes to this opportunity, to align your body, mind and soul to take this and jump at it when it opens to you? Because alongside divine timing - this is and always has been your destiny - you’ve already been getting the nudges to prepare for….. even if you don’t know what it is, you have felt it, so trust these feelings and do the things necessary to come into full alignment, because it is only a matter of time now and you’ll want to be ready for this! You’ve been waiting for this, it feels like your whole life, because it truly is.. what you were born for. Love xxx You’re One Of A Kind, You have gifts, skills and abilities, talents and wisdom that you’ve honed and become very established in what you do. But you can feel that something in the undertone is missing and/or bubbling… you have it all - everything a success person is deemed to have, but the undertone bubbling of your Soul is calling you forth to bust through this dimension - there is something more and it is different and new and you know, that you need to follow this call of the Soul to enhance what you already have with a sparkle, shimmer and shine that you can feel wanting to come out and shine like the diamond - your Soul wants to speak. Life Purpose Accelerator, my 12 month Private Mentorship is open. If you’re established but feel change in your bones and ready to hone your gifts to enhance what you already do and take it to the next level, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, click here to apply as applications are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #5: Vulnerability. “Open your heart, allow yourself to be tender.”
Open your heart - hmmm, did you and it got hurt? And… are you going to let that stop you from staying open? From letting yourself heal and create a new story and new life? You might feel like there is not point and yet you are only just getting started and what is the choice otherwise, to stay where you are? Yeah no. I am also wondering about your physical heart health too - have you been getting signs you need to detox (or are detoxing) or need to get serious about getting your health in order and to really stay strict with new dietary and cleansing routines and perhaps learn about new ways to support your body? It feels like this card has come as a sign that it is time to release old patterning - and that it is linked into your dietary and habitual eating routines and the types of foods and all linked pieces of it - are connected to the cellular make up in your body. Like for instance, when you crave emotional affection and you don’t get it or didn’t get it as a child and so go for the foods that were comfort or ‘remind you of when you were a kid’ because the food was usually the only way you felt connected to one or more parents, so there is a big emphasis on food, because it was the only form of connection. These patterns - are what are being called to be broken at this time. This is shattering your heart into a million pieces and the only reason you can’t let go of what you’re holding onto is because of this connection piece. This card is calling you to be vulnerable in opening your heart - as the connection you felt has been compromised and blocked out due to thinking that the only way to connect is through food (or your thing of choice). What if life could be full of amazing life experiences with yourself or your person and that is where the basis of connection is - or the present time you spend together? Regardless, there is a huge recalibration happening for you around food (or your thing of choice). You are letting go of it. You are letting go of the old patterns that are connected to it that are embedded deeply in your cells and that is why it can feel like your whole world is falling apart - because when you truly change the way you do a pattern - your cellular structure changes and this… vibrationally and then quite rapidly - your entire reality shifts. Let yourself be held by friends, family and loved ones at this time (people you can trust with this level of vulnerability) and trust yourself especially to know you are going through this because your Soul is getting ready for the next evolution of yourself - to receive the next level of your life… but it can’t do that with the cellular make up that you’re currently holding - so whatever shake up happened - is because the shake up was needed for you to now make these changes - so, what is that? Love xxx You’re One Of A Kind, You have gifts, skills and abilities, talents and wisdom that you’ve honed and become very established in what you do. But you can feel that something in the undertone is missing and/or bubbling… you have it all - everything a success person is deemed to have, but the undertone bubbling of your Soul is calling you forth to bust through this dimension - there is something more and it is different and new and you know, that you need to follow this call of the Soul to enhance what you already have with a sparkle, shimmer and shine that you can feel wanting to come out and shine like the diamond - your Soul wants to speak. Life Purpose Accelerator, my 12 month Private Mentorship is open. If you’re established but feel change in your bones and ready to hone your gifts to enhance what you already do and take it to the next level, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, click here to apply as applications are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: Reflections. “What you contemplate can actualise.”
You’re being called upon to utilise your skills of manifestation through your visualisation - like really strictly. I want to say it is almost like you have a supercharged power around you at this time that is amplifying energy and it is going to multiply your manifestations tenfold if you consciously use this energy. Notice what you are day dreaming about - and as I mentioned in one of the other cards today - have you been experiencing dejavu at this time? Because you’re right on path for the full manifestation of your dreams, but it will all occur much faster if you would increase your faith - which you’re probably running very thin of - and dedicate time to putting energy into your dreams - what does that mean? Sure it can mean visualisation time, but also - actioning - what action do you need to take? Something has been coming to mind - that you keep forgetting about or putting on the back burner - because these distractions are like self sabotage! Stop them! Just step into alignment and watch it all unfold rapidly. I am also getting the sense for you - who are the reflections around you in your reality - spend more conscious present time there. And.. what is the reflection you’re seeing in your reality - of yourself? Are you happy with yourself? Have you found yourself in a rut lately and then weren’t sure how that was going to change then these reflections around you have somewhat irritated you and now you’re questioning everything - but you know… this is all part of the change process? I feel for you at this time it is important to remember the bigger picture of why you first began something and come back to what called you first about it - that deeper, bigger undertone is why you were called to that place first - that this is a big part of who you are at your core - is the reflection you see - what you like/love? If no, then it is time for some serious soul searching and change. And… other message here is - put yourself first. It’s time to get happy with the reflection of yourself - meaning, every aspect of your life, because whilst there are some things, there are also not somethings and you’re being called to work on these as a priority because in that, you will be able to make everything else happen ‘with a breeze’ and it won’t seem as hard and last message here for you - is where have people told you, you ‘can’t’ or you ‘shouldn’t’ do that? And I ask you - when is the last time you listened to someone who said - you shouldn’t do that?! Yeah… didn’t think so. Go actualise that baby to reality baby! Love xxx You’re One Of A Kind, You have gifts, skills and abilities, talents and wisdom that you’ve honed and become very established in what you do. But you can feel that something in the undertone is missing and/or bubbling… you have it all - everything a success person is deemed to have, but the undertone bubbling of your Soul is calling you forth to bust through this dimension - there is something more and it is different and new and you know, that you need to follow this call of the Soul to enhance what you already have with a sparkle, shimmer and shine that you can feel wanting to come out and shine like the diamond - your Soul wants to speak. Life Purpose Accelerator, my 12 month Private Mentorship is open. If you’re established but feel change in your bones and ready to hone your gifts to enhance what you already do and take it to the next level, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, click here to apply as applications are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator