🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 5th January 2021

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jan 05, 2021

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 5th January 2021

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what message is awaiting you there from the Ascended Masters ðŸ”®

There is a deep calling, a deep longing to serve Humanity

To be in divine readiness for the fulfilment of not only your mission, not only your Life Purpose, not only your Destiny, not only your contribution to Humanity -

But your intricate piece of the symbiotic nature that calls you like the waves in the Ocean

The divine piece that you are fulfilling, the greater picture of the whole of Humanities return to the Homeostasis.

You feel it in your Soul, you feel it your bones and you hold this divine forestry Wisdom that only the Goddess does…

Your Destiny lays ahead - are you ready to wield the sword that takes you Home?

Life Purpose Accelerator closes next week, click here before the Doorway of Destiny closes: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Kuthumi - Stay Focused.

Now, more than ever you are being asked to FOCUS. However - you have already been getting this message right? I am feeling for you that your saying ‘no’ is going to get a work out, especially this month and the message in particular I am hearing is to not waste time or energy on feeling guilty or on worrying about those that have a reaction to your boundary of no. I feel like you’re very clear on what you need to do - you’ve already been working on it and to keep your long term vision at the forefront of your awareness. I also feel like you’ve been doing this fairly well and the more the world stuff amps up, the more you will need to tune out and continue to do your thing. Do not doubt for one moment how important what you are doing is - or that you shouldn’t be focusing on this thing because it isn’t having an effect right now. To some extent it is of course, however, I feel your focused on your 5-10 year goal plan so to speak and it is this - when this comes, you’ll be glad that you continued to focus on what you are and say no to things that are not viable for your 5-10 year goal. This isn’t a selfish thing. You already know this too. What you are working on? Those people that are having a reaction to your boundaries will see - in that 5-10 years time and be glad you focused on it! (in a way/if they are even still in your field then!) There is a goal you have steadily working on and the divine timing has come for you to rapidly pour your energy solidly into this space right now - which, you already have been, however, I feel it is time to expand this and I also sense you know what this means, the ‘how’ so to speak - you know the next level, the next phase of this. You know your vision, you know your purpose, it is time for you to rise beautiful Soul and Kuthumi is here, helping you stay focused, releasing guilt in saying no, and bringing your Destiny into full throttle alignment with your higher purpose, your divine mission. It’s time. Go now - focus. Love xxx There is a deep calling, a deep longing to serve Humanity, to be in divine readiness for the fulfilment of not only your mission, your Life Purpose, your Destiny, not only your contribution to Humanity - but your intricate piece of the symbiotic nature that calls you like the waves in the ocean, the divine piece that you are fulfilling the greater picture of the whole of Humanities return to the Homeostasis. You feel it in your Soul, you feel it your bones and you hold this divine forestry Wisdom that only the Goddess does… your Destiny lays ahead - are you ready to wield the sword that takes you Home? Life Purpose Accelerator closes next week, click here before the Doorway of Destiny closes: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #2: Oshun - Drink More Water.

Yes, water… but first… the Cheetah - the Big Cat Family, the Lions, the Tigers, The Cougars, the Jaguars, The Cheetahs, The Bobcats - all of the Big Cat Family - and even the Domestic Cats - there is a deep connection here to the Ancient Lineage of your past. I feel you already know this - has there been a calling to discover your Ancient Gifts more so than not recently? Your intuition? Building your intuition, opening your Third Eye, understanding your gift, if not taking it deeper than that? What is your Ancient Lineage History? Not your physical bloodline family - but your Soul Ancient History - have you ever delved into this? If not, you are being asked to dive here, to discover who you really are. If you have done this, you are being asked to look again - there is a message here for you, that will put all the pieces of the puzzle together. It feels as though there is Ancient Starline lineage for you to look at here, the Lyran Lineage yes, with the Big Cat connection - but there is more and that is awaiting you to find out, receive and accelerate your gifts, your divine service into this world. It is calling you. Have you noticed the stars more recently? Have you been drawn to looking at the night sky or seeing images of them? Or have been drawn to Ancient Lands more so recently? Have you noticed, say the Orions Belt Lineage or the Aurora, The Northern Lights? Have you been drawn to Snow, or in Snow, or the Ancient Forests of Avalon? Your gifts are calling you to dive deep - to seek and activate your Spiritual, Intuitive Prophetic Gifts, Oshun - is guiding you - through the water. Water holds memory. Do you bless, pray over and tell your water you love it before drinking it? There are Ancient Memories that want to show you your gifts, from your past, they are needed now more than ever before and are calling you…. But you already have felt this pull right? You have felt drawn to activating your intuitive gifts, learning more about your intuition and you know… that you’re supposed to do this in one way or another right? Trust - because this card is only confirming what you already know. It is time for you to reclaim these Ancient Gifts of yours, that are stirring without you even doing anything.. the conscious reclaiming and conscious relationship building - is up to you, you have received your sign, it is time. Of course, this card also means are you drinking more water? Enough water? Is it pure spring and/or filtered water? If you have been unwell and so has your family - check your drinking, cooking and bathing water and make changes immediately. The other message here is if the Ocean has been calling you - make time to visit Her, She has messages for you. If you can’t get there, listen to Her sound on audio - there are ‘waves’ that want to awaken your Ancient Soul. Love xxx There is a deep calling, a deep longing to serve Humanity, to be in divine readiness for the fulfilment of not only your mission, your Life Purpose, your Destiny, not only your contribution to Humanity - but your intricate piece of the symbiotic nature that calls you like the waves in the ocean, the divine piece that you are fulfilling the greater picture of the whole of Humanities return to the Homeostasis. You feel it in your Soul, you feel it your bones and you hold this divine forestry Wisdom that only the Goddess does… your Destiny lays ahead - are you ready to wield the sword that takes you Home? Life Purpose Accelerator closes next week, click here before the Doorway of Destiny closes: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #3: St Francis - Follow Your Heart.

I feel you have been placing restrictions on your Heart recently and hmmm, have you made recent changes for yourself? Or about to? And I am wondering if you are going back to old patterns, getting ‘blocked’ or ‘hurt’ and then thinking you aren’t supposed to do it anymore? This Following Your Heart thing? And yet, the strong message for this card for you is more about - this isn’t about not following your Heart! This is about - where you have been focusing your time and energy is not required there - you are being urged and required to step up and out on your own, in a big, big way. You are not, not supposed to Follow Your Heart - but where you have been focusing your Heart, so to speak - is not the required direction. Sometimes we think we are meant to do something and then we get hurt and shut ourselves down. Yet, if you can look at it as though a turn in the road - no, not that way on the dirt track! Follow the solid road, the way that keeps on going, not the rough dead end so to speak. I am sensing that you may have had some knock backs recently - but this is only showing you, not that way! Your gift is needed and what I am sensing here is you have been keeping yourself small, you’ve been in a watered down version of yourself, you have been dimming your light, you have been trying to fit in - honey - you were not born to fit in - so STOP TRYING TO! Your unique gift in the world is needed and is ready to be seen by so many in the world who love and adore you - are you turning away from love? You may think, well yes, Hannah, I just got rejected, you know, this shutting my Heart down thing because it led me to get hurt.’ No honey, you are the only one that shut down your own Heart - you have turned away from your Destiny, you are scared of your REAL Destiny - the one, that brings you deep, stable love, stability, affection, adoration and to be seen, for who you really are. It is deeply time to step out of the shadows, to remove your cloak, to remove your gown and show the world the Crown that you so proudly hold that IS who you are. It is time to let your Heart REALLY lead the way, don’t be scared of it - it is your one true ally - turn towards it now. Or perhaps - you have been and this is deep confirmation of the stepping out and dropping that cloak for good that you have just done! Celebrating you!! IT’S TIME!! Love xxx There is a deep calling, a deep longing to serve Humanity, to be in divine readiness for the fulfilment of not only your mission, your Life Purpose, your Destiny, not only your contribution to Humanity - but your intricate piece of the symbiotic nature that calls you like the waves in the ocean, the divine piece that you are fulfilling the greater picture of the whole of Humanities return to the Homeostasis. You feel it in your Soul, you feel it your bones and you hold this divine forestry Wisdom that only the Goddess does… your Destiny lays ahead - are you ready to wield the sword that takes you Home? Life Purpose Accelerator closes next week, click here before the Doorway of Destiny closes: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator 


Card #4: Quan Yin. Let It Go.

Okay, two things here, its’ time to Let It Go! And… the other one is that you have already made an internal decision to let it go, but the physical hasn’t happened yet? What is it, with your boundaries that you’re still clinging onto? Or you may have physically separated, but you may as well still be in relationship? Energetically? What is it, that comes to mind, that is still lingering on there that you have entangled yourself in again recently? A big conscious ceremonial clearing I feel is in call to honour what was, to truly release and set yourself free for 2021 and beyond, but also I feel the physical boundaries need to happen. How often are you calling, speaking, on the phone, texting them? You might be on the other side of the world because you escaped their physical energy - and yet, you’re speaking to them everyday again? You may as well still be there!  #saidwithlove These all have an energetic pull inside the relationship and affect your energy. I am also wondering if there is someone on the other side that has been on your mind recently? I feel they are here for a final ‘help’ of the healing and this stage of your life and wonder if there is some more grief that wants to come out about this too? Grief is normal to come in waves (perhaps it is a relationship that you are grieving that the person is still alive on this plane) and it is normal to go months without grieving/crying and then out of no where or something else will trigger the grief and then you will even reach out to that person you actually need to grieve in your life because you - haven’t let them go yet. You are still holding onto what is, what has been and all that could’ve been. Most often, we don’t let ourselves grieve enough, we don’t let ourselves grieve at all, because society is trained not to, but then we wonder why we stay stuck in patterns and can’t let go and get in other situations that only cause us more heartbreak, but what is truly going on, is that you’re still… in your old relationship! It’s not that you haven’t let go… it is that you haven’t grieved enough honey! So! Stop everything that you are doing, stop trying to fix it with remedies or different healers or practitioners- UNLESS they are specifically tapping into the well of grief and holding space for you to HEAL THIS. Because THIS is your answer, your solution - to truly letting it go, freeing yourself and finally feeling the freedom in what you are trying all the remedies to heal in the first place. Cry, beautiful Soul, Cry. That is all. With tender loving care, that, is all. Love xxx There is a deep calling, a deep longing to serve Humanity, to be in divine readiness for the fulfilment of not only your mission, your Life Purpose, your Destiny, not only your contribution to Humanity - but your intricate piece of the symbiotic nature that calls you like the waves in the ocean, the divine piece that you are fulfilling the greater picture of the whole of Humanities return to the Homeostasis. You feel it in your Soul, you feel it your bones and you hold this divine forestry Wisdom that only the Goddess does… your Destiny lays ahead - are you ready to wield the sword that takes you Home? Life Purpose Accelerator closes next week, click here before the Doorway of Destiny closes: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #5: Horus. You Are Seeing This Situation Accurately. 

Are you questioning yourself? Doubting yourself even? This card could be called - Trust Your Intuition! If something is ‘off’ it usually is. If you are questioning it, you already know the answer. The question is - are you trusting yourself, or are you in a state of confusion because you are taking on board what that person has said when honey, actually, it isn’t in alignment with you and your heart? I am also sensing here too - that you are not wanting to believe the thing (hence your confusion), meaning you are not wanting to face the reality that it just isn’t in alignment anymore and that is a hard pill to swallow and not really wanting to deal with that right now? Do you feel like you’ve outgrown something? That you’ve been waiting for it to shift and change and it just… hasn’t yet, no matter how space you’ve given it or left it alone for? I am wondering if you have given it more time and just allowing it for now, but doubting whether even THAT is the right thing to do? What I do know for you is that you need to trust yourself on this one - that is all. Continue to trust, even though, ‘You Are Seeing This Situation Accurately’ - well, you’re not actually in denial about it are you? However what I do ask of you - is to stay connected in your truth, in your reality of the situation, stay deeply connected to that, but do, allow the space to notice if it will shift. Also to ask what is your contribution to this space and how you can help support it to flourish. It always takes two to tango and I know you know this! So much can happen ‘under the light of the Full Moon’ which is also on this card and wondering how the Moon Cycles support you? Do you have a connection to the Full Moon? What was going on last Full Moon? And are you waiting it out to see what happens next Full Moon? Do you track these cycles/emotions/situations? I am sensing it would be wise to ‘keep an intuitive eye’ on this too. Also, what is it about your Third Eye that is coming to Light for you? Third Eye, relates to your intuition, Clairvoyance and of course, relationships. Have you been working on any of these? As this is triple confirmation that you are indeed, ‘Seeing This Situation Accurately.’ No more doubt, from here on in. Love xxx There is a deep calling, a deep longing to serve Humanity, to be in divine readiness for the fulfilment of not only your mission, your Life Purpose, your Destiny, not only your contribution to Humanity - but your intricate piece of the symbiotic nature that calls you like the waves in the ocean, the divine piece that you are fulfilling the greater picture of the whole of Humanities return to the Homeostasis. You feel it in your Soul, you feel it your bones and you hold this divine forestry Wisdom that only the Goddess does… your Destiny lays ahead - are you ready to wield the sword that takes you Home? Life Purpose Accelerator closes next week, click here before the Doorway of Destiny closes: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #6: Hina - Freedom.

The Freedom to choose, the Freedom to decide, the Freedom to have what you want, the Freedom to create the life that you so want to create and contribute to the greater whole of Humanity as well. It feels like you are in a very powerful place, you have shifted some deep things within you and are in a very, very different emotional place to where you were last year - even, to just a few months ago. Rapid shifts, rapid growth and you’re becoming stronger each day. It feels like you’re ready to move onto the next stage - initiation complete. These next 6 months will see rapid change for you as well,  more than you’ve seen before. I feel that physically things are different - they are and they aren’t but that internal feeling - THAT is the ‘physical shift’ so to speak. You have become a deeper aspect of you that.. no one messes with these days,  but it is more that you don’t react like you used to or you don’t bite like you used to - you come from a very different solidified place that enables you to hold a ground, a presence, that creates a stability in your life, that readily attracts all of your desires into physical form. I feel like you feel a very surreal presence around you at the moment, almost…. Magic like. There is a clear slate around you and it would be wise to make the most of the time, to be creating your life into existence. Manifestation work, journalling every day, creating your reality, pulling your dreams into now, taking aligned action. This clear slate, is paramount time for this energy to show you how powerful it can be and is. Right now, with this level of  Freedom,  of this internal and external space that you have created right now -  your manifestations hold extra power for you. There is a Full Moon on this Card with Hina - by the next Full Moon,  you will see a huge influx - you will be living a very,  VERY different life already by next Full Moon - do you track the Moon Cycles? Of course you do! 😉 I am sensing that you have ‘reclused’ away a bit in a way and this - is GOOD! You are getting clear on you and pulling all parts of you, your Higher Self and all those good pieces into you - to amplify your power. You can do this and I sense you are already getting signs of this coming to fruition. Anything that you do at this time,  to deeply align yourself to your visions, will be 10 fold multiplied by an exponential amount. Keep your system clear, your thoughts aligned and hold that highest vision for yourself. I almost want to say - hold on - the ride has BEGUN baby!! But in a good way of course! It is time. FREEDOM HAS ARRIVED. Love. Xxx There is a deep calling, a deep longing to serve Humanity, to be in divine readiness for the fulfilment of not only your mission, your Life Purpose, your Destiny, not only your contribution to Humanity - but your intricate piece of the symbiotic nature that calls you like the waves in the ocean, the divine piece that you are fulfilling the greater picture of the whole of Humanities return to the Homeostasis. You feel it in your Soul, you feel it your bones and you hold this divine forestry Wisdom that only the Goddess does… your Destiny lays ahead - are you ready to wield the sword that takes you Home? Life Purpose Accelerator closes next week, click here before the Doorway of Destiny closes: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator