🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 5th September 2023

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Sep 05, 2023

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 5th September 2023

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Goddess Guidance Oracle.

Goddess Codes - UNLEASHED. You've been restless, you've been RELEASED. You've been freed and you won't settle for less - you've been set on FIRE with the burning of your Heart and your desire for MORE. You have felt it in your Soul and it is calling from the bottom of your heart with this volcano erupting from the depths of your SOUL 🌟 

It CALLS you... frees you and you are CERTAIN that you have SHIFTED... But what now? GODDESS CODES - UNLEASHED. For the dedicated rebels who are here to break all the rules.. For the Healers and Starseeds who are transcending their Healer Labels and dedicating to their GODDESS EMPIRE who has been reborn a thousand times and yet.. NOW - GODDESS CODES - UNLEASHED. 

Come.... dance with me a while... UNLEASH. You’ve done the hard yards. You’ve been working on this project of your Life Purpose for YEARS and you know you can’t delay this anymore - but more than that, it feels this beautiful essence of it is just time. It is time to make the next bold move, it is time to be supported - like really supported for what you do and allow yourself to finally come out to the world, with who you really are. 

Goddess Codes UNLEASHED - the ones who are the rule breakers, the rebels, the ones who do not stand for injustice and slavery and all that comes with the chains that have held you back for time. You stand up for truth and integrity and you are here to change the damn world with your gifts, your passion and live your truth to be the beacon and shining light for Humanity to finally have a guide they can lean upon. 

You’re ready to shine. Goddess Codes UNLEASHED is 4 months 1:1 with me, with Goddess Activation Phone Calls, Psychic Readings, Distance Healings and the everyday support to intuitively guide your Goddess to UNLEASH on the world. What a way to finish out 2023 ready for 2024! Comment GODDESS below and I will send you all the details 🌟

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Abundantia. Prosperity. “The Universe is pouring it’s abundance out to you. Be open to receiving.”

You are blessed beyond measure at this time - with an abundance of opportunities, blessings, financial, emotional and physical support - are you noticing them and receiving them? Saying yes and letting them in? There is an opening in the ethers right now and you are wise to say yes to this opportunity, even though it will stretch you, grow you and challenge you to RISE. And yet… you’re sooo ready for this. You’ve been waiting for this for a lifetime, you’ve been doing the work and it is WHY this opening in the ethers has opened, because you are aligned for this. Abundantia - Opening the cornucopia of abundance right now to you - open your arms and heart to receive this. This may mean your entire reality will shift, change and move - your environment will receive a much needed upgrade and this is the Universe swooping in to shift you. You’ve been through a dark night of the soul (or are in it) and it hasn’t been easy and yet… you persevered. You chose to stay. You are exactly where you need to be right now and it is a big YES from the Universe with this card (if you were looking for a yes, but your Heart and Soul already know right?!). Do not doubt yourself at this time, walk forward with an open heart, open mind, deep willingness to change and grow and watch what magic the Universe continues to bestow upon you, because it is definitely magic. There is also something about a ‘house’ here - this could signal a house move but can also represent your body. Your body is the home for your Soul, so you may be ‘renovating’ your physical body, or gearing up to or just beginning to take on a whole new care regime for your body, mind and soul. Either way, something about a house for you and these are upgrades, to hold your strong, powerful mind (a strong mind requires a strong body to house it - house it - soul’s home) and also to prepare you for what is coming. You are about to embark on the most crucial period of your Soul’s Life Purpose and foundation that you are coming into right now. You’re birthing something very special into the world and it begins with you. It begins with you trusting yourself, backing yourself to no end, to nurturing this sacred time with what you have and are creating for yourself with your Body, Mind and Soul and all the pieces your heart is calling forth from deep within. You are on the right path and these new beginnings are right for you - continue to trust your intuition, keep your sacred path exactly that - sacred and enjoy this beautiful beginning that is creating the foundation of a lifetime. Love xxx Goddess Codes - UNLEASHED. You've been restless, you've been RELEASED. You've been freed and you won't settle for less - you've been set on FIRE with the burning of your Heart and your desire for MORE. You have felt it in your Soul and it is calling from the bottom of your heart with this volcano erupting from the depths of your SOUL 🌟 Goddess Codes UNLEASHED - the ones who are the rule breakers, the rebels, the ones who do not stand for injustice and slavery and all that comes with the chains that have held you back for time. You stand up for truth and integrity and you are here to change the damn world with your gifts, your passion and live your truth to be the beacon and shining light for Humanity to finally have a guide they can lean upon. You’re ready to shine. Goddess Codes UNLEASHED is 4 months 1:1 with me, with Goddess Activation Phone Calls, Psychic Readings, Distance Healings and the everyday support to intuitively guide your Goddess to UNLEASH on the world. What a way to finish out 2023 ready for 2024! Comment GODDESS below and I will send you all the details 🌟


Card #2: Oonagh. Easy Does It. “There is no need to hurry or force things to happen. Everything is occurring in perfect timing.” 

Until date, you have not had to force, rush or push anything. Everything is occurring in perfect divine timing and you are being guided - you are even being just pushed along even - meaning, you don’t need to stress, everything is occurring in divine timing. You didn’t even ‘do this’ to begin with. All you were doing was staying in beautiful divine heart connection with your Soul and that… has allowed the Universe to bring you everything you desire. Your intuition is guiding you in the right way and you know when it is right to move forward and when that YES feeling is there - if it is not entirely there yet - if you are intuitive savvy - you don’t push, you don’t force.. you are waiting for the divine timing of alignment coming forth for the open door of energy that leads you forward. You can feel it. Continue to trust this and remember this when you are getting in a tizzy in any which way ‘look for the alignment’ ‘look for the gratitude’ ‘look for the yes’ ‘open to solutions you are not yet aware of’ - open your mind to these. I am also getting the message of letting go’ for you. Symbolic of “There is no need to hurry or force things to happen. Everything is occurring in perfect timing.” of course and it feels like more information is coming that is going to give you and grant you a greater space of what you thought could’ve been possible before. It feels like you are being shown information that will change the course of the path you thought you were going to go on, but of course, wait for the yes feeling - but it feels like there is more information coming that is a spiritual protection of sorts. You know how to walk the path of faith and you are at a level of mastery with your spiritual evolution that you are gifted with this space and time of transformation and diving timing that something even better is on it’s way to you - because you have said yes, yes to your Soul and the divine opportunities that come from this are to no end. I keep hearing, ‘divine recalibration’ for you and that is why ‘hands off the wheel’ metaphorically - let God take control of this, knowing that the highest timeline has been activated and that there are many, MANY pieces going on behind the scenes that are unfolding as we speak, to support you and your Unique Divine Life Purpose as you come into the true essence of your Being for this lifetime. Have you been working on masculine/feminine balance/core wound healing? Have you been working on mother/father healing? You’re on the right path for the fruition of your Life Purpose at it’s highest potential for this lifetime - rise honey, RISE. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator Applications are OPEN beautiful! To truly allow the deepest of Life Purpose recalibrations to take place at core Soul level - the long term mentorship is where it is at. If you’re ready to accelerate through joy and leave the pain of your past behind, to awaken dormant parts of your intuitive senses that are already beginning to surface from their slumber, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you. If you’re established and stable in what you already do and ready for your next level, click here for all the details as applications are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #3: Artemis. Guardian. “You, your loved ones are safe and spiritually protected.” 

As you move forward, you are safe, spiritually protected and supported. There is a big strong message here - in letting yourself be supported. Where are you needing to delegate, ask for help, hire help and ‘stretch out’ in other directions? It feels like you’re on the verge of a huge breakthrough and this requires you to branch out in other directions. Are there opportunities on the table that you’ve had your eye on? This feels like something about some sort of business opportunity that has caught your attention, that you trust the mentor/guide who is doing it already and that has been on your mind - well, this is your sign that you’ve been asking for support, help, opportunities and financial increase, it is important to trust what you have been shown, or about to be shown. Keep your intuitive eye open as when it feels like a big YES, if you’re ready to put in the work (nothing lands on people’s lap - any successful person, has shown up consistently, dedicatedly, time after time) - if you’re ready to step up and do the work - know that you will reap the harvests of abundance with this opportunity that you’ve had your intuitive eye on, or that is about to come into your awareness. The fire on this card is also jumping out at me - what does fire mean to you? It can be literal fire where something has happened, of course Maui has happened recently, but if fire has been in your awareness, this can be deep in the past lives where you were burnt at the stake. You can use my Healing from the Witch Hunts Meditation (send me a message of FIRE and I will send it to you). When we step up into our Purpose, or a next level in our Purpose, you can almost ‘freeze’ as your Past Life memory from this burning is activated and your Soul is like, ‘No! Not doing this, as last time we got burnt and died and not doing that again!’ - so working with my Healing from the Witch Hunts anytime you feel this ‘freeze’ really allows you release this body, muscle, soul memory and come into a place of deep spiritual insight to the truth of what is going on and make conscious choices that propel you forward, without dragging the past life trauma with you. Have past lives been on your mind recently? I am also getting the sense that through this - Artemis with Her bow and arrow - keep focused on your goals, keep focused on where you are going, even though unsettling as you go through this immense change right now, you are definitely on the right path and your goals and what you are going to achieve, create and want to birth into the world, is like your anchor as reality shifts, crumbles and completely changes to match the vision you’ve been holding for oh so long. “You, your loved ones are safe and spiritually protected.” - trust this, because it all wouldn’t be happening if it wasn’t meant to be. Love xxx Goddess Codes - UNLEASHED. You've been restless, you've been RELEASED. You've been freed and you won't settle for less - you've been set on FIRE with the burning of your Heart and your desire for MORE. You have felt it in your Soul and it is calling from the bottom of your heart with this volcano erupting from the depths of your SOUL 🌟 Goddess Codes UNLEASHED - the ones who are the rule breakers, the rebels, the ones who do not stand for injustice and slavery and all that comes with the chains that have held you back for time. You stand up for truth and integrity and you are here to change the damn world with your gifts, your passion and live your truth to be the beacon and shining light for Humanity to finally have a guide they can lean upon. You’re ready to shine. Goddess Codes UNLEASHED is 4 months 1:1 with me, with Goddess Activation Phone Calls, Psychic Readings, Distance Healings and the everyday support to intuitively guide your Goddess to UNLEASH on the world. What a way to finish out 2023 ready for 2024! Comment GODDESS below and I will send you all the details 🌟


Card #4: Matt. Fairness. “This situation will be handled in a fair and just manner.”

Hmmm, is there a court case, documents or something legal going on for you at this time? Are you pulled into or involved in someone else’s drama and ‘you didn’t even do this?’?! It feels like a significant distraction to your true life’s purpose at this time, but I am hearing ‘strengthening’ - so strengthen your mind, body, soul, lean on your mentor for support - you WILL get through this. This is teaching you a lot about - drama - ha, sounds ridiculous right?! However, it is here, when a very, very conscious Soul is stuck in the drama train and cycle - that you are learning Third Eye Chakra Consciousness. You are learning and understanding energetic dynamics on such a deeply profound level that this exponentially accelerates your personal development, psychic skills and energetic diffusion of what is untangling deep at the core woundings. This is a highly advanced skill to understand and know different dynamics and puts a different spin on why we are in unhealthy, toxic karmic cycles for however long we are in them for. Now, this does not mean that abuse or unhealthy situations are acceptable - not at all for one bit whatsoever. However, if you are in a situation right now - this gives a deeper meaning to ‘why’ you are going through this right now. This is Third Eye Chakra Consciousness at it’s finest. You might not be clear about the dynamics, but I guarantee you, you will come out other side, more consciously aware of energetic dynamics and this propels your psychic wisdom to mastery level. I am getting the message about staying grounded at this time, so lots of grounding techniques, strengthening your body, mind and soul and also know that this situation is working out for the best possible outcome for all involved. You and this situation are undergoing HUGE transformational processes right now because you, a long time ago, made an internal decision to make your life better, to choose a higher path, to evolve and that is why everything may be rocky and… challenging is an understatement Hannah! Right?! You WILL get through this, you WILL come out the other side, you WILL shine again, but right now, you are in a dark chrysalis whilst your wings are emerging the old is disintegrating and completely changing… hang in there, stay grounded and connected to your support network - elevate in the level of support you choose to have around you with your mentors - take it to the next level, because that is where the deepest support and evolution is, everything IS working out for you, even if it doesn’t seem like it right now. You’ve got this. Your wings are emerging. Love xxx Goddess Codes - UNLEASHED. You've been restless, you've been RELEASED. You've been freed and you won't settle for less - you've been set on FIRE with the burning of your Heart and your desire for MORE. You have felt it in your Soul and it is calling from the bottom of your heart with this volcano erupting from the depths of your SOUL 🌟 Goddess Codes UNLEASHED - the ones who are the rule breakers, the rebels, the ones who do not stand for injustice and slavery and all that comes with the chains that have held you back for time. You stand up for truth and integrity and you are here to change the damn world with your gifts, your passion and live your truth to be the beacon and shining light for Humanity to finally have a guide they can lean upon. You’re ready to shine. Goddess Codes UNLEASHED is 4 months 1:1 with me, with Goddess Activation Phone Calls, Psychic Readings, Distance Healings and the everyday support to intuitively guide your Goddess to UNLEASH on the world. What a way to finish out 2023 ready for 2024! Comment GODDESS below and I will send you all the details 🌟


Card #5: Isis. Past Life. “This situation involves your past-life memories.” 

Your Past Life trauma is healing - or is needing to be healed. Isis is also the epitome of the divine feminine and I shared just this week in my private Intuitive Channel on Telegram - this card had come up and it feels like - if you’ve chosen this higher timeline that I have been speaking about a lot publicly lately and in the 3 Part Series for the Important Collective Update - there is this aspect of ‘reclaiming, healing and recollecting the pieces of your Divine Feminine of Her, to pull her into this new timeline. Almost like she is stuck, or just soul fragments ‘stuck in the patriarchal timeline’ so to speak. It is like ‘you’re here now’ and it is time to recollect these soul fragments to bring her here with you. She does not need to be in that 3D abuse and trauma timeline anymore. Whether you’re Masculine or Feminine reading this - you have a divine feminine inside of you and in past lives, we have usually been both genders over time. You can use my Past Life Meditation to recollect her, or you can simply meditate and call back the Soul Fragments. (Message me or comment PAST LIFE and I will send it to you). The other message here is that if you’re in a less than satisfactory situation right now, using the Past Life Meditation will unlock the energetics of where this all began. We can definitely work on current life issues and of course that is required, however, to truly heal whatever situation you are in right now, if you have not done any past life work around this, this is also deeply important to unlock the core energetics of where this began, then work up through any childhood entanglements and then come back to the present day issue. Working through past life energetic hooks, doesn’t mean you’ll never speak to the person again (sometimes it does mean this!) and it doesn’t mean the love dissolves - but all the karmic trauma drama is released, freeing you both from the toxic cyclic energetics that are holding you both trapped in the lower timelines and distorted frequencies. So, time for some Past Life Healing with this card for you today! Also, the final message here is it is time to awaken your Divine feminine. Through softness, slowing down (maybe you’ve already been doing this), being gentle with yourself, releasing and dropping the masculine protection trauma shield (which comes from deep energetic psychic healing work), and deeply coming back to your heart, with the things you LOVE in your life. The things you’ve shut down, the things you’ve left behind, the things people told you not to do - time to awaken them back up honey. It’s time. Love xxx Goddess Codes - UNLEASHED. You've been restless, you've been RELEASED. You've been freed and you won't settle for less - you've been set on FIRE with the burning of your Heart and your desire for MORE. You have felt it in your Soul and it is calling from the bottom of your heart with this volcano erupting from the depths of your SOUL 🌟 Goddess Codes UNLEASHED - the ones who are the rule breakers, the rebels, the ones who do not stand for injustice and slavery and all that comes with the chains that have held you back for time. You stand up for truth and integrity and you are here to change the damn world with your gifts, your passion and live your truth to be the beacon and shining light for Humanity to finally have a guide they can lean upon. You’re ready to shine. Goddess Codes UNLEASHED is 4 months 1:1 with me, with Goddess Activation Phone Calls, Psychic Readings, Distance Healings and the everyday support to intuitively guide your Goddess to UNLEASH on the world. What a way to finish out 2023 ready for 2024! Comment GODDESS below and I will send you all the details 🌟


Card #6: Kali. Endings and Beginnings. “The old must be released so that the new can enter."

The end of a HUGE karmic cycle is closing for you precious one. The pain of the past, is not something you’re going to have to relive anymore. You’re changed but perhaps reality hasn’t shifted or changed yet. But - everything is different. And you know you’ve moved and worked through some big things - even though you can see in your immediate future there are some other big changes that are about to take place and… you’re ready for them. As challenging as it may be, you’re also excited undertone of this new chapter - even though you have no idea how it is going to pan out, or where it is leading you - let alone where you are going! You just know, that it is for the best, even though you might be working through a pile of guilt, shame or challenging feelings facing the ‘fallout’ of this change - but, you know it is right. Does Kali mean anything significant for you? The deep indigo blues on this card is deep in Third Eye Chakra Consciousness too. This is a powerful and potent time of deep energetic structural change for you that has been birthed and brought on by your willingness to follow Soul and remember that you are in the divine power of who you are, no matter what is going on. You have a deep trust within yourself and take risks and actions, no matter what anyone says - you move forward with your plans and so you should. Third Eye Chakra Consciousness is an acute connection to your Clairvoyance and Intuition - to your vision - the highest vision for yourself. You are very visual and often talk in pictures or see colours or shapes in things that no one else seems to notice. Pay attention to these signs as your intuition is giving you accurate guidance for your next steps beautiful one. You are definitely right to move forward with your plans. This card also comes to you as a reminder to detox your body. Perhaps you already are, or you’re aware that you’re about to embark on a big cleansing journey to prepare your mind, body and soul for what is next on your path. Also - remember, that moving through a huge emotional turmoil situation IS ALSO a detox in itself and if you are in this, know that sometimes a physical detox can be too much for one moment, so trust what sort of detox you are already in. Have you felt like the ‘wind is different lately’? or the ‘energetic air’ feels different? This is the sign for you that you have come through the other side of an energetic portal and now… reality is starting to shift to match this new energy that is the reason all of this is falling away for in the first place. Keep going. Cry, grieve and allow it all to come as it goes. Trust. Love xxx Goddess Codes - UNLEASHED. You've been restless, you've been RELEASED. You've been freed and you won't settle for less - you've been set on FIRE with the burning of your Heart and your desire for MORE. You have felt it in your Soul and it is calling from the bottom of your heart with this volcano erupting from the depths of your SOUL 🌟 Goddess Codes UNLEASHED - the ones who are the rule breakers, the rebels, the ones who do not stand for injustice and slavery and all that comes with the chains that have held you back for time. You stand up for truth and integrity and you are here to change the damn world with your gifts, your passion and live your truth to be the beacon and shining light for Humanity to finally have a guide they can lean upon. You’re ready to shine. Goddess Codes UNLEASHED is 4 months 1:1 with me, with Goddess Activation Phone Calls, Psychic Readings, Distance Healings and the everyday support to intuitively guide your Goddess to UNLEASH on the world. What a way to finish out 2023 ready for 2024! Comment GODDESS below and I will send you all the details 🌟