🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 6th July 2021

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jul 06, 2021

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 6th July 2021

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Divine Animal Oracle for you 🐅

Final hours to join us for Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator over our 12 Week Live Journey that is going to take you deep, heal your crap, activate your Life and remember who you are!

You have an important Life Purpose and only the ones who heed the call of their Soul - align their Life, activate their Destiny and deeply transform the deepest aspects that have been hidden for eons.

It is time to shine, time to rise and time to claim all that you know - you were born for, click here to join us before this closes in a just few hours: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Fox. Strategy.  

I want to say - no honey. You can take back your power about this situation. You can deeply come into alignment with what you are - who you are - and what you desire. All of it can be yours. I keep hearing stepping stone. I remember when someone once said this to me a few years back and it pissed me off - no - I want it all now, why would I get something that is a step up?? I want it all - and now. I was pissed and I held the for ages. Over the years, I began to see the truth in it. I started to see how the steps in actual reality real time manifestation - were the deep alignment steps taking me to my big picture end goal. Now, this might be a no brainer for some, but for some of us - we want it all yesterday and if we don’t get that - we are not happy and it isn’t good enough - any of it! Now - do I still fall back into this? Absolutely. However, I pull myself out faster and faster and the more I can strategise the step by step, manageable goals - not manifestations - but actual goals - the more I feel accomplished. The more I feel like I have something to live for, work for and actually experience tangible results. I am sensing Fox is coming to you to break this problem, break this goal - into a goal. Sometimes when we hold it as a dream, we stay there - with it being a dream. However, if you can break it down into manageable steps in the right now - you take back your power and turn dreams into reality. I am also getting the message to ask - do you feel good enough to have the now? Is there a part of you that doesn’t feel good enough - or do you even feel shameful of your ‘now’? You can shift this, by deeply acknowledging that part of you that feels this way - don’t abandon them more, by judging and shaming them for even feeling that way - they, I am sure, have a very real and valid response to feeling this way due to past experiences right?! And yet, you can tell them (this part of you) that it is okay to feel this way and to wrap them up with so much love and tell them you’re changing this now. Ask them to join in with you, ask them what their opinion is and love them for it - this is the epitome of shadow work. Fox - Strategy. Break this problem down into actionable manageable steps, that enable you to deeply work this - you have shifted frequency - you are a different person to who you were 6-12 months ago - so work from this current space and person you are now - not, who you used to be. But bring them along with you - all is important, and show them, what you can do - to help them release the feelings of shame and doubt they are feeling now. Because - you can. Strategy definitely has a place and right now Fox is showing you that this is important. So, make that plan beautiful Soul! Discipline your time, structure your weeks - you and your Soul and your Life Purpose will benefit greatly from this at this time. Love xxx Final hours to join us for Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator over our 12 Week Live Journey that is going to take you deep, heal your crap, activate your Life and remember who you are! You have an important Life Purpose and only the ones who heed the call of their Soul - align their Life, activate their Destiny and deeply transform the deepest aspects that have been hidden for eons. It is time to shine, time to rise and time to claim all that you know - you were born for, click here to join us before this closes in a just few hours: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #2: Sea Turtle. Stability. 

Goddess. Mother. Inner Child Healing. The Turtle is deeply connected to the Goddess - and deep Mother Healing. Have. You been working on these recently? And Inner Child healing for yourself? I am sensing - wondering, if you have been craving - Stability? That is Turtle’s message? Many people in today’s society rarely know the meaning of Stability let alone experience it and yet, that is what many are craving. I am wondering if this has been coming up for you? At the core of what you have been craving - is stability. A need to not worry where your next income is coming from, your next client, a need to not worry if your bills are going to get paid a need to just - feel TOTALLY supported? Stability right? To be a in a sea of Abundance, a sea of all your needs being taken care of, a sea of limitless possibilities and that? Is Mother healing. Yes, it could be and can be a. Stem from masculine/father healing - they are the provider, they are the stability - however, the Mother? Is that feeling, of being taken care of, that feeling of everything is going to be alright, that everything is going to be received and you are safe ‘in your Mother’s arms’ - in the Ocean of Abundance - in the Ocean - deeply holding you - where all your needs are met - including your emotional needs. THIS is the stability I feel you are looking for. A feeling of being so deeply cared for, a feeling of so deeply being loved and looked after, a feeling, of so deeply being - just not a worry in the world, because your Mother is right there, taking care of everything yes? However - is that how you truly grew up? Is that how you felt when you were a child? I am sensing that Turtle has come to you today - to remind you that you are held and loved by the Goddess Mother, even if you didn’t receive that as a child from your real Mother. That the true healing going on here right now - is being supported from your Mother in the way your needs were truly met and desired - that all of your desires are worthy, valid and taken care of by the Divine Mother right now. If things are not manifesting the way you would like - look to Mother Healing and Inner Child healing towards your Mother to speed this process up AND rewrite your belief systems that you are deeply taken care of by the Divine Mother - that this is valid, real and worthy of your time - that YOU are worthy just because you exist - yes? I am sensing a deep seated belief system needing to be re-wired. You are not energetically a match for your old family system - time to plug into and re-wire, re-create your reality - with your matched desires to the system you are a part of - the one you create - the Ocean of Abundance that has more than enough for everyone AND SOME. This - is the stability Turtle is asking you to plug into, create and desire from now on - all your desires are met here - and always will be. Nature is your true nature and your natural nature - that - of abidance, that of ultimately connection and deep sense of belonging - to nature - to your true nature - this is your ultimate abundance and when you can connect back to this? ALL The abundance pours in AND SOME. Are you ready to connect to your true nature and receive the stability that - has always been yours? Love xxx Final hours to join us for Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator over our 12 Week Live Journey that is going to take you deep, heal your crap, activate your Life and remember who you are! You have an important Life Purpose and only the ones who heed the call of their Soul - align their Life, activate their Destiny and deeply transform the deepest aspects that have been hidden for eons. It is time to shine, time to rise and time to claim all that you know - you were born for, click here to join us before this closes in a just few hours: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #3: Snake. Creation. 

Ah - have you just downloaded something? Had new ideas? Received deep insight to a situation that has been keeping you stumped and blocked and wondering wtf is next but have no idea which way to now? The unknown abyss is scary right? But in there - is the limitless possibilities that exist - that - are right there for you yes? I am wondering if you have been questioning what you are doing, thinking it has all been a waste, wondering how did you end here, wondering what is next but still no insight - until… maybe these last few hours?!?! I am wondering if there is someone else involved into this project, these revelations that you have had today that have deeply aligned you to your Purpose? In a sense it feels like there is a part of you that has separated from them - you have come into your own and yet - you are being supported by them in some way shape or form. I am getting the sense you have come into a realisation of different boundaries that is able to support yourself in ways that you hadn’t yet seen - until now? And the road to getting here has been a bit bumpy for you right?! It feels like something has come to light and has given you deep insight into many things - and you know, that if this had come in any earlier than now - even though that would’ve been helpful - you are also seeing that it had to be now - because coming in now? Has broken unhelpful and somewhat unhealthy and draining patterns that wouldn’t have been broken had you kept on the path you were going right? It feels like this dark abyss has shown you a new light, shown you a new way and deeply allowed you to come into you in such a more grounded, stable and clear way now right? Even though it is early stages of this realisation and now you need to implement your new found awarenesses, it feels like you are feeling more grounded and somewhat at peace - because now you know what to do right? You know which path to take, what actions to take and how to support yourself during this process to get there and have the fruits of this realisation - come into reality yes? I am also getting the message to shake off any remaining darkness through physical body work, whether that is massage or gym, or walking or other deep body work to shift this remaining pieces out. You are shedding the old you - let it go - the light is coming close, and becoming more present in your life - the true you, is birthing. YOU are the creation. Love xxx Final hours to join us for Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator over our 12 Week Live Journey that is going to take you deep, heal your crap, activate your Life and remember who you are! You have an important Life Purpose and only the ones who heed the call of their Soul - align their Life, activate their Destiny and deeply transform the deepest aspects that have been hidden for eons. It is time to shine, time to rise and time to claim all that you know - you were born for, click here to join us before this closes in a just few hours: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #4: Jackal. Truth. 

Has there been a truth that has been somewhat hard to face recently? Has it felt like death warmed up and the darkness that - gosh, where did you go right?? I feel you are coming into such empowerment of who you are right now - even if it doesn’t feel like it this moment - what you are shifting through? Is massive and I can feel that there are even more truths unravelling for you that you cannot see just yet. I am sensing something about a house move - or feeling unsettled or such where you are right now? Did you just move or thinking about it? Something about your home - or is this your body shifting and changing shape? I am getting the message too - a whole lot of darkness is actually pouring out of your system right now. It feels like there has been such a weight lifted from you and something MASSIVE has dropped out of your life. I am sensing you feel this as of course as a loss - there is always a grieving process as you go through change - however, I am also sensing that you feel lighter in a way - tricky to describe but it is like you can become YOU now. Nothing stopping you. Nothing putting you down. Nothing telling you you can’t and somehow - amongst all of this - you don’t feel afraid anymore. Something has deeply shifted and energetically let go of you out of your field more than ever before it feels like. I am also getting the message there is more, there is also masks that you are wearing that you haven’t quite taken off yet too - there is MORE of you to come out, there is still bits you are hiding from the face of who you are - however, this is naturally unravelling of course and of course will come out in due time. It cannot not, because you can’t stop the truth surfacing once it has been given a taste of it’s freedom! I am also getting the message that Star Activations are powerful for you at this time too. This can be physical Star Gazing outside, asking for activations, upgrades and intuitive messages as you do gaze - and/or it can be meditation that connect you with the stars, that you can do simply with your intention as you meditate. You were born of the Stars - you ARE a Star remember? THIS is your Truth and it is time to come out of the darkness and Shine Your Light on the World. Love xxxFinal hours to join us for Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator over our 12 Week Live Journey that is going to take you deep, heal your crap, activate your Life and remember who you are! You have an important Life Purpose and only the ones who heed the call of their Soul - align their Life, activate their Destiny and deeply transform the deepest aspects that have been hidden for eons. It is time to shine, time to rise and time to claim all that you know - you were born for, click here to join us before this closes in a just few hours: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #5: Intuition. Cat. 

Your intuition is correct on this one honey! Aren’t you trusting it yet?! What is it, that you are STILL doubting yourself about this situation? Your Heart 100% knows - but your mind always puts a stop to things right? Overrides your Heart? I am wondering also what you have been judging lately? Judging quite harshly - or just have a strong opinion about? What has triggered you? I also feel that something has dropped out of your field/energy/life - are you upset about that? I feel you are - but your Intuition - I wonder if you feel it is clouded because of the situation you have been in and now you’re becoming clear on things (slowly) and you’re realising - you don’t even know where you’ve been and what you thought was your intuition - is actually a clouded version of it (somewhat). I am getting the message to go easy on yourself, don’t judge yourself so harshly! You didn’t do anything wrong - but right now - you are being given and opportunity to RISE. To come into a deep, solid sense of who you are and TRUST YOUR INTUITION - over what ANYONE else says right now. In fact, don’t even tell them! Just do the damn thing and know that your intuition is guiding you correctly - that you feel soooo in alignment when you think and feel into this thing that you KNOW is right for you - yes? The message is pretty simple and clear here - your intuition is correct - act accordingly! I am also wondering if you’re feeling like you keep feeling someone, or something feels off about someone or something - I want to say here - honey - keep trusting your intuition. You didn’t pull this card for no reason. Your intuition is correct, you are not making it up - what you are feeling and sensing about this situation is real. Now, you can Trust Your Intuition whole heartedly - what are you going to do, to take action on - with the full dedication with trusting your heart and intuition only? Love xxx Final hours to join us for Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator over our 12 Week Live Journey that is going to take you deep, heal your crap, activate your Life and remember who you are! You have an important Life Purpose and only the ones who heed the call of their Soul - align their Life, activate their Destiny and deeply transform the deepest aspects that have been hidden for eons. It is time to shine, time to rise and time to claim all that you know - you were born for, click here to join us before this closes in a just few hours: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #6: Leadership. Elephant. 

TIME TO RISE BEAUTIFUL ONE! BUT you already know that right?? Leadership - Elephant says! Time to move to the next level, time to shine your light and not let it dim or go out for anyone - ever more. Ever. Finale. Comprende?? What would you do - if you were fully standing and LIVING into and FROM your Leadership position? What would you do if you were fully standing and living FROM and INTO your SOUL that is your guiding light of Soul led intuition? What is your Soul guiding you do to as a Leader? What does your Leadership role look like? I am also getting the message - this time last year - what was going on? I am sensing that something around this time last year (in the next month or so) was somewhat of a lifting time - very ungrounded, didn’t really know what you were doing ultimately going through the motions, but feels like you had a big shift? It feels like this is coming again (or has just come) - that you are stabilising a whole new you right now. Last year? Unstable (in a way/not knowing who you are) - this year - complete different energy - of you finding yourself and realising your Leadership role and RISING INTO THAT as your everyday normal. I am also getting the message - that you’re probably feeling already - but do the things that keep you focused, balanced, centred and grounded as you rise into this Leadership role. AND of course, doing those things is going to support the rise into your Leadership role yes? There is a strong message about your voice too - are you being called to speak up (or even speak to someone in particularly?) Or write a book, or a blog or start a YouTube channel or something? What is calling you to commit to and step deeply into your purpose, your passion - your joy - with dedicated focus, stability, commitment and a complete ‘full circle’ of who you are? What did you drop a few years back - that you can pick back up now and remember who you are? To LEAD with THAT truth? Because those things? They are you honey - you may have stopped them because someone said harsh words about you - but now - it feels like you’re feeling safe enough let them go. Shake them off - you’ve got many flowers that are ready to bloom out of you. Let them. And show the world what you’re made of. Pure. Divine. Love. In it’s most powerful, most dedicated, most stable form - YOU. Love xxx Final hours to join us for Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator over our 12 Week Live Journey that is going to take you deep, heal your crap, activate your Life and remember who you are! You have an important Life Purpose and only the ones who heed the call of their Soul - align their Life, activate their Destiny and deeply transform the deepest aspects that have been hidden for eons. It is time to shine, time to rise and time to claim all that you know - you were born for, click here to join us before this closes in a just few hours: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition