🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 7th November 2023

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Nov 07, 2023

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 7th November 2023

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from The Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards 🌟✨🔮💫

Transcending the darkness, releasing from the Dark Mother Grid, Activating Crystalline Light Codes, Unplugging from the 3D matrix and syncing up with the super natural - Transcendence begins on the 17th November - this 6 Week journey?

You won’t want to miss this one.. this round - has been calling for MONTHS.

This round - is highly significant and will create monstrous change in your life - so only… come if you are truly ready to receive at a higher level, activate a greater capacity and be the light you’ve always known you’re here to be, click here for all the details, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑


Card #1: Maat. Fairness. “This situation will be handled in a fair and just manner.” 

I know you are not sure how things are going to work out right now - well you do - you know it is all going to be fine, but you are not sure ‘how’ but you know it will work out and that.. is all you need to hold ground on - hold faith and live life from here. It feels like your past has been influencing your current situation - remember back when, when you didn’t let your past worry you or it just wasn’t on your mind? You just made moves and trusted the Universe would catch up right?! And it worked right!? And yet - you let the little things bog you down, you let the things you were sooo good at ignoring because it had nothing to do with you - just drip off you like water off a ducks back. And yet… it is this part of you, you need to get back. The part of you that is confident in your direction, your dreams and your goals and… the Universe has shown you recently signs, droplets of manifestation - and some huge ones too - I am getting the sense that it is so important for you to witness and consciously see and create a gratitude practise for it - of how much is actually right in front of you. It is like you acknowledging on such a deep level of where you are now, compared to where you used to be. And pulling yourself into the now. I also feel there is some information that will arrive for you in the next few days that will change your entire life direction course and what you thought was going to occur. These are big, positive changes, but I sense that you are in a place where you can not only handle them, but become very successful in them, because this has always been your heart and soul and it is something you’ve been working on for quite some time. Hmmm, the other part - which is similar to the first part of this message - is how are you viewing yourself right now? It feels like a shift in energy is required for you to truly rise into your success - almost like, you’re teetering on the edge right now and all that is required to ‘tip the scales’ is nothing you need to ‘do or push or hustle’ but… a shift in how you are viewing yourself - on a daily basis. Looking in the mirror, seeing what you can see, choosing the focus on the positive of yourself, of your achievements, of who you are now, of where you are going and what you are here to do on this Earth. Like a big recalibration of your vision, your everyday motivation and what you’re manifesting into form right?! It feels very significant - that it will be rapid change and all it takes, is you to shift how you view and perceive yourself. Soooo, if you were to see yourself successful, loving life, doing amazing things and creating the fuck out of your life - what would you be doing? How would you be treating yourself, speaking to yourself and viewing yourself - daily? Work on this internal perception consistently and I promise you, everything will change for the better, very, very rapidly. Love xxx Transcending the darkness, releasing from the Dark Mother Grid, Activating Crystalline Light Codes, Unplugging from the 3D matrix and syncing up with the super natural - Transcendence begins on the 17th November - this 6 Week journey? You won’t want to miss this one.. this round - has been calling for MONTHS. This round - is highly significant and will create monstrous change in your life - so only… come if you are truly ready to receive at a higher level, activate a greater capacity and be the light you’ve always known you’re here to be, click here for all the details, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence


Card #2: Diana. Focused Intention. “Keep your unwavering thoughts, feelings and actions focused on your target and you will make your mark.” 

Focus, Focus, Focus - do not let distractions pull you aside! Just before the breakthrough everything will come in to pull you aside - and even if you do - just get back on track. You know what needs to be done, so do it. There, that is all the message required, because you know what you need to do. Quite simple really! However, I am also feeling for you about timelines, deadlines and working to a time budget. There is something on your mind that you really want to accomplish and it feels like it is important to make this a dedicated focus and if you need to make a deadline so you can get it done and then plan in play, joy and fun at the same time. It feels like yes - focus - you’re so damn close and then at the same time - you’ve been working too hard so plan in fun (or is fun and celebration after you’ve finished this current project?) - and this is knowing the difference between when you are being distracted and when you are arriving at a place that is a divine balance of mastery of what you’re working on and playing and living your life at the same time, which feels like - has been a ride, to work on ‘feeling the guilt’ and doing it anyway, knowing how much it benefits you. I feel that this joy, play and fun is going to support you to work more efficiently but I definitely know I am not telling you something you don’t already know! I also wonder if you’re going through a change that has felt like a distraction - but in actual fact, it is an expansion that is going to help you achieve your next level - like, you’ve been so focused that it has brought this next level expansion in for you and now it is here, it is like these changes are taking you to a place that you are still adjusting to how it is all supposed to work like this. I am here - find the balance and know that it is all unfolding perfectly well. It feels like something is tapping you on the shoulder - by focusing on this thing and not brushing off the subtle tapping that is your intuition guiding you to the next thing - you’re going to realise how this is just the next stage and adjusting to this expansion - was always going to happen and you were always going to get through it, because you already have. What is the goal beyond this one? Focus there, and this one will find it’s natural balance rapidly. Love xxx Transcending the darkness, releasing from the Dark Mother Grid, Activating Crystalline Light Codes, Unplugging from the 3D matrix and syncing up with the super natural - Transcendence begins on the 17th November - this 6 Week journey? You won’t want to miss this one.. this round - has been calling for MONTHS. This round - is highly significant and will create monstrous change in your life - so only… come if you are truly ready to receive at a higher level, activate a greater capacity and be the light you’ve always known you’re here to be, click here for all the details, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence 


Card #3: Athena. Inner Wisdom. “You know what to do. Trust your inner wisdom and take appropriate action without delay.” 

I am hearing ‘mother healing’ - ‘travel’ and ‘it’s time’ for you. It feels like you’ve walked a very solitary life and now life is rapidly changing. This could be and start from travel that takes you back to your roots - or reminds you of your roots and embeds new codes into your body, that then takes you on a journey through doors you didn’t think would ever open, or knew, but just were waiting so long you had pretty well given up and come to peace with that. This Mother Healing, feels like the deep wisdom of the crone who has lived a life or two so to speak and is now in a huge state of witnessing all that is around her. It feels like whatever has happened recently on this trip - or on the upcoming trip - has allowed you to heal the mother wound - which in turn, allows deeper access for greater wisdom, meaning your intuition is rising to new heights, whilst coming from solid roots, deeply embedded and coded in your cells. There is a lot here through this card about these codes, cellular changes, upgrades, DNA re-writing, recoding your system through dietary and exercise changes. Hmmm, are you needing to move house, or want to or something about your living situation has changed too? I am wondering what physical body changes you are walking through right now that are needing honouring? Be mindful of what you are consuming and what makes your body feel inflamed or bloated and monitor the foods you are eating to use your inner wisdom on the changes you need to make. It feels like your body is talking to you and it is time to listen to it. This is deep healing you are going through right now, that is changing your molecular and cellular structure in your body. This is because you have a reached a level where the old systems are no longer working for you and it is here you are needing to take heed for what you need to do to care for yourself on a deeper level. The Full Moon is also jumping out at me on this card - what does the Moon mean to you? We are at the half way point leading up to our New Moon. What needs reassessing? It feels like with all this internal and external changes, the deep mother healing - old ways of living are also outdated, outmoded and are requiring adjustments. Now is the time to tend to these, to allow this new life, to catch up, arrive and create the foundation for the new life - it is here at this deep mother healing that you are allowing yourself to create from this new foundation, rather than the old that has already dismantled, it is just you, needing to see this and choose to create from this place. This is the wise inner wisdom beaming through - what does it show you? What does it say to you and what does it, create from here? Love xxx Transcending the darkness, releasing from the Dark Mother Grid, Activating Crystalline Light Codes, Unplugging from the 3D matrix and syncing up with the super natural - Transcendence begins on the 17th November - this 6 Week journey? You won’t want to miss this one.. this round - has been calling for MONTHS. This round - is highly significant and will create monstrous change in your life - so only… come if you are truly ready to receive at a higher level, activate a greater capacity and be the light you’ve always known you’re here to be, click here for all the details, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence


Card #4: Kali. Endings and Beginnings. “The old must be released so that the new can enter.”

You are being stretched beyond measure. It is putting pressure on the old reality that is about to burst or just has. You might be feeling physical symptoms, aches, pains, ailments you don’t usually feel and you are being pushed beyond your usual limit. Whilst it is natural to not want to step outside your comfort zone, it is like the Universe is pushing you because you’ve been in this current state for way too long. Hmmm, a strong message here too is that there is something new in your life - two specific things actually that are related to your career, that you have somewhat been ignoring or not making a big deal out of and you should be! It is like there is an ending that has been taking up all your energy - but - this is only a distraction to allowing your true self to truly shine and come into a place of dedicated power that will in turn, release you to a place you have been waiting to rise to. Sure, it is important to grieve and let go of the old 100% you know I always talk about this! But, it feels extremely important at this crucial time of you landing a new reality right now, to be focusing forward right now. The time and place will come to deal with/heal/let go of your past - but the right now requires your forward focus, so for this time, do not let your past have one more ounce of your energy. What is good in your life right now? What are you grateful that you do have? What incredible things are happening, that you should be celebrating more of, allowing more space for and sharing with the world? You are on the verge of a massive breakthrough - you’ve been feeling it for a while and have almost given up and wonder if that feeling was anything at all and I am here to tell you that it is, and it was and you have always felt this deep in your Soul and the other piece? Is that you have been getting signs that it is here, that it is close. Remember - sooo many more people are watching your content that you are aware of and we forget this at times. But… you have received signs lately of this reminder and so this is your sign to keep the faith, because the signs are real, your Life Purpose is valid - has always been real and you’ve lived your life a certain way, because you have always known this - so of course it is happening, already HAS happened and just.. your diligent focus on where you are going is so important right now. You may feel like everything - EVERYTHING is being stripped away from you right now - and yet, you’ve already gone through this, you know what it feels like - but you’re being shown what is sooo important to you at this time and it is here that you need to trust this unravelling, this unfolding and allow the divine timing of what you’ve always known your Life Purpose Blueprint is all about for a reason. You’ve been ‘stopped’ recently and that s because your Life Purpose has been the catalyst for this change, because your Life Purpose - the way you’ve ALWAYS dedicated yourself to your Life Purpose like this - pays off… and it is right here for you - focus - on where you’ve always known to be true for you, celebrate BIG TIME - with what is right here for you and choose… your future. Love xxx Transcending the darkness, releasing from the Dark Mother Grid, Activating Crystalline Light Codes, Unplugging from the 3D matrix and syncing up with the super natural - Transcendence begins on the 17th November - this 6 Week journey? You won’t want to miss this one.. this round - has been calling for MONTHS. This round - is highly significant and will create monstrous change in your life - so only… come if you are truly ready to receive at a higher level, activate a greater capacity and be the light you’ve always known you’re here to be, click here for all the details, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence


Card #5: Hathor. Receptivity. “Allow yourself to receive. This will increase your intuition, energy and ability to give to others.”

You are being given a great gift right now. It might seem like you have no time, or little time, but you are in a space where you have more space and time than you’re aware of and you know, that you create your own time, your own reality and I am getting the strong message here - where are you needing to ask for your needs to be met? You are suppressing something and it is making you ill at this time - or aches and pains in your body. Where are you needing to speak up for your truth and what is your truth even trying to tell you? Your Throat Chakra and speaking up is only part of what Throat Chakra is all about. You are literally a living vortex of your truth - so where are you living out of alignment of your truth? Is this level of receiving creating an imbalance? Where are you needing to give more of your true self to the world - to your own life even? It feels like Shadow Work would be supportive here, because there is something about living your whole truth and letting your true self finally be lived right now that you are still holding back - or trying to break out of a shell, that you created, because you were so shut down in the past for living your truth so you have hidden away the best parts of you - almost like you are living a shadow life and are aware of this, but are not sure how to break out of this and the Universe is like - here - here is you being pushed to your limits and stretched beyond - your time has shifted, reality has changed and all you can do and need to do - is surrender to this process. You are being trained right now - to receive at greater capacities whilst your truth is coming out being ready to be lived. You’re in a state of receptivity but may be having physical symptoms surface as the old clears away - this new vibration has been long forgotten, because you used to be able to feel this so naturally that you have long forgotten this feeling, but it hasn’t left you… and it is here, that your true self is coming back, stronger, clearer and more dedicated than ever before. Let yourself receive her/him. Let yourself surrender to this process of becoming more than you’ve ever imagined. Your true self is birthing - cut yourself some slack, stop being so hard on yourself and let.. yourself receive it ALL. Love xxx Transcending the darkness, releasing from the Dark Mother Grid, Activating Crystalline Light Codes, Unplugging from the 3D matrix and syncing up with the super natural - Transcendence begins on the 17th November - this 6 Week journey? You won’t want to miss this one.. this round - has been calling for MONTHS. This round - is highly significant and will create monstrous change in your life - so only… come if you are truly ready to receive at a higher level, activate a greater capacity and be the light you’ve always known you’re here to be, click here for all the details, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence 


Card #6: Sige. Quiet Time. “Take some quiet time alone to rest, meditate and contemplate.” 

It is okay to take space for yourself to reconnect to your true nature and take time out and away from anything that has been pulling at your energy lately. It feels like you are needing to reconnect with your Soul and this is a space of creating it - so you can do this, but you have been feeling guilty about it? So you haven’t been? And it is creating a slump in your energy, almost like you are losing yourself. So this is your sign to take heed of what your Soul is calling you to do for quiet time, so you can reconnect back to your truth and have that sacred space for you, yes? As I always say, feel the guilt and do it anyway and you will find liberation rather than feeling like your space, energy, time and soul is being encroached on - but you are the only one who can make the changes to allow yourself this much needed Quiet Time. It feels like you have been non-stop and you are feeling it in your body and you know this needs to shift now. I am also sensing a big shift from negative to positive for you and this is requiring some recalibration time for you - hence the Quiet Time. Perhaps this for you is a sign to increase or reconnect to your meditation routine and create this sacred space so you can do this. I feel that in this sacred space, you will receive ideas, information and a complete reset of your energy and body that is being asked of you at this time. The birthing of the next level of your Purpose is trying to come through. Have you been feeling unmotivated or like you’re waiting for something or something new, or just a sense of not sure what is going on, but you’re also clear you know what you have to do, but have lost your oomph and gusto and are almost worried about that? Don’t be… this recalibration vortex that you are in right now - is shifting you to a higher frequency - don’t be surprised if your entire physical reality changes ‘all of a sudden’ because you’ve been doing the work, you’re ‘stopped’ and now.. everything can shift and change - ‘reality can catch up’ if you may. Let yourself go into your Quiet Time… there is something awaiting to be heard by you from your Soul that is calling your attention now. Love xxx Transcending the darkness, releasing from the Dark Mother Grid, Activating Crystalline Light Codes, Unplugging from the 3D matrix and syncing up with the super natural - Transcendence begins on the 17th November - this 6 Week journey? You won’t want to miss this one.. this round - has been calling for MONTHS. This round - is highly significant and will create monstrous change in your life - so only… come if you are truly ready to receive at a higher level, activate a greater capacity and be the light you’ve always known you’re here to be, click here for all the details, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence