🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 9th January 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jan 09, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 9th January 2024 

Scroll down to see what message is awaiting you there today from the Magical Mermaids & Dolphins for you today 🧜🏻‍♀️🐬

There are only 3 days left to be mentored by me on Life Purpose Accelerator. The 12 Month Journey of Mentorship at it’s divine power of the essence of who you are born to become at your core, your mission in the world and the purpose of your birth - Life Purpose Accelerator is where the cocoon is shed, the mission becomes clear and your unwavering faith is shone so bright no one can hide from the truth of your Purpose that you are born to become. Click here to apply, applications closing in 3 days: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Play Time. “The Dolphins know the importance of playing as joy creates miracles and manifestation.” 

Well - this has the obvious meaning! PLAY MORE! I actually feel a lot of you reading this are in a very good place right now, feeling peace, at home in your body and life and enjoying all you have and have created - soak it uppppp and amplify! Imagine what you can create from this place and do so - as manifestation is super amplified here as you’re not pulling yourself up from the depths! Some of you though - need more play, fun, adventure and light in your life! When did you last take time off to truly just do nothing and/or do what you really want to do? This card is the obvious sign that you need more fun in your life - but this is also about you creating ‘lightness’ in your life. If you’re not sure - start with what feels heavy? What can be changed with what is heavy? If you’re not sure - ask yourself what do you WANT to do? A lot of the time, heaviness comes because we are forcing ourselves to do something we don’t want to do. Now this is different ‘heavy’ to ‘not wanting to do something’ - that we know is good for us - like exercise for example. We force ourselves to it until it feels good - because it makes us feel good and eventually we WANT to do it. This is a new year - time to plan play in and/or spontaneously just go do it! I feel this is a sign for you to lighten up. Whether that is lose weight or lighten the load with the emotional baggage you’re carrying around, because this is what is making you heavy! Isn’t it time to forgive and move on? Perhaps you have moved on, but that issue/incident is still eating away at you and you know it! You also know that it is up to you to let it go and deal with it head on. I feel you’re tired of carrying it around and these thoughts have been swirling around in your head this last week even, so this isn’t new news for you - this is confirmation to your asking of ‘what is going to increase my manifestation efforts’ - this! I also feel this is a sign to hang out with good friends more than you have been and make an effort and priority this year. Time moves whether you’re moving or not and now is not the time to wait around to make the connections, reach out and make your life a good one. Only you can create the joy, good and fun - it is a choice. What has your heart been longing for and to do, that you keep putting on the back burner? Yeah, don’t do that anymore. Time is precious - make the most of it. Playing - creates memories and at the end of the day, that is all we can take with us - make them FUN ones and make your life something to be memorable of and - start today. Love xxx There are only 3 days left to be mentored by me on Life Purpose Accelerator. The 12 Month Journey of Mentorship at it’s divine power of the essence of who you are born to become at your core, your mission in the world and the purpose of your birth - Life Purpose Accelerator is where the cocoon is shed, the mission becomes clear and your unwavering faith is shone so bright no one can hide from the truth of your Purpose that you are born to become. Click here to apply, applications closing in 3 days: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #2: Helpful Person. “Someone wants to help you. Think of who this might be and initiate contact."

Honey, it is time to hire that mentor, healer or support person that has been on your radar. If you needed or have been asking for a sign - well, it can’t be any clearer than this! I am also getting the message that this is your time to step INTO your Leadership role as a healer and step your gifts and service level up to the next level. You have known this for a long time, but you’re being nudged into this - more than ever before, because it is time! You’ve been feeling it, thinking about it, but ‘scared as to how or too many what if’s’ - it’s been tapping you on the shoulder and this is your JUST DO IT sign! Remember, you are always shown AS YOU DO IT - what your next steps are but you have to START and then you refine and get clear AS you go! I am getting the message for you too - the offers you start in your business or service/healing/mentoring packages - please trust these ideas that you have and please - most importantly - whatever you do - do not delay in getting these out to the world! After much debating and delegation and changing - you’re now clear - so ground it and run with it! If you don’t start now, it will be another year that passes and you would’ve gained a year in sharing your services! Don’t delay - put all your focus, dedication and energy into this right now. There is energy for it there for a reason. Trust it. I am also getting the sense for you that you are needing stronger boundaries - with yourself. This is about self-love. You are at a point in your life - a tipping point - where the only thing missing is YOU and you’re being shown ‘how’ to do this right now. So as you start to collate all this information, messages and ‘helpful people’ - it is important that you are implementing this information with yourself. This may mean stricter sleep and bedtime rituals, health routines, collating with people who are only like-minded for a time, dedicated focus times in your week to get certain things done. You know ‘what boundary’ you need to implement within yourself and your life that is going to not just help you - but change the trajectory of your life as you move into this next stage that is opening up for you. You’ve felt it, had glimmers of it and know that all it takes now - is your own self-love to move the needle forward and allow that next level to flow in - like you’ve always known to be true. Love xxx There are only 3 days left to be mentored by me on Life Purpose Accelerator. The 12 Month Journey of Mentorship at it’s divine power of the essence of who you are born to become at your core, your mission in the world and the purpose of your birth - Life Purpose Accelerator is where the cocoon is shed, the mission becomes clear and your unwavering faith is shone so bright no one can hide from the truth of your Purpose that you are born to become. Click here to apply, applications closing in 3 days: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #3: Have Faith. “Your prayers are manifesting. Remain positive and follow your guidance!” 

What is the thing your heart longs for the most? Sure - you could have many things.. but under it all - what is the one very thing you’re wanting? What is the thing, that when you’re upset you want the most or that makes you most happy in the entire world? And yet, you feel it is so far out of reach, or you are not sure ‘how’ so you just… stop and not doing anything at all about it? This card has come to you today to say - stop slowing down your dreams with your negative thoughts! You KNOW that magic is created by the way you choose to wield your energy, you know that you CAN have what you desire AND create it - soooo, why are you letting yourself be distracted with things that you know is not what your heart and soul are wanting to give birth to in this world? That God gave you directly via your Soul? This is your unique Life Purpose here knocking at the door, trying to bust through… do not let anything get in your way… this is meant for you so why are you dropping faith about it? Just follow the next thing honey! You know how this works! What you are longing for - is also longing for you and what you are desiring is being re-organised by the Universe for you right now - do not discount the power of your faith and BELIEF in yourself, because this is what is meant for you is YOUR purpose, YOUR path and the only reason why you see it in your vision and feel it in your heart - is because you want it, is because it is your guiding light, showing you the luminescent light of your Purpose… follow it… all the way home. Do not drop power by dropping your faith as this is diverting your path.. but there is no need for that AND you’ve done that well and long enough in your life now you don’t need no more diversions. The message is clear - RAISE your faith - do not doubt your dreams, but believe in them - this is your fuel, will bring back your passion and your drive and it is time to honour what your heart is calling forth in your life. Honestly - your Life Purpose lives here. Love xxx There are only 3 days left to be mentored by me on Life Purpose Accelerator. The 12 Month Journey of Mentorship at it’s divine power of the essence of who you are born to become at your core, your mission in the world and the purpose of your birth - Life Purpose Accelerator is where the cocoon is shed, the mission becomes clear and your unwavering faith is shone so bright no one can hide from the truth of your Purpose that you are born to become. Click here to apply, applications closing in 3 days: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #4: Alchemy. “You have the Midas touch right now, and every project you begin turns to gold.”

Ummmm - stop giving your power away! You’re like waiting for someone else to do it for you, or thinking you need x-y-z to make something happen - um NO! You can do what you can with what you have RIGHT now and build it baby! You’ve been feeling so flat because you’ve been waiting for someone to do it for you, or thinking you need it to make your millions - um no. You need you. And what you’re called to do from your Heart. You have the power to manifest what you desire into your life, however, it will seem like it isn’t happening, simply because you’re waiting around for someone or something to save you? You have what it takes inside of yourself - the only thing/s going on for you is that you don’t believe in yourself enough like you don’t feel what you have to offer others is good enough or that it doesn’t work or something (btw, you’re about to have a MASSIVE breakthrough in what you do - nothing you have done in the past has been to waste, more the opposite to this!) You’ve learnt skills that will now alchemise what you LOVE and this… is where your magic is. It is time to alchemist what you love. You may be feeling a bit blah with what you love or feel like you lost the love for it - but the truth is, you’ve been undergoing a huge recalibration and are going to come out with… so much alignment it is not funny! (in a good way!). The more you focus on this truth, the more alignment is drawing to you everything you desire in ways you can’t even conceive of right now and - did you pull number 3 with this? As this card, feels like it goes hand in hand with Card #3 today - FAITH. The Faith, alongside remembering your divine alchemisation (yeah I think I made up a word, deal with it) manifestation abilities… is utterly pure magic right now - but truly, all it is - is divine alignment with your Heart and Soul coming to the forefront of everything you do. But it comes from within you. There is so much magic here when you can drop into this space - so let it rise, because this… is the shift you’ve been waiting for… trust what you’re called to, to support you on this mission, trust where you’ve been, where you’re going and what you’re being shown, because you are the Alchemist and you’re being reminded of your magic right now. Love xxx There are only 3 days left to be mentored by me on Life Purpose Accelerator. The 12 Month Journey of Mentorship at it’s divine power of the essence of who you are born to become at your core, your mission in the world and the purpose of your birth - Life Purpose Accelerator is where the cocoon is shed, the mission becomes clear and your unwavering faith is shone so bright no one can hide from the truth of your Purpose that you are born to become. Click here to apply, applications closing in 3 days: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #5: Healing Heart. “You’re a powerful Healer. Keep up the great work.”

You or someone around you has a very, very powerful heart and as big and hugely healing as it is, these people (or yourself) needs lots of love. You (or them, will just say you from now), feel loved by giving love and I don’t think you realise that this reciprocation is needed for you to not feel so empty. Whilst this is a no brainer ‘explanation’ it is actually quite deep. Most of the time, you feel fine, but lately, this last 12-18 months, you’ve been feeling it more and more.. just.. how empty you are - and it’s not even empty, that isn’t even the word to describe it - it is more of a stoic empty. You just do your thing, but it isn’t until certain things ‘hit’ you and you realise, well, just how… empty things are or something. I feel that recently, you’ve been realising - just how much love you actually have to give and now even ‘want’ to as well. It has also become apparent to you that you want love in return. I know these sound like cliche ‘of course’ heart chakra healing/awareness of the heart and love in general - but this message, if it is truly hitting home - is deep and very, very powerful. This card has come to remind you how powerful your heart truly is. It feels like you have forgotten how powerful your heart is because of whatever it has been that has shut your heart down. Of course, in truth, we are the only ones who close and shut our own heart down, out of protection usually, but this card, has come to not only remind you - but to give you the nudge that it is time to re-open your heart, into the divine clarity and deep truth resonance of who your heart even is. Of who you are. You remember on a soul level, who you are and whatever in the past, shut you down - made you feel like you can’t be your true heart and yet… that is what is opening for you. You are being reminded who your heart is in truth and you know what honey? Our current world doesn’t ‘fit’ your heart - so no wonder it got shut down along the way. No wonder… you closed your heart when you realised what this world truly is. The world your true heart remembers doesn’t kill, injure or maim one another or the animals that are our divine friends and your heart has been full of so much pain that you forgot who you truly are. You have had to numb yourself with addictions, with things that you know aren’t good for you because you can’t cope any other way and yet… something is shifting… something DEEP inside you is awakening. You don’t want these coping mechanisms anymore. You know that they have altered your DNA, that you have been numbed with tv shows that alter your perception and change your brain state since you were a kid and that you are… awakening to something so deep inside you that it actually pains you to NOT have your heart open anymore and that you are tired and exhausted of this way that you cannot not live in accordance to your divine birthright, to your true nature anymore and that this way of living is causing you more grief than your addictions can cover and it is time… to awaken your true heart, the divine inherent nature of who you really are and it is here… that your heart is calling you home. This may be you - or someone around you that you know who this is by reading this - plain as day. If it is you - it is time for you to come into the true alignment of your Hear and Soul - not some cliche that society will accept - but who you are at your divine internet birthright - who you were born knowing you are. If this is someone around you - support them, by supporting their crazy out there ideas and watch them flourish, let alone open to you in the way that you never knew they could before. Love xxx There are only 3 days left to be mentored by me on Life Purpose Accelerator. The 12 Month Journey of Mentorship at it’s divine power of the essence of who you are born to become at your core, your mission in the world and the purpose of your birth - Life Purpose Accelerator is where the cocoon is shed, the mission becomes clear and your unwavering faith is shone so bright no one can hide from the truth of your Purpose that you are born to become. Click here to apply, applications closing in 3 days: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #6: Self Employment. “You’re a born entrepreneur and your business is surrounded by magical opportunities.”
Honey… TRUST YOURSELF ON THIS ONE! You’ve sooo got this - way more than you realise right now and I think you’re heaven sent to Earth - if you’d only see this within yourself, you’re about to EXPLODE on the internet/in your business in a good, big and massive way. You were BORN for this and the divine alchemy of this timing is not just Godsend - this has always been your destiny and it is time baby! BELIEVE in your dreams, in your business ideas and execute them with divine precision, because what you are seeking is not only seeking you - the divine alignment of the stars you were born under are here for you and are being poured upon you in the cornucopia that is your divine placement here on this Earth at this time. I know this is sounding all woo woo and spiritual jargon - but geez, the energy coming through is so strong if you’d only tap into it and flow on this divine river of ideas to implement that you’re being shown right now. BOOM! “Surrounded by magical opportunities alright!” You’re about to take flight - so what needs to be prepared, organised, filmed, delegated, what do you need to get sorted - and in yourself? It feels like this message is also about recalibrating you - you are your business (in a deep way, not the entire thing and so many pieces to look at here but this particular message is) - you are your business - so what does that say? What do you portray to the world, what you do want to do/say/become? There is so much supportive energy around you, your ideas and what you’re here for, so step into it. I feel you have been getting signs of what support is required for your next level and sharing your message - now is the time to take action on this. You are ripe for success now is the time to leap, jump and FLY precious one! You’re a born Entrepreneur - so own it! Love xxx There are only 3 days left to be mentored by me on Life Purpose Accelerator. The 12 Month Journey of Mentorship at it’s divine power of the essence of who you are born to become at your core, your mission in the world and the purpose of your birth - Life Purpose Accelerator is where the cocoon is shed, the mission becomes clear and your unwavering faith is shone so bright no one can hide from the truth of your Purpose that you are born to become. Click here to apply, applications closing in 3 days: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator