🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 9th May 2023
May 09, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 9th May 2023
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today 🤩
Life Purpose Accelerator is closing soon! If you're truly ready to launch into your Purpose, not wait around for the right time, deeply follow your Soul, step outside the norm, create what you're really here to create, what your Soul's birthright has been gifted of being the Guardian of in this lifetime - the reason you were born to bring this to Earth, then Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Communicate with Your Angels. Bird-of-Paradise. “You have the ability to connect with the beings of love who surround you. Communicate with your angels and deliver their healing messages to others.”
Your intuition is wildly increasing at this time. If you have been having an increase in panic attacks, anxiety, not sleeping well - your emotions and subconscious is surfacing because you have done a level of work in your Soul growth that you have now reached a point in your evolution that it is time to delve deep and heal this from deep within you. You can no longer carry around the burden of other people’s energy. You are releasing life long, past life held patterns of being everything to everyone else and you are deeply coming back to you. Be okay with space from ‘friends’ as your circle of ‘friends’ is changing and you are becoming a deep beacon of light - but this is requiring you to go deep within (or you don’t need to go so deep because it is surfacing and can’t be buried anymore!). You are ready for this. I know you might think you’re not qualified, but honey, look how deeply and for how long you’ve been doing this work for now. You can feel these deep and subtle shifts and very loud in your face shifts and it is time to practise what you preach and put your teachings into your own deep practise. Be okay with saying no so you can say yes to you and allow your heart to lead you in every decision you make. You are in a place where you may have a lot of grief surfacing and feel like you can’t stop crying and if you’re not crying - you’re not sleeping and having panic attacks in times and places that you wish never would occur. You may feel like you’re losing your mind - honey - let those tears - those tidal waves of tsunami tears consume you at this time. Your Angels are right by your side giving you the courage to ride these babies all the way home. It is your time now. Time for you - no one else - but you. Come back home to you - to your heart, not everyone else’s heart. Those who understand and will stand by you to the end, will see this through. They may leave and come back later or they may leave to never return, but allow your grief to grieve them the same. Let it all come and let it all go - no matter how painful at this time. Your Angels are by your side as you go through this. You may have felt them by your side, seen pretty clouds, felt the breeze on your skin that was so connected than ever before, had feathers arrive in places you didn’t expect, had comments or words from people that were so kind, it brought you to tears. Your Angels are by your side as you go through this. Reach out to those Souls who know this grief, have walked it and can help you through it. Don’t reach out to those who do not get it. You can get through this, it won’t be easy or painless- but you have reached a level in your spiritual evolution where you are stepping up and leading in beautiful, powerful and new ways. Rise precious one, RISE. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is closing soon! If you're truly ready to launch into your Purpose, not wait around for the right time, deeply follow your Soul, step outside the norm, create what you're really here to create, what your Soul's birthright has been gifted of being the Guardian of in this lifetime - the reason you were born to bring this to Earth, then Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: New Beginnings. Banksia. “Take this as an opportunity to rise from the ashes stronger and more determined.”
Whatever has released from your life - hmmm, like ‘all of a sudden’?? This was super unexpected for you right? Grieve. But know the shock can last for 6 months or more and can even go on for years. If you are feeling fragile right now - you may be coming out of the shock stage and coming into a period of deep deep grieving. Shock can last for years, because society is not trained in understanding how our emotions work. It feels like such a clean slate for you at this time, but waves of your past may surface - because you are HEALING. I feel that there is good news right around the corner, but there is still a period of vast void space happening for you right now. I am also seeing clearly our Solar System moving through a space in space, and we are nearing a corner, that is going to bring so much light to our system, more than we’ve ever seen before. I am getting the sense that you are to trust this space you are in right now. I feel you do trust it, but old stuff surfaces and pulls you back, but… HOLD THE LINE. You will pass through this but you must HOLD YOUR VISION right now. As a collective, as a whole, we are ALL being tested right now (I don’t like that tested word, but it explains it). We all have our own stuff AND we are being triggered and tested like no tomorrow, as we come out of the eclipses and closing of a 17-20 year cycle - a new one awaits us all and in your personal life. This next 10-20 years is a time of acceleration in sooo many aspects, humanity looked very different 20 years ago - it is going to look very different in another 20 years. I also feel that right now, if opportunities present themselves - to say YES to them - of course, only if it feels aligned! You have also learnt from your past and it is sooo important to protect your space, your energy and your intuition is right on track - there is no need to doubt yourself anymore - you’ve learnt those lessons and this is also what I feel is the New Beginnings for you. You can trust this new, unknown slate. You are very present with where you are - meaning - you are very clear. You have done a tonne of work to get to where you are (on an inner level) you have awaked through FIRE to get to where you are. Funny thing about Banksia, in Australia, they are the very first tree and flower that blooms after a wildfire rages the Australian Bushland. They are the PHOENIX that rises out of no where and comes back with full gusto. The Yellow Banksia that you see on this card - yellow? Is the Solar Plexus - is taking back your power, is allowing yourself to be seen for who you truly are and deeply protecting that space. “Take this as an opportunity to rise from the ashes stronger and more determined.” Protect your space - "Rise from the ashes stronger and more determined.” - says it all. Love and so proud of you xxx Phoenix - is sooo appropriate for you right now precious one! Accentuate, Accelerate & Dominate Your Life Path - Strongest Boundaries - Aligned As Fuck Action - Devoted to Service - Accentuate Your Path - Disciplined Surrender - 3 Months 1:1 Private Mentoring with Me, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/phoenix
Card #3: You Are A Spiritual Teacher. Crocus. “Share Your Wisdom With Others. You Were Born To Teach!”
This card says it all, I really don’t need to share any other messages with you. The message is clear. Yes? Of course, I will keep writing messages for you - but…. sometimes the message is clear as fuck and right in front of your face so why are you continuing to doubt yourself, push where doors are closed and focus on what you have lost? You have heard me many, MANY times - there is a time and place for deep, deep healing and then there is a time for stopping focusing on the bad shit and to put into practise all that you have learnt, walked through and healed from. Right now - the message for you is clear, stop looking back. Stop focusing on the negative. Stop healing. (okay, that last one slightly contradictory - meaning, there is ALWAYS layers at every level and you will always be healing) - BUT it comes to a time and a place to take a BIG reality break and get back to reality. You know the tools, you know what to do when shit surfaces, but right now - you are being guided to look FORWARD and move into deep clarity of what you are being called to do - in your Purpose, with your time, energy and your everyday living right now. Heal stuff when it surfaces, sure, but right now - you are not being guided to continue to focus on the negative past that you have lived through. Be okay in the space of ‘well, what do I focus on now?’ - because that will come, especially when we have become so entrenched in our past. Come back to, what do I love doing? What do I wish I was doing with my time? Where did I want to end up before I got lost in the past? You may, again, not know the answers to these questions at this time, but keep asking them and be okay with ‘no answer’ for a time, as you recalibrate to your unique Life Purpose and the Spiritual Teacher that you were, always born to be. Breathe. Deeply. Allow and let there be space of nothingness. And choose to focus forward on where you WANT to go. Because, it is time. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is closing soon! If you're truly ready to launch into your Purpose, not wait around for the right time, deeply follow your Soul, step outside the norm, create what you're really here to create, what your Soul's birthright has been gifted of being the Guardian of in this lifetime - the reason you were born to bring this to Earth, then Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: Open Your Third Eye. Echinacea. “It’s safe for you to open your centre of clairvoyance. By doing so, you’ll see the truth.”
You are being guided to strengthen your intuition, clairvoyance and any other intuitive organs that you are learning about. Perhaps it is something you used to do and then put it down again. Strengthening your intuition is a muscle and it takes time. It a muscle and needs diligent practise and training. You are being guided to do this now. Anyone can swim, anyone can know what they ‘feel like’ for dinner (feel like is tuning into your intuition for food choices) - but to become an olympic swimmer, that takes much training, diligent practise and consistency of the use of those particular muscles to rise to that level right? That goes for your intuition. It just depends what level you want to train at yes? There are two pieces here - you are getting the strong nudge to develop your intuition in a more serious way - follow that calling. The other part is that you are understanding your Clairvoyance in a bigger, more clearer way. You are Seeing things clearly - pun intended! You are having visions, dreams and your intuition has just jumped up a notch! And yet this time, it isn’t overwhelming you - it is more like aha moments everywhere! You are embodying your intuition. You have reached a level of mastery because of the dedicated practise that you have enlisted in for these last several years. THIS, is to be CELEBRATED. You are clear, you are strong and you are receiving clarity in the information, intuition and deciphering it a lot clearer that you ever used to. You may be having super clear dreams in understanding your intuition, you are sensing others energy and know what is going on in an instant - completely trust yourself with this okay? Now, with this new found level of Clairvoyance and understanding your intuition - what are you being guided to do at this level? You know the answer to that right? Did you pull two cards today? The Spiritual Teacher one perhaps?! It is time for you to share your wisdom. You ain’t reach Mastery for no reason honey. Trust your intuition on this one. Love xxx Phoenix - is sooo appropriate for you right now precious one! Accentuate, Accelerate & Dominate Your Life Path - Strongest Boundaries - Aligned As Fuck Action - Devoted to Service - Accentuate Your Path - Disciplined Surrender - 3 Months 1:1 Private Mentoring with Me, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/phoenix
Card #5: You Are Loveable. Camellia. “Love who you are, as you’re created perfectly. Everything about your true self is beautiful.”
There… is nothing wrong with you. You didn’t do anything wrong. Did someone say no to you recently and you’re… struggling with that? It won’t leave your mind hey? It HURTS when this occurs. And it only hurts sooo deeply when you have deep hurts that are surfacing, from past relationships that are not healed completely and deeper than that, mother and father wounding. If you are struggling with someone’s boundaries right now - go deeper. What is underneath that? Fear of abandonment? Are you judging them for the way they are living their life? You have done nothing wrong and nothing is wrong with you. If you are feeling rejection, hurt abandonment and pain - where else in your life, does this situation remind you of? What past relationship comes to mind from where this happened to you before? That you feel left confused, hurt, alone and unsure actually of what you did? I feel this is a time to trust yourself now more than ever, but also what comes up here is that there is a pile of grief that needs to come out. You - have done nothing wrong - but I know it feels like it right now. When we are a people pleaser and have put everyone’s needs ahead of ours all our lives - when someone says no to you - after you have done EVERYTHING for them, put you last every single time and then are left out in the cold so to speak, you do question - EVERYTHING. You wonder what you did wrong and some… but.. this is just a HUGE pattern shift going on for you right now. You are continuing to walk a path that you have outgrown and these patterns of putting yourself last are no longer serving you - so the ‘rug is being pulled out from under your feet’ so to speak and is guiding you to a new life, to a path you’ve been craving but haven’t quite had the courage or know how to move into, so the Universe is supporting you at this time with this change. Change is the only constant thing and yet, it is the hardest thing humans tend to walk through. Know that as you grieve, let go and work deeply inside of yourself on this one, you will see that in time, you will look back and know that this HAD to happen (although I also feel that you feel this now too to an extent). It is not easy to face, walk through and grow through, that is why most don’t, but many are being pushed into this at this time. It wouldn’t be happening to you, if it wasn’t the right time for you - as uncomfortable as it is, you are being guided through this. Your future self, is right here beside you, guiding you through this, because underneath, you know… this is for the best - BECAUSE you are loveable and deserve so much more love and care than you have been letting yourself receive right now. You Are Loveable Honey… time to do the inner work to clear out what has caused you to create walls, that you don’t actually feel it deep inside you at this time. You Are Loveable, now time to go find that within you, because it exists - you are the only one stopping you from feeling the greatest feeling in the world and you will not find that in anyone… but you. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is closing soon! If you're truly ready to launch into your Purpose, not wait around for the right time, deeply follow your Soul, step outside the norm, create what you're really here to create, what your Soul's birthright has been gifted of being the Guardian of in this lifetime - the reason you were born to bring this to Earth, then Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: Shield Yourself. Bougainvillea. “Invoke protection to bring this situation to a speedy end.”
Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries! It is okay to say no to demands on your time and energy so you can devote yourself to where your heart is leading you at this time. Sometimes strong boundaries require saying no ten times or more. Sometimes it requires blocking or unfriending people. Sometimes it requires domestic violence protection court orders. Sometimes it is shielding yourself with white light and allowing your white light energy to expand from your heart and body and fill the entire space. Sometimes it is grounding and stomping your feet into the ground whilst claiming your energy in the space like Merlin grounding his staff on the Earth. All of these are important and you will know which one is needed by you at this time. I feel that for you - distractions are at an all time high. You are moving through a huge transition in your life, because of the choices you’ve made in your past and you are pushing through a portal right now that is a liken to a baby being born. It is uncomfortable, you are being pushed, pulled and stepping into deeply unfamiliar territory but it is sooo where you need to go at this time. And.. is why and what you’ve chosen, hence why it is happening! But… in the light of your path are temptations and distractions asking you - is this what you REALLY want? And all the magical dangling pretty shiny carrots are being dangled in your face and on your path that you could easily be satisfied with… but would be compromising with. And that… is not what you chose all you have to date for is it now? No. That is why it seems confusing - because it is not what you want. Confusion is other people’s ideas, words and choices influencing your decision when you have been clear and grounded in who you are to date. But you’re not confused. You’re clear. Well, when you come back to the truth of your own decisions you’re clear. And find happiness again. Be okay with setting and holding these firm boundaries. The more peace you feel, the more on path you are. Doesn’t mean it won’t be rocky at times, but it sure won’t feel confusing and like you’re tug-o-waring with yourself and someone else’s life path - that is for sure. Release, let go, come back to the truth of your own path and find that feeling of… ‘Ah, that’s the one.’ - because you are clear and you do know. Trust it. Follow your heart of the truth of the clarity of what is real, alive and CLEAR for you right now - because this is your intuition speaking and you are deeply clear in this space. Protect it, for it is the truth of who you are and your Life Purpose guiding you in every single step, even when that step is only one step ahead - that is the one that is clear because you trust, yourself, your Life Purpose and all you’ve learnt to date in your life. Now… go live it! Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator is closing soon! If you're truly ready to launch into your Purpose, not wait around for the right time, deeply follow your Soul, step outside the norm, create what you're really here to create, what your Soul's birthright has been gifted of being the Guardian of in this lifetime - the reason you were born to bring this to Earth, then Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator