frequency recoding Aug 09, 2019
ENERGY FREQUENCY RECODING & RESETTING Lions Gate - Walking into a Whole New World. πŸ•ŠπŸŒβ€οΈ

Everything has changed, and every thing is the same. But it is also isn’t. That space where I speak about ‘we go invisible’ = it is that place where the Mayan Civilisation moves into another dimension - that is what has happened for us.
For so long we’ve been dreaming up and imagining - knowing deep in our heart that there is a place, where we all long to return back to that place of peace, of deep connection, deep honouring of one another - that place where we all get it.
That place - is returning and has returned right now.
Some are deeply here in this space and some are not.
But what about all the hurt, pain and torture currently in the world? What about the families being torn apart right now?
I am getting the strong message that when we are in this high frequency - we have literally walked into another dimension on Earth - right now - this high frequency - anchoring into our physical body -0 we are walking in peace - we can feel it in our bones - but ‘are pulled out if it’ when we focus on the torture of the world - however - however - however
What is really important here to understand that we can focus on it - and pour this high frequency ON IT not let it pull us down and out - but to pour this high frequency energy ON it. To lift it up with where we are coming from.
But to also - focus on what you are being guided to create in the world that supports the continually evolution of this high frequency.

If you are ‘being pulled down’ by outside events and you feel the grief of the world - it is because there is a deep resonance of grief in your own field from your own life, that is being triggered and felt from this - so it is your key, your duty and your Divine responsibility to heal your own wounds, for then you are not ‘feeding’ the vibrational reality of what you see in our world, but you can come from compassion in knowing those feelings well, have travelled them and walked through them - to hold that travel frequency to shift those that follow you in your world.
#ofcourse it has.
This is what we’ve been doing all this internal work for in the first place right?
I have noticed this ripple effect - you do the internal work, it is like throwing a rock into a pond - the reverberations of your internal work ripple out - eventually, they ‘hit the outer wall’ of the pond and they reverberate back into you - this meaning, the physical reflections and physical reality begins to change around you - EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED.
Yes! Because you have been working to change it in the first place!
Things may not be what you thought they were ‘supposed’ to be - yet, you can deeply feel, under it all - this underlying sense of Peace - because you know that these are the changes that you are meant to be walking through this - not knowing, this trust in the unknown, but the deep reality of staying centred and focused because you have deeply learnt that within this space - the unknown?
Is every, single possibility that you have ever known and don’t even know exists right here in this unknown. So ultimately in the place where every single possibility exists - so actually it is not ‘unknown’ or ‘scary’ - because everything you want is in this place!
The key is, to staying completely aligned in your energy, being aware of your vibrational frequency, what is in your energy field, consciously staying clear, mindset alignment and of course, focusing on what you do want - because in that realm of possibilities - that - is there waiting for you - you just need to stay in deep trust and alignment of such.
Heart Chakra - is not logical. Intuition - is not logical.
The question is - do you trust it? Do you trust the unknown, knowing that all you need to do is stay aligned on your desires and shift anything that isn’t that?
Do you know, how to do that?
I have just come out of our live training in the Life Purpose Mentorship where are live channeled Energy Frequency Recoding & Resetting came pouring through, that is deeply connected to the Ear and Heart & Base Chakras, that took the energy frequency alignment to the next level.
If you truly believe that we create our own reality, if you truly believe that we are in existence as a pile of atoms and energy frequency vibrations - are you consistently aligning your energy frequency to where you are being called to go? Or do you allow outside influences to affect your reality?
Everything is energy, everything is atoms vibrating at a certain frequency density, everything is moving - are you? What frequency dial are you attuned to? Do you know how to do this?
Your Heart is a frequency - our Earth is a frequency - are you attuned to your next level of receiving through for your unique energy frequency code?
Do you even know where to start to change your energy frequency code? (Let me know in the comments below or send me a private message if you don’t?)
You can start by consciously becoming aware of your energy, learning about your body systems, spiritual and physical and moving deeper into your awareness of self from there.
We are the creators of our reality, it just depends if you are tuning your frequency muscles and dialling into the dimension of realty you wish to walk in, not every now and again, but every single living and walking breath you take of every single moment in time.
Breathe it, live it, BE IT.
EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED but this is what you’ve been asking for? This new vibrational frequency, this new life, this new energy… is what we’ve all working towards and doing the internal work for.
It's a completely different feeling right?
Oh the HEART πŸ’š
Creating a new frequency for Earth - returning to the space we once all came, the place of remembrance that which we are… now it is here, anchor it, it is the new normal…. and from this place - now what gets to be created?
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen πŸ‘‘
P.S. It is from this place of clear frequency energy that one can create their reality with out the influence of your past, other people and energy that interferes with your own unique Life Purpose - yet the getting there of that clarity and releasing so much from your field, that you don’t know who you are anymore, but something feel so utterly peaceful about it at the same time - can you reach that space? Do you know how to get there, to reclaim that which you are, to recode that system and place that you came from? In remembrance of your Soul’s Life Purpose?
If you’re ready to dive in, to get super clear, to clear the crap and other people’s influence over your life to truly find out who YOU are and what YOU’RE here to do without being confused and wondering if it is the right path for YOU - in deep Celebration of 3 Consecutive Years of Tuesday Tarot, I have been guided to release my 3 Month Goal Reacher Program for $997 (usually $3333, saving you $2336!) - for the depth of support and what you step into for 3 powerful months, of Distance Healings, Unlimited Access, questions and answers via text and voice message, plus 30 min intuitive coaching calls, let alone your own unique Cracking the Code session to uncover your Sacred Life Purpose Gifts, clarity will be your number 1 piece, let alone the direction and purpose you will feel in your life again after this powerful life transformation space for 3 months. Click here for all the details, as this Celebratory price is only available for the Month of August, honouring a powerful 3 years of Tuesday Tarot:
P.P.S. If you want higher level support, 1:1 Immersion days to shift you physically into your next level of receiving, let alone health and well-being, Your Personal Intuitive Healer will be more suited to you click here for all the details where I come to you and the healing that entails from 1:1 Immersion Days are your gold to creating the life you know in your Heart you belong in, far from where you are now - click here or send me a message to apply: