#energyupdate - #portalalert Portal Waves, clearing out, death, rebirth - deepening of your Heart expansion

energyupdate Apr 29, 2020

#energyupdate - #portalalert, Portal Waves, clearing out, death, rebirth - deepening of your Heart expansion

I had mentioned to a client early on the weekend - that there is another wave coming. ‘Wednesday’ is the message I received and even though it is Wednesday here in Australia, and not yet Wednesday on the other side of the world - I think many are feeling this one:

  • Huge Heart Wounds coming to the surface
  • Deep old relationship patterns/threads from the past connected to the Heart are surfacing
  • Intense DEEP Heart hurting crying
  • Wanting to run away - but facing it
  • Old arguments surfacing in old threads of relationships (that - here we go again feeling right? ðŸ™„)
  • Anxiety - which is just that there is a pile of crying in your Heart that needs to come out
  • Feeling like you don’t want to be here - which is just the end of a portal for you, you are being reborn into a new - stay here, we need you and you’re just coming out of a cocoon like a caterpillar, it is not nice nor, easy, but know you are shifting through something DEEP right now - that is all, message me if you are that low. 
  • Flies around (symbolising the end of a cycle/portal for you)

The key to understand here when we are in this sort of an energy - which, these waves seem to be coming quite frequently recently - that these are like Heart clearer outers - is that even a thing? It is now! #portalalert is like this in and out frequency - just like our in breath and our out breath - it goes in through our tiny nose portal and 'squeezes' in for a 'breath of fresh air' - when these 'waves' happen, like now and you are feeling weird, out of sorts, full of anxiety, noticing flies around - you are highly sensitive and deeply attuned to the frequency of the collective as we are 'squeezing' through - the in breath and the out breath - this is where we learn to ride the waves! (Yes! I say it a lot!)  

This is a time of releasing your past, your old relationships and old life. Are you wanting to bring that into your future? Whatever is coming up - is a clearing - allow it to be so. 

As we are moving more into the 5D frequency (if that is what is going on) - then these waves are deeply awakening your Heart.

This means that any old vibrations that other words for old vibrations are:

  • Old toxic/unresolved relationships
  • Old/suppressed emotions

These may surface ’out of the blue’ - however, when you notice them - you can travel them - meaning, feel them and know that you are in the collective wave, clearing out another reflection of your own Heart woundings, taking you to a deeper level of connection within yourself.

Feeling like you don't want to be here - is 'travelling a heavy/dark' energy. 

Anxiety - is too much energy in your heart - 'stuck' energy that you can use sound, massage or other body work to shift the energy out of your Heart, which usually stems in a big cry - which is what was 'blocking up your heart' - which you can start to move the anxiety - anxiety isn't even a thing, once you shift out the big 'blockage of tears' that were sitting there. This is the suppression, not being able to be held down anymore. It is safe to feel the feelings in your Heart dear Soul, just support yourself in the process. There is nothing wrong with you! Far from it - you are DEEPLY attuned to the highly collective energies.  

When we are moving into a reality of truth and heart centred alignment - that means, nothing that has been suppressed can stay suppressed. It comes up and out, it shifts out. When you clean out a cupboard - mess and stuff goes everywhere - and then you clean it up, throw out what no longer is required and put it back in organised and clean. 

When your Heart is 'cleaning out the cupboards' - so too, is your Heart feeling like a mess, feeling all the old emotions - just like puling everything out and 'looking' at it, to see if you need to throw it out or keep it - your Heart purging is feeling it - which, doesn't always feel good! However - this is where we learn to support ourselves through the hardest time - extra self care, feeling okay to cry, more sleep, more TLC - what do you need to support yourself, when you are feeling down? How can you learn to support yourself more when you are feeling this way? 

Feeling the wounding, feeling the feelings that are hurting - and allowing yourself to ride them like a wave - is the key to being able to move through it.

Allow yourself to ride these waves… feel the feelings - then allow yourself to drop into where this originally stems from - is it childhood patterning that you’re clearing out?

Or is it deeper, into Past Life entanglement release?

That depth of where it is unravelling from, comes from Intuitive Healer skills - that anyone can trust their intuition - if they only would, but do you?

Know that there are waves of Heart activation energy sweeping the planet and these ‘clear outs’ are only allowing more space into your Heart, to be able to let more love, abundance and these higher vibrational frequencies INTO your body, mind and heart, so that you can continue expanding as we move into a reality that is still unknown - but a path we can write, with the right support, understanding and tribe around you.

Do you have support? How have you been feeling? Want to comment below and let me know?

This portal - is teaching us how to 'travel' and 'transmute' the energies - 'Response-Ability' - rather than reacting. 

Is that what is shifting for you? 

It is where we step into becoming highly conscious of the energies flying about, of our own energy and how we sense the energies around us. 

This is where we become Masters of our Reality - by deeply - knowing, feeling and living your Heart - in ALL it's energies. The 'dark' and the 'light' - so, are you? 

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

P.S. Are you ready to step into the full potential of your Being? 

To become your Higher Self - not just when you're sitting in meditation, but all the time? To be, the best version of you? 

To trust yourself that much - to make your dreams - reality? Rather than, just wishing or even wondering what that is for you? What - your Life Purpose is? 

Life Purpose Accelerator is open now for applications - where this 12 Month deeply embodied container holds you - to birth, the reason you're born on this planet - your Life Purpose awaits - are you ready to fly? 

Click here for all the details, or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator