I had many people message and email me after our New Moon Ceremony 🌙🌑🌙
Dec 16, 2020
I had many people message and email me after our Total Solar Eclipse New Moon Ceremony 🌙🌑🌙
I have had messages sharing that:
- many people loved it
- many have said their intuitive abilities have increased significantly from the activation
- some have shared Past Life Visions they had
- whilst some fell asleep through it and were upset they missed it because of falling asleep
- some felt energetically sick
- some bawled their eyes out
- some have been having intense dreams since and I feel called to share...
This is normal from attending a Ceremony!
I did give the disclaimer at the start 😉
Let alone how powerful the Total Solar Eclipse energies are themselves alone, and you chose to attend Ceremony - where we intentionally direct such powerful energies.
Remember - we began with a very strong Heart Activation. That alone, began to shift, awaken and stir up the old stagnant energy sitting deep inside there that had been buried or made unconscious as a way of coping with life at the time.
Then our Dragons showed up - which, the Dragons Purpose is Heart Activation. So, more Heart Healing and Activation not only shifting out old energy - but igniting your Heart Chakra with the truth of who you are.
You may be feeling very open and at Peace right now or still bawling your eyes out, or like you want to.
If you fall asleep during Ceremony, you usually wake up 'as soon as it ends' - which means, you didn't really fall asleep - you just went super deep into a transcendental state, that enables you to heal what you can't or that wouldn't be supportive to heal consciously at this time.
You may always 'fall asleep' and this may be for a period in your life, then you may not do that anymore. Trust this space right now. Know that your subconscious is deeply listening and doing it all for you. Your Soul, is also listening.
Many people discovered that their intuitive abilities - are actually very strong and what they would once brush off in day to day reality, realise now - that this is actually how acutely clear their intuition is. The power of joining a Ceremony hey? Real time intuitive learning, deciphering and anchoring in the truth of who you are, understanding yourself at levels you just can't do on your own.
If you saw Past Life Visions - know this is how deep the Heart Healing Activation took you - to the oldest core wounding - shifting out of your system as we speak.
If you felt energetically sick, this is the energy moving out of you. Just like if we do a physical detox, we usually feel like crap as our body is dumping all the toxins out of your body to get out of you. Energetic sickness, is the same thing - especially when activating a particular grid line through your body, which as mentioned, we were deep in the Heart.
Some bawled their eyes out - if this was you - Heart Healing, explains it all. Any tears that had been unfelt, as soon as you gave yourself a moment to stop and tune into your Heart through this powerful Ceremony, ah... that release that comes from the deep presence that you, just you - that is all that was needed - you, you to be there for your own Heart. See how much of a powerful Healer you are?
Intense Dreams come from when there is either too much to process in the ceremony, or you are too busy during your day to day activities to give yourself space for yourself to... just do anything for you, let alone stop and meditate. Dreams can also be a powerful space to process subconsciously what is going on, a bit like 'falling asleep' during ceremony.
You can listen to it anytime you know you need to shift your Heart energy, or take yourself to the next level or just... connect with your Dragon to support you with Divine Love and Healing.
Always keep in mind, that you WILL shift, so be gentle with yourself for minimum 3 days afterwards. Drink lots of water and sleep when you can as much as you can especially if you are tired. We have another 24 hours or so in this Total Solar Eclipse window right now. Can you feel it still? How are you using these energies to support yourself, your body and your life?
You have been activated in preparation for the high potent energies from the 25th December to the 1st January. Drink lots of water, connect your Heart, chest and hands to the Trees that surround you and walk with gentle groundedness, knowing we are in an accelerated shift right now.
The air is like water - the energy is that thick, of the beautiful high potency energy that is literally taking us into another dimension right here on Earth. You know how I always used to say, we will be 'invisible' but right here? We are walking right into that right now.
Other Light Being Souls will see you, you will see them and we can pour our Light, High Potency Heart Activation Energy onto them, simply by, loving on them - even from afar.
You are safe. You are protected. You are free.
How, did you find the Ceremony? How are you feeling now?
If you missed it and would like to watch it and join in, send me a message for the free link.
Sending you so much love
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen
P.S. If you're ready to support yourself during the December 21st Portal, that will be deeply felt through 25th December to the 1st January, that will continue strongly until the end of February, Animal Shaman Activation, helps you to anchor these energies into your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual & light bodies, activating your Animal Shaman Intuitive abilities.
2021 - and December 21st - come into a 3 energy. This is a triangulation energy and I was shown that Animal Shaman Activation, not only activates your intuitive gifts, that have been dormant since you arrived on this Earth at the dawning of time, but releases you from the triangulation of 3 people in your relationship. Whether that is an intimate relationship, or any other relationship - you will come back into yourself in ways that you have only being stuck trying to figure out what on Earth is going on.
Click here for all the details for Animal Shaman Activation to support you now: https://www.realityawareness.com/animal-shaman
P.P.S. If you want immediate and first access to everything I release, to everything I create AND my 1:1 deep intuitive insight, to be by your side as you walk through the hardest time of your life, that enables you to pull yourself into alignment of your Life Purpose, then Life Purpose Accelerator is for you.
If you resonate with being a:
- Healer
- Intuitive
- Shaman
- Mystics
- Witch
- Lightworker
- Wizard
- Priestess
- Druid
- Highly Sensitive/Empath
- Pagan
- Norse
- Psychic
- Oracle
- Angel
- Moon Goddess
- Bohemian
- Crystal Guardian
Then Life Purpose Accelerator is for you. Click here for all the details as doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator