finding your life purpose how to trust your intuition psychic activation Oct 16, 2019


It takes courage to Trust Your Intuition and follow a path that is not yet birthed on the planet yet. 

It takes courage to continue to get up time and time again, when no one else around you understands the depth of what you are doing, let alone support you. 

It takes deep, deep digging into the crevices of your subconscious to recognise what is no longer in alignment and take action on that. 

It takes deep trust in self, to follow through when everything is against you, when you have no idea how it is going to work out - but the FIRE WITHIN YOUR SOUL will not let you stop. 

It takes deep determination to move into what you know your Heart is calling you to do - even though you cannot see the end road. 



Yet - what most people get tripped up on - is it is one thing. 

It isn't one thing. 

IT IS AN EVER FLOWING EVOLUTIONARY UNFOLDMENT of the birthing of your Soul that you transform into. 

It is usually a path, that leads you to doubt everything you are doing, leads you to doubt in Spirit and the Divine, to lose faith in it/them and completely drop to depths that not many even experience in this lifetime. Many times you are kicked out your family tribe and groups you once belonged to. People will talk behind your back, but not to your face. People will laugh at you, but be a different person to your face. You can feel this from the other side of the world when this occurs. 

The true Leaders, the Revolutionaries are the ones who continue forward. 

No matter how many times they are knocked down. 

No matter how many times they are made fun of by people who don't understand the depths of what their Soul is calling them to create and birth on the planet. 

No matter how many times people copy them because they think they understand what it is they are trying to do on the planet and they stare in disbelief and shake their head... and continue on with the true path of creation from the Heart, knowing that nothing can be copied, when one's unique Soul Purpose is being birthed... because that job, is only meant for one person. You. 

Nothing can be taken - because everyone has their own destiny. 

It's those Leaders that have the courage to walk through the FLAMES in the face of death of their Soul Birth, are the ones that RISE and the World changes around them to match it. 

It's those Leaders that have been born on Earth for a reason, that no one else can fulfil, that other's feel in the depth of their Being. 

It's those Leaders that rise from the darkest days become the beacon for others lost and fumbling in the dark, that gives them the breath of air, they didn't even know they were looking for.. or was even possible. 

πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯It's those Leaders that WALK THROUGH THE FLAMES πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—It's those Leaders that fearlessly Follow Their Hearts πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’— 

Are the ones... that change the World with the Purpose's that are not yet birthed, but are being led to Birth now. 

It is those, that enter Reality Awareness, because they know they have found HOME.

The place, that allows their Purpose to come into complete alignment and take complete flight and birth what their Soul, was born for. 

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen πŸ‘‘

P.S. Ancient Blooded Healers.... Rising Lightworkers.... your Life Purpose, is calling you.

You know you have been shunned away from those closest to you, that you have walked through the FLAMES and are still alive... 

You know, you are different, you have always been. 

You have tried to fit in to no avail but a Soul death and are laden with physical aliments because of this shutting away the depth of who you are. 

You know there is more, you feel it in your bones. 

You are trying to find that path back HOME, but you always seem to end up at the wrong place or dead end, but that is starting to change. 

Recently, it is like doors have opened for you again, and you are starting to find inklings of signs that are leading you back HOME. 

You know it, you feel it in your bones and even this past few days, there have been SIGNS THAT YOU CAN FEEL HOW CLOSE IT IS. 

That golden path, that golden key, that calling that your Soul won't let you hide anymore. 

Yet, you are wondering how to even begin from the depths of the darkest days and ill repair of the hurts of the bygones in your Heart. 

Yet, you are coming up for air, you are getting tastes of it, you can feel that ease and flow happening, you can feel... that breath getting deeper, more stable... just... that bit of extra help please! 

This... is where my Inner Circle guides you. The beacon, leading you back HOME. 

Your safe place, to be all of you. Your place, to let it all out and shine it all right up again... returning the empowered you, that takes you to the next level birthing right through you. 

Send me a message for details of my Inner Circle, if this calls to your Soul, this calling, is for the ones who are ready to lead, with their pure Heart, that has always guided them - to return the world back to Unity πŸ•ŠπŸŒβ€οΈOr click here for more details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator