It's always better in the flow...

awakening your life purpose Jul 28, 2019

It's always better in the flow...

Life is so much more peaceful for me when I trust the flow and do what I feel like instead of what I think I should do.

People say, 'Oh well I can't do what I want when I want because I have to work.' 

And I say, I have created a life where I get to choose to do whatever I want when I want and that edge of freedom, is becoming a reality every single day - because I am making it so. #simple

I know I have been quiet on social media recently, there has been HUGE upgrades going on behind the scenes here and soon, you will see them all as they are released over the coming months. 

The main part of my 'quiet' is that I have been training my team and expanding Reality Awareness into other areas which eeekkk! I am excited about! #ofcourse

It's funny, people think I am training my virtual assistant (VA) and handing over 40 hours a week. I mentioned that to someone the other day, so I can work 40 hours a week, not 80 and even though I couldn't see her face, I could feel her energy and she wasn't impressed. All the workaholic addiction and 'that's bad and wrong' I could feel even if I was on the other side of the world. 

Yet, what makes me laugh and I find it amusing is that people think I am training my VA and hiring a team, so I can sit back and take time off and chill and I laugh because the purpose of training my VA and hiring a team is SO THAT I CAN DO MORE! 

I've created a life that I can do what I want when I want - the reality is that I have always done what I have felt like, to the 'looking down on me with that's not right' looks and people's faces when they see how I choose to live. 

There are so many factors and choices that come into creating a life where you can do what you want, when you want, with the income level you want and are deeply abundant in. 

When I trust my sleep times, when I trust that I do the most important and hardest tasks of the day FIRST - then everything else flows. The key I have found is getting out of my head and trusting what I FEEL like doing - the hardest tasks first - rather than what I think I should be doing - being there for others for example, over myself - I find my JOY fastest and return to Peace as my normal state of being - because I am connected and IN FLOW. 

When I do what I THINK I should be doing - 'working', being there for others - when I do 'the hardest tasks first' - and this isn't, 'being there for myself is hard' - no, this is about learning new systems, that for me, takes uninterrupted time, that I have learnt over the years I just have to block everything and everyone out for a time to learn and do what I need to - doing what I feel like doing. Regardless of what anyone else thinks I should be doing. Sometimes that is years of 'uninterrupted time', sometimes it is a morning that I need to block everything out to accomplish what I need to do. 

The number 1 choice to remember is - nothing can come into your life when you are out of alignment in other areas of your life. 

You can be creating and creating and creating and if you are in a workplace or relationship that you KNOW you need to walk away from but stay there because, well, money and this and that - then it is going to a bit bumpier ride. 

Alignment, alignment, alignment. 

Let's say you are in a job that is deeply out of integrity and alignment for where you know you want to be yet you are trying to bring in something that is more aligned. 

MOST of the time, you have to jump FIRST before something will come in. Meaning - you have to leave the thing that is out of alignment, for the thing that is in alignment to come in. 

Otherwise, whatever comes in, is going to reflect that mis-alignment that you are currently in. 

The same goes for a relationship. 

If you are in a less than satisfactory relationship and are teetering on the edge of leaving but are scared to because you are wondering if anything is really out there but this, or that you have a dream man/woman in your mind, but are hanging onto what is in front of you (the less than satisfactory thing) - if you're hanging onto this UNTIL the dream man/woman comes in - that ain't how it works. You're going to be attracting relationships that are reflecting the half in and half out space you are in. Relationships that you can't be in because they are married. Relationships that you don't enjoy being in but are there for convenience. 

Freedom first comes by leaving things out of alignment with your soul and staying away from them and that can be tricky for people when you don't have the right support and guidance - you aren't meant to do it alone - especially if you've tried many times but just can't. 

Once you do leave the out of alignment thing - the more you stay away from it, eventually the easier it is because the other side feels so much better -  you don't even want to go back down that path because this being in alignment thing feels so darn good!

You have more energy because the thing that is out of alignment, is draining all your energy and exhausting you - simply because you're not in alignment with who you really are. 

It has taken me a long time to come to a place with enough self love and self care on board to be able to stay away from the things that drain me, no longer serve me and are simply out of alignment with who I am becoming each and every single day. 

I have had to become a pro at letting go and letting go and letting go. Everyday skins are shed, people fall away and my path becomes brighter as a result - because I have learnt that holding on, drains me, holds me back and pulls me off path. 

It is only through recognising my co-dependency and consciously working to release that over these past 2 years especially, that I have learnt and grown more than I ever have before. 

I have been good at Self Care for quite some time, yet, it was the Self Love bit that has taken a bit longer to become ingrained in my system and even distinguish between the two. I do thank my ex for that - as the relationship with him, of 5 years - taught me to love myself and brought me to this place I am today - without him, I would not be where I am today in my Self Love journey and for that, I am deeply grateful. 

Self Care: 

  • Physical body movement ie exercise and yoga
  • Enough Sleep 
  • Good water and healthy nourishing food 
  • Supplements that support my body
  • Having enough support to help with physical chores around the house and work environment 
  • Having someone clean my home and my car regularly 
  • Having mentor support to voice my feelings so I am not bottling them up
  • Honouring my sensitivity with restorative practises to bring me back into alignment (ie having boundaries around technology, sleep times, work and nature time)
  • Eliminating clutter around my home to balance the flow of energy in my environment

Self Love: 

  • Saying no to relationships that are out of alignment and having enough self worth to walk away THROUGH the guilt and keep moving forward anyway
  • Honouring what my heart wants, regardless of what anyone else says (no matter how hard it is and how much I have questioned things, but that is only doubting my own Heart's choices and cementing in what is right for me over what they say) 
  • Being okay with my high self worth, my 'outlandish' beliefs and standing by what is right for me in any given situation
  • Speaking my truth and saying what I mean and meaning what I say 
  • Saying no to demands on my time and energy 
  • Dedicating my life to my Life's Purpose including the 'sacrifices' I have made - which I now see, have just been the biggest aspect of Self Love, because in me honouring my Soul's Life Purpose and creating the life of my dream - isn't a sacrifice at all - it is the deepest fulfilment of being on this planet you can reach. It is only societies constructs on human reality that say otherwise. 

It hasn't been easy to get to this point AT ALL and I have a lot more depth to what has been going on behind the scenes here that I will be sharing over these coming weeks - I have been quiet organising behind the scenes, so I can be there for you in bigger, better and more supportive ways - I'm coming beautiful ones - because my Purpose, is to supporting your Heart and Soul in Awakening Your Life Purpose, I've just undergone a transformation and recalibration so Reality Awareness and myself can support you in a larger and more supportive way to be able to do this. 

It's always better in the flow beautiful one - and if it doesn't feel like flow to you right now - simply start saying over and over in your mind like a mantra, 'Please, my dear Soul, show me where I am supposed to be right now, please, my dear Soul, my intuition, bring me into deep alignment with my Life Purpose right now.' Over and over and over and over and watch where you are being guided to go. 

Notice the signs - but follow them. 

It's time beautiful one ❤️

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

P.S. If you want support and guidance - no I don't tell your future, but I can sharply and acutely pin point what is blocking you and what you need to clear out so you can move forward again without dragging all that darkness along with you. Click here for all the details for a 30min Psychic Reading with me and let's get you back on track and in deep alignment asap: