energy update sacral chakra Aug 26, 2019
RAINFOREST ๐ŸŒฟ ALL ON SACRAL CHAKRA WEEK ๐Ÿงก - THE GRIEF HAS HIT THE PLANET ๐ŸŒŽ๐Ÿ˜ญ Empaths, Healers, Sensitive Souls - you're feeling a lot more than just YOU right now. #energyupdate
When a natural disaster hits close to home - it brings community together and usually a lot of grief surfaces OUT of people's Hearts - they heal, they open but it is usually a journey through grief that they enter/walk through first.
There is a STRONG reason I teach in the very first module in Trust Your Intuition about DEEPLY understanding this, because if you don't know these simple basic, very primitive ways that our human body functions - ESPECIALLY when trauma hits in your own life or you are seeing it in the world and are deeply impacted by what you see and experience from it - there is no way we know how to cope and handle life - let alone have a clear sense of our own energy and trusting of our own intuition.
This natural disaster (hmmm, how natural is it, but that is an entire subject all on it's own) - the entire planet is feeling it - whether you are conscious or not.
If you've been:
~ doubting decisions that are right in front of you
~ confused about which path to take, even though you were super clear before
~ doubting everything you've ever done until this moment in time
~ feeling in shock or 'what now'
~ feeling like your entire life plan has completely changed
~ feeling like you're entire reality has shifted and you are in a lot of fear at how to cope because you just don't know how or what to do about this next chapter
~ feeling really unsettled and like you won't tolerate certain things in your life anymore yet, can't solely place it at the same time, but are feeling 'pissed off' by certain individuals right now in your life
How to 'fix' it:
~ clear your energy (have my Internal Compass Chakra Clearing on repeat, it's free right here) this is sooo important that when the Earth, let alone us, feels like this to take TIME OUT. Clear your energy. Stop all your strict controlling practises and just do what you FEEL like doing. If that is sleep, sleep. If it is binge on netflix and have a bath, do that.
Trust that when these 'waves' hit - yes, no doubt you will have things going on in your life where 'everything is suddenly hitting you' in a way - energetically you may be feeling floored and tired, exhausted even - yes, it is your own stuff but PLEASE EMPATH/HEALER/SENSITIVE SOUL -
~ be super conscious of what is going on, in the big picture:
The 'Lungs of our Earth' as they call it - the Lungs in Traditional Chinese Medicine are associated with Grief. Our Lungs are also in our Heart Chakra and therefore connected to feeling connected on the Earth and in our own life, let alone feeling LOVE.
Yes, they say that the Sacral Chakra is in South America, and if this is so, not only are we in Sacral Chakra Week - but our Large Intestine is what stores the Grief and therefore there is A LOT of grief being released on the planet right now.
Heart Chakra - Feels grief AND love
Sacral Chakra - Store grief and is where the seat of JOY and CONTENTMENT sit in our body. (Think of the big buddha sitting in deep joyful contentment with his belly.)
Right now - there is a HUGE awakening happening on the planet and with this -
The grief, the pain, the torture, that has been bottled up for YEARS is surfacing - not just for you in your own life, but the Earth...
I feel there will be a deep and sharp increasing spike of activity in volcanic activity over these next 3 months - the Earth has been shaken up and so has your own life.
A-liken it to enemas (I know, strange analogy) yet, this form of cleansing literally releasing the hard cemented feces ๐Ÿ’ฉ from the walls of your intestine - which enables you to absorb more nutrients into your body.
The holding on, the pain, the FEAR - is being released right now - the softening into the Heart comes - when one releases the grief from their own heart from all the hurts and pains of their pasts - which sooo many have been consciously releasing from their own energetic field, which includes the collective - whatever work we do on ourselves, we do on the collective at the same time.
Have you heard of the 100th Monkey Syndrome? It's coming... it's very near and it is important to be super aware that whenever you're feeling something - check in:
~ what else is going on around me that I am feeling?
~ who did I just speak to, engage in, or look at the stuff, that I am feeling?
~ what, has this triggered within me in my own life, that I am feeling THAT so deeply?
These are crucial times and energy is only getting stronger, people are only awakening and awakening and it is important to be super aware of your own energy, how to manage it, care for it and yourself and know what to do with the deeper stuff that surfaces from within when something 'out there' triggers something from deep within you.
Old hurts, pain, torture, freedom of self, what you're being called to do are all surfacing right now - for yourself and for the collective.
The Sacral ๐Ÿงก - is where we gestate our Life Purpose, just like a Mother grows a babe in Her womb - so too, do we gestate our dreams, desires and birthing our Purpose on this Earth.
If our womb/sacral is full of grief, stuck emotions, hurt, pain, abuse or simply full of crap (that represents all of the above) - then this is what needs to be cleansed out.
Tears release the stress hormone cortisol - so crying releases so much, so if the grief waves come, allow them, and trace where they are coming from, what is the core thing on your mind surfacing for you?
Trust yourself, trust your Soul that it is guiding you to release whatever it is, to clear your Womb to birth your Soul's Purpose and pull you into deep alignment, without all the crap being dragged along with it.
Make self care a priority and do what you need to do to reclaim your centre.
As you do, the entire world does too.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen ๐Ÿ‘‘
P.S. Trust Your Intuition Early Bird is OPEN and is ALL the tools you need to not only bring you back to centre, but be able to fine tune your skills, so you are not floored with the Earth events and events in your own life, but to have that awareness, capabilities and strength, to face whatever is surfacing in your own life about the waves you are facing right now.
This is the divine space, where you step into deep clarity and activation of the next level of your Soul's Purpose and you wouldn't be reading this far, if this wasn't a Soul's calling for you.
You are being called, asked to step up, shift and activate, so you can lead the awakening Souls that you already are - and move into the reason you were born the Sensitive Soul/Healer/Empath you were born for - your gift is NEEDED in the world, WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU, click here for all the details beautiful one, it's your time: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition/
P.P.S. LAST WEEK FOR GOAL REACHER at the Celebratory month of Tuesday Tarot! If you want to be deeply guided along this path that pulls you through deep healing of past trauma, huts and just the guidance for your next steps and clarity on how to do that, Goal Reacher is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/goal-reacher-program