🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 28th July 2020 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jul 28, 2020

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 28th July 2020 ðŸ”®

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Goddesses today. 

These are the final days for Manifesting Magic - How to Build Your Online Course. This is DIY, watch me work over my shoulder video training that you have lifetime access to, to build your Online Empire, and set yourself free ðŸ•Š

Click here for all the details as Manifesting Magic closes on the 31st July: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen ðŸ‘‘

Card #1: Ixchel. Medicine Woman. “You are a channel for Divine Healing Power.”

You are a Healer, you know this right? Besides the fact that you know this and are 70% chance that you already do this work part time or full time as your career, I feel this card is coming to you today with two specific messages coming through for you. One is that I am sensing that there is something about your identity that is changing. Yes you’ve been through a lot in your life however, I feel this is about you coming into who you really are, or you stepping out into the world with your new identity in a big way or coming to the fact that you are different and owning that. I feel that you’ve ‘lost’ something recently, but it has been more of a shedding of old outmoded belief systems or parts of your identity that you thought were you and were a big part of you and that you thought ‘were just you’ - but now they’ve shed and you’re discovering a new you - but also feel a tad lost in that because… well this new you, is discovering who you are, what you enjoy and although it is almost foreign feeling, it is the most home and contented feeling, you’ve felt in quite some time. I am also sensing it is quite ‘quiet’ around you too. Even though you may be busy - there is an energetic quietness and that is from all the shedding of the skin that you’ve been experiencing. It is almost like these eclipses have deeply dropped you into this shedding - like going through a vortex or tunnel and it being sooooo windy that everything has blown off you. All the cobwebs and everything that was hanging in them - gone. To leave… only you. Purely you. Purely powerful you. And this - is where the coming into owning the fact of who you are - a Healer at your core. Have you found that everything you’ve tried to do hasn’t really worked or felt right? That is because your Healing Path is and has been awaiting you all this time. The other message coming through here for you is about Boundaries. Where are you needing to ‘tighten the reigns’ on the boundaries for yourself? I am sensing these can be related to a very physical sense - what physical activity have you been doing too much of or not enough of and needing to set some boundaries with yourself around this? Also financial boundaries? Or cleaning up/tying up loose ends as well? Now there is this energetic ‘quietness’ - now it is time to sort out the physical somewhat ‘external’ reality for yourself as I feel this is setting you up for the next phase of your life - which, it feels like a whole new book right? It’s time to turn that page - that which you have done, close that door and begin a whole new journey for yourself (which you already know!) But the feeling, is so strong right? Love xxx There are only DAYS left to join us in Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business. With DIY watch me work training videos, you can watch me do it and build your online business at the same time. With lifetime access you can work at your own pace and build your online empire to set you free. Click here for all the details before this closes in just a few days: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business


Card #2: Aine. Leap of Faith. ‘Take a risk and put your heart’s desire into action!’

Have you been on the fence about something? Looking for that ‘yes’ sign? Well - you can’t get much more of a yes than - ‘put your heart’s desire into action!’. I feel like you’ve already made a decision but doubt is surfacing? And now you’re questioning everything you did leading up to this event? I feel like for you - it is already done and sealed - the question you should be asking now is - what if I just trusted? What if I just trusted all will work out as it is meant to? What if I just trusted that everything is unfolding exactly as it should be? What if I just… trusted? I am also sensing unsettledness in your field - is this the huge rumbling changes going on in your life right now? This is normal to be felt, epically when taking a big risk that you don’t know if it will work out or not! The other question you can be asking yourself is - ‘If I was on my death bed dying, do I wish I had just made the decision and said yes?!’ - meaning, will you regret it if you don’t do the thing? (that you’ve already made a decision on by the way ;) ) Also - you know I always teach too, that once we make any decision, doubt always comes up - we just need to keep walking forth through this doubt and keep moving forward. With Aine coming to you - this thing that you’re doing? You wouldn’t have been guided to do it for no reason - especially if it once brought you alive and made you happy and now you are doubting it - then you know that it is right, for you wouldn’t have had the intuition originally to do the thing if you just were meant to take another path. It’s not like you were like, ‘Oh, this is the wrong choice, I am going to choose this one - yes!’ - No, of course you didn’t! So honey, stop doubting yourself and YES - the answer is YES - just do it! Have faith, have A LOT of Faith and continue you on. This is stretching you, growing you and you can do it! Love xxx There are only DAYS left to join us in Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business. With DIY watch me work training videos, you can watch me do it and build your online business at the same time. With lifetime access you can work at your own pace and build your online empire to set you free. Click here for all the details before this closes in just a few days: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business


Card #3: Cordelia. Go Outside. ‘You have been indoors too long. Go outside and get some fresh air.’

Well, this card has an obvious meaning for you beautiful one! Sunlight - I am hearing this is about the Sunlight and also the sounds of nature. The sun on our skin and in our eyes (Sungazing) has powerful benefits when had in the correct doses. If you are feeling off, not sure what is going on with you - before you do anything - check when was the last time you had enough time outside in nature? They say 2 hours in Nature, listening to nature sounds - resets our energy frequency and brings us back into homeostasis. So, do this before you make any decisions especially if feeling confused or unsure about what to do. Just put everything on hold and go and spend time outside. I am also getting the message with this card for you ‘take a break and get some fresh air’ - it feels strong - are you trying to make a decision about a relationship in particular? About a huge life changing decision? It feels like you don’t have enough information but it also feels like you are awfully confused about what to do? The biggest thing with confusion is that we are ‘fused’ to someone - that we are super duper clear in ourself about what we are going to do, need to do for ourselves, then we tell this person for example, or we tell someone else and they give us their input whether we asked for it or not and then… well we start feeling confused about what to do - when we were just so clear not long ago! This - is because now you’ve taken on their opinion and are doubting yourself - but you deep down know what you have to do, just your head and all their words of influence in their head are making you confused about what your heart knew you had to do all along. So - this Go Outside - is go outside, not to think more and get more confused - but to clear your energy and shake off everybody else opinions and energy. When was the last time you cleared your energy? Chakra clearing should be done as much as we brush our teeth and shower - twice daily! Imagine not showering for a week - or years! Right! You can get my Chakra Clearing Meditation that you can listen to multi-tasking whilst you are brushing your teeth - for free, it is in the Essentials Meditation Pack here: https://www.realityawareness.com/essentials-free-meditation-pack The part here, where you don’t have enough information to make this decision - I do feel you need to talk to someone about it - but the right person, a counsellor or mentor perhaps, not someone who doesn’t know the whole picture or will take a biased fearful approach to your big life change that you are contemplating. I also sense that more clarity will come to you about this decision by the end of the week too - or end of next week, you will close off a chapter of your life and that will be that. Just like that, decision cleanly done. So don’t worry, don’t stress, the information is coming - shake off everyone’s advice, spend time out doors alone in nature and just be, the answers will come to you without thinking. Get back in your Heart space - you already know the answer. Exercise - also, moving your body shifts the energy too that you are carrying, so moving your body in nature is even better and you’ll be feeling your clear loving self in no time again. Trust you, you already know what to do. Love xxx There are only DAYS left to join us in Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business. With DIY watch me work training videos, you can watch me do it and build your online business at the same time. With lifetime access you can work at your own pace and build your online empire to set you free. Click here for all the details before this closes in just a few days: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business


Card #4: Maat. Fairness. ‘This situation will be handled in a fair and just manner.’

Hmmm, do you have a court matter pending? Or are going through a process of some sort of legal signing of documents, contracts or agreements of some kind? I am wondering if you’re second guessing yourself or wondering if it is all going to work out fine? I am sensing there is some taking responsibility on your part for sure, however, if you’re doing that - you have nothing to fear. If we are in deep integrity with our actions and ‘following the rules’ - then yes, you have nothing to worry about. However, this fear, may be surfacing for you, because you know you aren’t in 100% integrity with what you are doing - are you? When you fix this - you feel at peace again and then everything always works out. Divine Step #1 in the 12 Divine Steps to Awakening Your Life Purpose is Honesty. Are you being honest with yourself about this situation? I am also getting the message for you - ‘Is it worth the fight?’ In a sense of - what is more freeing? Standing your ground and demanding more or such, with people who… just will never get it or ‘bend for anyone’ - or to let it all go and set yourself free? Sometimes we ‘lose’ and let it all go and walk away with nothing so to speak - but actually, you have just gained sooooo much! Why? Because material things can be replaced - your freedom and time - cannot. The energy you receive by walking away from what no longer serves you or brings you alive is soooo freeing for your Soul - you immediately start attracting every good thing and person to you - why? Because you’re not weighted down with a heavy energy anymore. So when figuring out what is the best decision to do in this instance - is to - let it go and - which option is the most freeing option? Which ever you feel is lighter or more freeing - that is the right decision for you. Sometimes we think we have to fight and take the hard path - however, that is a choice. Your Soul wants the most freedom for you - so what does, set you free? And are you wiling to make life be easy for yourself this time? Or are you still going to drag yourself through the trenches? Which is the easy option? Are you ready for life to be free and easy for perhaps the first time in your life? Some people aren’t ready for that level of freedom… however, I doubt whether you’d be drawn here today reading this, if you weren’t ready for something new in your life - a new way, an easy way - just know, it can be easy and joyful - again, for perhaps the first time in your life. The question is - will you allow it to be? Yes, stand your ground and don’t drop boundaries for anyone - especially those talking you out of a decision you’ve already made for yourself - because.. the freeing option would be to walk away from them too right? Trust yourself, you’re on the precipice of monstrous change right now - keep going - it is what sets you free. Maat is on your side. Trust. Love xxx There are only DAYS left to join us in Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business. With DIY watch me work training videos, you can watch me do it and build your online business at the same time. With lifetime access you can work at your own pace and build your online empire to set you free. Click here for all the details before this closes in just a few days: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business


Card #5: Ostara. Fertility. “It is the perfect time for you to start new projects, access new ideas and give birth to new conditions.”

Lots of ‘yes’ signs in today’s cards! So here is another one if you were STILL doubting yourself and your decisions and needed another sign 😉 I am also sensing something about your house (I know I am moving house!) However, not sure if this is about moving in a sense for you - but something to do with your house - have you set up a room or desk or some space in your house where you can focus on your projects? Have you dedicated yourself to something and this is your nudge to see this through to completion and not give up now? Remember when we have resistance to something we are about to break through, no matter how frustrating or hard it is - keep going - FIND A WAY! Hmmm, the house thing - the household - members of the household - are they bringing you down? Is there something about the members in your household that need your attention - or are taking your vital attention away from your projects and draining your energy? Is this your sign to not tolerate that anymore and do something to make changes so you can just focus on you and your projects? I feel these projects have been nudged on by Spirit and if you are being interrupted in your own household and boundaries not being respected or they are taking your energy IE - meaning - they have triggered you in some way shape or form - what is that doing to your energy - and what is this showing you is important to you, that you need to take action on to come back into alignment and full throttle intuitive flow? Maybe it is about moving out/house for you too - however, this is about doing whatever you need to do to pull yourself back into alignment again as this is the perfect time TO be doing this subtle and not so subtle changes as the conditions are ripe and fertility is on your side. By the end of Sept-end of Oct - big changes are coming, not just for the world, but I feel the effects of the changes you make now, will and are setting you up for this time - to be in your highest and best creative flow. So, are you supporting that - by following the urge to make the changes that are continually on your mind today? Ah, the ‘home’ thing - your body - have you been thinking about changing your diet/detoxing to bring yourself into more alignment with your physical body too? I feel you have been working on your body to an extent as well and this is confirmation for you as everything is deeply pulling into alignment for you in a big, big way, including with your career. Love xxx There are only DAYS left to join us in Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business. With DIY watch me work training videos, you can watch me do it and build your online business at the same time. With lifetime access you can work at your own pace and build your online empire to set you free. Click here for all the details before this closes in just a few days: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business


Card #6: Isolt. Undying Love. ‘The love you have shared is eternal, regardless of the situation.’

Hmmm, have you just lost something/someone? There are a couple of things coming through about this card for you - an ex? Have you also just taken someone off the pedestal? I feel like you have realised - ‘they are not coming back’ and you just always thought they would? I also feel like you’ve been reunited with someone/something - but.. it isn’t the same (of course). I feel like you are in a phase right now of unravelling and letting go of your past that you just assumed would always come ‘crawling back’ in a way, or that everything would be normal now again and you’re realising that actually - gosh, that isn’t happening and now it is like the grief/reality is starting to really hit you and… you’re not sure how to handle that or what to do with that information/realisation it feels like. Perhaps you have increased your addiction of choice again when you gave it up or that you are finding it hard to concentrate on normal day to day activities because this is weighing on your mind. The piece on ‘how to let it go’ is to cry, cry, cry and when we can’t or don’t we just don’t let go. Especially when it is preoccupied in your mind and you can’t think of anything else but the thing - the attachment is strong and we hold on. So if something or someone has been on your mind, get some help in releasing the grief that is surfacing and not coming out and keeping you in your mind - or perhaps you have been crying a lot and wondering when it will stop! Isolt has come to you today, to remind you that even when we truly let go of someone - that bond is always there - we just ‘let go’ of the pain that is clouding your heart and body and therefore life - so we are free to enjoy the bond that does exist without all the crap there in the way and therefore the same conversations ensue because we haven’t let go of the hurt. So again, if you’re finding yourself going around in circles with it - you need to cry about it, that’s all - with someone safe of course! I am also getting the message that now is the time to do some deep inner work about unravelling the core energetics of this relationship (is it something to do with your children’s father/mother too?! If you have children of course!). Some past life work in releasing the core beginning of this relationship as well as this lifetimes energetics, cutting cords, integration work and shifting to higher frequencies without them in your field I am getting the message is essential right now to ‘clean up’ these relationship threads for you. I am also sensing a new love entering your life soon - maybe they already have, but this Undying Love - is a new love of life, and/or love, is about to enter into your life. I feel you have already met them in a way, or someone like them, but this space you are creating in your heart and life by releasing the pain and hurt of your past - is freeing up space, so you can love again - because ultimately, that is what you are seeking, even if you won’t/don’t admit it right? In the quiet moments, where does your Heart wander to? Allow it, grieve the past and set yourself free. You deserve the love you seek and you are free to set yourself free of the past, so you an come into deep alignment with the love you have ready to give in your heart, to self first, then to another. And there is lays - do you, love yourself that much, to be able to share that love with someone else? Or is that, where the work begins? Love xxx There are only DAYS left to join us in Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business. With DIY watch me work training videos, you can watch me do it and build your online business at the same time. With lifetime access you can work at your own pace and build your online empire to set you free. Click here for all the details before this closes in just a few days: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business