That feeling when…

how to become a millionaire how to let go of a relationship how to trust your intuition Mar 31, 2024

That feeling when… you’ve trusted yourself enough to step into the highest iteration of you… 👑🤍💎

This is for you if you can feel yourself in huge transition in your life right now, whether you are moving through a relationship break up, divorce, career change or some other big move that you’ve just made in your life.

This is for you if you know you’re born for more, if you’ve always known you’d be a millionaire, doing what you love because you love it, helping others in some way shape or form - loving and living the fuck out of your life, living life by design.

This is for you if you can feel yourself on the verge of very big change, if you can feel you’re on the precipice of a new life.

This is for you if you have all of a sudden felt almost every relationship you’ve ever had in your life - change, they have either left your life or they are rocked and rattled by you - but you didn’t even know you’ve done anything - you haven’t - you’ve just stepped into who you’ve always been and you’ve arrived at this higher iteration of you.

This is for you if the people around you suddenly are tearing you down and it’s come out of the blue, complete side swiped and a little bit challenging - but you’re holding it.

This is who you’ve always been.. but now you’re holding this power that you’ve hidden away for too long, this is, the iteration of your highest self and you’re being it, you’re living it - the lunar eclipse has worked her magic - wait until the dawning total solar eclipse!

Which… if this is resonating, this is for you - this is Unhook Me… in the 4 days leading up to the total solar eclipse, we are literally in a daily workshop - 3 day workshop and the 4th day is a Q&A and then we have the New Moon Total Eclipse Ceremony 🤯🤩

This is for you if you’re feeling stuck with this… this was a side swipe, you didn’t see this coming with them! ALL of them crawling out of the woodworks 😳

You’ve been birthing this new iteration of you for YEARS and now you’ve finally come out of the bag - cat is out of the bag honey! This change has swiped you and you’re… you’re solid but there is a part of you breaking the fuck down….

Unhook Me can help you deeply heal this wounding, gain deep clarity around what is really going on - so that next time you up level and shift you can truly ride these waves with freedom, rather than the hurt and the drama of it all. Unhook Me - allows you to know these energies inside out, catch them before they arrive and redirect them - like the psychic intuitive healer that you are.

Because you’re a healer, you’re highly intuitive, you’re psychic, you’re a medium, you have a gift, you sense energies, you’re born for more and you know you’re one of a kind to live their best life and it is here - that you’re allowing your gift to be channeled to the highest iteration of yourself, not be the role of the healer that you’ve lived for all this time and wonder why you’re drained and not lit up as fuck by your work and life anymore.

Unhook me gives you the permission, the tools and the foresight to work with these energies so like the mystic goddess you are, you get to transmute these energies, before they reach your doorstep and you can direct them where they need to go and transmute them to the highest order, giving you that deep clarity and insight that you’re doing the right thing. Of course you are. You become savvy in your intuition and the master at utilising the energy that comes at you from unexpected sources to channel into your purpose, instead of letting it floor you anymore - this goes for the moons and eclipses energies too - you are energised and alive by them, rather than floored - nothing outside of you rocks you - you become unshakeable in your resolve to live your million dollar life 💃💸🌟

Every time I would move forward in my business or come out into the world with what I really want to say, I would find that the closest people to me, would say the nastiest things to me - people I thought loved me and were close to me and this… was shocking to me.

It floored me - for years it floored me. It broke my fucking heart. I have had much experience in this online gig for the last 8 years in the up levels and the ones that try to pull you down as you shift gears in your life.

In Unhook me, I not only share these deep teachings and learnings, but give you the tools to implement right away so that you can elevate to your next income bracket, no matter what they are saying about you at family dinners, let alone on the internets.

It is like when a ship drops it’s anchor, it gets pulled in different directions for a bit until it settles with the current. When you up level, you are adjusting to the new current and you might get pulled this way and that way for a bit, until you find your grounding, find your flow and once in that current, nothing moves you, but the current pushing you forward.

It is a bit like a car starting to drive covered in bugs and leaves, once it starts getting speed up - all the leaves blow off and the bugs that are hanging on, usually can only hang on to a speed at which, once in the new found speed the car cruises at the highway, that the bugs have had to have let go… eventually the people in your life, will either still be there with you through this next phase, or they have let go.

In Unhook me, I take you through a journey where we get super clear on what relationships, situations and events are holding you back and not allowing you to let go yourself, and gain the clarity about what relationships, situations and events that you need to walk away from or shut the door on. I also help you understand the dynamics playing out for people who you thought would be there forever… are not anymore, which can be heart breaking and we will dive into this too. Let alone - the most important factor - how to not let them pull you down, when they are trying to - how you not be affected by them as you travel this quantum leap for yourself and your magical as fuck life purpose.

Click here for all the details, it’s $197 and we start this coming week:

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑