The new you is wonderful, amazing, pure hearted, wild and free 💎

how to find your life purpose how to trust your intuition Mar 14, 2024

The new you is wonderful, amazing, pure hearted, wild and free 💎

But your psychic wound of neglect is continually attracting the same empty cycles of love, health and wealth. 

You run on empty. You have a full and dedicated life, but the inside is empty. It is only full, when someone pays attention to you or pays you thousands on the daily. 

When that is gone, so too is who you are 😳

You’re using them as the measure to who you truly are, because you never had anyone show you, who you truly are 💎

Your next level always seems just out of reach - or it comes and then dissipates just as fast leaving you back in the familiar feelings of neglect. 

Healing the psychic wound of neglect: 

  • you‘ll suddenly have huge clarity on your unique life purpose. It will be out of the box to what you do currently and your soul has been trying to bust out from this, hence the ‘bust up’ and ‘tower moment’. the devastating relationship upheaval that came from left field and swooped you up in a tornado and then threw you away just as fast was actually the catalyst to waking you up to your souls next evolution. this wound of neglect was crying out to be healed.
  • you’ll feel elevated instead of burdened and heavy
  • the over-responsibility and caring for others instead of yourself has gone - instantly like a huge concrete jail lifted from your soul
  • you no longer need their validation to be someone or need a relationship to show the world your true self who is waiting to jump out of the box you currently have created.


Healing the psychic wound of neglect you’ll: 

  • rapidly attract new circumstances into your life that take you out of current circumstances & generational patternings that you have felt burdened by for a long time & haven’t shifted no matter what you’ve done or tried to bury & run away from by ‘being good enough now’ with what you’ve created in your current reality - that empty hole will feel whole for the first time and you’ll sit in awe and wonder. you’ll want for nothing... and yet have everything.
  • superficial outside circumstantial relationships will be taken out of your sphere and suddenly be replaced with deep soul hearted eternally bonded relationships that you’ll recognise on a soul level & not ever felt before. not twin flame tornadoes - this is a different feeling that you have longed for and soul known is true.
  • receiving thousands on the daily will stabilise and ten x the amount
  • you’ll wonder why it was not this easy before and have more drive from a place of ‘wholeness’ that makes running look like a walk in the park.

Healing the psychic wound of neglect - shifts your entire magnetosphere reality

In a nano-second 🔥

When you’re ready for rapid elevated shifts, life purpose legacy is for you… or hire me. Comment LEGACY below and I will send you the details.  

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑