energy update how to heal your broken heart Oct 20, 2019


This could be called an #energyupdate 

There is such a big Heart Healing & Purging going on, on the planet right now. 

A HUGE softening, a HUGE opening... 

Enough striving... 

Enough pushing... 

Deeply, stepping into receiving... 

Yet, it can feel like you are drowning in your own tears at times... 

It can feel like you are in the falling of a big abyss, with no way out, with no... end in sight, just a constant fall down a hole... 

A huge.... OPENING is happening right now on the planet... in people's HEART'S. 

This may be turning up in your reality as: 

  • ex's knocking on your door
  • old patterns showing up
  • people from your past life (in this lifetime - your old life, the you, you, used to be) 
  • taking bits and pieces from your past, but more like a turning over the old, releasing what is no longer serving you - a cleaning up of your past more so
  • huge deep grief - like OLD SOUL GRIEF - like DEEP SOUL grief, like you've never, NEVER experienced it so much, soooo deeply before... 

Honey - there is a BIG portal opening right now... I will continue to remind you that this next 2-3 weeks as we move over this Halloween/Samhain - the veils are thin - the death/rebirth cycle... IS BIRTHING the new you... 

The you, that is: 

  • comfortable in his/her power 
  • honours and respects his/herself more than you have ever done before
  • that you are stepping up in all aspects of your life 
  • that you are ready to receive your new reality, all the new thought programs, belief system structures and reality changing lifestyle

Honey - of course these old things are going to be revisited as you are releasing them on a whole new level. Another layer of the onion is releasing right now. 

Allow it. 




As a collective - this current birthing - is releasing the Patriarchal control energy system on the planet, which means, that we are coming into our HEARTS. 

There is a softening... and opening.... and that means FEELING. 

Feeling, old Soul grief that has been stored in your energetic systems for sooooo long. 

It's not broken hearted... it is broken open πŸ’—When we OPEN, we can let more IN - more Love, more Abundance, more - everything πŸ’—

As we heal, so too, does everyone around us. Everyone is feeling this softening. 

You don't want to push or chase anymore. 

You don't want to hustle anymore. 

You don't want to be the needy person anymore. 

You want to RECEIVE. 

You want to ALLOW. 

You want to be the EMPOWERED GROUNDED YOU that you ARE. 

And you are feeling it. 

Yet, you may also feel like you are still falling, into the abyss.... or drowning in your own tears... ALLOW IT. LET yourself fall... because that is how you go THROUGH it. 

Know that you aren't alone. 

I will continue to remind you - that we are in the midst of a 3 week portal that is the death/rebirth cycle - not just for and from this year... but the last decade... this is a HUGE clearing and you may be aware that issues/memories from 10 years ago and from 2005/2006 are prominent in your awareness this entire 3 weeks, as we are releasing this huge threads from our past, to free us all... to allow the collective to shift into the LIGHT energetic grids on the planet that are gaining in strength - that are coming back into BALANCE. (Animal Shaman, our Dark Moon/New Moon Ceremony is being released in the coming days, keep an eye out for it, this is your power portal in deep Ceremony as we release the last decade through our powerful Animal Shaman Live Online Ceremony). 

It is not all you, even though it might feel like it - it isn't. It's collective beautiful one. 

I love you. 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen πŸ‘‘

P.S. Trust Your Intuition is OPEN! Early Bird increases this Thursday Midnight AEST. This powerful space, to heal your deepest wounds, to bring you the deepest light, to bring you the deepest love... Trust Your Intuition is where you can dig yourself out of the hole and pull yourself back to the light. You are not alone, you are loved and we are waiting for you dear Lightworker. 

"The people with the darkest and hardest paths, have the biggest purpose's on our Earth." - Unknown. 

There isn't a space in time, where I have not been, where I cannot not hold you precious one. 

If you have felt like nothing and no one has ever been able to hold you and continue to move your forward, the Trust Your Intuition Tribe is your HOME, your North Star precious Soul. We are here for you. Click here for all the details as Trust Your Intuition Early Bird increases to our FINAL ROUND in just a few days: